Transboundary symbiosis over the Danube: EU integration between Slovakia and Hungary from a local border perspective (Sapporo, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTransboundary symbiosis over the Danube: EU integration between Slovakia and Hungary from a local border perspective. / ed. by Osamu Ieda. - Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2014. - 133 p.: ill., maps. - (Slavic Eurasian studies; N 27). - ISBN 978-4-938637-80-4

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Оглавление / Contents

Chapter 1
A Reflection on the Names of a City in the Borderlands
- Pressburg/Pozsony/Prešporok/Bratislava (I) .................... 1
Susumu Nagayo

Chapter 2
Slovak Perspectives on the Hungarian Minority:
The Possibility of an Ethnographic Approach to Nationalism
and Multi-ethnic Experiences ................................... 17
Yuko Kambara

Chapter 3
The Religious Factor in Symbiosis in the Hungary-Slovakia
Border Region .................................................. 33
Tadaki Iio

Chapter 4
The Komárom / Komárno Case or From the 'Iron Curtain
Feeling' to a 'No-Border Feeling' .............................. 49
Dr. Barnabás Vajda

Chapter 5
Boundary Mechanisms in the Formulation of National Identity:
A Case Study of Students in the Hungarian Department at
Selye János University ......................................... 69
Tatsuya Nakazawa

Chapter 6
From Monologue to Trialogue among Party, Academy, and
Society: The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Dam Issue in Socialist
Hungary in the 1980s .......................................... 103
Osamu Ieda

Chapter 7
The Anatomy of the Slovak-Hungarian Underground Protection
of the Danube in the Eighties ................................. 127
Dr. Judit Vásárhelyi


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