All human rights for all: Vienna manual on human rights (Vienna, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAll human rights for all: Vienna manual on human rights / ed. by M.Nowak, K.M.Januszewski, T.Hofstätter. - Vienna: Intersentia, 2012. - 672 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.663-672. - ISBN 978-3-7083-0853-1

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... 3
List of Abbreviations .......................................... 13

1    Introduction to the Fascinating World of Human Rights:
     A Multidisciplinary Approach .............................. 19
     Preliminary Note .......................................... 20
     Human Rights from a Legal Perspective (Manfred NOWAK) ..... 21
     Human Rights from a Historical Perspective (Margarete
     GRANDNER) ................................................. 25
     Human Rights from a Theological Perspective (Ingeborg
     GABRIEL) .................................................. 33
     Human Rights from a Philosophical Perspective (Gerhard
     LUF) ...................................................... 36
     Human Rights from an Anthropological Perspective (René
     KUPPE) .................................................... 39
     Human Rights from a Psychological Perspective (Brigitte
     LUEGER-SCHUSTER / Germain WEBER) .......................... 44
     Human Rights from a Sociological Perspective (Christoph
     REINPRECHT) ............................................... 51
     Human Rights from an International Relations Perspective
     (Vedran DŽIHIĆ) ........................................... 55
     Human Rights from a Media Perspective (Petra HERCZEG) ..... 60

2    nternational and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms ......... 63
     Preliminary Note .......................................... 64
2.1  The United Nations ........................................ 65
     An Introduction to the UN Human Rights System (Manfred
     NOWAK) .................................................... 65
     The UN Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and
     Criminal Justice: Human Rights in the Administration of
      Justice (Yuri FEDOTOV) ................................... 93
     The UN Gender Equality Architecture (Angelika KARTUSCH) ... 98
     The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
     Disabilities (Marianne SCHULZE) .......................... 103
     The United Nations, Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights
     (Ulrich GARMS) ........................................... 106
     Human Rights Diplomacy - Advancing Human Rights
     Protection through the UN Human Rights Council
     (Christian STROHAL) ...................................... 116
2.2  The Council of Europe .................................... 119
     An Introduction to the Human Rights Mechanisms of the
     Council of Europe (Manfred NOWAK) ........................ 119
     The European Convention on Human Rights and its
     Monitoring Mechanism (Christoph GRABENWARTER) ............ 128
     The European Social Charter in the European Monitoring
     System (Karin LUKAS) ..................................... 135
     The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
     (Barbara LIEGL) .......................................... 138
     The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
     (Julia KOZMA) ............................................ 145
     Monitoring of Anti-Trafficking Efforts by the Council
     of Europe - The Role of GRETA (Helmut SAX) ............... 151
     The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
     (Ursula KRIEBAUM) ........................................ 158
2.3  The European Union ....................................... 165
     An Overview of the EU Human Rights Mechanisms (Hannes
     TRETTER) ................................................. 165
     Human Rights Protection in the European Union: A "Tour
     de Villes" of a Vaudeville?
     (Jonas GRIMHEDEN / Gabriel N. TOGGENBURG) ................ 175
     The Role of the European Parliament in the Protection
     of Human Rights (Ulrike LUNACEK) ......................... 180
     The Role and Functioning of COHOM and the External
     Relations ofthe EU (Bert THEUERMANN) ..................... 185
     Introducing the European Union Agency for Fundamental
     Rights (Morten KÆERUM) ................................... 190
     The EU Anti-Discrimination Law (Monika MAYRHOFER) ........ 194
     The EU Asylum and Migration Policy (Margit AMMER) ........ 198
     Human Rights and the EU Enlargement Policy (Susanne
     FRACZEK) ................................................. 204
2.4  The Organization for Security and Co-operation in
     Europe ................................................... 210
     Human Rights and OSCE's Comprehensive Security Concept
     (Lamberto ZANNIER) ....................................... 210
     The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
     Rights (Astrid GANTERER) ................................. 215
     The Human Dimension Committee of the OSCE (Thomas
     GREMINGER) ............................................... 219
     The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
     (Manfred NOWAK) .......................................... 226
     The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the
     Media (Dunja MIJATOVIC) .................................. 229
     Trafficking in Human Beings and Human Rights
     Violations: The OSCE Approach (Maria Grazia
     GIAMMARINARO) ............................................ 233
2.5  The Inter-American Human Rights System (Christina
     BINDER) .................................................. 241
2.6  The African System of Human Rights Protection (Johanna
     LOBER) ................................................... 247
2.7  Human Rights Mechanisms of the Association of Southeast
     Asian Nations (Jonas GRIMHEDEN) .......................... 258
     2.8  slamic Human Rights Regimes (Irmgard MARBOE) ........ 261

