Forschungsbericht; 2014-20 (Koln: DLR, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCumnuantip S. Landing gear positioning and structural mass optimization for a large blended wing body aircraft: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Aeroelastik, Göttingen. - Köln: DLR, 2014. - 139 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-20). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.122-126. - Пер. загл.: Установка шасси и оптимизация массы констукции для плавного сопряжения крыла с фюзеляжем большого самолета. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................... 1
1.1  Motivation: Landing Gear Conceptual Design for an 
     Unconventional Aircraft Configuration ...................... 1
1.2  Solution Proposal: An Integrated Multidisciplinary 
     Optimization Process for the Conceptual Design of the 
     Landing Gear System of an Unconventional Aircraft .......... 3
1.3  Contents of the Thesis ..................................... 4

Chapter 2: Current State-of-the-Art in Landing Gear System 
Conceptual Design ............................................... 7
2.1  Introduction ............................................... 7
2.2  Aircraft Landing Gear System: Function, Requirements and 
     Configuration .............................................. 7
     2.2.1  Landing Gear System Function and Requirements ....... 7
     2.2.2  Landing Gear Configurations ......................... 8
     2.2.3  Landing Gear Layout Constraints: Operational 
            Requirements ........................................ 9
2.3  Landing Gear Energy Absorption/Transfer Component: The
     Shock Absorber ............................................ 11
2.4  Conventional Landing Gear Design Process .................. 13
2.5  State-of-the-Art in Landing Gear Conceptual Ground Loads
     Determination ............................................. 15
     2.5.1  Landing Loads ...................................... 16
     2.5.2  Ground-Handling Loads .............................. 17
2.6  State-of-the-Art in Landing Gear Conceptual Weight 
     Estimation ................................................ 18
     2.6.1  Empirical Approach ................................. 18
     2.6.2  Analytical Approach ................................ 19
2.7  Landing Gear Ground Load Effect on the Aircraft 
     Structure: Conceptual Design Level Perspective ............ 21
2.8  Shortcoming of the Conventional Design Process 
     Capabilities .............................................. 22
     2.8.1  Shortcomings of Landing Gear Ground Load 
            Determination ...................................... 22
     2.8.2  Shortcomings of Landing Gear System Weight
            Estimation ......................................... 23
2.9  Simulation in Landing Gear Design ......................... 24

Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Multi-Body Simulation and
Multidisciplinary Optimization ................................. 26
3.1  Multi-Body Simulation ..................................... 26
     3.1.1  Overview ........................................... 26
     3.1.2  Fundamentals of Multi-Body Simulation .............. 27
     3.1.3  Multi-Body System Coordinates ...................... 29
     3.1.4  Multi-Body Simulation Algorithms ................... 30
     3.1.5  Numerical Integration .............................. 30
     3.1.6  MBS in Aircraft Ground Dynamics .................... 31
     3.1.7  Methods of Modelling Aerodynamic Effects in MBS .... 31
     3.1.8  MBS Simulation Tool: SIMPACK®, a Brief 
            Description ........................................ 33
3.2  Multidisciplinary Optimization, MDO ....................... 35
     3.2.1  Optimization Task Definition ....................... 35
     3.2.2  Type of Optimization Design Level: Sizing, Shape 
            and Topology Optimization .......................... 36
     3.2.3  Overview of Optimization Methods ................... 40
3.3  MDO Aspects Concerning Landing Gear System
     Conceptual Design ......................................... 42
     3.3.1  Selection of the Optimization Algorithm for the 
            Landing Gear Configuration Design Problem .......... 42
     3.3.2  Process Efficiency Improvement: a Pragmatical 
            Approach ........................................... 44
3.4  Evolutionary Algorithm .................................... 44
     3.4.1  The Principle ...................................... 44
     3.4.2  Components of Evolutionary Algorithm ............... 45

Chapter 4: An Integrated Multidisciplinary Optimization 
Process for the Conceptual Design of the Landing Gear System
of an Unconventional Aircraft .................................. 51
4.1  Conceptual Design of Landing Gear Systems: A New Design 
     Opportunity for the BWB ................................... 51
4.2  Solution Proposal ......................................... 52
4.3  Implemented Process Formulation ........................... 55
     4.3.1  Process Diagram .................................... 55
     4.3.2  Shock Absorber Parameter Database: a 'Two-Mass' 
            Model Application .................................. 56
     4.3.3  Aircraft Structural Model Representation: 
            Alternatives and Selection ......................... 57

