Bikkin H. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and physical kinetics (Berlin; Boston, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBikkin H. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and physical kinetics / H.Bikkin, I.I.Lyapilin. - Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter, 2014. - xii, 359 p.: ill. - (Graduate). - Bibliogr.: p.353-354. - Ind.: p.355-359. - ISBN 978-3-11-033769-3

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Оглавление / Contents
The authors' note ............................................... v
1    Phenomenological thermodynamics of irreversible processes .. 1
1.1  Main postulates of non-equilibrium thermodynamics .......... 1
     1.1.1  Thermodynamic description of equilibrium and non-
            equilibrium systems ................................. 1
     1.1.2  Local equilibrium principle ......................... 3
     1.1.3  Entropy balance equation and conservation laws ...... 4
     1.1.4  Generalized flows and generalized thermodynamic
            forces .............................................. 7
     1.1.5  Generalized transport coefficients and the Onsager 
            symmetry relations .................................. 9
     1.1.6  Variational principles in linear non-equilibrium 
            thermodynamics ..................................... 10
     1.1.7  Minimum entropy production principle for weakly 
            non-equilibrium steady states ...................... 12
1.2  On the application of the Onsager theory .................. 13
     1.2.1  Thermoelectric phenomena. The Peltier, Seebeck, 
            Thomson effects and their relationship ............. 13
     1.2.2  Effects in an external magnetic field .............. 19
1.3  Self-organization in highly non-equilibrium systems ....... 28
     1.3.1  Non-equilibrium dissipative structures ............. 28
     1.3.2  The Glansdorff-Prigogine universal evolution 
            criterion .......................................... 29
     1.3.3  Ways of describing strongly non-equilibrium 
            systems ............................................ 31
     1.3.4  Stability of states of highly non-equilibrium 
            systems ............................................ 34
     1.3.5  The Lyapunov global stability criterion ............ 36
     1.3.6  Dynamical systems with one degree of freedom ....... 38
     1.3.7  Dynamical systems with two degrees freedom ......... 39
     1.3.8  Dynamic chaos ...................................... 45
     1.3.9  Dynamic chaos in one-dimensional mappings .......... 51
     Problems to Chapter 1 ..................................... 57

2    Brownian Motion ........................................... 59
2.1  The Langevin equation for a Brownian particle ............. 59
     2.1.1  Nature of motion of a Brownian particle. Random
            forces ............................................. 59
     2.1.2  Displacement of a Brownian particle ................ 64
2.2  The Fokker-Planck equation for a Brownian particle ........ 67
     2.2.1  Derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation ........... 67
     2.2.2  The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation ......... 69
     Problems to Chapter 2 ..................................... 73
3    Kinetic equations in non-equilibrium statistical 
     mechanics ................................................. 74
3.1  Description of non-equilibrium systems in statistical
     mechanics ................................................. 74
     3.1.1  Integrableand nonintegrable dynamical systems ...... 74
     3.1.2  The evolution of dynamical systems in phase space .. 76
3.2  Substantiation of quasiclassical kinetic equations ........ 82
     3.2.1  The Liouville equation for the distribution 
            function ........................................... 82
     3.2.2  The chain of the Bogoliubov equations .............. 84
     3.2.3  Equation for the one-particle distribution. The
            relaxation time approximation ...................... 88
     3.2.4  The Vlasov kinetic equation for a collisionless 
            plasma ............................................. 89
     3.2.5  The Boltzmann equation for a low-density gas ....... 96
     3.2.6  Qualitative derivation of the Boltzmann equation ... 97
     3.2.7  Derivation of the Boltzmann equation from the
            Bogoliubov equations chain ........................ 103
     3.2.8  The Fokker-Planck equation ........................ 106
3.3  Solving for kinetic equations ............................ 110
     3.3.1  The solution of the Boltzmann equation for the 
            equilibrium state ................................. 110
     3.3.2  The Boltzmann H-theorem ........................... 112
     3.3.3  The Hilbert expansion ............................. 114
     3.3.4  The Enskog-Chapman method. Derivation of
            hydrodynamic equations ............................ 120
     3.3.5  The method of moments ............................. 125
     Problems to Chapter 3 .................................... 127

