Padiyar K.R. Structure preserving energy functions in power systems: theory and applications (Boca Raton, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPadiyar K.R. Structure preserving energy functions in power systems: theory and applications. - Boca Raton: CRC press, 2013. - xxi, 358 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.305-314. - Ind.: p.345-358. - ISBN 978-1-4398-7936-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments .............................................. xvii
Author ........................................................ xix
Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................... xxi
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  General ................................................. 1
   1.2  Power System Stability .................................. 2
   1.3  Power System Security ................................... 3
   1.4  Monitoring and Enhancing System Security ................ 6
   1.5  Emergency Control and System Protection ................. 7
   1.6  Application of Energy Functions ......................... 8
   1.7  Scope of This Book ..................................... 14
2  Review of Direct Methods for Transient Stability
   Evaluations for Systems with Simplified Models .............. 17
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 17
   2.2  System Model ........................................... 18
        2.2.1  Synchronous Generators .......................... 18
        2.2.2  Network Equations ............................... 21
        2.2.3  Load Model ...................................... 22
        2.2.4  Expressions for Electrical Power ................ 23
   2.3  Mathematical Preliminaries ............................. 25
        2.3.1  Equilibrium Points .............................. 26
        2.3.2  Stability of Equilibrium Point .................. 27
        2.3.3  Lyapunov Stability .............................. 27
        2.3.4  Theorem on Lyapunov Stability ................... 27
   2.4  Two-Machine System and Equal Area Criterion ............ 30
        2.4.1  Equal Area Criterion ............................ 31
        2.4.2  Energy Function Analysis of an SMIB System ...... 32
   2.5  Lyapunov Functions for Direct Stability Evaluation ..... 34
        2.5.1  Construction of Lyapunov Function ............... 38
   2.6  Energy Functions for Multimachine Power Systems ........ 39
        2.6.1  Characterization of Transient Stability ......... 39
        2.6.2  Center of Inertia Formulations .................. 40
        2.6.3  Energy Function Using COI Formulation ........... 43
   2.7  Estimation of Stability Domain ......................... 44
        2.7.1  Incorporating Transfer Conductances in Energy
               Function ........................................ 44
        2.7.2  Determination of Critical Energy ................ 46
       Single-Machine System .................. 46
       Multimachine System .................... 48
        2.7.3  Potential Energy Boundary Surface ............... 48
        2.7.4  Controlling UEP Method .......................... 50
        2.7.5  BCU Method ...................................... 51
   2.8  Extended Equal Area Criterion .......................... 53
        2.8.1  Formulation ..................................... 53
        2.8.2  Approximation of Faulted Trajectory ............. 54
        2.8.3  Identification of Critical Cluster .............. 55
3  Structure Preserving Energy Functions for Systems with
   Nonlinear Load Models and Generator Flux Decay .............. 57
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 57
   3.2  Structure Preserving Model ............................. 57
   3.3  Inclusion of Voltage-Dependent Power Loads ............. 61
   3.4  SPEF with Voltage-Dependent Load Models ................ 62
        3.4.1  Dynamic Equations of Generator .................. 62
        3.4.2  Load Model ...................................... 63
        3.4.3  Power Flow Equations ............................ 64
        3.4.4  Structure Preserving Energy Functions ........... 64
        3.4.5  Computation of Stability Region ................. 68
   3.5  Case Studies on IEEE Test Systems ...................... 69
        3.5.1  Seventeen-Generator System ...................... 70
        3.5.2  Fifty-Generator System .......................... 74
   3.6  Solution of System Equations during a Transient ........ 76
   3.7  Noniterative Solution of Networks with Nonlinear
        Loads .................................................. 77
        3.7.1  System Equations ................................ 78
        3.7.2  Dynamic Equations of Generators ................. 78
        3.7.3  Power Flow Equations during a Transient ......... 79
        3.7.4  Special Cases ................................... 81
        3.7.5  Solutions of the Quartic Equation ............... 82
        3.7.6  Network Transformation for Decoupling of Load
               Buses ........................................... 83
        3.7.7  Transformation of the Load Characteristics ...... 84
   3.8  Inclusion of Transmission Losses in Energy Function .... 85
        3.8.1  Transformation of a Lossy Network ............... 85
        3.8.2  Structure Preserving Energy Function
               Incorporating Transmission Line Resistances ..... 87
   3.9  SPEF for Systems with Generator Flux Decay ............. 90
        3.9.1  System Model .................................... 90
       Generator Model ........................ 91
       Load Model ............................. 92
       Power Flow Equations ................... 92
