Gille W. Particle and particle systems characterization: Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) applications (Boca Raton, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGille W. Particle and particle systems characterization: Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) applications. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2014. - xii, 336 p.: ill. - (Condensed matter & materials science). - Bibliogr.: p.315-331. - Ind.: p.333-336. - ISBN 978-1-4665-8177-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix

1    Scattering experiment and structure functions; particles
     and the correlation function of small-angle scattering ..... 1
1.1  Elastic scattering of a plane wave by a thin sample ........ 3
     1.1.1  Guinier approximation and Kaya's scattering
            patterns ............................................ 7
     1.1.2  Scattering intensity in terms of structure
            functions .......................................... 14
     1.1.3  Particle description via real-space structure
            functions .......................................... 19
1.2  SAS structure functions and scattering intensity .......... 22
     1.2.1  Scattering pattern, SAS correlation function and
            chord length distribution density (CLDD) ........... 22
     1.2.2  Indication of homogeneous particles by i(rA) ....... 26
1.3  Chord length distributions and SAS ........................ 30
     1.3.1  Sample density, particle models and structure
            functions .......................................... 32
1.4  SAS structure functions for a fixed order range L ......... 34
     1.4.1  Correlation function in terms of the intensity
            IL(h, L) ........................................... 38
     1.4.2  Extension to the realistic experiment I(s), s <
            smax ............................................... 39
1.5  Aspects of data evaluation for a specific L ............... 44
     1.5.1  The invariant of the smoothed scattering pattern
            IL ................................................. 53
     1.5.2  How can a suitable order range L for L-smoothing
            be selected from an experimental scattering
            pattern? ........................................... 55

2    Chord length distribution densities of selected
     elementary geometric figures .............................. 59
2.1  The cone case-an instructive example ...................... 60
     2.1.1  Geometry of the cone case .......................... 61
     2.1.2  Flat, balanced, well-balanced and steep cones ...... 66
     2.1.3  Summarizing remarks about the CLDD of the cone ..... 68
2.2  Establishing and representing CLDDs ....................... 69
     2.2.1  Mathematica programs for determining CLDDs? ........ 69
2.3  Parallelepiped and limiting cases ......................... 71
     2.3.1  The unit cube ...................................... 73
2.4  Right circular cylinder ................................... 73
2.5  Ellipsoid and limiting cases .............................. 74
2.6  Regular tetrahedron (unit length case α = 1) .............. 78
2.7  Hemisphere and hemisphere shell ........................... 80
     2.7.1  Mean CLDD and size distribution of hemisphere
            shells ............................................. 81
2.8  The Large Giza Pyramid as a homogeneous body .............. 81
     2.8.1  Approach for determining γ(r) and Aμ(r) ............ 82
     2.8.2  Analytic results for small chords r ................ 83
2.9  Rhombic prism Y based on the plane rhombus X .............. 87
2.10 Scattering pattern I(h) and CLDD A(r) of a lens ........... 88

3    Chord length distributions of infinitely long cylinders ... 95
3.1  The infinitely long cylinder case ......................... 96
3.2  Transformation 1: From the right section of a cylinder
     to a spatial cylinder ..................................... 97
     3.2.1  Pentagonal and hexagonal rods ...................... 98
     3.2.2  Triangle/triangular rod and rectangle/rectangular
            rod ............................................... 100
     3.2.3  Ellipse/elliptic rod and the elliptic needle ...... 100
     3.2.4  Semicircular rod of radius R ...................... 102
     3.2.5  Wedge cases and triangular/rectangular rods ....... 102
     3.2.6  Infinitely long hollow cylinder ................... 102
3.3  Recognition analysis of rods with oval right section
     from the SAS correlation function ........................ 104
     3.3.1  Behavior of the cylinder CF for r → ∞ ............. 104
3.4  Transformation 2: From spatial cylinder С to the base X
     of the cylinder .......................................... 107
3.5  Specific particle parameters in terms of chord length
     moments: The case of dilated cylinders ................... 109
3.6  Cylinders of arbitrary height H with oval RS ............. 110
3.7  CLDDs of particle ensembles with size distribution ....... 114

4    Particle-to-particle interference - a useful tool ........ 115
4.1  Particle packing is characterized by the pair
     correlation function g(r) ................................ 116
     4.1.1  Explanation of the function g(r) and Ripley's К
            function .......................................... 116
     4.1.2  Different working functions and denotations in
            different fields .................................. 118
4.2  Quasi-diluted and non-touching particles ................. 119
4.3  Correlation function and scattering pattern of two
     infinitely long parallel cylinders ....................... 127
4.4  Fundamental connection between γ(r), с and g(r) .......... 132
4.5  Cylinder arrays and packages of parallel infinitely
     long circular cylinders .................................. 148
4.6  Connections between SAS and WAS .......................... 155
     4.6.1  The function FREQ(rk) describes all distances rk .. 155
     4.6.2  Scattering pattern of an aggregate of N spheres
            (AN) .............................................. 158
4.7  Chord length distributions: An alternative approach to
     the pair correlation function ............................ 162

