Guo R. Understanding the Chinese economies (Oxford; Waltham, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGuo R. Understanding the Chinese economies. - Oxford; Waltham: Elsevier/AP, 2013. - xxxi, 282 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.279-282. - ISBN 976-0-12-397826-4

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Boxes .................................................. xi
List of Case Studies ......................................... xiii
List of Figures ................................................ xv
List of Tables ............................................... xvii
Contents of the Companion Site ................................ xix
List of Abbreviations ......................................... xxi
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxiii
Map ........................................................... xxv
Introduction ................................................ xxvii

1  A Brief History of China ..................................... 1
   1.1  The Origins of the Nation ............................... 1
        1.1.1  Cradle of the Nation ............................. 2
        1.1.2  Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties ................... 2
   1.2  The Rise and Fall of the Empire ......................... 2
        1.2.1  Qin, Han, and Jin Dynasties ...................... 2
        1.2.2  Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties .................... 4
        1.2.3  Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties ................... 4
        1.2.4  The Fall of the Empire ........................... 5
   1.3  China in the New Millennium ............................. 6
        1.3.1  Socialism in Transition .......................... 6
        1.3.2  Capitalism, Chinese Style? ....................... 6
   Case Study 1 ................................................. 7
   References ................................................... 9
2  Spatial and Administrative Divisions ........................ 11
   2.1  Administrative Divisions ............................... 12
        2.1.1  Historical Evolution ............................ 12
        2.1.2  China's Administrative Hierarchy ................ 12
        2.1.3  Large Versus Small Administrations .............. 13
        2.1.4  How Many Provinces Should There Be in China? .... 15
   2.2  Great Regions .......................................... 15
        2.2.1  Historical Evolution ............................ 15
        2.2.2  Statistical and Economic Regions ................ 15
   2.3  Geographical Belts ..................................... 17
        2.3.1  Coastal and Inland Areas ........................ 17
        2.3.2  Eastern, Central and Western Belts .............. 17
   2.4  Southern and Northern Parts ............................ 18
        2.4.1  Natural and Social Contexts ..................... 18
        2.4.2  Criteria for the Bifurcation .................... 19
   2.5  Ethno-Cultural Areas ................................... 19
        2.5.1  Historical Evolution ............................ 19
        2.5.2  Organization .................................... 20
   2.6  Summary ................................................ 22
   Case Study 2 ................................................ 22
   References .................................................. 26
3  Human and Cultural Contexts ................................. 27
   3.1  Population ............................................. 28
        3.1.1  General Situation ............................... 28
        3.1.2  Population Control .............................. 29
        3.1.3  Problems ........................................ 29
   3.2  Labor Force ............................................ 31
        3.2.1  General Situation ............................... 31
        3.2.2  Rural-To-Urban Migration ........................ 31
   3.3  Education .............................................. 33
        3.3.1  Historical Evolution ............................ 33
        3.3.2  Progress and Problems ........................... 34
        3.3.3  Institutional Constraints ....................... 36
   3.4  Cultural Diversity ..................................... 37
        3.4.1  Ethnicity ....................................... 37
        3.4.2  Language ........................................ 40
        3.4.3  Religion ........................................ 40
   3.5  Summary ................................................ 43
   Case Study 3 ................................................ 43
   References .................................................. 46
4  Natural and Environmental Resources ......................... 47
   4.1  Natural Resources ...................................... 48
        4.1.1  Land and Agriculture ............................ 48
        4.1.2  Mineral Resources ............................... 48
        4.1.3  Water Availability .............................. 51
   4.2  Energy Production ...................................... 52
        4.2.1  Coal ............................................ 53
        4.2.2  Petroleum and Natural Gas ....................... 54
        4.2.3  Clean/Green Energy .............................. 54
   4.3  Environmental Quality .................................. 55
        4.3.1  Air ............................................. 56
        4.3.2  Water ........................................... 57
        4.3.3  Land ............................................ 57
        4.3.4  Deforestation and Desertification ............... 58
   4.4  Chinese Environmental Policy ........................... 59
        4.4.1  About Sustainable Development ................... 59
        4.4.2  China's Commitment to the Environment ........... 61
        4.4.3  Unresolved Issues ............................... 62
   4.5  Policy Implications .................................... 63
   Case Study 4 ................................................ 63
   References .................................................. 66