       Structure Preserving Energy Function ... 93
        3.9.3  Example ......................................... 96
   3.10 Network Analogy for System Stability Analysis .......... 97
4  Structure Preserving Energy Functions for Systems with
   Detailed Generator and Load Models ......................... 105
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   4.2  System Model .......................................... 106
        4.2.1  Generator Model ................................ 106
        4.2.2  Excitation System Model ........................ 107
        4.2.3  Load Model ..................................... 108
        4.2.4  Power Flow Equations ........................... 108
   4.3  Structure Preserving Energy Function with Detailed
        Generator Models ...................................... 109
        4.3.1  Structure Preserving Energy Function ........... 109
        4.3.2  Simpler Expression for SPEF .................... 112
   4.4  Numerical Examples .................................... 114
        4.4.1  SMIB System .................................... 114
        4.4.2  Ten-Generator, 39-Bus New England Test System .. 115
        4.4.3  Variation of Total Energy and Its Components ... 121
   4.5  Modeling of Dynamic Loads ............................. 122
        4.5.1  Induction Motor Model .......................... 124
        4.5.2  Voltage Instability in Induction Motors ........ 126
        4.5.3  Simpler Models of Induction Motors ............. 128
        4.5.4  Energy Function Analysis of Synchronous and
               Voltage Stability .............................. 128
       Computation of Equilibrium Points ..... 130
       Computation of Energy at UEP .......... 132
        4.5.5  Dynamic Load Models in Multimachine Power
               Systems ........................................ 135
   4.6  New Results on SPEF Based on Network Analogy .......... 136
        4.6.1  Potential Energy Contributed by Considering
               the Two-Axis Model of the Synchronous
               Generator ...................................... 140
   4.7  Unstable Modes and Parametric Resonance ............... 144
        4.7.1  Normal Forms ................................... 145
        4.7.2  Fast Fourier Transform of Potential Energy ..... 146
       Results of the Case Study ............. 146
5  Structure Preserving Energy Functions for Systems with
   HVDC and FACTS Controllers ................................. 149
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 149
   5.2  HVDC Power Transmission Links ......................... 149
        5.2.1  HVDC Systems and Energy Functions .............. 149
        5.2.2  HVDC System Model .............................. 150
       Converter Model ....................... 150
       DC Network Equations .................. 152
       Converter Control Model ............... 152
        5.2.3  AC System Model ................................ 155
       Generator Model ....................... 155
       Load Model ............................ 156
       AC Network Equations .................. 156
        5.2.4  Structure Preserving Energy Function ........... 156
        5.2.5  Example ........................................ 160
       Auxiliary Controller .................. 161
       Emergency Controller .................. 162
       Case Study and Results ................ 162
   5.3  Static Var Compensator ................................ 163
        5.3.1  Description .................................... 163
        5.3.2  Control Characteristics and Modeling of SVC
               Controller ..................................... 164
        5.3.3  Network Solution with SVC: Application of
               Compensation Theorem ........................... 166
       Calculation of Φsvc in Control Region .. 167
       Network Solution ...................... 168
        5.3.4  Potential Energy Function for SVC .............. 169
        5.3.5  Example ........................................ 171
        5.3.6  Case Study of New England Test System .......... 172
       Network Calculation with Multiple
                        SVCs .................................. 173
       Structure Preserving Energy Function .. 174
       Results and Discussion ................ 175
   5.4  Static Synchronous Compensator ........................ 175
        5.4.1  General ........................................ 175
        5.4.2  Modeling of a STATCOM .......................... 176
        5.4.3  STATCOM Controller ............................. 178
        5.4.4  Potential Energy Function for a STATCOM ........ 180
   5.5  Series-Connected FACTS Controllers .................... 181
        5.5.1  Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor .......... 182
       Power Scheduling Control .............. 182
       Power Swing Damping Control ........... 183
       Transient Stability Control ........... 183
        5.5.2  Static Synchronous Series Compensator .......... 184
   5.6  Potential Energy in a Line with Series FACTS
        Controllers ........................................... 185
        5.6.1  Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor .......... 186
        5.6.2  Static Synchronous Series Compensator .......... 187
        5.6.3  Potential Energy in the Presence of CC and CA
               Controllers .................................... 188
       Potential Energy with CC Control ...... 188
       Potential Energy with CA Control ...... 189
   5.7  Unified Power Flow Controller ......................... 189
        5.7.1  Description .................................... 189
        5.7.2  Energy Function with Unified Power Flow
