Forschungsbericht; 2013-21 (Koln, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHofmann S. Effect of interlaminar defects on the mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced silicon carbide: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Bauweisen- und Konstruktionsforschung, Stuttgart. - Koln: DLR, 2013. - vii, 145 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2013-21). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.141-145. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
Danksagung .................................................... III
Nomenclature .................................................... 8
Kurzfassung .................................................... 11
Abstract ....................................................... 13
1  Introduction ................................................ 15
2  Specification of investigated topic ......................... 17
3  State-of-the-art in CMC technologies ........................ 19
   3.1  Processing and microstructure of C/C-SiC ............... 19
   3.2  State-of-the-Art in mechanics of CMCs .................. 20
        3.2.1  Differentiation between WIC and WMC materials ... 20
        3.2.2  Bending and tensile strength ratio .............. 22
        3.2.3  Interlaminar fracture mechanics ................. 23
   3.3  Defects in CMC samples and structures .................. 24
   3.4  Motivation ............................................. 25
4  Experimental Set-up ......................................... 27
   4.1  NDI Set-up ............................................. 27
        4.1.1  Ultrasonic testing .............................. 27
        4.1.2  Micro-Computer Tomography ....................... 28
   4.2  Mechanical testing ..................................... 28
        4.2.1  In-plane testing: bending, tensile and SENB
               testing ......................................... 29
        4.2.2  Interlaminar mechanical testing ................. 31
       Mode I interlaminar testing: DCB ....... 31
       Mode II interlaminar testing: ENF ...... 33
5  Investigated material ....................................... 35
   5.1  Processing of plate materials .......................... 35
   5.2  Formation and definition of delaminations in C/C-SiC
        plate material ......................................... 36
6  Mechanical behaviour of C/C-SiC without manufacturing
   defects ..................................................... 39
   6.1  Experimental results ................................... 39
        6.1.1  Tensile and bending tests of siliconized and
               desiliconized C/C-SiC in fibre direction ........ 39
        6.1.2  Tensile and bending tests in varying
               orientations .................................... 44
        6.1.3  SENB testing .................................... 47
        6.1.4  Interlaminar test results ....................... 49
       Mode I: DCB ............................ 50
       Mode II: ENF ........................... 58
   6.2  FE-setup ............................................... 64
        6.2.1  In-plane modelling: tensile, bending, SENB
               test ............................................ 64
        6.2.2  Modelling of interlaminar behaviour ............. 75
       DCB-model .............................. 75
       ENF-model .............................. 76
   6.3  FE- and experimental results ........................... 77
        6.3.1  Non-linear behaviour under tensile load ......... 77
        6.3.2  Non-linear behaviour under bending load ......... 78
        6.3.3  Bending and SENB failure ........................ 79
        6.3.4  DCB-results ..................................... 86
        6.3.5  ENF-results ..................................... 89
7  Mechanical behaviour of C/C-SiC with manufacturing
   defects .................................................... 101
   7.1  C/C-SiC with free Silicon ............................. 101
        7.1.1  Results from NDT - sample taking ............... 101
        7.1.2  Results from bending test ...................... 103
   7.2  FE-modelling based on CT-data for C/C-SiC with
        delaminations ......................................... 106
        7.2.1  Experimental Results ........................... 107
       Results from NDT ...................... 107
       Results from short-beam bending ....... 109
        7.2.2  FE-models from 3D-CT data - real structure
               modelling ...................................... 110
        7.2.3  FE- and experimental results ................... 111
   7.3  Fracture mechanical modelling of desiliconized
        C/C-SiC with delaminations ............................ 114
        7.3.1  Experimental Results ........................... 115
       Results from NDT - sample taking ...... 115
       Results from bending test ............. 116
        7.3.2  Simplified 2D-FE-models based on 3D-CT data .... 120
        7.3.3 FE- and experimental results .................... 122
8  Discussion ................................................. 131
   8.1  Interlaminar manufacturing defects in C/C-SiC
        material .............................................. 131
   8.2  Modelling of tensile and bending behaviour ............ 131
   8.3  Interlaminar fracture mechanics ....................... 136
   8.4  Modelling of C/C-SiC with delaminations ............... 137
9  Summary and conclusions .................................... 139

Literature .................................................... 141

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