Tostevin G.B. Seeing lithics: a middle-range theory for testing for cultural transmission in the pleistocene (Oxford; Oakville, 20123). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTostevin G.B. Seeing lithics: a middle-range theory for testing for cultural transmission in the pleistocene. - Oxford; Oakville: Oxbow books, 2012. - xxxvi, 572 p.: ill. - (American school of prehistoric research monograph series). - Bibliogr.: p.497-569. - Ind.: p.571-572. - ISBN 978-1-84217-527-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Dedication .................................................... iii
Copyright Acknowledgments ..................................... vii
Preface ....................................................... xix
Acknowledgments ............................................... xxi
List of Figures and Tables .................................. xxiii

1    The Need for an Evolutionary Study of Culture History
     in the Pleistocene ......................................... 1
1.1  The Paleoanthropological Issue ............................. 1
1.2  The Behavioral Issue ....................................... 2
1.3  The Methodological Issue ................................... 5
1.4  The Structure of the Book .................................. 7
1.5  Relationship to Previous Work .............................. 8

2    Sampling the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition ....... 11
2.1  The Sampling Criteria ..................................... 11
2.2  An Introduction to the Regional Sequences of the MP-UP
     Transition ................................................ 12
     2.2.1  Western Europe ..................................... 12
     2.2.2  Central Europe: The Middle Danube .................. 14
            Sampling Central Europe: The Middle Danube Basin ... 17
     2.2.3  Eastern Europe ..................................... 17
            Sampling Eastern Europe: Western Ukraine ........... 17
     2.2.4  The Levant ......................................... 19
            Sampling the Southern Levant ....................... 20
     2.2.5  Regions Not Sampled: Southeastern Europe and
            Anatolia ........................................... 22

3    Building Bridges from High-Level Theory: Part One of
     a Middle-Range Theory for Paleolithic Culture History ..... 23
3.1  The Building Blocks: Past Theoretical Treatment of
     Culture Historical Processes and Artifact Variability ..... 24
     3.1.1  Migrationism ....................................... 24
     3.1.2  Boas and the Kulturkreislehre: The Rise of
            Diffusionism ....................................... 25
     3.1.3  The Americanist Culture History School of
            Archaeology ........................................ 27
     3.1.4  The Fall of Culture History and the Rise of the
            Processual Agenda .................................. 27
     3.1.5  Sources of Artifact Variability: Style Theory
            from Binford to Wobst to Wiessner .................. 29
     3.1.6  Style Theory from Sackett to Lechtman .............. 32
     3.1.7  The Nested Nature of Style Theory .................. 37
     3.1.8  Approach I: Carr's Unified Middle-Range Theory of
            Artifact Design .................................... 39
     3.1.9  Approach II: Chavne Operatoire and the French
            Technologie School ................................. 42
     3.1.10 Approach III: Behavioral Archaeology and
            Behavioral Chain Analysis .......................... 46
     3.1.11 Approach IV: The Organization of Technology ........ 49
     3.1.12 Causation in Artifact Design ....................... 53
            The Problem with Utilitarian Function as
            a Default Assumption for Artifact Form ............. 53
            Proximate and Ultimate Evolutionary Mechanisms
            in Technological Change ............................ 55
            Emic versus Etic Recognition of Artifact Design
            Variation .......................................... 58
            Evolutionary Psychology and Material Culture ....... 60
            Reinserting Social Function into the Evolutionary
            Ecology of Lithic Artifact Variation ............... 61
     3.1.13 Combining the Four Approaches to Explaining
            Artifact Variability ............................... 61
3.2  Culture History as Evolutionary Process ................... 63
     3.2.1  Three of the Four Forces of Evolution .............. 63
     3.2.2  Cultural Transmission Theory ....................... 65
     3.2.3  The Processual Understanding of Culture
            Historical Mechanisms .............................. 69
     3.2.4  The Processual Understanding of Culture Contact
            among Foragers ..................................... 73
            The Problem of Scale and the Vцlkerwanderungen ..... 74
            Definition of Culture Historical Processes ......... 78
     3.2.5  Social Intimacy and the Taskscape Visibility
            Concept ............................................ 79
            The Social Side of the Curation Concept ............ 88
            How to Choose Appropriate Units of Analysis ........ 90
3.3  Bridging from the Other Bank: The Need to Model Knapper
     Technological Decisions from the Artifact Up .............. 92

