Barford W. Electronic and optical properties of conjugated polymers (Oxford, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBarford W. Electronic and optical properties of conjugated polymers. - 2nd ed. - Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 2013. - xiv, 305 p.: ill. - (International series of monographs on physics; 159). - Bibliogr.: p.294-301. - Ind.: p.302-305. - ISBN 978-0-19-967746-7

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction to conjugated polymers .......................... 1
2  π-electron theories of conjugated polymers ................... 7
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 7
   2.2  The many body Hamiltonian ............................... 7
   2.3  The Born-Oppenheimer approximation ...................... 8
   2.4  Second quantization of the Born-Oppenheimer
        Hamiltonian ............................................ 10
   2.5  spn hybridization ...................................... 12
   2.6  π-electron models ...................................... 14
   2.7  Electron-nuclear coupling .............................. 17
   2.8  Summary of π-electron models ........................... 19
   2.9  Symmetries and quantum numbers ......................... 22
3  Noninteracting electrons .................................... 26
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 26
   3.2  The noninteracting (Hiickel) Hamiltonian ............... 26
   3.3  The ethylene dimer ..................................... 27
   3.4  Undimerized chains ..................................... 30
   3.5  Dimerized chains ....................................... 33
   3.6  The ground state and electron-hole excitations ......... 36
   3.7  Symmetries ............................................. 38
   3.8  Bond order ............................................. 41
4  Electron-nuclear coupling I: Noninteracting electrons ....... 44
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 44
   4.2  The Peierls model ...................................... 45
   4.3  The dimerized ground state ............................. 46
   4.4  Self-consistent equations for {Δn} ..................... 48
   4.5  Solitons ............................................... 50
   4.6  Soliton-antisoliton pair production .................... 54
   4.7  Nondegenerate systems .................................. 57
   4.8  The continuum limit of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model .. 59
   4.9  Polarons ............................................... 61
   4.10 Dynamics of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model ............. 62
   4.11 Self-trapping .......................................... 63
   4.12 Concluding remarks ..................................... 63
5  Interacting electrons ....................................... 65
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 65
   5.2  The weak-coupling limit ................................ 70
   5.3  The strong-coupling limit .............................. 71
   5.4  The phase diagram of the undoped Pariser-Parr-Pople
        model .................................................. 74
   5.5  The valence bond method ................................ 75
6  Excitons in conjugated polymers ............................. 78
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 78
   6.2  The weak-coupling limit ................................ 79
   6.3  The strong-coupling limit .............................. 93
   6.4  The intermediate-coupling regime  ...................... 96
   6.5  Concluding remarks ..................................... 98
7  Electron-nuclear coupling II: Interacting electrons ........ 101
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   7.2  The Pariser-Parr-Pople-Peierls model .................. 102
   7.3  Dimerization and optical gaps ......................... 103
   7.4  Excited states and soliton structures ................. 107
   7.5  Polarons .............................................. 113
   7.6  Extrinsic dimerization ................................ 113
   7.7  Quantum phase transition .............................. 114
   7.8  Concluding remarks .................................... 118
8  Linear polyenes and trans-polyacetylene .................... 120
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 120
   8.2  Predictions from the Pariser-Parr-Pople-Peierls
        model ................................................. 123
   8.3  Role of nuclear zero-point fluctuations ............... 128
   8.4  Character of the excited states of
        trans-polyacetylene ................................... 129
   8.5  Other theoretical approaches .......................... 131
9  Light emitting polymers .................................... 132
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 132
   9.2  Poly(para-phenylene) .................................. 137
   9.3  Poly(para-phenylene vinylene) ......................... 150
   9.4  Other theoretical approaches .......................... 152
   9.5  Exciton binding energies .............................. 158
   9.6  The excited states of light emitting polymers ......... 159
   9.7  Electronic coupling to nuclear degrees of freedom ..... 161
10 Exciton localization in disordered polymers ................ 168
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 168
   10.2 Definition of the exciton conjugation length .......... 169
   10.3 Origins of disorder ................................... 170
   10.4 Localization of vertical excitations .................. 171
   10.5 Dynamical localization ................................ 184
   10.6 Concluding remarks .................................... 189
11 Optical processes in conjugated polymers ................... 192
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 192
   11.2 Linear optical processes .............................. 193
   11.3 Evaluation of the transition dipole moments ........... 194
   11.4 Nonlinear optical processes ........................... 204
   11.5 Size-dependencies of χ(n) .............................. 210
   11.6 Photophysical processes in conjugated polymers ........ 211
12 Excitonic processes in conjugated polymers ................. 212
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 212
   12.2 Exciton transfer ...................................... 212
   12.3 Exciton diffusion in the condensed phase .............. 226
   12.4 Excited molecular complexes ........................... 231
   12.5 Second order dispersion interactions .................. 232
13 Epilogue ................................................... 240

Appendix A  Dirac bra-ket operator representation of
one-particle Hamiltonians ..................................... 242
   A.l The Hückel Hamiltonian ................................. 242
   A.2 The Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian ........................ 243
Appendix В  Electron-hole symmetry and average occupation
   number ..................................................... 245
Appendix С  Single-particle eigensolutions of a periodic
   poly-mer chain ............................................. 247
   C.l Dimerized chain ........................................ 248
   C.2 Poly(para-phenylene) ................................... 249
Appendix D  The Holstein model ................................ 250
   D.l The model .............................................. 251
   D.2 General solutions ...................................... 253
   D.3 Variational calculation ................................ 254
   D.4 Optical intensities .................................... 254
Appendix E  Derivation of the effective-particle Schrödinger
   equation ................................................... 257
Appendix F  Hydrogenic solutions of the effective-particle
   exciton models ............................................. 262
   F.l  The weak-coupling limit ............................... 262
   F.2  The strong-coupling limit ............................. 265
Appendix G  Valence-bond description of benzene ............... 267
Appendix H  Derivation of the Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian ..... 270
Appendix I  Evaluation of the electronic transition dipole
   moments .................................................... 277
   1.1  The weak-coupling limit ............................... 277
   1.2  The strong-coupling limit ............................. 280
Appendix J  Spin-orbit coupling in π-conjugated polymers ...... 281
   J.l  Spin-orbit coupling of π-electrons .................... 281
   J.2  Symmetry restrictions on spin-orbit coupling .......... 282
   J.3  Spin-orbit coupling and spatial wavefunctions ......... 283
Appendix К  Derivation of the line dipole approximation ....... 284
Appendix L  Direct configuration interaction-singles
   calculations for the Pariser-Parr-Pople model .............. 287
   L.l  Hartree-Fock Solutions ................................ 287
   L.2  Direct Cl-singles method .............................. 288
Appendix M  Density matrix renormalization group method ....... 289
   M.l Introduction to the real-space method .................. 289
   M.2 Local Hilbert space truncation ......................... 293

References .................................................... 294

Index ......................................................... 302

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