Graphene: properties, preparation, characterisation and devices (Cambridge, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаGraphene: properties, preparation, characterisation and devices / ed. by V.Skákalová, A.B.Kaiser. - Cambridge: Elsevier/WP, 2014. - xxiii, 376 p.: ill. - (Woodhead publishing series in electronic and optical materials; N 57). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.363-376. - ISBN 978-0-85709-508-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributor contact details .................................... xi
Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical
Materials ...................................................... xv
Preface ....................................................... xxi

Part I Preparation of graphene .................................. 1

1  Epitaxial growth of graphene on silicon carbide (SiC) ........ 3
   H. Huang, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
   S. Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and
   A.T.S. Wee and W. Chen, National University of Singapore,
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) thermal decomposition of
        single-crystal SiC ...................................... 4
   1.3  Thermal decomposition of single-crystal SiC under
        ambient pressure conditions ............................ 15
   1.4  Thermal decomposition of single-crystal SiC thin
        films and polycrystalline SiC substrates ............... 18
   1.5  Epitaxial graphene formed by intercalation ............. 20
   1.6  Conclusion ............................................. 21
   1.7  Acknowledgements ....................................... 22
   1.8  References ............................................. 22

2  Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of graphene films .... 27
   O. Frank and M. Kalbac, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical
   Chemistry of the AS CR, v. v. i., Czech Republic
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 27
   2.2  Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on nickel .............. 28
   2.3  Graphene with large domain sizes on copper ............. 31
   2.4  Growth on copper single crystals ....................... 34
   2.5  Periodically stacked multilayers ....................... 36
   2.6  Isotope labeling of CVD graphene ....................... 38
   2.7  Conclusion ............................................. 42
   2.8  Acknowledgment ......................................... 42
   2.9  References ............................................. 42

3  Chemically derived graphene ................................. 50
   R.S. Sundaram, Max Planck Institute for Solid State
   Research, Germany and University of Cambridge, UK
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 50
   3.2  Synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) ....................... 52
   3.3  Reduction of graphene oxide (GO) ....................... 53
   3.4  Physicochemical structure of graphene oxide (GO) ....... 54
   3.5  Electrical transport in graphene oxide (GO) ............ 60
   3.6  Applications of graphene oxide/reduced graphene
        oxide (GO/RGO) ......................................... 64
   3.7  Conclusion ............................................. 72
   3.8  Acknowledgements ....................................... 72
   3.9  References ............................................. 72

4  Graphene produced by electrochemical exfoliation ............ 81
   S. Bose, T. Kuila, N.H. Kim and J.H. Lee, Chonbuk
   National University, Republic of Korea
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 81
   4.2  Synthesis of graphene by electrochemical exfoliation:
        a basic concept ........................................ 83
   4.3  Applications of graphene and graphene-based materials .. 93
   4.4  Conclusion ............................................. 94
   4.5  Acknowledgments ........................................ 95
   4.6  References ............................................. 95

Part II Characterisation of graphene ........................... 99

5  Transmission electron microscopy (ТЕМ) of graphene ......... 101
   J.C. Meyer, University of Vienna, Austria
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   5.2  Graphene structure basics ............................. 104
   5.3  Electron diffraction analysis of graphene ............. 105
   5.4  Graphene and defects in graphene observed by
        aberration-corrected transmission electron
        microscopy (ТЕМ) and scanning transmission electron
        microscopy (STEM) ..................................... 107
   5.5  Insights from electron microscopic studies of
        graphene .............................................. 112
   5.6  Conclusion ............................................ 118
   5.7  References ............................................ 119

6  Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) of graphene ............ 124
   A.L. Vázquez de Parga and R. Miranda, Autonomous
   University of Madrid, Spain and Madrid Institute for
   Advanced Studies in Nanoscience, Spain
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 124
   6.2  Morphology, perfection and electronic structure of
        graphene flakes deposited on inert substrates ......... 125
   6.3  Morphology, perfection and electronic structure of
        graphene epitaxially grown on semiconductor and
        metallic substrates ................................... 131
   6.4  Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)/scanning
        tunneling spectroscopy (STS) of point defects ......... 146
   6.5  STM/STS on graphene nanoribbons (GNR) ................. 148
   6.6  Conclusion ............................................ 150
   6.7  References ............................................ 150

