Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of polymers: relevance to adhesion (Hoboken, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAtmospheric pressure plasma treatment of polymers: relevance to adhesion / ed. by M.Thomas, K.L.Mittal. - Hoboken: Wiley; Salem: Scrivener publ., 2013. - xvii, 395 p.: ill. - (Adhesion and adhesives: fundamental and applied aspects). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-1-118-59621-0

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Acknowledgements ............................................. xvii

Part 1:  Fundamental Aspects .................................... 1
1    Combinatorial Plasma-based Surface Modification of
     Polymers by Means of Plasma Printing with Gas-Carrying
     Plasma Stamps at Ambient Pressure .......................... 3
     Alena Hinze, Andrew Marchesseault, Stephanus Büttgenbach,
     Michael Thomas and Claus-Peter Klages
1.1  Introduction ............................................... 4
1.2  Experimental ............................................... 7
     1.2.1  Porous Plasma Stamp Design and Fabrication .......... 7
     1.2.2  Plasma Printing .................................... 10
     1.2.3  Chemical Derivatization of Functional Groups ....... 12
     1.2.4  FTIR and EDX Analyses .............................. 14
     1.2.5  Electroless Metallization .......................... 16
     1.2.6  Numerical Simulation of Concentration
            Distributions ...................................... 17
1.3  Results and Discussion .....................................18
1.4  Conclusions ............................................... 23
     Acknowledgements .......................................... 23
     References ................................................ 24

2    Treatment of Polymer Surfaces with Surface Dielectric
     Barrier Discharge Plasmas ................................. 27
     Marcel Šimor and Yves Creyghton
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 28
2.2  A General Overview of Surface Modification Results
     Obtained with Surface DBDs ................................ 32
     2.2.1  Activation Processing .............................. 33
     2.2.2  Post-Activation Processing ......................... 36
2.3  An Overview of Selected Results Obtained  at TNO by the 
     SBD ....................................................... 41
     2.3.1  Hydrophilization of Polyester Fabric ............... 41
     2.3.2  Improvement of Adhesion of Poly(vinyl chloride)
            and Polyurethane Coatings to PET Fabric ............ 46
     2.3.3  Plasma-Assisted Grafting of Biocidal Non-leaching
            Coatings ........................................... 50
     2.3.4  Hydrophobization of Cotton Woven and Glass Fibre
            Nonwoven Fabrics ................................... 54
     2.3.5  Corrosion-Protective Coatings of Thin Aluminium
            Layer .............................................. 59
     2.3.6  Plasma Polymerization of Nanocomposites ............ 62
     2.3.7  Plasma-Assisted Self-Assembly Technique ............ 66
2.4  Conclusions ............................................... 73
     References ................................................ 74

3    Selective Surface Modification of Polymeric Materials by
     Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas: Selective Substitution
     Reactions on Polymer Surfaces by Different Plasmas ........ 83
     Norihiro Inagaki
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 84
3.2  Defluorination of Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Surfaces ...... 86
     3.2.1  Hydrophilic Modification of
            Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Surfaces by Low-
            Pressure Plasma .................................... 86
     3.2.2  Hydrophilic Modification of
            Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) by Atmospheric-Pressure
            Plasma ............................................. 91
3.3  Selective Modification of Polymeric Surfaces by Plasma ... 102
     3.3.1  Selective Modification with Primary Amino Groups
            by Low-Pressure Plasma ............................ 104
     3.3.2  Selective Modification Using Bromoform Plasma ..... 111
     3.3.3  Direct Amination Using Atmospheric-Pressure
            Plasma ............................................ 115
3.4  Summary .................................................. 120
     References ............................................... 121

4    Permanence of Functional Groups at Polyolefin Surfaces
     Introduced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Pretreatment
     in Presence of Aerosols .................................. 131
     R. Mix, J.F. Friedrich and N. Inagaki
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 131
4.2  Experimental ............................................. 135
     4.2.1  Materials ......................................... 135
     4.2.2  DBD Treatment System .............................. 135
     4.2.3  Analytical Characterization ....................... 136
4.3  Results .................................................. 137
     4.3.1  Plasma-Induced Changes in Composition of Surface
            Layer ............................................. 137
     4.3.2  Stability of Surface Modification ................. 143
     4.3.3  Angle-Resolved XPS Measurements ................... 148
4.4  Discussion ............................................... 151
4.5  Summary .................................................. 153
     Acknowlegdements ......................................... 153
     References ............................................... 153