5    Scattering patterns and structure functions of Boolean
     models ................................................... 169
5.1  Short-order range approach for orderless systems ......... 170
5.2  The Boolean model for convex grains - the set Ξ .......... 171
     5.2.1  Connections between the functions γ(r) and
            γ0(r) for arbitrary grains of density N = n ....... 172
     5.2.2  The chord length distributions of both phases ..... 174
     5.2.3  Moments of the CLDD for both phases of the BIII .... 176
     5.2.4  The second moments of φ(l) and ƒ(m) fix с;
            0 ≤ с < 1 ......................................... 177
     5.2.5  Interrelated CLDD moments and scattering
            patterns .......................................... 177
5.3  Inserting spherical grains of constant diameter .......... 179
5.4  Size distribution of spherical grains .................... 184
5.5  Chord length distributions of the Poisson slice model .... 188
5.6  Practical relevance of Boolean models .................... 192

6    The "Dead Leaves" model .................................. 193
6.1  Structure functions and scattering pattern of a PC ....... 195
6.2  The uncovered "Dead Leaves" model ........................ 205

7    Tessellations, fragment particles and puzzles ............ 207
7.1  Tessellations: original state and destroyed state ........ 209
7.2  Puzzle particles resulting from DLm tessellations ........ 210
7.3  Punch-matrix/particle puzzles ............................ 214
7.4  Analysis of nearly arbitrary fragment particles via
     their CLDD ............................................... 220
7.5  Predicting the fitting ability of fragments from SAS ..... 227
7.6  Porous materials as "drifted apart tessellations" ........ 230

8    Volume fraction of random two-phase samples for a fixed
     order range L from γ(r, L) ............................... 237
8.1  The linear simulation model .............................. 239
     8.1.1  LSM for an amorphous state of an AlDyNi alloy ..... 247
     8.1.2  LSM analysis of a VYCOR, glass of 33% porosity .... 249
     8.1.3  Concluding remarks on the LSM approach ............ 250
8.2  Analysis of porous materials via ν-chords ................ 251
     8.2.1  Pore analysis of a silica aerogel from SAS data ... 253
     8.2.2  Macropore analysis of a controlled porous glass ... 255
8.3  The volume fraction depends on the order range L ......... 257
8.4  The Synecek approach for ensembles of spheres ............ 259
8.5  Volume fraction investigation of Boolean models .......... 261
8.6  About the realistic porosity of porous materials ......... 262

9    Interrelations between the moments of the chord length
     distributions of random two-phase systems ................ 269
9.1  Single particle case and particle ensembles .............. 270
9.2  Interrelations between CLD moments of random particle
     ensembles ................................................ 272
     9.2.1  Connection between the three functions g, φ and
            ƒ ................................................. 279
     9.2.2  The moments Mi, li, mi in terms of Q(t), p(t),
            q(t) .............................................. 280
     9.2.3  Analysis of the second moment M2 = -Q"(0) ......... 280
9.3  CLD concept and data evaluation: Some conclusions ........ 284
     9.3.1  Taylor series of Q(t) in terms of the moments Mn
            of the function g(r) .............................. 286
     9.3.2  Sampling theorem, the number of independent SAS
            parameters, CLD moments and volume fraction ....... 288

10   Exercises on problems of particle characterization:
     examples ................................................. 289
10.1 The phase difference in a point of observation P ......... 290
10.2 Scattering pattern, CF and CLDD of single particles ...... 292
     10.2.1 Determination of particle size distributions
            for a fixed known particle shape .................. 292
     10.2.2 About the P1 plot of a scattering pattern ......... 293
     10.2.3 Comparing single particle correlation functions ... 294
     10.2.4 Scattering pattern of a hemisphere of radius R .... 295
     10.2.5 The "butterfly cylinder" and its scattering
            pattern ........................................... 296
     10.2.6 Scattering equivalence of (widely separated)
            particles ......................................... 299
     10.2.7 About the significance of the SAS correlation
            function .......................................... 299
     10.2.8 The mean chord length of an elliptic needle ....... 301
10.3 Structure functions parameters of special models ......... 303
     10.3.1 The first zero of the SAS CF ...................... 303
     10.3.2 Different models, different scattering patterns ... 304
     10.3.3 Boolean model contra hard single particles and
            quasidiluted particle ensembles ................... 306
     10.3.4 A special relation for detecting the с of a Bm .... 307
     10.3.5 Properties of the SAS CF of a Bm .................. 308
     10.3.6 DLm from Poisson polyhedral grains ................ 309
10.4 Moments of g(r), integral parameters and с ............... 310
     10.4.1 Properties of the moment M2 of g(r) ............... 310
     10.4.2 Tests of properties of M2 special model
            parameters ........................................ 311
     10.4.3 Volume fraction and integral parameters ........... 312
     10.4.4 Application of Eq. (9.16) for a ceramic
            micropowder ....................................... 313

References .................................................... 315

Index ......................................................... 333

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