7  Raman spectroscopy of graphene ............................. 156
   M. Hulman, International Laser Center and Danubia
   NanoTech, Slovak Republic
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 156
   7.2  Principles of Raman scattering ........................ 157
   7.3  Phonons in graphene ................................... 160
   7.4  Electronic structure of graphene ...................... 162
   7.5  Raman spectrum of graphene ............................ 165
   7.6  Conclusion ............................................ 181
   7.7  Acknowledgement ....................................... 181
   7.8  References ............................................ 181

8  Photoemission of low-dimensional carbon systems ............ 184
   P. Ayala, University of Vienna, Austria
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 184
   8.2  Photoemission spectroscopy ............................ 185
   8.3  Accessing tfie electronic properties of carbon sp2
        hybridizedsystems: the Cls core level ................. 190
   8.4  Chemical state identification: inspection of bonding
        environments .......................................... 193
   8.5  Valence-band electronic structure ..................... 194
   8.6  Conclusion ............................................ 194
   8.7  Acknowledgement ....................................... 195
   8.8  References ............................................ 195

Part III Electronic transport properties of graphene and
graphene devices .............................................. 197

9  Electronic transport in graphene: towards high mobility .... 199
   К.I. Bolotin, Vanderbilt University, USA
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 199
   9.2  Metrics for scattering strength ....................... 200
   9.3  Methods of graphene synthesis ......................... 204
   9.4  Sources of scattering in graphene ..................... 205
   9.5  Approaches to increase carrier mobility ............... 211
   9.6  Physical phenomena in high-mobility graphene .......... 219
   9.7  Conclusion ............................................ 221
   9.8  Acknowledgments ....................................... 221
   9.9  References ............................................ 222
10 Electronic transport in bilayer graphene ................... 228
   R. Asgari, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
   (IPM), Iran
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 228
   10.2 Historical development of bilayer graphene ............ 230
   10.3 Transport properties in bilayer graphene systems ...... 235
   10.4 Many-body effects of transport properties in bilayer
        graphene .............................................. 246
   10.5 Conclusion ............................................ 260
   10.6 References ............................................ 261

11 Effect of adsorbents on electronic transport in graphene ... 265
   Y.C. Lin and P.W. Сhiu, National Tsing Hua University,
   Republic of China
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 265
   11.2 Interaction of adsorbates with graphene ............... 266
   11.3 Transfer-induced metal and molecule adsorptions ....... 268
   11.4 Influence of adsorbates on graphene field-effect
        transistors ........................................... 274
   11.5 Removal of polymer residues on graphene ............... 279
   11.6 Conclusion ............................................ 287
   11.7 References ............................................ 287

12 Single-charge transport in graphene ........................ 292
   D.S. Lee, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
   (KIST), South Korea
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 292
   12.2 Single-charge tunneling ............................... 293
   12.3 Electrical properties of graphene ..................... 296
   12.4 Single-charge tunneling in graphene ................... 302
   12.5 Charge localization in graphene ....................... 311
   12.6 Conclusion ............................................ 317
   12.7 References ............................................ 317

13 Graphene spintronics ....................................... 324
   M. Shiraishi, Osaka University, Japan
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 324
   13.2 Theories and important concepts ....................... 326
   13.3 Experiments for generating pure spin current and the
        physical properties of pure spin current .............. 330
   13.4 Conclusion and future trends .......................... 337
   13.5 References ............................................ 339

14 Graphene nanoelectromechanics (NEMS) ....................... 341
   Z. Moktadir, Southampton University, UK
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 341
   14.2 Graphene versus silicon ............................... 342
   14.3 Graphene mechanical attributes ........................ 343
   14.4 Fabrication technology for graphene
        microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) ................. 346
   14.5 Graphene nanoresonators ............................... 349
   14.6 Graphene nanomechanical sensors ....................... 356
   14.7 Conclusion and future trends .......................... 358
   14.8 References ............................................ 358

   Index ...................................................... 363

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