Forschungsbericht; 2013-33 (Koln: DLR, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаReinhardt B. On the retrieval of circumsolar radiation from satellite observations and weather model output: Diss. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen. - Köln: DLR, 2013. - x, 127 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2013-33). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p. 115-124. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
Zusammenfassung ............................................... vii
Abstract ....................................................... ix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Circumsolar Radiation and Concentrating Solar
        Technologies ............................................ 1
   1.2  Aims of this Study ...................................... 3
2  Basic Principles ............................................. 7
   2.1  The Radiative Transfer Equation ......................... 7
   2.2  Scattering of Sunlight ................................. 10
   2.3  Remote Sensing of Clouds from MSG ...................... 12
        2.3.1  The SEVIRI Instrument ........................... 12
        2.3.2  Retrieval of Cloud Properties from Reflected
               Solar Radiation ................................. 15
   2.4  Passive Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol ............ 17
   2.5  The Sunshape ........................................... 19
   2.6  The Circumsolar Ratio CSR .............................. 21
   2.7  Ground Based Measurements of the Circumsolar
        Radiation .............................................. 23
3  Tools and Methods ........................................... 25
   3.1  Optical and Mierophysical Properties of Cirrus Clouds .. 25
   3.2  Cloud Property Remote Sensing with the APICS
        Algorithm .............................................. 27
        3.2.1  Algorithm Description ........................... 27
        3.2.2  Auxiliary Albedo Dataset ........................ 28
        3.2.3  Cirrus Cloud Mask ............................... 31
   3.3  Aerosol Input and Processing  .......................... 33
        3.3.1  Modeled Aerosol Data from the ECMWF IPS ......... 33
        3.3.2  Aerosol Optical Properties ...................... 34
        3.3.3  Post-Processing of ECMWF Output ................. 39
   3.4  Atmospheric Radiative Transfer ......................... 40
        3.4.1  The RTE-Solvers DISORT and MYSTIC ............... 40
        3.4.2  Adaptation of the RTE-Solver MYSTIC ............. 42
        3.4.3  Pseudo-Spectral and Solar Integrated Radiative
               Transfer ........................................ 50
   3.5  Parametrization of Circumsolar Radiation ............... 52
        3.5.1  Concept of the Apparent Optical Thickness ....... 53
        3.5.2  Treatment of Multiple Scattering Layers - The
               Adding Method ................................... 58
        3.5.3  Sensitivity of the CSR Parameterization on Sun
               Zenith Angle .................................... 64
        3.5.4  Sensitivity of the CSR Parameterization on the
               Scattering Layer's Geometry ..................... 65
        3.5.5  Further Aspects of the Apparent Optical
               Thickness Approach .............................. 60
   3.6  Sensitivity of Circumsolar Radiation to Ice Particle
        Shape .................................................. 67
   3.7  Sensitivity of CSR to Aerosol Particle Shape and
        Relative Humidity ...................................... 68
4  Results ..................................................... 73
   4.1  Intercomparison of Retrieval Results for Different
        Ice Particle Shapes .................................... 73
   4.2  Validation ............................................. 76
        4.2.1  Validation of Aerosol Related Circumsolar
               Radiation ....................................... 79
        4.2.2  Validation of Cirrus Related Circumsolar
               Radiation ....................................... 82
   4.3  Characteristics of Cirrus Related Circumsolar
        Radiation .............................................. 89
        4.3.1  Spatial Distribution ............................ 89
        4.3.2  Irradiance Overestimation by Pyrheliometers ..... 91
        4.3.3  Relation of Irradiance and CSR .................. 94
5  Discussion .................................................. 97
   5.1  Statistical Post-Processing of IFS Aerosol Output ...... 97
   5.2  Uncertainties in the Cirrus Cloud Property Retrieval .. 100
        5.2.1  Undetected Cirrus Clouds ....................... 101
        5.2.2  Spurious SEVIRI Pixels ......................... 107
   5.3  Comparison of the Satellite CSR Retrieval to
        a Regression Model .................................... 107
6  Conclusions ................................................ 111
   6.1  Synopsis of Findings .................................. 112
   6.2  Outlook ............................................... 113
Bibliography .................................................. 115
Glossary ...................................................... 125
Acknowledgements .............................................. 127

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