Forschungsbericht; 2014-17 (Koln, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFuchte J.C. Enhancement of aircraft cabin design guidelines with special consideration of aircraft turnaround and short range operations: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Einrichtung Lufttransportsysteme, Hamburg. - Köln: DLR, 2014. - x, 140 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-17). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.127-132. - Пер. загл.: Рекомендации по проектированию самолета: расширение салона с учетом поворота сидений и ширины прохода. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation .............................................. 1
   1.2  Research Objectives ..................................... 7
   1.3  Methodology ............................................. 9
   1.4  Work Overview .......................................... 11
2  Fuselage Design and Aircraft Turnaround ..................... 13
   2.1  Introduction to Fuselage Design ........................ 13
        2.1.1  Basic Considerations ............................ 13
        2.1.2  Seat Capacity ................................... 14
        2.1.3  Seat Arrangement ................................ 16
   2.2  Elementary Fuselage Sizing ............................. 16
   2.3  Seats Abreast in History and Literature ................ 21
        2.3.1  Literature and Recent Research .................. 22
        2.3.2  Existing Designs ................................ 23
        2.3.3  Concepts of Short Range Twin Aisles ............. 24
   2.4  Turnaround Time: Basics, Concepts for Reduction and
        Literature Review ...................................... 25
        2.4.1  Turnaround Basics ............................... 26
        2.4.2  Operational Concepts, Infrastructure and
               Changed Aircraft ................................ 28
        2.4.3  Boarding Strategies ............................. 29
        2.4.4  Comparable Research Studies ..................... 31
   2.5  Comfort Considerations ................................. 32
3  Description of Applied Methods .............................. 35
   3.1  Fuselage and Cabin Design .............................. 37
        3.1.1  Fuselage and Cabin Design Tool .................. 37
        3.1.2  Structural Mass Estimation ...................... 40
        3.1.3  Non-Structural Mass Estimation .................. 47
        3.1.4  Conclusion ...................................... 51
   3.2  Boarding and Turnaround Simulation ..................... 52
        3.2.1  Existing Tools .................................. 52
        3.2.2  The Boarding Simulation ......................... 53
        3.2.3  Important Features of the Boarding Simulation ... 57
        3.2.4  Validation of the Simulation .................... 64
        3.2.5  Correlation with Actual Boarding Times .......... 66
        3.2.6  Deboarding Simulation ........................... 67
        3.2.7  Turnaround Time Estimation ...................... 68
        3.2.8  Conclusion ...................................... 69
   3.3  Aircraft Design ........................................ 71
        3.3.1  Aircraft Design Method .......................... 72
        3.3.2  Validation ...................................... 78
        3.3.3  Conclusion ...................................... 80
   3.4  Mission Performance and Cost Estimation ................ 81
        3.4.1  Mission Performance ............................. 81
        3.4.2  Cost Estimation ................................. 82
        3.4.3  Ground Handling Cost Model ...................... 84
4  Designs and Results ......................................... 87
   4.1  Cross Section and Fuselage Layouts ..................... 87
        4.1.1  Cross Sections .................................. 87
        4.1.2  Cabin Layout .................................... 89
        4.1.3  Fuselage Layout ................................. 90
        4.1.4  Results ......................................... 91
   4.2  Boarding and Turnaround Simulation Results ............. 94
        4.2.1  Studied Scenarios ............................... 94
        4.2.2  Results of Static Scenarios ..................... 94
        4.2.3  Quarter Door Effect ............................. 98
        4.2.4  Effect of Dual Door Boarding ................... 100
        4.2.5  Effect of Enlarged Door ........................ 100
        4.2.6  Results of Randomized Input Settings ........... 101
        4.2.7  Complete Turnaround Times ...................... 103
   4.3  Aircraft Design Results ............................... 105
        4.3.1  Mission Requirements ........................... 105
        4.3.2  Sizing Results ................................. 106
        4.3.3  Direct Operating Cost .......................... 108
5  Findings and Analysis ...................................... 111
   5.1  Direct Operating Cost Assessment ...................... 111
   5.2  Utilization ........................................... 113
   5.3  Assessment Strategy ................................... 114
   5.4  Standard Scenario ..................................... 115
   5.5   Alternative Scenarios ................................ 116
        5.5.1  Scenario 2: Increased Fuel Price ............... 116
        5.5.2  Scenario 3: Reduced Load Factor ................ 117
        5.5.3  Scenario 4: Dual Door Board ing ................ 118
        5.5.4  Scenario 5: Quarter Door ....................... 119
        5.5.5  Wide Aisle ..................................... 120
        5.5.6  Enlarged Door .................................. 120
   5.6   General Finding ...................................... 120
6  Summary and Conclusion ..................................... 123
   6.1  Work Summary .......................................... 123
   6.2  Usage of Results and Possible Future Work ............. 124
   6.3  Conclusion ............................................ 125
   Bibliography ............................................... 127
A Appendix .................................................... 133
   A.l  Abbreviations ......................................... 133
   A.2  List of Symbols ....................................... 134
   A.3  Three-View Drawing .................................... 136
   A.4  Studied Cross Sections ................................ 137
   A.5  Regression of Boarding, Deboarding, Turnaround Times .. 138

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