Buyya R. Mastering cloud computing: foundations and applications programming (Waltham, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBuyya R. Mastering cloud computing: foundations and applications programming / R.Buyya, C.Vecchiola, S.T.Selvi. - Waltham: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2013. - xvi, 452 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.429-437. - Ind.: p.439-452. - ISBN 978-0-12-411454-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii

CHAPTER 1  Introduction ......................................... 3
1.1  Cloud computing at a glance ................................ 3
     1.1.1  The vision of cloud computing ....................... 5
     1.1.2  Defining a cloud .................................... 7
     1.1.3  A closer look ....................................... 9
     1.1.4  The cloud computing reference model ................ 11
     1.1.5  Characteristics and benefits ....................... 13
     1.1.6  Challenges ahead ................................... 14
1.2  Historical developments ................................... 15
     1.2.1  Distributed systems ................................ 15
     1.2.2  Virtualization ..................................... 18
     1.2.3  Web 2.0 ............................................ 19
     1.2.4  Service-oriented computing ......................... 20
     1.2.5  Utility-oriented computing ......................... 21
1.3  Building cloud computing environments ..................... 22
     1.3.1  Application development ............................ 22
     1.3.2  Infrastructure and system development .............. 23
     1.3.3  Computing platforms and technologies ............... 24
     Summary ................................................... 26
     Review questions .......................................... 27

CHAPTER 2  Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing .... 29
2.1  Eras of computing ......................................... 29
2.2  Parallel vs. distributed computing ........................ 29
2.3  Elements of parallel computing ............................ 31
     2.3.1  What is parallel processing? ....................... 31
     2.3.2  Hardware architectures for parallel processing ..... 32
     2.3.3  Approaches to parallel programming ................. 36
     2.3.4  Levels of parallelism .............................. 36
     2.3.5  Laws of caution .................................... 37
2.4  Elements of distributed computing ......................... 39
     2.4.1  General concepts and definitions ................... 39
     2.4.2  Components of a distributed system ................. 39
     2.4.3  Architectural styles for distributed computing ..... 41
     2.4.4  Models for interprocess communication .............. 51
2.5  Technologies for distributed computing .................... 54
     2.5.1  Remote procedure call .............................. 54
     2.5.2  Distributed object frameworks ...................... 56
     2.5.3  Service-oriented computing ......................... 61
     Summary ................................................... 69
     Review questions .......................................... 70

CHAPTER 3  Virilization ........................................ 71
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 71
3.2  Characteristics of virtualized environments ............... 73
     3.2.1  Increased security ................................. 74
     3.2.2  Managed execution .................................. 75
     3.2.3  Portability ........................................ 77
3.3  Taxonomy of virtualization techniques ..................... 77
     3.3.1  Execution virtualization ........................... 77
     3.3.2  Other types of virtualization ...................... 89
3.4  Virtualization and cloud computing ........................ 91
3.5  Pros and cons of virtualization ........................... 93
     3.5.1  Advantages of virtualization ....................... 93
     3.5.2  The other side of the coin: disadvantages .......... 94
3.6  Technology examples ....................................... 95
     3.6.1  Xen: paravirtualization ............................ 96
     3.6.2  VMware: full virtualization ........................ 97
     3.6.3  Microsoft Hyper-V ................................. 104
     Summary .................................................. 109
     Review questions ......................................... 109

CHAPTER 4  Cloud Computing Architecture ....................... 111
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 111
4.2  The cloud reference model ................................ 112
     4.2.1  Architecture ...................................... 112
     4.2.2  Infrastructure- and hardware-as-a-service ......... 114
     4.2.3  Platform as a service ............................. 117
     4.2.4  Software as a service ............................. 121
4.3  Types of clouds .......................................... 124
     4.3.1  Public clouds ..................................... 125
     4.3.2  Private clouds .................................... 126
     4.3.3  Hybrid clouds ..................................... 128
     4.3.4  Community clouds .................................. 131
4.4  Economics of the cloud ................................... 133
4.5  Open challenges .......................................... 135
     4.5.1  Cloud definition .................................. 135
     4.5.2  Cloud interoperability and standards .............. 136
     4.5.3  Scalability and fault tolerance ................... 137
     4.5.4  Security, trust, and privacy ...................... 138
     4.5.5  Organizational aspects ............................ 138
     Summary .................................................. 139
     Review questions ......................................... 139


CHAPTER 5  Aneka .............................................. 143
5.1  Framework overview ....................................... 143
5.2  Anatomy of the Aneka container ........................... 146
     5.2.1  From the ground up: the platform abstraction
            layer ............................................. 147
     5.2.2  Fabric services ................................... 147
     5.2.3  Foundation services ............................... 150
     5.2.4  Application services .............................. 153
5.3  Building Aneka clouds .................................... 155
     5.3.1  Infrastructure organization ....................... 155
     5.3.2  Logical organization .............................. 155
     5.3.3  Private cloud deployment mode ..................... 158
     5.3.4  Public cloud deployment mode ...................... 158
     5.3.5  Hybrid cloud deployment mode ...................... 160
5.4  Cloud programming and management ......................... 162
     5.4.1  Aneka SDK ......................................... 162
     5.4.2  Management tools .................................. 167
     Summary .................................................. 168
     Review questions ......................................... 168