4    Building Bridges from Low-Level Theory: Part Two of
     a Middle-Range Theory for Paleolithic Culture History ..... 93
4.1  Which Methodology: French, American, or Neither? .......... 94
4.2  What We Know the Knapper Chooses During the
     Flintknapping Process ..................................... 98
     4.2.1  Conceptual Modeling of the Observational
            Learning of the Flintknapping Process .............. 99
     4.2.2  Lessons Learned from Experimental Archaeology ..... 110
     4.2.3  Changes in the Number of Domains Necessitated by
            the Taskscape Visibility  Concept from Chapter 3 .. 116
4.3  To Make a Stone Soup: The Description of the
     Technological Signature for Blank Production ............. 119
     4.3.1  Domain 1. Core Modification ....................... 120
            Domain 1. Step 1. Core Orientation ................ 121
            Domain 1. Step 2. Core Management ................. 123
     4.3.2  Domain 2. Platform Maintenance .................... 124
            Domain 2. Step 1. Debitage Platform Treatment ..... 125
            Domain 2. Step 2. Exterior Platform Angle ......... 125
            Domain 2. Step 3. Platform Thickness .............. 126
     4.3.3  Domain 3. Direction of Core Exploitation .......... 126
            Domain 3. Step 1. Direction of Early
                      Exploitation ............................ 130
            Domain 3. Step 2. Direction of Late Exploitation .. 130
     4.3.4  Domain 4. Dorsal Surface Convexity ................ 132
            Domain 4. Step 1. Elongation of the Longitudinal
                      Convexity (Length/Width Ratio) .......... 132
            Domain 4. Step 2. Shape of Convexity: Debitage
                      Lateral Edges ........................... 133
            Domain 4. Step 3. Curvature of the Convexity:
                      Profile ................................. 133
            Domain 4. Step 4. Debitage Cross-section Types .... 134
            Domain 4. Step 5. Vertical Convexity (Width/
                      Thickness Ratio) ........................ 135
4.4  Description of the Morphology of the Tool Kit ............ 136
     Step 1. Tool Laminarity (Length/Width Ratio) ............. 136
     Step 2. Tool Vertical Convexity (Width/Thickness Ratio) .. 136
     Step 3. Shape of Cutting Edges: Lateral Edge Type ........ 136
     Step 4. Shape of the Distal Terminus ..................... 136
     Step 5. Curvature of the Cutting Edge: Blank Profile ..... 137
     Step 6. Application of Unique Retouch .................... 137
     Step 7. Location of Retouch as Tool Types ................ 137
4.5  Evaluating the Statistical Independence of the Units of
     Analysis ................................................. 138
4.6  Evaluating the Comparability of Assemblages .............. 142
4.7  Procedures for the Pair-wise Comparison of Assemblages ... 147
4.8  Connecting the Bridging Arguments between High-level
     and Low-level Theory ..................................... 151
     4.8.1  Cultural Transmission versus Independent
            Innovation: The Model Predictions ................. 151
     4.8.2  Expectations of the Three Hypotheses .............. 152
            Expectation Number 1 (Antecedents: Continuity
            in Technical Choices) ............................. 152
            Expectation Number 2 (Number of Changes in
            Technical Choices) ................................ 153
            Expectation Number 3 (Number of Domains
            Affected by Change) ............................... 154
            Expectation Number 4 (Enculturation versus
            Stimulus Diffusion) ............................... 154
            Expectation Number 5 (Parsimony of the
            Inter-regional Sequence) .......................... 157
     4.8.3  Evaluation of the Goodness of Fit ................. 160

