Honig J.M. Thermodynamics: principles characterizing physical and chemical processes (Oxford, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHonig J.M. Thermodynamics: principles characterizing physical and chemical processes. - 4th ed. - Oxford: Elsevier/AP, 2014. - xiii, 445 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.439-445. - ISBN 978-0-12-416705-6

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Оглавление / Contents
General Commentary ............................................. xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii

CHAPTER 1  Fundamentals ......................................... i
1.1  Introductory Definitions ................................... 1
     Remarks and Queries ........................................ 4
1.2  The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics ........................... 5
     Additional Information ..................................... 8
1.3  Mathematical Apparatus ..................................... 9
     Remarks ................................................... 20
1.4  Thermodynamic Forces ...................................... 20
     Reference ................................................. 21
1.5  Elements of Work .......................................... 21
     Comment and Queries ....................................... 30
1.6  The Element of Work for a System Subjected to
     Electromagnetic Fields .................................... 30
     Remark and Reference ...................................... 32
1.7  The First Law of Thermodynamics ........................... 32
     Reference ................................................. 37
     Notes ..................................................... 37
1.8  The Second Law of Thermodynamics .......................... 38
     Footnotes and Query ....................................... 42
1.9  Consequences of the First and Second Laws ................. 42
     Remarks and Questions ..................................... 50
1.10 Functions of State; Reprise ............................... 51
     Appendix A: Remarks Concerning Irreversible Processes ..... 59
     Appendix B: Time-Dependent Irreversible Processes ......... 60
     Reference ................................................. 64
     Notes ..................................................... 64
1.11 Statements of the Second Law; Thermodynamic Operation
     of Heat Engines; Kelvin and Planck Statements;
     Temperature Scale ......................................... 65
     Exercise .................................................. 67
1.12 Systematization of Results Based on Functions of State .... 67
     Review of Electronic Properties of Metals ................. 87
     Exercises and Remark ...................................... 88
1.13 The Third Law of Thermodynamics ........................... 88
     Remarks and Queries ....................................... 90
1.14 The Gibbs-Duhem Relation and Its Analogs .................. 90
     Query and Reference ....................................... 94
1.15 Heat Capacities; Fundamentals and Applications ............ 94
     Acknowledgment ........................................... 105
     Exercises and Comments ................................... 105
1.16 Effect of Chemical Changes on the Energy of a System ..... 105
     Remarks .................................................. 106
1.17 Stability of a System; Fluctuations ...................... 107
     Appendices ............................................... 114
     Reference ................................................ 115

CHAPTER 2  Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Systems .......... 117
2.1  Equilibrium in a System of Several Components and
     Phases ................................................... 117
     Exercises ................................................ 119
2.2  Achievement of Equilibrium ............................... 120
     Comment and Exercise ..................................... 124
2.3  System of One Component and Several Phases;
     the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation .......................... 124
     Reference and Footnote ................................... 129
2.4  Properties of Ideal Gases ................................ 129
     Exercises ................................................ 134
2.5  Properties of Ideal Solutions in Condensed Phases ........ 134
     Reference ................................................ 136
2.6  The Duhem-Margules Equation and Its Consequences ......... 137
2.7  Temperature Dependence of Composition of Solutions ....... 138
2.8  Lowering of the Freezing Point and Elevation of the
     Boiling Point of a Solution .............................. 139
     Exercise ................................................. 142
2.9  General Description of Chemical Reactions and Chemical
     Equilibrium; Application to Gases ........................ 142
     Remarks .................................................. 148
2.10 Chemical Equilibrium in Homogeneous Condensed Ideal
     Solutions ................................................ 149
     Comments ................................................. 152
2.11 Chemical Equilibrium in Ideal Heterogeneous Systems ...... 152
2.12 Equilibrium between Two Ideal Phases ..................... 154

CHAPTER 3  Characterization of Nonideal Solutions ............. 155
3.0  Introductory Remarks ..................................... 155
3.1  Thermodynamic Treatment of Nonideal Gas Mixtures ......... 155
     Notes and Exercise ....................................... 158
3.2  Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Fugacity of
     a Gas .................................................... 158
3.3  Thermodynamic Description of Real Solutions in the
     Condensed State .......................................... 159
     Query and Reference ...................................... 161
3.4  Characterization of Chemical Equilibrium in Nonideal
     Solutions ................................................ 161
3.5  Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Activities and
     Activity Coefficients .................................... 168
3.6  Determination of Activity Coefficients and Calorimetric
     Quantities in Chemical Processes ......................... 168
     References and Commentary ................................ 181
3.7  Determination of Activities from Freezing Point
     Lowering of Solutions .................................... 181
3.8  Thermodynamic Properties of Nonideal Solutions ........... 184
     Exercises ................................................ 192
     Exercises ................................................ 206
3.9  Dependence of Higher Order Phase Transitions on
     Temperature .............................................. 207
     Exercises and References ................................. 217
3.10 Elements of Order-Disorder Theory and Applications ....... 217
     References ............................................... 229

