Estrada E. The structure of complex networks: theory and applications (Oxford; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEstrada E. The structure of complex networks: theory and applications. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. - xii, 465 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.429-456. - Ind.: p.457-465. - ISBN 978-0-19-959175-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Theory .................................................. 1
1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   1.1  What are networks? ...................................... 3
   1.2  When did the story begin? ............................... 4
   1.3  A formal definition ..................................... 6
   1.4  Why do we study their structure? ........................ 9
   1.5  How can we speak their 'language'? ..................... 14
2  Adjacency relations in networks ............................. 25
   2.1  Node adjacency relationship ............................ 25
   2.2  Degree distributions ................................... 27
   2.3  Degree-degree correlations ............................. 31
   2.4  Link adjacency and beyond .............................. 36
   2.5  Discrete Laplacian operator ............................ 37
   2.6  Spectral properties of networks ........................ 39
3  Metric and topological structure of networks ................ 47
   3.1  Shortest path distance ................................. 47
   3.2  Resistance distance .................................... 50
   3.3  Generalized network distances .......................... 55
   3.4  Topological structure of networks ...................... 57
4  Fragments (subgraphs) in complex networks ................... 73
   4.1  Network 'graphlets' .................................... 74
   4.2  Network motifs ......................................... 76
   4.3  Closed walks and subgraphs ............................. 78
   4.4  Counting small undirected subgraphs analytically ....... 79
   4.5  Fragment ratios ........................................ 82
5  Accounting for all parts (subgraphs) ........................ 89
   5.1  The Estrada index ...................................... 90
   5.2  Parameterised Estrada index ............................ 95
   5.3  Network entropy and free energy ........................ 97
   5.4  Network returnability ................................. 103
   5.5  A brief on matrix functions ........................... 106
6  Communicability functions in networks ...................... 109
   6.1  Network communicability ............................... 109
   6.2  Communicability in directed and weighted networks ..... 113
   6.3  Generalised communicability functions ................. 114
   6.4  Communicability based on network vibrations ........... 115
7  Centrality measures ........................................ 121
   7.1  Degree centrality ..................................... 121
   7.2  Centrality beyond nearest-neighbours .................. 125
   7.3  Closeness Centrality .................................. 140
   7.4  Betweenness Centrality ................................ 142
   7.5  Information Centrality ................................ 146
8  Global network invariants .................................. 149
   8.1  Adjacency-based invariants ............................ 149
   8.2  Distance-based invariants ............................. 159
   8.3  Clumpiness of central nodes ........................... 161
   8.4  Self-similarity of complex networks ................... 166
9  Expansion and network classes .............................. 171
   9.1  Network expansion ..................................... 171
   9.2  Universal topological classes of network .............. 173
   9.3  Topological classification of real-world networks ..... 181
10 Community structure of networks ............................ 187
   10.1 Network partition methods ............................. 190
   10.2 Methods based on link Centrality ...................... 198
   10.3 Methods based on modularity ........................... 203
   10.4 Clustering based on similarity ........................ 206
   10.5 Communities based on communicability .................. 209
11 Network bipartivity ........................................ 215
   11.1 Bipartivity measures .................................. 216
   11.2 How do we find bipartitions in networks? .............. 220
   11.3 Bipartitions in undirected networks ................... 224
   11.4 Bipartitions in directed networks ..................... 227
12 Random models of networks .................................. 233
   12.1 'Classical' random networks ........................... 233
   12.2 Small-world random networks ........................... 238
   12.3 'Scale-free' networks ................................. 243
   12.4 Random geometric networks ............................. 250
   12.5 Other random models ................................... 252

Part II  Applications ......................................... 257
13 Genetic networks ........................................... 259
   13.1 A primer on gene networks ............................. 259
   13.2 Topological properties of gene coexpression networks .. 263
   13.3 Topological properties of gene regulatory networks .... 267
   13.4 Other gene networks ................................... 274
14 Protein residue networks ................................... 277
   14.1 A primer on protein structure ......................... 277
   14.2 Protein residue networks .............................. 280
   14.3 Small-worldness of residue networks ................... 282
   14.4 Degree distributions of residue networks .............. 285
   14.5 Centrality in residue networks ........................ 287
   14.6 Global topological properties ......................... 295
15 Protein-protein interaction networks ....................... 301
   15.1 A primer on protein-protein interactions .............. 301
   15.2 Global structure of PPI networks ...................... 304
   15.3 Subgraph-based techniques in PPI networks ............. 311
   15.4 Bipartite structures in PPI networks .................. 316
   15.5 Local structure of PPI networks ....................... 319
16 The structure of reaction networks ......................... 325
   16.1 Organic chemical reaction networks .................... 326
   16.2 Reaction networks in the atmospheres of astronomical
        bodies ................................................ 330
   16.3 Metabolic networks .................................... 333
17 Anatomical networks ........................................ 345
   17.1 Intercellular networks ................................ 345
   17.2 Vascular networks ..................................... 353
   17.3 Brain networks ........................................ 355
18 Ecological networks ........................................ 373
   18.1 Global topological properties ......................... 374
   18.2 Searching for keystone species ........................ 383
   18.3 Landscape networks .................................... 389
   18.4 Other network-based ecological studies ................ 395
19 Social and economic networks ............................... 399
   19.1 Brief on socioeconomic network data ................... 400
   19.2 Global topology of social networks .................... 401
   19.3 Social network communities ............................ 408
   19.4 Centrality in social networks ......................... 412
   19.5 Economic networks ..................................... 415

   A.l  Brain networks ........................................ 423
   A.2  Ecological networks ................................... 423
   A.3  Informational networks ................................ 424
   A.4  PPI networks .......................................... 424
   A.5  Protein residue networks .............................. 425
   A.6  Social and economic networks .......................... 425
   A.7  Technological networks ................................ 426
   A.8  Transcription networks ................................ 426
   A.9  Software .............................................. 426

References .................................................... 429
Index ......................................................... 457

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