               Controller ..................................... 191
6  Detection of Instability Based on Identification of
   Critical Cutsets ........................................... 195
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 195
   6.2  Basic Concepts ........................................ 196
   6.3  Prediction of the Critical Cutset ..................... 198
        6.3.1  Analysis ....................................... 198
        6.3.2  Case Study ..................................... 203
        6.3.3  Discussion ..................................... 203
   6.4  Detection of Instability by Monitoring Critical
        Cutset ................................................ 203
        6.4.1  Criterion for Instability ...................... 204
        6.4.2  Modification of the Instability Criterion ...... 206
   6.5  Algorithm for Identification of Critical Cutset ....... 207
   6.6  Prediction of Instability ............................. 209
   6.7  Case Studies .......................................... 210
        6.7.1  Ten-Generator New England Test System .......... 210
        6.7.2  Seventeen-Generator IEEE Test System ........... 213
        6.7.3  Discussion ..................................... 214
   6.8  Study of a Practical System ........................... 215
        6.8.1  Discussion ..................................... 217
   6.9  Adaptive System Protection ............................ 219
        6.9.1  Discussion ..................................... 225
7  Sensitivity Analysis for Dynamic Security and Preventive
   Control Using Damping Controllers Based on FACTS ........... 227
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 227
   7.2  Basic Concepts in Sensitivity Analysis ................ 228
   7.3  Dynamic Security Assessment Based on Energy Margin .... 229
        7.3.1  Transient Energy Margin ........................ 229
        7.3.2  Computation of Energy Margin ................... 229
       Evaluation of Path-Dependent
                        Integrals ............................. 231
       Computation of Energy Margin Based
                        on Critical Cutsets ................... 231
   7.4  Energy Margin Sensitivity ............................. 232
        7.4.1  Application to Structure Preserving Model ...... 232
   7.5  Trajectory Sensitivity ................................ 235
        7.5.1  Sensitivity to Initial Condition Variations .... 235
        7.5.2  Discussion ..................................... 236
   7.6  Energy Function-Based Design of Damping Controllers ... 236
        7.6.1  Series FACTS Controllers ....................... 237
       Linearized System Equations ........... 238
       Synthesis of the Control Signal ....... 242
       Case Study of a 10-Machine System ..... 244
        7.6.2  Shunt FACTS Controllers ........................ 245
       Linear Network Model for Reactive
                        Current ............................... 247
   7.7  Damping Controllers for UPFC .......................... 251
        7.7.1  Discussion ..................................... 254
8  Application of FACTS Controllers for Emergency Control—1 ... 255
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 255
   8.2  Basic Concepts ........................................ 256
   8.3  Switched Series Compensation .......................... 257
        8.3.1  Time-Optimal Control ........................... 257
   8.4  Control Strategy for a Two-Machine System ............. 260
   8.5  Comparative Study of TCSC and SSSC .................... 264
        8.5.1  Control Strategy ............................... 265
   8.6  Discrete Control of STATCOM ........................... 269
   8.7  Discrete Control of UPFC .............................. 272
        8.7.1  Application of Control Strategy to SMIB
               System with UPFC ............................... 278
        8.7.2  Discussion ..................................... 278
   8.8  Improvement of Transient Stability by Static Phase-
        Shifting Transformer .................................. 280
   8.9  Emergency Control Measures ............................ 282
        8.9.1  Controlled System Separation and Load
               Shedding ....................................... 283
        8.9.2  Generator Tripping ............................. 284
9  Application of FACTS Controllers for Emergency Control-II .. 285
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 285
   9.2  Discrete Control Strategy ............................. 285
   9.3  Case Study I: Application of TCSC ..................... 289
        9.3.1  Fault at Bus 26: Without Line Tripping ......... 289
        9.3.2  Fault at Bus 26: Cleared by Line Tripping ...... 292
   9.4  Case Study II: Application of UPFC .................... 292
        9.4.1  Single UPFC .................................... 293
        9.4.2  Multiple UPFC .................................. 298
        9.4.3  Practical Implementation ....................... 299
   9.5  Discussion and Directions for Further Research ........ 302

References .................................................... 305
Appendix A: Synchronous Generator Model ....................... 315
Appendix B: Boundary of Stability Region: Theoretical
            Results ........................................... 327
Appendix С: Network Solution for Transient Stability
            Analysis .......................................... 331
Appendix D: Data for 10-Generator System ...................... 341

Index ......................................................... 345

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