High resolution archaeology and Neanderthal behavior: time and space in level J Abric Romani (Dordrecht; New York, 2012) / ed. by E. Carbonell i Roura. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHigh resolution archaeology and Neanderthal behavior: time and space in level J Abric Romaní (Capellades, Spain) / ed. by E.Carbonell i Roura. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2012. - xvi, 411 p.: ill. - (Vertebrate paleobiology and paleoanthropology series). - ISBN 978-94-007-3921-5; ISSN 1877-9077

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction: Neanderthal Behavior and Temporal 
   Resolution of Archeological Assemblages ...................... 1
   Manuel Vaquero

Part I  The Abric Romani and the Archeological Level J.
(ca. 50 ka)
2  The Abric Romani Site and the Capellades Region ............. 19
   Josep Vallverdú-Poch, Bruno Gómez de Soler, Manuel Vaquero
   and James L. Bischoff
3  Spatial Patterns in Level J. ................................ 47
   Pablo Sañudo, Josep Vallverdu-Poch and Antoni Canals
4  Microstratigraphic Analysis of Level J Deposits: A Dual
   Paleoenvironmental-Paleoethnographic Contribution to 
   Paleolithic Archeology at the Abric Romani .................. 77
   Josep Vallverdú-Poch and Marie-Agnès Courty
5  Neanderthal Landscapes and Their Home Environment: Flora
   and Fauna Records from Level J. ............................ 135
   Ethel Allué, Francesc Burjachs, Ana García, Juan Manuel
   López-García, Maria Bennàsar, Florent Rivals, Hugues-
   Alexandre Blain, Isabel Expósito and Jordi Martinell
6  Taphonomy of Level J of Abric Romani ....................... 159
   Isabel Cáceres, Maria Bennàsar, Rosa Huguet, Jordi 
   Rosell, Palmira Saladie, Ethel Allue, Alex Solé, Ruth 
   Blasco, Gerard Campeny, Montserrat Esteban-Nadal, 
   Cristina Fernández-Laso, Maria Joana Gabucio, Nuria 
   Ibáñez, Patricia Martín, Laura Muñoz and Antonio 

Part II  Human Activity
7  The Lithic Assemblage of Level J. .......................... 189
   Manuel Vaquero, Maria Gema Chacon, Felipe Cuartero,
   Ma Dolores García-Antón, Bruno Gómez de Soler and
   Kenneth Martínez
8  Occupational Patterns and Subsistence Strategies in Level
   of Abric Romani ............................................ 313
   Jordi Rosell, Ruth Blasco, Rosa Huguet, Isabel Cáceres,
   Palmira Saladie, Florent Rivals, Maria Bennàsar, Pilar
   Bravo, Gerard Campeny, Montserrat Esteban-Nadal, Cristina 
   Fernández-Laso, Maria Joana Gabucio, Nuria Ibáñez, 
   Patricia Martín, Laura Muñoz and Antonio Rodríguez-
9  Hearth Functioning and Forest Resource Exploitation
   Based on the Archeobotanical Assemblage from Level J ....... 373
   Ethel Allué, Dan Cabanes, Alex Solé and Robert Sala

Part III Conclusions
10 Conclusions: Landscapes, Campsites, Time, and 
   Neanderthal Behavior ....................................... 389
   Manuel Vaquero, Ethel Allué and Josep Vallverdú-Poch

Index ......................................................... 407

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