5    Regional Patterns of Behavior: Central Europe ............ 161
5.1  Kulna Cave, Layer 7a ..................................... 161
     5.1.1  Site Background ................................... 161
     5.1.2  Sampling .......................................... 162
     5.1.3  Blank Production .................................. 162
            Core Modification ................................. 162
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 164
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 164
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 166
     5.1.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 166
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 168
5.2  Stránská skala Ilia, Layer 4 ............................. 171
     5.2.1  Site Background ................................... 171
     5.2.2  Sampling .......................................... 174
     5.2.3  Blank Production .................................. 174
            Core Modification ................................. 174
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 176
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 176
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 180
     5.2.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 180
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 183
5.3  Stránská skála III, Layer 5 .............................. 183
     5.3.1  Site Background ................................... 183
     5.3.2  Sampling .......................................... 184
     5.3.3  Blank Production .................................. 184
            Core Modification ................................. 184
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 187
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 187
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 190
     5.3.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 191
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 192
5.4  Vedrovice V .............................................. 193
     5.4.1  Site Background ................................... 193
     5.4.2  Sampling .......................................... 196
     5.4.3  Blank Production .................................. 196
            Core Modification ................................. 196
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 198
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 198
            Dorsal Surface Convexity System ................... 199
     5.4.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 199
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 200
5.5  Stránská skála IIIс ...................................... 202
     5.5.1  Site Background ................................... 202
     5.5.2  Sampling .......................................... 203
     5.5.3  Blank Production .................................. 203
            Core Modification ................................. 203
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 204
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 207
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 209
     5.5.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 209
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 211
5.6  Aurignacian Industries from Stránská skála IIа Layer 4
     and IIIa Layer 3 ......................................... 211
     5.6.1  Site Background ................................... 211
     5.6.2  Sampling .......................................... 212
     5.6.3  Blank Production .................................. 212
     5.6.4  Core Modification ................................. 212
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 214
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 214
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 216
     5.6.4  Tool Manufacture .................................. 216
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 216
5.7  Comparison of Central European Flintknapping Behaviors ... 218
     5.7.1  Kulna Layer 7a versus Stránská skála Ilia
            Layer 4 ........................................... 221
            Blank Production .................................. 221
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 223
     5.7.2  Stránská skála IIIa Layer 4 and Stránská skála
            III Layer 5 ....................................... 225
            Blank Production .................................. 225
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 229
     5.7.3  Stránská skála III Layer 5 versus Vedrovice V ..... 229
            Blank Production .................................. 232
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 233
     5.7.4  Stránská skála IIIa Layer 4 and Stránská skála
            Шс ................................................ 233
            Blank Production .................................. 235
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 237
     5.7.5  Stránská skála III Layer 5 versus Stránská skála
            Шс ................................................ 237
            Blank Production .................................. 277
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 240
     5.7.6  Stránská skála IIIc versus Vedrovice V ............ 240
            Blank Production .................................. 242
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 243
     5.7.7  Vedrovice V and the Aurignacian of Stránská
            skála IIIa-3 and IIa-4 ............................ 244
            Blank Production .................................. 246
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 248
     5.7.8  Stránská skála III Layer 5 versus the
            Aurignacian of Stránská skála IIа and IIIа ........ 248
            Blank Production .................................. 249
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 251
     5.7.9  Kulna Layer 7a versus Vedrovice V ................. 251
            Blank Production .................................. 255
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 257
5.8  Significance of the Central European Sequence for Model
     Expectations 1-4 ......................................... 258

6    Regional Patterns of Behavior: Eastern Europe ............ 263
6.1  Molodova V Layer 11 ...................................... 263
     6.1.1  Site Background ................................... 263
     6.1.2  Sampling .......................................... 264
     6.1.3  Blank Production .................................. 264
     6.1.4  Core Modification ................................. 264
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 266
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 266
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 269
     6.1.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 269
     Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction ..................... 269
6.2  Korolevo II Complex II ................................... 270
     6.2.1  Site Background ................................... 270
     6.2.2  Sampling .......................................... 273
     6.2.3  Blank Production .................................. 273
            Core Modification ................................. 273
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 274
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 274
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 276
     6.2.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 277
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 278
6.3  Korolevo I Layer Ia ...................................... 279
     6.3.1  Site Background ................................... 279
     6.3.2  Sampling .......................................... 281
     6.3.3  Blank Production .................................. 281
            Core Modification ................................. 281
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 282
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 282
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 284
     6.3.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 284
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 284
6.4  Comparison of Eastern European Flintknapping Behaviors ... 287
     6.4.1  Molodova V Layer II versus Korolevo II
            Complex II ........................................ 287
            Blank Production .................................. 288
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 291
     6.4.2  Korolevo II Complex II versus Korolevo I Layer
            Ia ................................................ 291
            Blank Production .................................. 293
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 293
6.5  Significance of the Eastern European Sequence for Model
     Expectations 1-4 ......................................... 295

