Comparative magnetic minima: characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars (Cambridge; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаComparative magnetic minima: characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars: proc. of the 286th Symp. of the Intern. astron. union held in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, Oct. 3-7, 2011 / ed. by C.H.Mandrini, D.F.Webb. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge univ. press, 2012. - xvii, 460 p.: ill. - (IAU symposium proceedings series; N 286). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth., sub. ind.: p.457-460. - Пер. загл.: Сравнительные магнитные минимумы: характеристика спокойных периодов времени на Солнце и звездах. - ISBN 978-1-107-01986-7

Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... x
Organizing committee .......................................... xii
Conference photograph ........................................ xiii
Conference participants ....................................... xvi

Session 1: Solar and Stellar Minima
Chairs: H. Cremades & S. Gibson
The nature and significance of solar minima ..................... 3
E. Priest (Keynote)
Solar and stellar activity: diagnostics and indices ............ 15
P.G. Judge & M.J. Thompson (Invited)
How well do we know the sunspot number? ........................ 27
L. Svalgaard (Solicited)

Session 2: Dynamos and Cycle Variability
Chairs: D. Gómez & G. Guerrero
Cycles and cycle modulations ................................... 37
A. Brandenburg & G. Guerrero (Invited)
Magnetic helicity fluxes and their effect on stellar dynamos ... 49
S. Candelaresi & A. Brandenburg (Contributed)
Modeling the solar cycle: what the future holds ................ 54
D. Nandy (Invited)
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the Tayler 
instability .................................................... 65
F. Del Sordo, A. Bonanno, A. Brandenburg & 
D. Mitra (Contributed)
Magnetic feature tracking, what determines the speed? .......... 70
G. Guerrero, M. Rheinhardt & M. Dikpati (Poster)

Session 3: Comparative Solar Minima from Sun to Earth
Chairs: M. Haberreiter, A. Tatlov & D. Webb
Helioseismology - a clear view of the interior n ............... 77
Y. Eisworth, A.-M. Broomhall & W. Chaplin (Invited)
Reconstruction of magnetic field surges to the poles from 
sunspot impulses ............................................... 88
N. Zolotova & D. Ponyavin (Contributed) 
The Ni I lines in the solar spectrum ........................... 93
M.C. Vieytes, P.J.D. Mauas & J.M. Fontenla (Contributed)
Towards the reconstruction of the EUV irradiance for solar 
Cycle 23 ....................................................... 97
M. Haberreiter (Contributed)
Polar magnetic fields and coronal holes during the recent 
solar minima .................................................. 101
G. de Toma (Invited)
Global magnetic fields: variation of solar minima ............. 113
A. Tlatov & V. Obridko (Invited)
The 3D solar minimum with differential emission measure 
tomography .................................................... 123
A. M. Vásquez, R.A. Frazin, Z. Huang, W.B. Manchester IV &
P. Shearer (Invited)
The role of streamers in the deflection of coronal mass 
ejections ..................................................... 134
F.P. Zuccarello, A. Bemporad, C. Jacobs, M. Mierla, 
S. Poedts & F. Zuccarello (Contributed)
Magnetic clouds along the solar cycle: expansion and 
magnetic helicity ............................................. 139
S. Dasso, P. Démoulin & A.M. Gulisano (Invited)
Coronal transients during two solar minima: their source 
regions and interplanetary counterparts ....................... 149
H. Cremades, С.H. Mandrini & S. Dasso (Contributed)
Coronal ejections from convective spherical shell dynamos ..... 154
J. Warnecke, P.J. Käpylä, M.J. Mantere & A. Brandenburg 
Dynamic evolution of interplanetary shock waves driven by 
CMEs .......................................................... 159
P. Corona-Romero & J.A. Gonzalez-Esparza (Contributed)
Dynamical evolution of anisotropies of the solar wind 
magnetic turbulent outer scale ................................ 164
M.E. Ruiz, S. Dasso, W.H. Matthaeus, E. Marsch & 
J.M. Weygand ( Contributed)
Interplanetary conditions: lessons from this minimum .......... 168
J. Luhmann, С.O. Lee, P. Riley, L.К. Jian, С.T. Russell &
G. Petrie (Invited)
The floor in the solar wind: status report .................... 179
E.W. Cliver (Solicited)
Probing the heliosphere with the directional anisotropy of 
galactic cosmic-ray intensity ................................. 185
K. Munakata (Invited)
Search for solar energetic particle signals in the Mexico 
City neutron monitor database ................................. 195
B. Vargas-Cárdenas & J.F. Valdés-Galicia (Contributed)
Extremely low geomagnetic activity during the recent deep 
solar cycle minimum ........................................... 200
E. Echer, В.T. Tsurutani & W.D. Gonzalez (Invited)
A porcupine Sun? Implications for the solar wind and Earth .... 210
S.E. Gibson & L. Zhao (Contributed)
Modeling of the atmospheric response to a strong decrease
of the solar activity ......................................... 215
E. Rozanov, T. Egorova, A. Shapiro & W. Schmutz (Invited)
Coronal Mass Ejection deflection in the corona during the 
two last solar minima ......................................... 225
F. M. López, H. Cremades & L. Balmaceda (Poster)
High-speed streams in the solar wind during the last solar 
minimum ....................................................... 229
G. Maris, O. Maris, С. Oprea & M. Mierla (Poster)
Geomagnetic effects on cosmic ray propagation for different 
conditions .................................................... 234
J.J. Masías-Meza, X. Bertou & S. Dasso (Poster)
The 3D solar corona Cycle 24 rising phase from SDO/AIA 
tomography .................................................... 238
F.A. Nuevo, A.M. Vásquez, R.A. Frazin, Z. Huang & 
W.B. Manchester IV (Poster)
Earth-directed coronal mass ejections and their 
geoeffectiveness during the 2007-2010 interval ................ 242
C. Oprea, M. Mierla & G. Maris (Poster)
Evolution of a very complex active region during the decay 
phase of Cycle 23 ............................................. 246
M. Poisson, M. López-Fuentes, С. H. Mandrini, P. Démoulin &
E. Pariat (Poster)
Very intense geomagnetic storms: solar sources, 
characteristics and cycle distribution ........................ 250
N.S. Szajko, G. Cristiani, С.H. Mandrini & A. Dal Lago 

