Annual report for the year; 54: for the year 2013 (Ceske Budejovice, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual report for the year. 54: for the year 2013 / Academy of sciences of the Czech Republic (Čéske Budějovice), Biology centre, Institute of hydrobiology / Hydrobiologicky ustav (Čéske Budějovice). - Ceske Budejovice: Biology centre AS CR, 2014. - 52 p.: Ill. - ISSN 1210-9642

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Оглавление / Contents
Director's preface / Úvod ředitele ústavu ..................... 4-5

Departments / Oddělení ........................................ 8-9
Department of Hydrochemistry and Ecosystem Modelling ............ 8
Oddělení hydrochemie a ekosystémového modelování ................ 9
Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology ........................ 12
Oddělení mikrobiální ekologie vody ............................. 13
Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology ..................... 18
Oddělení ekologie ryb a zooplanktonu ........................... 19

Current Research Highlights / Shrnuti nejdůležitějších
   projektů (v anglictine) ..................................... 24
The effect of natural dieback of mountain spruce forest on 
   microclimate, chemistry, and biodiversity of terrestrial 
   and aquatic ecosystems ...................................... 24
Effects of solar radiation on biogeochemical cycling of
   nutrients and metals in surface waters ...................... 25
Centre for Ecological Potential of Fish Communities
   in Reservoirs and Lakes (CEKOPOT) ........................... 26
Get out! she signalized: sex segregation of freshwater fish .... 26
Phytoplankton extracellular DOC release ........................ 27

Recent Research Outputs / Vybrané výsledky (v angličtině) ...... 30
Catchment ecology responding to past and future changes ........ 30
Projekt GA CR 526/09/0567 / Integrated effects of climate 
   change, atmospheric pollution, and forest management on 
   headwaters aquatic ecosystems ............................... 32
Projekt GA CR GAP504/11/2177 / The importance of cell death
   for freshwater phytoplankton succession, structure and
   composition ................................................. 33
Genomic studies of the bacteria affiliated within the 
   Limnohabitans genus ......................................... 34
Genus Limnohabitans, an important freshwater bacterial group,
   serves as a model for testing responses of natural
   flagellate communities to different bacterial food quality .. 37

Data and Statistics ............................................ 40
Regular monitoring of the reservoirs Slapy and Římov:
   dissolved and dispersed substances in reservoir water ....... 40
Regular monitoring of the reservoirs Slapy and Rfmov: 
   microbial characteristics, chlorophyll and Zooplankton ...... 41
Projects ....................................................... 42
Students' theses finished in 2013 .............................. 44
Publications ................................................... 45

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