3    Implementation of Human Rights ........................... 267
     Preliminary Note ......................................... 268
3.1  Human Rights Theory ...................................... 269
     Introduction to Human Rights Theory (Manfred NOWAK) ...... 269
     Remedies and Reparations for Victims of Human Rights
     Violations (Lisa STADLMAYR) .............................. 279
     Accountability of International Organisations for Human
     Rights Violations (August REINISCH) ...................... 283
3.2  National Human Rights Mechanisms ......................... 289
     Domestic Human Rights Safeguards (Manfred STELZER) ....... 289
     National Human Rights Institutions (Manfred NOWAK) ....... 292
     Ombudsman Institutions (Gabriele KUCSKO-STADLMAYER) ...... 296
     The Role of Human Rights Institutes - The Example of
     the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (Fiona
     STEINERT) ................................................ 300

4    Selected Human Rights .................................... 305
     Preliminary Note ......................................... 306
     Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination (Katrin
     WLADASCH) ................................................ 307
     Right to Life (Manfred NOWAK) ............................ 311
     Right to an Adequate Standard of Living (Karin LUKAS) .... 317
     Right to Health (Thomas WENZEL / Erkol ECEVIT /
     Alexander WENZEL / Werner ZITTERL) ....................... 323
     Right to Education (Beatrix FERENCI) ..................... 328
     Right to Work, Rights in Work and Right to Social
     Security (Wolfgang MAZAL) ................................ 333
     Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour in the Context
     of the Right to Work (Karolina Miriam JANUSZEWSKI) ....... 336
     Prohibition of Trafficking in Human Beings (Julia
     PLANITZER) ............................................... 343
     Prohibition of Torture (Manfred NOWAK) ................... 346
     Psychological Consequences of Torture (Brigitte LUEGER-
     SCHUSTER) ................................................ 351
     Torture and the Medical Profession - Selected Aspects
     (Thomas WENZEL / Ercol ECEVIT) ........................... 357
     Right to Liberty and Security (Tiphanie CRITTIN) ......... 361
     Right to Judicial Protection (Stefan HAMMER) ............. 367
     Right to Privacy and Family Life (Manfred NOWAK) ......... 371
     Data Protection (Christof TSCHOHL) ....................... 376
     Freedom of Expression, Assembly and Association
     (Manfred NOWAK) .......................................... 380
     Freedom of the Media (Petra HERCZEG) ..................... 388
     Freedom of Religion (Ingeborg GABRIEL) ................... 392
     Right to Political Participation (Joachim STERN) ......... 396
     Right to the Protection of Property (Ursula KRIEBAUM) .... 401
     Right to Development - From a "Dangerous" Third World
     Concept to a Toothless Buzzword (Walter SCHICHO) ......... 408
     Right of Peoples to Self-Determination (Hanspeter
     NEUHOLD) ................................................. 414