Session 4: Stellar Cycles
Chairs: С.H. Mandrini & A. Valio
Stellar cycles: general properties and future directions ...... 257
M. Giampapa (Invited)
Investigating stellar surface rotation using observations of 
starspots ..................................................... 268
H. Korhonen (Invited)
Modulated stellar and solar cycles: parallels and 
differences ................................................... 279
K. Oláh, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi & K.G. Strassmeier 
The solar wind in time ........................................ 286
J.L. Linsky, В.E. Wood & S. Redfield (Contributed)
Stellar activity cycles in a model for magnetic flux 
generation and transport ...................................... 291
E. Işik (Contributed)
Magnetic activity of cool stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell
diagram	 ....................................................... 296
J.H.M.M. Schmitt (Invited)
Semi-empirical modelling of stellar magnetic activity ......... 307
A. Valio (Invited)
12 years of stellar activity observations in Argentina ........ 317
P.J.D. Mauas, A. Buccino, R. D&iacutte;az, M. Vieytes, R. Petrucci,
E. Jofre, X. Abrevaya, M. L. Luoni & P. Valenzuela
A statistical analysis of Ha-Ca II relation for solar-type 
stars of different activity levels ............................ 324
A.P. Buccino, M.C. Vieytes & P.J.D. Mauas (Poster)
Precise effective temperatures of solar analog stars .......... 328
D. Cornejo-Espinoza, I. Ramírez, P.S. Barklem & 
W. Guevara-Day (Poster)

Session 5: Grand Minima and Historical Records
Chairs: A. Dal Lago & I. Usoskin
Stars in magnetic grand minima: where are they and what are
they like? .................................................... 335
S.H. Saar & P. Testa (Invited)
Soft X-ray emission as diagnostics for Maunder minimum stars .. 346
K. Poppenhaeger & J.H.M.M. Schmitt (Contributed)
Dynamo models of grand minima ................................. 350
A. R. Choudhuri (Invited)
A model for grand minima and geomagnetic reversals ............ 360
D.D. Sokoloff, G.S. Sobko, V.I. Trukhin & V.N. Zadkov
Is meridional circulation important in modelling 
irregularities of the solar cycle? ............................ 367
B. B. Karak & A.R. Choudhuri (Contributed)
Grand minima of solar activity during the last millennia ...... 372
I.G. Usoskin, S.K. Solanki & G.A. Kovaltsov (Invited)
Historical records of solar grand minima: a review ............ 383
J.M. Vaquero (Invited)
Effects of solar variability on planetary plasma 
environments and habitability ................................. 393
C.  Bertucci (Invited)
Flares and habitability ....................................... 405
X.C. Abrevaya, E. Cortón & P.J.D. Mauas (Contributed)
Potential energy stored by planets and grand minima events .... 410
R.G. Cionco (Poster)
A new imminent grand minimum? ................................. 414
R.G. Cionco & R.H. Compagnucci (Poster)
Long term relation between solar activity and surface 
temperature at different geographical regions ................. 418
M.P. Souza-Echer, W.D. Gonzalez, E. Echer, D.J.R. Nordemann
& N.R. Rigozo (Poster)
Parallels among the "music scores" of solar cycles, space 
weather and Earth's climate ................................... 423
Z. Kolláth, K. Oláh & L. van Driel-Gesztelyi (Poster)
Climate interaction mechanism between solar activity and 
terrestrial biota ............................................. 427
J. Osorio-Rosales & B. Mendoza (Poster)

Session 6: General Topics
A cellular automaton model for coronal heating ................ 433
M.C. López-Fuentes & J.A. Klimchuk (Poster)
Magneto-seismology of solar atmospheric loops by means of 
longitudinal oscillations ..................................... 437
M. Luna-Cardozo, G. Verth & R. Erdályi (Poster)
TTVs study in southern stars .................................. 441
R. Petrucci, E. Jofrá, M. Schwartz, A. Buccino & 
P.J.D. Mauas (Poster)
The LAGO (Large Aperture GRB Observatory) in Peru ............. 445
E. Tueros-Cuadros, L. Otiniano, J. Chirinos, C. Soncco & 
W. Guevara-Day (Poster)
Seeing measurement on Sasahuine mountain, Moquegua, Peru ...... 448
C. Ferradas-Alva, G. Ferrero, M. Huamán, W. Guevara-Day, 
E. Meza, J. Samanes & P. Becerra (Poster)
Creating a sunspot database at the Solar Observatory of lea
National University in Perú ................................... 452
L. Martínez-Meneses (Poster)
A solar station in Ica - Mutsumi Ishitsuka: a research 
center to improve education at the university and schools ..... 454
R. Terrazas-Ramos (Poster)

Author index .................................................. 457
Subject index ................................................. 459

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