5    Achieving Nano-scale Surface Structure on Wool Fabric by
     Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment .................... 157
     C.W. Kan, W.Y.I. Tsoi, C.W.M. Yuen, T.M. Choi and
     T.B. Tang
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 158
5.2  Experimental ............................................. 159
     5.2.1  Materials and plasma treatment .................... 159
     5.2.2  Characterisation .................................. 160
5.3  Results and Discussion ................................... 160
     5.3.1  Surface Topographical Modification ................ 161
     5.3.2  Surface Wetting Behaviour ......................... 162
     5.3.3  Effects of Individual Operational Parameters ...... 163
     5.4  Conclusions ......................................... 171
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 171
     References ............................................... 172

6    Deposition of Nanosilica Coatings on Plasma Activated
     Polyethylene Films ....................................... 175
     D.D. Pappas, A.A. Bujanda, J.A. Orlicki,
     J.D. Demaree, J.K. Hirvonen, R.E. Jensen and
     S.H. McKnight
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 175
6.2  Experimental ............................................. 177
6.3  Results and Discussion ................................... 179
     6.3.1  Plasma Treatment and Surface Characterization
            of Polyethylene Films ............................. 181
     6.3.2  Silica Synthesis and Coating of Plasma Treated
            Polyethylene Films ................................ 186
6.4  Conclusions .............................................. 194
     Acknowledgement .......................................... 194
     References ............................................... 195

7    Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Polymers for Biomedical
     Applications ............................................. 199
     N. Gomathi, A.K. Chanda and S. Neogi
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 199
7.2  Plasma for Materials Processing .......................... 200
7.3  Atmospheric Plasma Sources ............................... 202
     7.3.1  Corona Discharges ................................. 202
     7.3.2  Dielectric Barrier Discharges ..................... 203
     7.3.3  Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets .................. 204
     7.3.4  Microwave (MW) Driven Plasmas ..................... 204
7.4  Effects of Plasma on Polymer Surface ..................... 206
     7.4.1  Plasma Surface Modification ....................... 206
     7.4.2  Plasma-Induced Grafting ........................... 207
     7.4.3  Plasma Polymerization ............................. 207
7.5  Atmospheric Plasma in Biomedical Applications ............ 208
     7.5.1  Plasma Surface Modification of Biomaterials ....... 208
     7.5.2  Inactivation of Microorganisms .................... 211
7.6  Conclusion ............................................... 212
     References ............................................... 212

Part 2  Adhesion Enhancement .................................. 217
8    Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Polymerization Surface
     Treatments by Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Enhanced
     Polymer-Polymer and Metal-Polymer Adhesion ............... 219
     Maryline Moreno-Couranjou, Nicolas D. Boscher, David
     Duday, Rémy Maurau, Elodie Lecoq and Patrick Choquet
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 220
8.2  Atmospheric Plasma Polymerization Processes .............. 221
8.3  Atmospheric Plasma Surface Modification for
     Enhanced Adhesion ........................................ 223
     8.3.1  Tailoring the Surface Morphology by an
            Atmospheric Plasma Treatment ...................... 223
     8.3.2  Deposition of Thin Organic Layers with Various
            Chemical Functionalities by an AP-DBD-CVD
            Process ........................................... 229
8.4  Applications of Adhesion Improvement Using Atmospheric
     Pressure Plasma Treatments ............................... 240
     8.4.1  Copper/Epoxy Adhesion in Electronics Industry ..... 240
     8.4.2  Aluminum to Polyethylene Adhesion for Food
            Packaging ......................................... 242
     8.4.3  Improving Adhesion between Vulcanized and
            Silicone Rubbers .................................. 243
8.5  Conclusion ............................................... 246
     References ............................................... 246

9    Adhesion Improvement by Nitrogen Functionalization of
     Polymers Using DBD-based Plasma Sources at Ambient
     Pressure ................................................. 251
     Michael Thomas, Marko Eichler, Kristina Lachmann,
     Jochen Borris, Alena Hinze and Claus-Peter Klages
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 252
9.2  Amino Functionalization with Nitrogen-Containing Gases ... 253
     9.2.1  Amino Functionalization Using a DBD ............... 253
     9.2.2  Amino Functionalization Using an AC Corona
            Discharge ......................................... 259
9.3  Adhesion Promotion by Amino Functionalization with
     Nitrogen-Containing Gases ................................ 262
     9.3.1  Adhesion Promotion by Amino Functionalization
            Using DBD ......................................... 262
     9.3.2  Adhesion Promotion by Amino Functionalization
            Using an AC Corona Discharge ...................... 268
9.4  Conclusion ............................................... 270
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 271
     References ............................................... 271

10   Adhesion Improvement of Polypropylene through Aerosol
     Assisted Plasma Deposition at Atmospheric Pressure ....... 275
     Marjorie Dubreuil, Erik Bongaers and Dirk Vangeneugden
10.1  Introduction ............................................ 276
10.2  Experimental ............................................ 278
     10.2.1  Experimental Setup ............................... 278
     10.2.2  Contact Angle (CA) Measurements .................. 281
     10.2.3  X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) ........... 281
     10.2.4  Profilometry Analysis ............................ 282
     10.2.5  Infrared Spectroscopy ............................ 283
     10.2.6  Peel Tests ....................................... 283
10.3 Results and Discussion ................................... 283
10.4 Conclusions .............................................. 295
     Acknowledgments .......................................... 296
     References ............................................... 296

