Annual review of physical chemistry; Vol.65 (Palo Alto, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of physical chemistry. Vol.65 / ed. by M.A.Johnson et al. - Palo Alto: Annual reviews, 2014. - xi, 643 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-0-8243-1065-3

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Оглавление / Contents
A Journey Through Chemical Dynamics
   William H. Miller ............................................ 1
Chemistry of Atmospheric Nucleation: On the Recent Advances on
   Precursor Characterization and Atmospheric Cluster 
   Composition in Connection with Atmospheric New Particle 
   M. Kulmala, T. Petäjä, M. Ehn, J. Thornton, M. Sipilä, 
   D.R. Worsnop, and V.-M. Kerminen ............................ 21
Multidimensional Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Vibrational
   Coherence in Biopolyenes
   Tiago Btickup and Marcus Motzkus ............................ 39
Phase Separation in Bulk Heterojunctions of Semiconducting 
Polymers and Fullerenes for Photovoltaics
   Neil D. Treat and Michael L. Chabinyc ....................... 59
Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond: Nanoscale Sensors for 
Physics and Biology
   Romana Schirhagl, Kevin Chang, Michael Loretz, and 
   Christian L. Degen .......................................... 83
Superresolution Localization Methods
   Alexander R. Small and Raghuveer Parthasarathy ............. 107
The Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Excitons
   Christopher J. Bardeen ..................................... 127
Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Condensed Phase
   Omar Demerdash, Eng-Hui Yap, and Teresa Head-Gordon ........ 149
Ion Mobility Analysis of Molecular Dynamics
   Thomas Wyttenbach, Nicholas A. Pierson, David E. Clemmer,
   and Michael T. Bowers ...................................... 175
State-to-State Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Ions and
Neutrals by Photoionization and Photoelectron Methods
   Cheuk-Yiu Ng ............................................... 197
Imaging Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy: New Tools for
Quantitative Bioimaging
   Nirmalya Bag and Thorsten Wohland .......................... 225
Elucidation of Intermediates and Mechanisms in Heterogeneous
Catalysis Using Infrared Spectroscopy
   Aditya Savara and Eric Weitz ............................... 249
Physicochemical Mechanism of Light-Driven DNA Repair by 
(6-4) Photolyases
   Shirin Faraji and Andreas Dreuw ............................ 275
Advances in the Determination of Nucleic Acid Conformational 
   Loïc Salmon, Shan Yang, and Hashim M. Al-Hashimi ......... 293
The Role of Ligands in Determining the Exciton Relaxation
Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
   Mark D. Peterson, Laura C. Cass, Rachel D. Harris, Kedy 
   Edme, Kimberly Sung, and Emily A. Weiss .................... 317
Laboratory-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions in
Anion Photodetachment: Insight into Electronic Structure and
Intermolecular Interactions
   Andrei Sanov ............................................... 341
Quantum Heat Engines and Refrigerators: Continuous Devices
Ronnie KosloffandAmikam Levy .................................. 365
Approaches to Single-Nanoparticle Catalysis
   Justin B. Sambur and Peng Chen ............................. 395
Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Nanostractures for Solar Fuels
   Jason B. Baxter, Christiaan Richter, and Charles 
   A. Schmuttenmaer ........................................... 423
Nucleation in Polymers and Soft Matter
   Xiaofei Xu, Christina L. Ting, Isamu Kusaka, and Zhen-
   Gang Wang .................................................. 449
H- and J-Aggregate Behavior in Polymeric Semiconductors
   Frank C. Spano and Carlos Silva ............................ 477
Cold State-Selected Molecular Collisions and Reactions
   Benjamin К. Stuhl, Matthew Т. Hummon, and Jun Ye ........... 501
Band Excitation in Scanning Probe Microscopy: Recognition 
and Functional Imaging
   S. Jesse, R.K. Vasudevan, L. Collins, E. Strelcov, 
   M.B. Okatan, A. Belianinov, A.P. Baddorf, R. Proksch, 
   and S.V. Kalinin ........................................... 519
Dynamical Outcomes of Quenching: Reflections on a Conical
   Julia H. Lehman and Marsha I. Lester ....................... 537
Bimolecular Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics
   Girish Lakhwani, Akshay Rao, and Richard H. Friend ......... 557
Mapping Atomic Motions with Ultrabright Electrons: The 
Chemists' Gedanken Experiment Enters the Lab Frame
   R.J. Dwayne Miller ......................................... 583
Optical Spectroscopy Using Gas-Phase Femtosecond Laser
   Jobanan Odhner and Robert Levis ............................ 605


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 61-65 ....... 629
Cumulative Index of Article Titles, Volumes 61-65 ............. 632

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Physical 
Chemistry articles may be found at

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