Forschungsbericht; 2013-24 (Koln, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFührer T. Composite structures' stiffness degradation due to strength and stability: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik, Braunschweig. - Köln: DLR, 2013. - xi, 123 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2013-24). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.91-99. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Structure of the thesis ................................. 3
   1.2  Optimisation software LAGRANGE .......................... 3
   1.3  Overview on other optimisation methods .................. 5
2  Failure of composite structures .............................. 9
   2.1  Introduction to composite materials ..................... 9
   2.2  Calculation of failure initiation ....................... 9
   2.3  Degradation methods for composite structures ........... 15
   2.4  Progressive failure analysis ........................... 17
   2.5  Buckling behaviour of composite structures ............. 19
        2.5.1  Calculation of buckling onset and post
               buckling in LAGRANGE ............................ 22
        2.5.2  Eigenvalue and nonlinear buckling analysis in
               ABAQUS .......................................... 25
        2.5.3  Summary ......................................... 29
3  Implementation of the progressive stiffness degradation
   analysis .................................................... 31
   3.1  Main structure of progressive stiffness degradation
        analysis ............................................... 31
   3.2  Implementation of progressive stiffness degradation 
        including strength ..................................... 33
   3.3  Integration of buckling behaviour ...................... 39
        3.3.1  ABAQUS analyses ................................. 40
        3.3.2  Implementation in the progressive stiffness
               degradation analysis ............................ 46
   3.4  Progressive stiffness degradation analysis 
        considering strength and stability ..................... 49
4  Testing of the progressive stiffness degradation analysis ... 53
   4.1 One skin field example .................................. 53
        4.1.1  Comparison of load displacement curves for
               uniaxial loading ................................ 55
        4.1.2  Additional calculation of stress distribution
               for uniaxial compression ........................ 59
        4.1.3  Comparison of load displacement curves for
               shear loading ................................... 63
   4.2 Example with 16 skin fields ............................. 66
        4.2.1  Load cases 1 .................................... 66
        4.2.2  Load cases 2 .................................... 69
        4.2.3  Comparison of simply supported to stiffened 
               model ........................................... 71
        4.2.4  Summary ......................................... 72
5  Structural adjustment after the progressive stiffness 
   degradation analysis ........................................ 75
   5.1  Parameters for the initial progressive stiffness
        degradation analysis ................................... 75
   5.2  Modification of element thicknesses .................... 77
   5.3  Modification of material properties .................... 80
   5.4  Comparison of two different stacking sequences ......... 81
   5.5  Modification of failure initiation and degradation 
        criteria ............................................... 83
   5.6  Summary ................................................ 85
6  Summary and Outlook ......................................... 87
   Bibliography ................................................ 91
Appendix ...................................................... 101
A  Material properties and stacking sequences ................. 101
В  Equations and boundary conditions for ABAQUS analyses ...... 103
   B.1  Uniaxial Loading ...................................... 103
   B.2  Biaxial Loading ....................................... 103
   B.3  Simple shear loading .................................. 104
   B.4  Combined load cases ................................... 105
С  Weaver and ESDU method in LAGRANGE buckling analysis ....... 107
   C.1  Equations for Weaver method ........................... 107
   C.2  Comparison of Weaver and ESDU method .................. 108
D  Buckling load for uniaxial compression from Wiedemann
   [67] ....................................................... 109
E  Adaption of the A matrix depending on the load case ........ 110
F  Derivation of degradation factor for the progressive 
   stiffness degradation analysis from each loading
   condition within the element ............................... 111
   F.2  Uniaxial compression .................................. 111
   F.3  Biaxial compression ................................... 112
   F.4  Shear loading ......................................... 113
   F.5  Combination of shear and uniaxial compression ......... 114
   F.6  Combination of shear and uniaxial tension ............. 116
   F.7  Combination of shear and biaxial compression .......... 116
G  Description of script generating fdeebuck and p-u-curve
   from ABAQUS analyses ....................................... 117
H  Equations for 16 skin field ABAQUS model ................... 118
I  Implementation of dummy node by means of one beam example .. 121
J  Recommended settings for the input file of the PSDA ........ 123

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