Chapter 5: Simulation Model .................................... 60
5.1  Introduction .............................................. 60
5.2  Aircraft Modeling for a Multi-Body Simulation ............. 60
     5.2.1  Aircraft as a Multi-Body System .................... 60
     5.2.2  Landing Scenarios .................................. 62
     5.2.3  Landing Simulation and Aerodynamic Force Routines .. 62
5.3  Landing Gear Modeling for a Multi-Body Simulation ......... 64
     5.3.1  Modeling of a Rigid Landing Gear Model ............. 64
     5.3.2  Force Elements in the Landing Gear Model ........... 67
5.4  An Analytical Landing Gear Conceptual Design and Weight
     Estimation ................................................ 69
     5.4.1  Introduction ....................................... 69
     5.4.2  Tool Capability and Limitation ..................... 70
     5.4.3  Static Load Calculation ............................ 71
     5.4.4  Ground Maneuver Stability Margin of Safety 
            Calculation and Landing Gear Length Design ......... 71
     5.4.5  Tire Selection and Wheel Weight Calculation ........ 72
     5.4.6  Dynamic Loads Calculation .......................... 73
     5.4.7  Resolution of Ground Loads into the Structure ...... 75
     5.4.8  Stress Analysis, Structural Sizing and Mass
            Calculation ........................................ 76
5.5  Landing Gear Two-Mass Model: Generation of the Shock 
     Absorber Parameter Pre-Designed Database .................. 78
     5.5.1  Introduction ....................................... 78
     5.5.2  Shock Absorber Parameter Optimization .............. 78
5.6  Aircraft Landing Gear Bay Structure Modeling for 
     Conceptual Weight Estimation .............................. 83
     5.6.1  Introduction: Review of the Current Proposal for 
            the BWB Structural Concepts ........................ 83
     5.6.2  Implemented BWB Landing Gear Bay Conceptual FEM .... 85

Chapter 6: Applications and Results ............................ 89
6.1  Introduction .............................................. 89
6.2  Process Generation: Integration under an MDO Platform ..... 89
6.3  Validation of the Landing Gear Analytical Design Tool ..... 91
     6.3.1  Landing Gear Component Weight Validation ........... 92
     6.3.2  Landing Gear Component Structural Stability 
            Validation ......................................... 94
6.4  Validation of the Overall Landing Gear System Design
     Process ................................................... 95
     6.4.1  Verification Design Case: Conceptual Re-design of 
            the Future Mass Transport Aircraft Landing Gear .... 95
     6.4.2  Verification Results ............................... 96
     6.4.3  Discussion of Result ............................... 98
6.5  Process Application: Conceptual Design of the Landing 
     Gear System of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft ............... 99
     6.5.1  Application Aircraft ............................... 99
     6.5.2  MLG Position Topology: Results and Discussion of 
            Results ........................................... 103
     6.5.3  MLG system Mass, MLG Bay (Aircraft Structure) 
            Mass and Total System Mass: Results and
            Discussion of Results ............................. 108
     6.5.4  MLG System Mass Trend: Results and Discussion of
            Results ........................................... 111
     6.5.5  Optimization Process Flow: Result and Discussion
            of Result ......................................... 113

Chapter 7: Conclusion ......................................... 118
7.1  Summary .................................................. 118
7.2  Contributions ............................................ 119
     7.2.1  A Proposal for the Number of MLG and the MLG 
            Location for the BWB .............................. 119
     7.2.2  Conceptual Ground Loads Determination of the BWB .. 119
     7.2.3  Main Landing Gear System Mass Prediction for the
            BWB Aircraft ...................................... 119
     7.2.4  Ground Loads Effects on the Blended Aircraft
            Structure of the BWB Aircraft ..................... 120
7.3  Outlook .................................................. 120

Bibliography .................................................. 122

Appendix A: Aircraft Tire Database ............................ 127
Appendix B: Process Formulation Alternatives .................. 129
Appendix C: The Analytical Landing Gear Conceptual Design
            Tool Input and Output ............................. 132
Appendix D: The Ground-Handling Loads Calculation ............. 134

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