7    Regional Patterns of Behavior: The Levant ................ 299
7.1  Kebara Cave Unit VI ...................................... 299
     7.1.1  Site Background ................................... 299
     7.1.2  Sampling .......................................... 299
     7.1.3  Blank Production .................................. 303
            Core Modification ................................. 303
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 303
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 303
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 305
     7.1.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 305
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 308
7.2  Boker Tachtit Level 1 .................................... 310
     7.2.1  Site Background ................................... 310
     7.2.2  Sampling .......................................... 310
     7.2.3  Blank Production (A Reply to Marks 2003 and
            Belfer-Cohen and Goring-Morris 2003) .............. 312
            Core Modification ................................. 312
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 312
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 316
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 323
     7.2.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 324
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 325
7.3  Boker Tachtit Level 2 .................................... 326
     7.3.1  Site Background ................................... 326
     7.3.2  Sampling .......................................... 326
     7.3.3  Blank Production .................................. 326
            Core Modification ................................. 326
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 326
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 328
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 332
     7.3.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 333
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 335
7.4  Boker Tachtit Level 4 .................................... 335
     7.4.1  Site Background ................................... 335
     7.4.2  Sampling .......................................... 335
     7.4.3  Blank Production .................................. 339
            Core Modification ................................. 339
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 339
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 339
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 341
     7.4.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 341
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 341
7.5  Kebara Cave Unit IV ...................................... 343
     7.5.1  Site Background ................................... 343
     7.5.2  Sampling .......................................... 345
     7.5.3  Blank Production .................................. 346
            Core Modification ................................. 346
     7.5.1  Platform Maintenance .............................. 346
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 346
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 346
     7.5.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 347
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 347
7.6  Kebara Cave Unit III ..................................... 349
     7.6.1  Site Background ................................... 349
     7.6.2  Sampling .......................................... 349
     7.6.3  Blank Production .................................. 349
            Core Modification ................................. 349
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 351
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 352
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 353
     7.6.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 353
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 354
7.7  Kebara Cave Unit II ...................................... 356
     7.7.1  Site Background ................................... 356
     7.7.2  Sampling .......................................... 356
     7.7.3  Blank Production .................................. 356
            Core Modification ................................. 356
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 358
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 359
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 359
     7.7.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 359
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 361
7.8  Kebara Cave Unit I ....................................... 362
     7.8.1  Site Background ................................... 362
     7.8.2  Sampling .......................................... 362
     7.8.3  Blank Production .................................. 362
            Core Modification ................................. 362
            Platform Maintenance .............................. 364
            Direction of Core Exploitation .................... 364
            Dorsal Surface Convexity .......................... 364
     7.8.4  Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 366
            Intensity of Tool and Core Reduction .............. 366
7.9  Comparison of Levantine Flintknapping Behaviors .......... 368
     7.9.1  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit VI and Boker
            Tachtit Level 1 ................................... 369
            Blank Production .................................. 369
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 371
     7.9.2  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 1 and Boker
            Tachtit Level 2 ................................... 373
            Blank Production .................................. 374
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 377
     7.9.3  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 2 and Kebara
            Cave Unit IV ...................................... 377
            Blank Production .................................. 377
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 379
     7.9.4  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 2 and Boker
            Tachtit Level 4 ................................... 379
            Blank Production .................................. 380
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 382
     7.9.5  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit IV and Unit III .... 383
            Blank Production .................................. 383
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 385
     7.9.6  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit III and Boker
            Tachtit Level 4 ................................... 385
            Blank Production .................................. 386
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 387
     7.9.7  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit III and Unit II .... 387
            Blank Production .................................. 390
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 390
     7.9.8  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit II and Unit I ...... 393
            Blank Production .................................. 393
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 393
7.10 Significance of the Levantine Sequence for Model
     Expectations 1-4 ......................................... 395

8    Inter-Regional Pattern of Change ......................... 399
8.1  Inter-regional Pair-wise Comparisons ..................... 399
     8.1.1  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 1 and Stránská
            skála IIIа Layer 4 ............................... 399
            Blank Production .................................. 401
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 401
     8.1.2  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 1 and Korolevo
            II-II ............................................. 401
            Blank Production .................................. 404
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 406
     8.1.3  Comparison of Stránská skála IIIa Layer 4 and
            Korolevo II-II .................................... 406
            Blank Production .................................. 406
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 408
     8.1.4  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 2 and Stránská
            skála Ша Layer 4 .................................. 411
            Blank Production .................................. 411
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 414
     8.1.5  Comparison of Boker Tachtit Level 2 and Korolevo
            II-II ............................................. 415
            Blank Production .................................. 416
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 416
     8.1.6  Comparison of Kebara Cave Unit I and the
            Aurignacian of Stránská skála Па .................. 418
            Layer 4 and and Ша Layer 3 ........................ 418
            Blank Production .................................. 421
            Tool Kit Morphology ............................... 421
8.2  An Evaluation of the Inter-regional Sequence of Change ... 421
     8.2.1  The Relevance of Regions Not Sampled in this
            Research .......................................... 432

9    Conclusions .............................................. 435
9.1  Results .................................................. 436
9.2  Implications for the Origins of Anatomically Modern
     Humans ................................................... 437
     9.2.1  Symmetric or Asymmetric Transmission .............. 437
     9.2.2  Why did the Bohunician Behavioral Package spread
            between regions? .................................. 438
     9.2.3  Who made the Bohunician Behavioral Package? ....... 439
     9.2.4  Role of the Bohunician Behavioral Package in the
            Danube Corridor Model ............................. 441
9.3  Methodological Contributions of this Research ............ 442
     9.3.1  Paths Not Taken: Alternative Structures of
            Analysis .......................................... 443
9.4  Predictions for Future Research .......................... 447

Appendix: Artifact Illustrations .............................. 449
Endnotes ...................................................... 495
References .................................................... 497
Index ......................................................... 571

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