5  Political and Administrative Systems ........................ 67
   5.1  Party Versus State ..................................... 68
        5.1.1  What Does the Constitution Say? ................. 68
        5.1.2  How the Communist Party Works ................... 68
        5.1.3  CCPand 'Baiping' ................................ 70
   5.2  Government and Administrative Systems .................. 70
        5.2.1  Central Government .............................. 70
        5.2.2  Provincial Administrations ...................... 72
        5.2.3  Sub-Provincial and Prefectural
               Administrations ................................. 74
        5.2.4  County-Level Administrations .................... 75
        5.2.5  Grassroots Administrations ...................... 75
   5.3  Legal System ........................................... 76
        5.3.1  Legislation with Chinese Characteristics ........ 76
        5.3.2  Legalization Without Democracy .................. 77
   5.4  (Dis)advantages of China's Political System ............ 79
        5.4.1  Authoritarianism, Chinese Style ................. 79
        5.4.2  Chinese Political Sustainability ................ 80
   5.5  Further Implications ................................... 83
   References .................................................. 83

6  Economic Systems in Transition .............................. 85
   6.1  Economic Transition, Chinese Style ..................... 86
        6.1.1  An Overview ..................................... 86
        6.1.2  Plan-Market Mix ................................. 86
        6.1.3  Socialist Market Economy ........................ 87
   6.2  Getting Out of Plan .................................... 87
        6.2.1  How the Planned Economy Worked .................. 87
        6.2.2  Double-Track System ............................. 89
        6.2.3  Regional Differences ............................ 89
   6.3  Labor and Employment ................................... 90
        6.3.1  Job Allocation During the Pre-Reform Era ........ 90
        6.3.2  Employment During the Transition Era ............ 92
   6.4  Production Ownership ................................... 93
        6.4.1  Agriculture ..................................... 93
        6.4.2  Industry ........................................ 94
   6.5  Public Finance ......................................... 97
        6.5.1  Central-Local Fiscal Relations (1980-93) ........ 98
        6.5.2  Tax-Sharing System (1994-) ..................... 100
   6.6  Banking System ........................................ 101
        6.6.1  Chinese Banks in Transition .................... 101
        6.6.2  Progress and Problems .......................... 102
   6.7 Summary ................................................ 103
   Annex ...................................................... 104
   References ................................................. 104

7  Understanding Chinese Economic Reform ...................... 107
   7.1  Radical Reform: the Successful Cases .................. 108
        7.1.1  Agricultural Reform ............................ 108
        7.1.2  Reform of Chinese Bureaucracy .................. 108
   7.2  Radical Reform: the Unsuccessful Cases ................ 109
        7.2.1  Price-Release Reform ........................... 109
        7.2.2  The SOE Reform During the 1990s ................ 110
   7.3  Gradual/Partial Reform: the Successful Cases .......... 110
        7.3.1  Introduction of the Dual-Track System .......... 110
        7.3.2  Decentralization of Authority .................. 111
        7.3.3  Reform of Foreign Exchange System .............. 112
   7.4  Gradual/Partial Reform: the Unsuccessful Cases ........ 112
        7.4.1  The SOE Reform in the 1980s .................... 112
        7.4.2  Decentralization of Authority in the 1980s ..... 112
        7.4.3  Reform of China's Banking System ............... 113
   7.5  Whither Chinese-Style Reform? ......................... 113
        7.5.1  Political Economy of Reforms ................... 113
        7.5.2  WTO and the Chinese Reform ..................... 115
   7.6  Summary ............................................... 116
   Annex ...................................................... 117
   Case Study 5 ............................................... 119
   References ................................................. 122