11   The Effect of Helium-Air, Helium-Water Vapor, Helium-
     Oxygen, and Helium-Nitrogen Atmospheric Pressure
     Plasmas on the Adhesion Strength of Polyethylene ......... 299
     Victor Rodriguez-Santiago, Andres A. Bujanda,
     Kenneth E. Strawhecker and Daphne D. Pappas
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 300
11.2 Experimental Approach .................................... 301
     11.2.1 Plasma System and Materials ....................... 301
     11.2.2 Water Contact Angle Measurements .................. 302
     11.2.3 AFM Images ........................................ 302
     11.2.4 XPS Measurements .................................. 303
     11.2.5 Adhesion Testing .................................. 303
11.3 Results and Discussion ................................... 304
     11.3.1 Water Contact Angles .............................. 304
     11.3.2 XPS Analysis ...................................... 304
     11.3.3 AFM Results ....................................... 308
     11.3.4 T-Peel Tests ...................................... 310
11.4 Conclusion ............................................... 311
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 312
     References ............................................... 312

12   Atmospheric Plasma Surface Treatment of Styrene-
     Butadiene Rubber: Study of Adhesion and Ageing Effects ... 315
     Cátia A. Carreira, Ricardo M. Silva, Vera V. Pinto,
     Maria José Ferreira, Fernando Sousa, Fernando Silva and
     Carlos M. Pereira
     12.1 Introduction ........................................ 316
12.2 Experimental ............................................. 319
     12.2.1  Characterization ................................. 320
12.3 Results and Discussion ................................... 320
     12.3.1 Plasma Treatment .................................. 320
     12.3.2 Ageing Effects .................................... 323
12.4 Conclusions .............................................. 325
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 325
     References ............................................... 326

13   Atmospheric Plasma Treatment in Extrusion Coating:
     Part 1 Surface Wetting and LDPE Adhesion to Paper ........ 329
     Mikko Tuominen, J. Lavonen, H. Teisala, M. Stepien and
     J. Kuusipalo
13.1 Introduction ............................................. 330
13.2 Experimental ............................................. 332
13.3 Results and Discussion ................................... 336
     13.3.1 Performance of Atmospheric Plasma Treatment Unit .. 336
     13.3.2 Wetting of Paper Surface .......................... 340
     13.3.3 Adhesion between LDPE Coating and Paper ........... 346
13.4 Conclusions .............................................. 350
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 351
     References ............................................... 351

14   Atmospheric Plasma Treatment in Extrusion Coating:
     Part 2 Surface Modification of LDPE and PP Coated
     Papers .................................................. 355
     Mikko Tuominen, J. Lavonen, J. Lahti and J. Kuusipalo
14.1 Introduction ............................................. 356
14.2 Experimental ............................................. 359
14.3 Results and Discussion ................................... 363
     14.3.1 Performance of Atmospheric Plasma Treatment Unit .. 363
     14.3.2 Surface Wetting of LDPE and PP Coated Paper ....... 365
     14.3.3 Printability of LDPE and PP Coated Papers ......... 370
     14.3.4 Sealability of LDPE and PP Coated Papers .......... 373
     14.3.5 Friction, Gloss and Barrier Properties of LDPE
            and PP Coated Papers .............................. 376
14.4 Conclusions .............................................. 377
     Acknowledgements ......................................... 379
     References ............................................... 379

15   Achieving Enhanced Fracture Toughness of Adhesively
     Bonded Cured Composite Joint Systems Using Atmospheric
     Pressure Plasma Treatments ............................... 383
     Amsarani Ramatnoorthy, Joseph Mohan, Greg Byrne,
     Neal Murphy, Alojz Ivankovic and Denis P. Dowling
15.1 Introduction ............................................. 384
15.2 Materials and Methods .................................... 385
15.3 Characterisation Techniques ...............................387
     15.3.1 Water Contact Angle Measurements .................. 387
     15.3.2 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy .................. 387
     15.3.3 Double Cantilever Beam Test ....................... 387
15.4 Results and Discussion ................................... 388
     15.4.1 Surface Activation - Water Contact Angle (WCA)
            Measurements ...................................... 388
     15.4.2 Surface Chemistry - XPS Examination ............... 390
     15.4.3 Mechanical Testing - Fracture Toughness ........... 392
15.5 Conclusions .............................................. 393
     Acknowledgement .......................................... 393
     References ............................................... 393

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