Forschungsbericht; 2014-02 (Koln : DLR, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSanjuan-Ferrer M.J. Detection of coherent scatterers in SAR data: algorithms and applications / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme, Oberpfaffenhofenc. - Köln : DLR, 2014. - xxiv, 140 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-02). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p. 131-137. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ...................................................... III
Kurzfassung ..................................................... V
Acknowledgements .............................................. VII
List of Figures ................................................ XI
List of Tables ............................................... XVII
List of Symbols and Operators ................................. XIX
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................... XXIII

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation .............................................. 1
   1.2  State-of-the-Art ........................................ 2
   1.3  Objectives and Organization of the Thesis ............... 4
2  SAR Remote Sensing ........................................... 7
   2.1  Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging ........................ 7
        2.1.1  Principles of Radar Imaging ...................... 7
        2.1.2  Interpretation of SAR Images .................... 10
   2.2  SAR Interferometry (InSAR) ............................. 13
        2.2.1  InSAR Geometry .................................. 13
        2.2.2  Interferometric Coherence ....................... 14
   2.3  Polarimetrie SAR (PolSAR) .............................. 16
        2.3.1  Polarimetrie' Target Descriptors ................ 16
        2.3.2  Polarimetrie Observables ........................ 18
        2.3.3  Eigenvector-based Decomposition ................. 19
        2.3.4  Polarimetrie Interferometric SAR (Pol-InSAR) .... 22
3  Detection of Coherent Scatterers ............................ 25
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 25
   3.2  SAR Response of a Coherent Scatterer ................... 26
        3.2.1  Response of a Coherent Scatterer in the Range
               Dimension ....................................... 26
        3.2.2  Response of a Coherent Scatterer in the
               Azimuth Dimension ............................... 28
        3.2.3  Response of a Coherent Scatterer in Range and
               Azimuth Dimensions .............................. 30
   3.3  Observed Signal Model and Problem Statement for
        Coherent Scatterer Detection ........................... 35
        3.3.1  The Sublooking Process .......................... 35
        3.3.2  SAR Response of a Coherent Scatterer in
               Sublook Images .................................. 36
        3.3.3  Clutter Model ................................... 38
        3.3.4  Detection Problem Statement ..................... 41
   3.4  Coherent Scatterer Detection Methods ................... 42
        3.4.1  Sublook Coherence Approach (SCA) ................ 43
        3.4.2  Sublook Entropy Approach (SEA) .................. 45
        3.4.3  Phase Variance Approach (PVA) ................... 45
        3.4.4  Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Approach
               (GLRTA) ......................................... 47
4  Theoretical Performance Analysis ............................ 51
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 51
   4.2  GLRTA Performance ...................................... 51
        4.2.1  Independent Sublooks ............................ 52
        4.2.2  Overlapping Sublooks ............................ 54
        4.2.3  Sublook Bandwidth Size .......................... 57
        4.2.4  Compound-Gaussian Clutter ....................... 58
        4.2.5  Position Estimation ............................. 6l
        4.2.6  Range and Azimuth Directions .................... 63
   4.3  Performance Comparisons ................................ 68
        4.3.1  SCA Performance ................................. 68
        4.3.2  SEA Performance ................................. 69
        4.3.3  PVA Performance ................................. 70
5  Experiments with Real Data .................................. 73
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   5.2  CS Detection: Performance Analysis with Real Data ...... 73
        5.2.1  Helheim Glacier Test Site ....................... 73
        5.2.2  Remningstorp Forest Test Site ................... 81
   5.3  Detection of Coherent Scatterers in Different
        Scenarios .............................................. 89
        5.3.1  Paris City Test Site ............................ 90
        5.3.2  Etna Volcano Test Site .......................... 95
       5.3.3  Glacier Environments ............................. 99
   5.4  Coherent Scatterers Detection in Time Series .......... 109
        5.4.1  Temporal Stability of Coherent Scatterers ...... 109
        5.4.2  Coherent Scatterers for Monitoring
               Subsidences .................................... 115
6  Summary and Conclusions .................................... 123
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 123
   6.2  Summary ............................................... 123
   6.3  Contributions ......................................... 128
   6.4  Outlook ............................................... 129

References .................................................... 131
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 139

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