Advances in statistical modeling and inference: essays in honor of Kjell (Hackensack, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in statistical modeling and inference: essays in honor of Kjell A.Doksum / ed. by V.Nair. - Hackensack: World sci., 2007. - xxiv, 673 p.: ill. - (Series in biostatistics; vol.3). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Sub. ind.: p.671-673. - Пер. загл.: Достижения в области статистического моделирования и статистических выводов. - ISBN 978-981-270-369-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Kjell Doksum: Family, Career, and Contributions ................ xv
Reminiscences of a 40-year Friendship ....................... xxiii
   Peter J. Bichel

Part 0: Statistics and Soccer ................................... 1
1  Modelling Some Norwegian Soccer Data ......................... 3
   David R. Brillinger

Part 1: Survival Analysis ...................................... 21
2  Stochastic Processes in Survival Analysis ................... 23
   Odd O. Aålen & Hakon K. Gjessing
3  Correspondences Between Regression Models for Complex
   Binary Outcomes and Those for Structured Multivariate
   Survival Analyses ........................................... 45
   Nicholas P. Jewell
4  Using Martingale Residuals to Assess Goodness-of-Fit for
   Sampled Risk Set Data ....................................... 65
   0rnulf Borgern & Bryan Langholz

Part 2: Reliability Techniques ................................. 91
5  Reliability and Survival in Financial Risk .................. 93
   Nozer D. Singpurwalla
6  Signature-Related Results on System Lifetimes .............. 115
   Henry W. Block, Michael R. Dugas & Francisco J. Samaniego
7  Stochastic Orders Based on Total Time on Test Transform .... 131
   Xiaohu Li & Moshe Shaked

Part 3: Semiparametric Methods ................................ 145
8  Adaptively Denoising Discrete Two-Way Layouts .............. 147
   Rudolf Beran
9  Inferences for Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models
   with Serially Correlated Errors ............................ 175
   Jihong You & Jiancheng Jiang
10 Semi-Linear Index Model When the Linear Covariates and
   Indices are Independent .................................... 197
   Yun Sam Chong, Jane-Ling Wang & Lixing Zhu
11 On Single Index Regression Models for Multivariate
   Survival Times ............................................. 223
   Probal Chaudhuri
12 Aggregation of Density Estimators and Dimension Reduction .. 233
   Alexander Samarov & Alexandre Tsybakov

Part 4: Transformation Models ................................. 253
13 A Sturm-Liouville Problem in Semiparametric
   Transformation Models ...................................... 255
   Chris A. J. Klaassen
14 Estimation for the Semiparametric Transformation
   Model for Survival Data and Extensions ..................... 277
   Thomas H. Scheike
15 Statistical Issues Involved with Extending Standard
   Models ..................................................... 299
   Jeremy M.G. Taylor & Ning Liu

Part 5: Nonparametric Regression .............................. 313
l6 Linearly Unbiased Estimation of Conditional Moment
   and Correlation Functions .................................. 315
   Hans-Georg Müller
17 Serial Autoregression and Regression Rank Scores
   Statistics ................................................. 335
   Marc Hallin, Jana Jureckovд & Hira L. Koul
18 A New Convolution Estimator for Nonparametric Regression ... 363
   Board Støve & Dag Tjøstheim

Part 6: Clustering and Mixture Models ......................... 385
19 Semiparametric and Nonparametric Gene Mapping .............. 387
   Fei Zou, Brian S. Yandell & Jason P. Fine
20 Model-Based Clustering and Weighted Chinese Restaurant
   Processes .................................................. 405
   John W. Lau & Albert Y. Lo
21 Neutral-to-the-Right Species Sampling Mixture Models ....... 425
   Lancelot F. James

Part 7: Bayesian Nonparametric Inference ...................... 441
22 Nonparametric Bayesian Inference about Percentiles ......... 443
   Richard A. Johnson & Songyong Sim
23 Nonparametric Quantile Inference Using Dirichlet
   Processes .................................................. 463
   Nils Lid Hjort & Sonía Petrone

Part 8: Rank-Based Methods .................................... 493
24 Asymptotic Distribution Theory of Empirical Rank-Dependent
   Measures of Inequality ..................................... 495
   Rolf Aaberge
25 A Modified Kendall Rank-Order Association Test for
   Evaluating the Repeatability of Two Studies with a Large
   Number of Objects .......................................... 513
   Tian Zheng & Shaw-Hwa Lo
26 Rank Process, Stochastic Corridor and Applications to
   Finance .................................................... 529
   Ryozo Miura

Part 9: Monte Carlo and Resampling Methods .................... 543
27 Conditional Monte Carlo Based on Sufficient Statistics
   with Applications .......................................... 545
   Henry Lindqvist & Gunnar Taraldsen
28 Further Explorations of Likelihood Theory for Monte Carlo
   Integration ................................................ 563
   Augustine Kong, Peter McCullagh, Xiao-Li Meng & Dan
   L. Nicolae
29 Confidence Nets for Curves ................................. 593
   Tore Schweder

Part 10: Constrained Inference ................................ 611
30 Density Estimation by Total Variation Regularization ....... 613
   Roger Koenker & Ivan Mizera
31 A Note on the Bounded Normal Mean Problem .................. 635
   Jianqing Fan & Jin-Ting Zhang
32 Estimation of Symmetric Distributions Subject to a
   Peakedness Order ........................................... 649
   Javier Rojo & José Batún-Cutz

Subject Index ................................................. 671

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