The competitive advantage of emerging market multinaionals (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe competitive advantage of emerging market multinaionals / ed. by P.J.Williamson. - Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2013. - xxiii, 351 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.319-339. - Ind.: p.340-351. - ISBN 978-1-107-03255-2

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Оглавление / Contents
List of figures .............................................. viii
List of tables .................................................. x
Notes on contributors ......................................... xii
Acknowledgements ............................................. xxiv
Introduction .................................................... 1
   Peter J. Williamson, Ravi Ramamurti, Afonso Fleury and 
   Maria Tereza Lerne Fleury

Part I  Innovation and competitive advantage
1  Innovation by Brazilian EMNEs ............................... 11
   Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior, Felipe Mendes Borini
   and Afonso Fleury
2  Innovation by Russian EMNEs ................................. 29
   Sergey Filippov and Alexander Settles
3  Innovation by Indian EMNEs .................................. 46
   Nikhil Celly, Jaideep Prabhu and Venkat Subramanian
4  Innovation by Chinese EMNEs ................................. 64
   Peter J. Williamson and Eden Yin

   Commentaries on Part I
   (I.i)  The contribution of innovation to EMNEs'
   competitive advantage ....................................... 81
   Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor
   Innovation in emerging markets and the rise of emerging 
   market MNEs ................................................. 89
   Ram Mudambi

Part II  Value-chain configuration and competitive advantage
5  Value-chain configurations of Brazilian EMNEs ............... 97
   Afonso Fleury, Maria Tereza Lerne Fleury and Felipe
   Mendes Borini
6  Value-chain configurations of Russian EMNEs ................ 116
   Valery S. Katkalo and Andrey G. Medvedev
7  Value-chain configurations of Indian EMNEs ................. 132
   Suma Athreye
8  Value-chain configurations of Chinese EMNEs ................ 149
   Kaimei Wang and Yongjiang Shi

   Commentaries on Part II
   (II.i) How emerging market multinational enterprises 
   upgrade capabilities using value-chain configuration in 
   advanced economies ......................................... 174
   Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra
   (II.ii)  Value-chain configurations of emerging country 
   multinationals ............................................. 180
   Jagjit Singh Srai

Part III  Mergers and acquisitions and competitive advantage
9  Cross-border M&A and competitive advantage of Brazilian
   EMNEs ...................................................... 191
   Alvaro B. Cyrino and Erika P. Barcellos
10 Cross-border M&A and competitive advantage of Russian 
   EMNEs ...................................................... 220
   Kalman Kalotay and Andrei Panibratov
11 Cross-border M&A and competitive advantage of Indian 
   EMNEs ...................................................... 239
   Ravi Ramamurti
12 Cross-border M&A and competitive advantage of Chinese
   EMNEs ...................................................... 260
   Peter J. Williamson and Anand P. Raman
   Commentaries on Part III
   (III.i)  Cross-border M&A by the new multinationals: 
   different reasons to 'go global' ........................... 278
   Simon Collinson
   (III.ii) Cross-border acquisitions by EMNEs ................ 284
    Ravi Saratby
   Conclusion: rethinking the implications of EMNEs' rise ..... 290
   Peter J. Williamson, Ravi Ramamurti, Afonso Fleury and
   Maria Tereza Lerne Fleury

References .................................................... 319
Index ......................................................... 340

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