CHAPTER 4  Thermodynamic Properties of Electrolytes and of
EMF Cells ..................................................... 231
4.0  Introductory Comments .................................... 231
4.1  Activities of Strong Electrolytes ........................ 231
     Exercise and Comment ..................................... 235
4.2  Theoretical Determination of Activities in Electrolyte
     Solutions; the Debye-Hückel Equation ..................... 235
     Comment and Exercises .................................... 237
     Experimental Determination of Activities and Activity
     Coefficients of Strong Electrolytes ...................... 238
     Equilibrium Properties of Weak Electrolytes .............. 240
     Exercise ................................................. 245
4.3  Galvanic Cells ........................................... 245
     Remarks .................................................. 247
4.4  Operation of Galvanic Cells .............................. 247
     Remarks .................................................. 250
4.5  Galvanic Cells; Operational Analysis ..................... 250
4.6  Liquid Junction Potentials ............................... 253
4.7  EMF Dependence on Activities ............................. 254
     Examples of Operating Cells .............................. 255
     Types of Operating Cells ................................. 256
     Queries .................................................. 258
4.8  Thermodynamic Information from Galvanic Cells ............ 258
     Assignment ............................................... 259

CHAPTER 5  Thermodynamic Properties of Materials in
Externally Applied Fields ..................................... 261
5.0  Introductory Comments .................................... 261
5.1  Thermodynamics of Gravitational and Centrifugal Fields ... 261
     Comment and Exercises .................................... 267
5.2  Thermodynamics of Adsorption Processes ................... 267
     References and Exercises ................................. 275
5.3  Heats of Adsorption ...................................... 276
     Reference and Exercises .................................. 280
5.4  Surface vs Bulk Effects: Thermodynamics of Self-
     Assembly ................................................. 281
     References ............................................... 290
5.5  Pressure of Electromagnetic Radiation .................... 290
5.6  Thermodynamic Characterization of Electrodynamic
     Radiation ................................................ 292
     Exercises ................................................ 297
5.7  Effects of Electric Fields on Thermodynamic Properties
     of Matter ................................................ 297
     Reference and Exercises .................................. 302
5.8  Systematization of Electromagnetic Field Effects in
     Thermodynamics ........................................... 302
     Comments and Assignments ................................. 310
5.9  Adiabatic Diamagnetization and Transitions to
     Superconductivity ........................................ 311
5.10 Thermodynamic Characterization of Anisotropic Media ...... 314
     Reference ................................................ 322
5.11 Thermodynamic Properties of Anisotropic Media ............ 322
     Reference and Exercise ................................... 327
5.12 Thermodynamics of Interacting Electron Assemblies ........ 327
     Remarks and References ................................... 335

CHAPTER 6  Irreversible Thermodynamics ........................ 337
6.0  Introductory Comments .................................... 337
6.1  Generalities ............................................. 337
     Notes and Queries ........................................ 345
6.2  Shock Phenomena .......................................... 345
     Exercises ................................................ 351
6.3  Linear Phenomenological Equations ........................ 352
6.4  Steady-State Conditions and Prigogine's Theorem .......... 353
     Comments and Questions ................................... 354
6.5  Onsager Reciprocity Conditions ........................... 355
     Reference ................................................ 356
6.6  Thermomolecular Mechanical Effects ....................... 356
6.7  Electrokinetic Phenomena ................................. 359
     Exercises ................................................ 362
6.8  The Soret Effect ......................................... 363
     Exercises ................................................ 364
6.9  Thermoelectric Effects ................................... 364
     Comments and Exercises ................................... 369
6.10 Irreversible Thermomagnetic Phenomena in Two Dimensions .. 369
     Exercises ................................................ 373

CHAPTER 7  Critical Phenomena ................................. 375
7.0  Introductory Remarks ..................................... 375
7.1  Properties of Materials Near Their Critical Point ........ 375
     Notes and References ..................................... 380
7.2  Homogeneity Requirements, Correlation Lengths, and
     Scaling Properties ....................................... 381
     Footnotes ................................................ 386
7.3  Derivation of Griffith's and Rushbrooke's Inequality ..... 386
     Reference and Exercise ................................... 392
7.4  Scaled Equation of State ................................. 393
     Reference ................................................ 393
7.5  Landau Theory of Critical Phenomena and Phase
     Transitions .............................................. 393
     Reference ................................................ 405

CHAPTER 8  A Final Speculation about Ultimate Temperatures -
A Fourth Law of Thermodynamics? ............................... 407
     Reference ................................................ 408

CHAPTER 9  Reprise to the Second Law. Mathematical Proof
of the Caratheodory's Theorem and Resulting Interpretations ... 409
9.1  Fundamentals ............................................. 409
9.2  Proof of Holonomicity .................................... 411
9.3  Necessary Condition for Establishing the Caratheodory's
     Theorem .................................................. 414
9.4  Relevance to Thermodynamics .............................. 416
9.5  Derivation of the Limiting Form for the Debye-Hückel
     Equation ................................................. 417
     References and Query ..................................... 422

CHAPTER 10 Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics ............. 425
10.1 Distributions and Statistics ............................. 425
10.2 The Boltzmann Relation for the Entropy ................... 429
10.3 Distribution Functions ................................... 429
10.4 Digression on the Concepts of Work and Heat .............. 432
10.5 Statistical Representation of Functions of State ......... 432
10.6 Summary .................................................. 433
10.7 Alternative Statistical Interpretation for Entropy in
     Terms of Properties of a System .......................... 434
     Footnotes ................................................ 436
10.8 Derivation of Curie's Law and Ohm's Law .................. 437

Index ......................................................... 439

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