4    Kinetic equation for electrons and phonons in 
     conducting crystals ...................................... 129
4.1  Kinetic coefficients in the relaxation time 
     approximation ............................................ 129
     4.1.1  Kinetic equation for electrons and its solution 
            to the relaxation time approximation .............. 129
     4.1.2  Conditions of applicability for the quasi-
            classical description of electrons in conducting
            crystals .......................................... 134
     4.1.3  How to determine charge and heat fluxes and
            calculate kinetic coefficients when H = 0 ......... 137
     4.1.4  Scattering of electrons by lattice vibrations ..... 147
     4.1.5  The Hamiltonian of interaction between electrons
            and charged impurity centers ...................... 151
     4.1.6  The collision integral for the electron-phonon 
            interaction ....................................... 153
     4.1.7  Phenomenon of phonon drag ......................... 158
     4.1.8  Expressions for charge and heat fluxes in 
            a magnetic field. Tensor structure of kinetic 
            coefficients ...................................... 162
     4.1.9  Galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic effects in 
            semiconductors with a parabolic dispersion law .... 164
4.2  Hydrodynamic description of a hot electrons .............. 169
     4.2.1  Transition to a hydrodynamic description .......... 169
     4.2.2  The momentum balance equation ..................... 172
     4.2.3  Balance equations of energy and particle number ... 178
     4.2.4  Solving a set of balance equations. Applications 
            of hydrodynamic approach .......................... 180
     4.2.5  Negative differential resistance .................. 182
     Problems to Chapter 4 .................................... 186

5    Theory of linear response to an external mechanical
     perturbation ............................................. 189
5.1  Electrical conductivity of an electron gas. The Kubo 
     method ................................................... 189
     5.1.1  The Liouville equation and its solution ........... 189
     5.1.2  Linear response of a dynamical system to an 
            external field .................................... 193
     5.1.3  Calculation of electrical conductivity ............ 197
     5.1.4  High-frequency magnetic susceptibility ............ 207
5.2  Electrical conductivity in a quantizing magnetic field ... 214
     5.2.1  Charge and heat fluxes in a quantizing magnetic
            field ............................................. 214
     5.2.2  Dynamics of electron motion in a quantizing 
            magnetic field .................................... 216
     5.2.3  The conductivity tensor in a quantizing magnetic
            field ............................................. 218
     5.2.4  The conductivity in the case quasielastic 
            scattering by phonons ............................. 221
5.3  Symmetry properties of correlation functions ............. 227
     5.3.1  Additive conservation laws and selection rules 
            for averages ...................................... 227
     5.3.2  Symmetry properties of correlation functions for 
            operations of spatial rotation, complex 
            conjugation and time reversal ..................... 230
     Problems to Chapter 5 .................................... 235

6    Non-equilibrium statistical operator method .............. 238
6.1  Non-equilibrium and quasi-equilibrium statistical 
     operators ................................................ 238
     6.1.1  Quasi-equilibrium distribution .................... 238
     6.1.2  Extremal properties of a quasi-equilibrium
            distribution. Thermodynamics of a quasi-
            equilibrium ensemble .............................. 241
     6.1.3  Boundary conditions and the Liouville equation
            for the NSO ....................................... 248
     6.1.4  Linear relaxation equations in the NSO-method ..... 251
6.2  The projection operators method in non-equilibrium 
     statistical mechanics .................................... 256
     6.2.1  Why is it necessary to introduce projection 
            operators? ........................................ 256
     6.2.2  The Mori projection operator method ............... 260
     6.2.3  Using the Mori projection operators to calculate
            conductivity ...................................... 267
     6.2.4  Relationship between a linear variant of the
            NSO-method and Mori's method ...................... 274
     6.2.5  High-frequency susceptibility ..................... 277
     6.2.6  Determination of non-equilibrium parameters by
            the NSO-method .................................... 279
6.3  Hydrodynamic modes and singularity of dynamic 
     correlation functions .................................... 285
     6.3.1  Spin diffusion .................................... 285
     6.3.2  The fluctuation-dissipation theorem ............... 289
     6.3.3  Long-range correlations and slow modes ............ 294
     6.3.4  Bogoliubov inequality and 1/k2 divergence 
            theorem ........................................... 298
     Problems to Chapter 6 .................................... 304

7    Response of a highly non-equilibrium system to a weak
     measuring field .......................................... 307
7.1  NSO for highly non-equilibrium systems ................... 307
     7.1.1  Set up of the problem. A boundary condition for 
            the NSO ........................................... 307
     7.1.2  Generalized susceptibility of a non-equilibrium 
            system ............................................ 313
7.2  Projection operator for non-equilibrium systems .......... 317
     7.2.1  Magnetic susceptibility ........................... 317
     7.2.2  Electrical conductivity of highly non-
            equilibrium systems ............................... 319
     Problems to Chapter 7 .................................... 337

8    Master equation approach ................................. 338
8.1  The basic idea of the method ............................. 338
     8.1.1  Problem statement ................................. 338
     8.1.2  The Zwanzig kinetic equation ...................... 339
8.2  Master equation for the quasi-equilibrium distribution ... 342
     8.2.1  Robertson projection operator ..................... 342
     8.2.2  Use of the master equation to calculate kinetic 
            coefficients ...................................... 345
     Problems to Chapter 8 .................................... 350

Bibliography .................................................. 353

Index ......................................................... 355

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