Jacoby D. Optimal supply chain management in oil, gas, and power generation (Tulsa, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJacoby D. Optimal supply chain management in oil, gas, and power generation. - Tulsa: PennWell, 2012. - xxvi, 289 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.271-289. - ISBN 978-1-59370-292-2

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations .......................................... ix
Foreword ....................................................... xi
Preface ........................................................ xv
   The Growing Importance of Supply Chain Management in Oil,
   Gas, and Power .............................................. xv
   Purpose and Organization of This Book ..................... xxii
   Notes ...................................................... xxv
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxvii
Introduction .................................................... 1
   How Supply Chain Management in Oil, Gas, and Power is
   Different .................................................... 1
   Overall Objectives, Key Business Processes, and Targets ...... 4
   Organizing Supply Chain Management Activities ............... 15
   First Principles for Supply Chain Design and Improvement .... 16
   Notes ....................................................... 21

                              Part 1
1  Capex Project Supply Chain Risk Mitigation: Principles and
   Methods ..................................................... 23
   Types of Choices Involving Risk ............................. 25
   General Approaches to Managing Supply Chain Risk ............ 27
   Determining the Optimal Term of Commitment .................. 31
   Technology Choices and Options .............................. 36
   Materials Unavailability Strategies ......................... 39
   Project Structure Choices ................................... 42
   Notes ....................................................... 50
   Optimal Supply Chain Management in Oil, Gas, and Power
2  Engineering and Procurement of Equipment and Services at
   Minimum Total Cost and Risk ................................. 53
   Bid Slate Development and Supplier Selection ................ 53
   Establishing and Maintaining Partner Relationships .......... 67
   The Tendering Process - Choices and Best Practices .......... 73
   Notes ....................................................... 85
3  Operating and Maintenance Cost Reduction: Principles and
   Methods ..................................................... 89
   Maintaining Complex Systems ................................. 89
   Achieving Continuous Cost Reduction ......................... 99
   Notes ...................................................... 111
4  Operational Safety and Environmental Risk Management:
   Principles and Methods ..................................... 113
   Selected International Risk Management Standards ........... 115
   Other Risk Management Standards ............................ 119
   Operational Risk-Mitigation Frameworks ..................... 120
   Supply Chain's Role in Reducing Environmental Footprint .... 123
   Notes ...................................................... 127

                              Part 2
5  Upstream Oil and Gas Examples .............................. 129
   Introduction: Supply Chain Cost Drivers and Relevant
   Design Constructs .......................................... 131
   Project Risk Mitigation .................................... 132
   Managing Supply Availability and Price Risk ................ 137
   Engineering and Procurement at Minimum Total Cost and
   Risk ....................................................... 141
   Construction and Installation .............................. 149
   Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction .................. 156
   Notes ...................................................... 165
6  Midstream - Hydrocarbon Transport Examples ................. 171
   Introduction: Supply Chain Cost Drivers and Relevant
   Design Constructs .......................................... 171
   Project Risk Mitigation .................................... 173
   Engineering and Procurement of Equipment and Services
   at Minimum Total Cost and Risk ............................. 175
   Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction .................. 180
   Notes ...................................................... 184
7  Downstream Oil and Gas Examples ............................ 187
   Introduction: Supply Chain Cost Drivers .................... 187
   Project Risk Mitigation through Effective Capacity
   Management ................................................. 189
   Engineering and Procurement of Equipment and Services
   at Minimum Cost and Risk ................................... 190
   Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction .................. 194
   Notes ...................................................... 200
8  Power Industry Examples .................................... 203
   Introduction: Supply Chain Cost Drivers and Relevant
   Design Constructs .......................................... 203
   Project Risk Mitigation through Sequential Decision
   Making and Real Options .................................... 206
   Engineering and Procurement of Equipment and Services
   at Minimum Cost and Risk ................................... 208
   Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction .................. 216
   Notes ...................................................... 222
   Conclusion ................................................. 225
Appendix A: Bullwhip in the Oil and Gas Supply Chain—
   the Cost of Volatility ..................................... 227
   Filling an Important Research Gap .......................... 227
   Evidence of the Bullwhip Effect ............................ 228
   The Cost to E&P Companies, Refiners, OEMs, and Component
   Suppliers .................................................. 230
   Suggestions for Further Research: How to Mitigate the
   Costs of Bullwhip .......................................... 234
   Notes ...................................................... 234
Appendix B: Common Categories of Externally Purchased
   Equipment and Services for the Oil, Gas, and Power
   Industries ................................................. 237
Appendix C: Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations .... 245
Appendix D: Additional Resources .............................. 261

Index ......................................................... 271

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