Forschungsbericht; 2014-37 (Koln, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHasselberg A.F. Model-based process-oriented human operator cognitive performance measurement for the evaluation of human-machine systems: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Flugführung, Braunschweig. - Köln: DLR, 2014. - xviii, 182 p. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-37) - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation .............................................. 1
   1.2  Aims and Strategy of This Work .......................... 4
   1.3  Organization of This Work ............................... 5
2  Human-Machine Interaction with Complex Dynamic Systems ....... 7
   2.1  The Human Role in Automated Systems ..................... 7
        2.1.1  Computer-based Assisted Human-Machine
               Interaction ...................................... 7
        2.1.2  Models of Human Information Processing .......... 10
        2.1.3  Situation Awareness ............................. 13
        2.1.4  Planning in Human-Machine Systems ............... 14
        2.1.5  Decision Making ................................. 17
        2.1.6  Human Erroneous Actions ......................... 19
   2.2  The Air Traffic Control Domain ......................... 23
        2.2.1  Organization of Air Traffic Control ............. 24
        2.2.2  Areas of Responsibility ......................... 24
        2.2.3  Task of Air Traffic Controllers ................. 25
        2.2.4  Arrival Manager ................................. 28
        2.2.5  Late Merging of Arrival Streams ................. 29
   2.3  Conventional Human Performance Measurement ............. 31
        2.3.1  Human Performance Measurement in Human-Machine
               Interaction ..................................... 31
        2.3.2  Human Performance Measurement in Air Traffic
               Control ......................................... 38
        2.3.3  Human Performance Measurement in Microworlds .... 41
   2.4  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 46
3  Petri-Net-Based Modeling of Human Planning .................. 49
   3.1  Requirements and Concept ............................... 49
        3.1.1  Requirements for Performance Criteria in
               Human-Machine Systems ........................... 49
        3.1.2  Concept of the Developed Planning Model ......... 50
        3.1.3  Related Work .................................... 52
   3.2  Applied Modeling Techniques ............................ 54
        3.2.1  Coloured Petri Nets ............................. 54
        3.2.2  Situation-Operator-Modeling ..................... 56
        3.2.3  Similarities of Coloured Petri Nets and
               Situation-Operator-Modeling ..................... 57
        3.2.4  Coloured-Petri-Net-Based Simulation ............. 58
   3.3  Application Example Microworld MAGIE ................... 58
   3.4  Coloured-Petri-Net-Based Model of Task Environment ..... 61
   3.5  Deduction of Rules to Model Human Operator Behavior .... 64
        3.5.1  General Approach ................................ 64
        3.5.2  Deduction of Problem Definition in MAGIE as
               Example ......................................... 66
        3.5.3  Deduction of Modifications in MAGIE as Example .. 66
   3.6  The New Cognitive Planning Model ....................... 70
        3.6.1  The Planning Process ............................ 71
        3.6.2  Application of the Planning Model to MAGIE ...... 73
   3.7  Results ................................................ 74
   3.8  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 77
4  Modeling of Uncertainty in Human Operator Planning .......... 79
   4.1  Need for the Integration of Uncertainty into Human
        Performance Models ..................................... 79
   4.2  Classification of Uncertainty .......................... 82
        4.2.1  Issues of Uncertainty ........................... 82
        4.2.2  Perspectives of Uncertainty in Assisted Human-
               Machine Interaction ............................. 84
        4.2.3  Classification Scheme ........................... 85
        4.2.4  Uncertainty in Hybrid Environments .............. 90
   4.3  Modeling of Uncertainty with Coloured Petri Nets ....... 91
        4.3.1  Modeling of Probability Distributions ........... 92
        4.3.2  Implementation of Continuous Uncertainty in
               CPNs ............................................ 97
        4.3.3  Integration of Prediction Uncertainty into the
               Planning Model .................................. 99
   4.4  Results of Integrating Prediction Uncertainty into
        the Planning Model .................................... 100
   4.5  Concluding Remarks .................................... 103
5  Model-Based Evaluation of Decisions of Human Operators ..... 107
   5.1  Result Evaluation Criteria in Example Application ..... 108
        5.1.1  The Objective Separation ....................... 109
        5.1.2  The Objective Constraints ...................... 111
        5.1.3  The Objective Throughput ....................... 114
        5.1.4  Interdependence of Objectives .................. 115
   5.2  Procedure for the Evaluation of Decisions of Human
        Operators ............................................. 115
        5.2.1  Generation of Interaction Sequences ............ 116
        5.2.2  Combination of Measured and Generated
               Interaction Sequences .......................... 116
        5.2.3  Simulation of Combined Interaction Sequences ... 118
        5.2.4  Product Evaluation of Simulation Results ....... 118
        5.2.5  Evaluation of Actions by Comparison of
               Adjacent Sequences ............................. 120
        5.2.6  Identification of the Impact of Kind of
               Actions and Types of Error ..................... 123
        5.2.7  Application of Procedure ....................... 124
   5.3  Demonstrative Application ............................. 125
   5.4  Adaption of the Planning Model to Predict Behavior .... 128
   5.5  Demonstrative Application with Prediction
        Uncertainty ........................................... 131
   5.6  Discussion of Prediction Uncertainty .................. 134
6  Validation of Process-Oriented Performance Measurement ..... 137
   6.1  Preliminary Study ..................................... 137
        6.1.1  Simulation Environment and Scenarios ........... 138
        6.1.2  Experimental Design ............................ 140
        6.1.3  Results ........................................ 140
   6.2  Simulation Environment MAGIE .......................... 142
   6.3  Experimental Design ................................... 142
   6.4  Method ................................................ 144
        6.4.1  Participants ................................... 144
        6.4.2  Procedure ...................................... 144
        6.4.3  Measures ....................................... 145
   6.5  Process of Evaluation ................................. 145
   6.6  Validation Results .................................... 146
        6.6.1  Graphical Comparison of Conditions ............. 147
        6.6.2  Statistical Evaluation with SPSS ............... 148
        6.6.3  Discussion of Validation ....................... 150
   6.7  Revelations of Details in Selected Situations ......... 151
        6.7.1  Case 1: Missed Planned Position in Sequence .... 151
        6.7.2  Case 2: Throughput Performance Increase ........ 152
        6.7.3  Case 3: Conflict Between Separation and
               Constraint Performance ......................... 154
        6.7.4  Case 4: Separation Performance Reduction
               Caused by Turn ................................. 155
   6.8  Effects of Kinds of Actions and Types of Errors ....... 157
   6.9  Concluding Remarks .................................... 160
7  Conclusion and Future Work ................................. 161
   7.1  Conclusion ............................................ 161
   7.2  Future Work ........................................... 163

References .................................................... 167
A  G*Power calculations ....................................... 181

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