5    Human Rights of Specific Groups .......................... 419
     Preliminary Note ......................................... 420
     Human Rights of Children and Young People - A Primary
     Consideration? (Helmut SAX) .............................. 422
     Human Rights Violations against Children - Impacts on
     the Most Vulnerable Group (Brigitte LUEGER-SCHUSTER) ..... 433
     Women's Rights are Human Rights - The Role of CEDAW
     (Angelika KARTUSCH) ...................................... 439
     Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Ursula NAUE) .. 443
     Human Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS (Marijana
     GRANDITS / Tina HOFSTÄTTER) .............................. 447
     Ageing, Quality of Life and Rights: Prospects for
     a Good Old Age (Germain WEBER) ........................... 453
     Human Rights in the Context of Sexual Orientation and
     Gender Identity (Elisabeth HOLZLEITHNER) ................. 458
     Human Rights of Minorities (Gerhard HAFNER) .............. 462
     Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples (René KUPPE) .......... 467
     Human Rights of Refugees (Christoph PINTER) .............. 472
     Human Rights of Detainees (Moritz BIRK) .................. 477
     Human Rights of Drug Users (Simon FLACKS) ................ 484

6    Human Rights in Context and New Challenges ............... 487
     Preliminary Note ......................................... 488
6.1  Human Rights, Peace and Security ......................... 490
     Human Rights in the Field (Manfred NOWAK) ................ 490
     Peace Missions - Keeping, Building and Enforcing Peace
     (Beatrix FERENCI) ........................................ 495
     The Responsibility to Protect (Irmgard MARBOE) ........... 500
     No Peace without Women (Sabine MANDL) .................... 506
     The Interplay between Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
     (Alexander BREITEGGER) ................................... 512
     What is Transitional Justice? (Lisa STADLMAYR) ........... 521
     International Criminal Law - Individual Responsibility
     and Human Rights (Gerhard HAFNER / Frank HÖPFEL) ......... 525
6.2  Human Rights and Democratisation, Good Governance
     and Anti-Corruption ...................................... 530
     Democratisation and Human Rights (Vedran DŽIHIĆ) ......... 530
     International Election Observation (Florian DUNKEL) ...... 535
     Good Governance and Human Rights (Georg HUBER-
     GRABENWARTER) ............................................ 539
     Countering Corruption (Martin KREUTNER) .................. 547
     Human Rights Online or on the Line? The Role of New
     (Social) Media in Human Rights Protection (Katharine
     SARIKAKIS / Joan Ramon RODRIGUEZ-AMAT) ................... 552
6.3  Human Rights and Development: A Rights-Based Approach
     (Walter SCHICHO) ......................................... 558
6.4  Human Rights and Environment - Facing Climate Change
     (Margit AMMER / Lisa STADLMAYR) .......................... 563
6.5  Business and Human Rights - A Challenging Relationship ... 577
     Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights (Barbara
     LINDER / Astrid STEINKELLNER) ............................ 577
     International Economic Law and Human Rights (August
     REINISCH) ................................................ 584
6.6  Human Rights and Religions - From Monologue to Dialogue
     (Ingeborg GABRIEL) ....................................... 591
6.7  Human Rights and Legal Pluralism (Rene KUPPE) ............ 596
6.8  Cinema and Human Rights: Between Ethics and Aesthetics
     (Vreni HOCKENJOS) ........................................ 601
6.9  Human Rights Education - Know Your Rights! (Patricia
     HLADSCHIK / Dorothea STEURER) ............................ 606

7    Practical Human Rights Work: Attitude, Knowledge and
     Skills ................................................... 613
     Preliminary Note ......................................... 614
     Human Rights Training (Walter SUNTINGER) ................. 616
     Human Rights Consulting (Walter SUNTINGER) ............... 624
     Being a Human Rights Lawyer (Nadja LORENZ) ............... 631
     Human Rights and Lobbyism (Marijana GRANDITS) ............ 635
     Human Rights Officers in the Field (Beatrix FERENCI) ..... 641
     Human Rights Fact-Finding (Manfred NOWAK) ................ 649

Notes on the Contributors ..................................... 655
Index ......................................................... 663

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