CHAPTER 6  Concurrent Computing ............................... 171
6.1  Introducing parallelism for single-machine computation ... 171
6.2  Programming applications with threads .................... 173
     6.2.1  What is a thread? ................................. 174
     6.2.2  Thread APIs ....................................... 174
     6.2.3  Techniques for parallel computation with threads .. 177
6.3  Multithreading with Aneka ................................ 189
     6.3.1  Introducing the thread programming model .......... 190
     6.3.2  Aneka thread vs. common threads ................... 191
6.4  Programming applications with Aneka threads .............. 195
     6.4.1  Aneka threads application model ................... 195
     6.4.2  Domain decomposition: matrix multiplication ....... 196
     6.4.3  Functional decomposition: Sine, Cosine, and
            Tangent ........................................... 203
     Summary .................................................. 203
     Review questions ......................................... 210

CHAPTER 7  High-Throughput Computing .......................... 211
7.1  Task computing ........................................... 211
     7.1.1  Characterizing a task ............................. 212
     7.1.2  Computing categories .............................. 213
     7.1.3  Frameworks for task computing ..................... 214
7.2  Task-based application models ............................ 216
     7.2.1  Embarrassingly parallel applications .............. 216
     7.2.2  Parameter sweep applications ...................... 217
     7.2.3  MPI applications .................................. 218
     7.2.4  Workflow applications with task dependencies ...... 222
7.3  Aneka task-based programming ............................. 225
     7.3.1  Task programming model ............................ 226
     7.3.2  Developing applications with the task model ....... 227
     7.3.3  Developing a parameter sweep application .......... 243
     7.3.4  Managing workflows ................................ 248
     Summary .................................................. 250
     Review questions ......................................... 251

CHAPTER 8  Data-Intensive Computing ........................... 253
8.1  What is data-intensive computing? ........................ 253
     8.1.1 Characterizing data-intensive computations ......... 254
     8.1.2  Challenges ahead .................................. 254
     8.1.3  Historical perspective ............................ 255
8.2  Technologies for data-intensive computing ................ 260
     8.2.1  Storage systems ................................... 260
     8.2.2  Programming platforms ............................. 268
8.3  Aneka MapReduce programming .............................. 276
     8.3.1  Introducing the MapReduce programming model ....... 276
     8.3.2  Example application ............................... 293
     Summary .................................................. 309
     Review questions ......................................... 310


CHAPTER 9  Cloud Platforms in Industry ........................ 315
9.1  Amazon web services ...................................... 315
     9.1.1  Compute services .................................. 316
     9.1.2  Storage services .................................. 321
     9.1.3  Communication services ............................ 329
     9.1.4  Additional services ............................... 332
9.2  Google AppEngine ......................................... 332
     9.2.1  Architecture and core concepts .................... 333
     9.2.2  Application life cycle ............................ 338
     9.2.3  Cost model ........................................ 340
     9.2.4  Observations ...................................... 341
9.3  Microsoft Azure .......................................... 341
     9.3.1  Azure core concepts ............................... 342
     9.3.2  SQL Azure ......................................... 347
     9.3.3  Windows Azure platform appliance .................. 349
     9.3.4  Observations ...................................... 349
     Summary .................................................. 350
     Review questions ......................................... 351

CHAPTER 10 Cloud Applications ................................. 353
10.1 Scientific applications .................................. 353
     10.1.1 Healthcare: ECG analysis in the cloud ............. 353
     10.1.2 Biology: protein structure prediction ............. 355
     10.1.3 Biology: gene expression data analysis for
            cancer diagnosis .................................. 357
     10.1.4 Geoscience: satellite image processing ............ 358
10.2 Business and consumer applications ....................... 358
     10.2.1 CRM and ERP ....................................... 359
     10.2.2 Productivity ...................................... 362
     10.2.3 Social networking ................................. 365
     10.2.4 Media applications ................................ 366
     10.2.5 Multiplayer online gaming ......................... 369
     Summary .................................................. 370
     Review questions ......................................... 371

CHAPTER 11  Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing ................ 373
11.1 Energy efficiency in clouds .............................. 373
     11.1.1 Energy-efficient and green cloud computing
            architecture ...................................... 375
11.2 Market-based management of clouds ........................ 377
     11.2.1 Market-oriented cloud computing ................... 378
     11.2.2 A reference model for MOCC ........................ 379
     11.2.3  Technologies and initiatives supporting MOCC ..... 384
     11.2.4 Observations ...................................... 389
11.3 Federated clouds/InterCloud .............................. 390
     11.3.1 Characterization and definition ................... 391
     11.3.2 Cloud federation stack ............................ 392
     11.3.3 Aspects of interest ............................... 399
     11.3.4 Technologies for cloud federations ................ 417
     11.3.5 Observations ...................................... 422
11.4 Third-party cloud services ............................... 422
     11.4.1 MetaCDN ........................................... 423
     11.4.2 SpotCloud ......................................... 425
     Summary .................................................. 425
     Review questions ......................................... 427

References .................................................... 429

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