8  Economic Growth and Income (Re)distribution ................ 125
   8.1  Macroeconomic Performance ............................. 126
        8.1.1  How Large Is China's Economy? .................. 126
        8.1.2  Is Chinese GDP (Under-) Over-Estimated? ........ 127
   8.2  Understanding Economic Growth ......................... 127
        8.2.1  Literature Review .............................. 127
        8.2.2  Factors Contributing to Growth ................. 128
   8.3  Income Distribution and Inequality .................... 129
        8.3.1  How (Un)Equal is the Chinese Society? .......... 129
        8.3.2  Income Inequality: Causes ...................... 130
        8.3.3  Income Inequality: Consequences ................ 132
        8.3.4  Poverty Alleviation ............................ 133
   8.4  Income Redistribution and Social Security ............. 134
        8.4.1  China's Existing Tax System .................... 134
        8.4.2  Personal Income Tax ............................ 135
        8.4.3  Social Security ................................ 136
   8.5  Summary ............................................... 136
   Annex ...................................................... 137
   Case Study 6 ............................................... 138
   References ................................................. 142

19 Multiregional Economic if Comparison ....................... 145
   9.1 China's Statistical Systems ............................ 145
        9.1.1  Material Product System ........................ 145
        9.1.2  System of National Accounts .................... 146
        9.1.3  Credibility of Chinese Statistics .............. 147
   9.2  Macroeconomic Performance ............................. 148
        9.2.1  Estimating China's Time-Series Data ............ 148
        9.2.2  China's Interprovincial Differences ............ 149
   9.3  Real Living Standards ................................. 151
        9.3.1  General Situation .............................. 151
        9.3.2  Rural-Urban Disparity .......................... 152
        9.3.3  Spatial Differences in Purchasing Power ........ 154
   9.4  Regional Economic Disparity ........................... 155
        9.4.1  Literature Review .............................. 155
        9.4.2  Regional Inequality Index ...................... 156
   9.5  Summary ............................................... 157
   Annex ...................................................... 158
   Case Study 7 ............................................... 159
   References ................................................. 160

10 Regional Diseconomies and Development Strategy ............. 163
   10.1 Spatial Comparative Advantages ........................ 164
        10.1.1 General Overview ............................... 164
        10.1.2 Location Quotient .............................. 164
        10.1.3 Empirical Evidence ............................. 165
   10.2 Spatial Economic Separation ........................... 167
        10.2.1 Geographical Barriers .......................... 167
        10.2.2 Administrative Barriers ........................ 168
        10.2.3 Ethno-Cultural Barriers ........................ 169
   10.3 Spatial Diseconomies and China ........................ 170
        10.3.1 China's Quest for Spatial Integration .......... 170
        10.3.2 Multiregional Economic Cooperation ............. 170
        10.3.3 Trans-Province Border Economic Cooperation ..... 171
   10.4 Regional Development Strategies ....................... 173
        10.4.1 Historical Review .............................. 173
        10.4.2 Coastal Area Development Strategy .............. 173
        10.4.3 Western Region Development Strategy ............ 174
        10.4.4 Resurgence of the Old Industrial Base .......... 175
   10.5 Summary ............................................... 175
   Case Study 8 ............................................... 176
   References ................................................. 179

11 Industrialization and Technological Progress ............... 181
   11.1 Industrialization During the Pre-Reform Era ........... 182
        11.1.1 Economic Recovery .............................. 182
        11.1.2 Great Leap Forward (1958-60) ................... 182
        11.1.3 Preparing for War .............................. 184
        11.1.4 Great Leap Outward ............................. 184
   11.2 Industrialization During the Reform Era ............... 185
        11.2.1 General Background ............................. 185
        11.2.2 Multiregional Differences ...................... 187
        11.2.3 Rural Industrialization ........................ 188
   11.3 Technological Progress ................................ 189
        11.3.1 An Overview .................................... 189
        11.3.2 China's Efforts on Innovation .................. 190
        11.3.3 Institutional Constraints ...................... 191
   11.4 Intellectual Property Rights .......................... 192
        11.4.1 General Situation .............................. 192
        11.4.2 Unresolved Problems ............................ 193
   Annex ...................................................... 194
   References ................................................. 195

12 International Economic Engagement .......................... 197
   12.1 Historical Review ..................................... 198
        12.1.1 How Autarkic Was China? ........................ 198
        12.1.2 External Influences ............................ 198
   12.2 Toward an Open Economy ................................ 199
        12.2.1 China Opens Its Door ........................... 199
        12.2.2 WTO Membership ................................. 200
        12.2.3 Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers ................. 201
        12.2.4 Currency Convertibility ........................ 201
   12.3 Foreign Trade ......................................... 203
        12.3.1 Foreign Trade Regime in Transition ............. 203
        12.3.2 China's Trade Performance ...................... 204
        12.3.3 Structural Changes ............................. 206
   12.4 Understanding China's Trade Performance ............... 208
        12.4.1 Methodology .................................... 208
        12.4.2 Estimated Results .............................. 210
   12.5 Summary ............................................... 211
   Annex ...................................................... 212
   References ................................................. 213

13 Inward and Outward Direct Investments ...................... 215
   13.1 Some Basic Concepts ................................... 216
        13.1.1 Equity Joint Venture ........................... 216
        13.1.2 Cooperative Joint Venture ...................... 217
        13.1.3 Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise ................ 217
   13.2 Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment ................... 218
        13.2.1 Sectoral Distribution .......................... 218
        13.2.2 Regional Distribution .......................... 220
        13.2.3 Contributions to the Chinese Economy ........... 221
   13.3 Outward Direct Investment ............................. 221
        13.3.1 Historical Evolution ........................... 221
        13.3.2 China's 'Going Out' Strategy ................... 222
        13.3.3 Characteristics and Directions ................. 224
   Annex ...................................................... 227
   References ................................................. 232

14 Doing Business in China .................................... 233
   14.1 Starting a Business ................................... 234
        14.1.1 First Things First ............................. 234
        14.1.2 Selecting a Business Type ...................... 234
        14.1.3 Drafting a Business Plan ....................... 235
        14.1.4 Multiregional Differences ...................... 235
   14.2 Ease of Doing Business Across China ................... 237
        14.2.1 Registering Property ........................... 237
        14.2.2 Getting Credit ................................. 237
        14.2.3 Enforcing Contracts ............................ 238
        14.2.4 Summary ........................................ 239
   14.3 Understanding China's Business Culture ................ 240
        14.3.1 Collectivism Versus Individualism .............. 240
        14.3.2 What Can(not) Be Done in China ................. 241
   14.4 Managing Cultural Differences ......................... 242
        14.4.1 Obstacles to Cross-Cultural Exchanges .......... 242
        14.4.2 Tips in Cross-Cultural Negotiations ............ 242
   Annex ...................................................... 243
   References ................................................. 249

15 Understanding the Chinese-Speaking Economies ............... 251
   15.1 The Greater China Area ................................ 252
        15.1.1 Hong Kong ...................................... 252
        15.1.2 Macau .......................................... 253
        15.1.3 Taiwan ......................................... 254
        15.1.4 Summary ........................................ 254
   15.2 A Multiregional Economic Comparison ................... 256
        15.2.1 Social and Economic Differences ................ 256
        15.2.2 Complementary Conditions ....................... 257
        15.2.3 Summary ........................................ 258
   15.3 Cross-Strait Economic Relations ....................... 259
        15.3.1 Historical Evolution ........................... 259
        15.3.2 Bilateral Economic Cooperation ................. 261
        15.3.3 Direct Air and Shipping Services ............... 262
        15.3.4 Future Perspective ............................. 264
   15.4 Overseas Chinese Economics ............................ 264
        15.4.1 A History of Chinese Emigration ................ 264
        15.4.2 Distribution of Overseas Chinese ............... 264
        15.4.3 Global Economic Contributions .................. 265
   Annex ...................................................... 265
   Case Study 9 ............................................... 267
   References ................................................. 272

Chronology .................................................... 273
Glossary ...................................................... 277
Index ......................................................... 279

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