The Sage handbook of qualitative research (Los Angeles; London, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Sage handbook of qualitative research / ed. by N.K.Denzin, Y.S.Lincoln. - 4th ed. - Los Angeles; London: Sage, 2011. - xvi, 766 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.719-755. – ISBN 978-1-4129-7417-2

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
   Norman К. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
1  Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative
   Research ..................................................... 1
   Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln

PART I: LOCATING THE FIELD ..................................... 21
2  Revitalizing Universities by Reinventing the Social
   Sciences: Bildung and Action Research ....................... 27
   Morten Levin and Davydd Greenwood
3  A History of Qualitative Inquiry in Social and Educational
   Research .................................................... 43
   Frederick Erickson
4  Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research ................. 61
   Clifford G. Christians
5  Ethics, Research Regulations, and Critical Social Science ... 81
   Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln

6  Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging 
   Confluences, Revisited ...................................... 97
   Yvonna S. Lincoln, Susan A. Lynham, and Egon G. Guba
7  Feminist Qualitative Research in the Millenium's First
   Decade: Developments, Challenges, Prospects ................ 129
   Virginia Olesen
8  The Sacred and Spiritual Nature of Endarkened
   Transnational Feminist Praxis in Qualitative Research ...... 147
   Cynthia B. Billard and Chinwe Okpalaoka
9  Critical Pedagogy, and Qualitative Research: Moving to
   the Bricolage .............................................. 163
   Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter McLaren, and Shirley R. Steinberg
10 Cultural Studies: Performative Imperatives and Bodily
   Articulations .............................................. 179
   Michael D. Giardina and Joshua L. Newman
11 Critical Humanism and Queer Theory: Living With the
   Tensions ................................................... 195
   Postscript 2011 to Living With the Contradictions .......... 208
   Ken Plummer
12 Asian Epistemologies and Contemporary Social
   Psychological Research ..................................... 213
   James H. Liu
13 Disability Communities: Transformative Research for
   Social Justice ............................................. 227
   Donna M. Mertens, Martin Sullivan, and Hilary Stace

PART III: STRATEGIES OF INQUIRY ............................... 243
14 The Politics and Practices of Funding Qualitative
   Inquiry: Messages About Messages About Messages ............ 251
   Julianne Cheek
15 Controversies in Mixed Methods Research .................... 269
   John W. Creswell
16 Mixed Methods Research: Contemporary Issues in an
   Emerging Field ............................................. 285
   Charles Teddlie and Abbas Tashakkori
17 Case Study ................................................. 301
   Bent Flyvbjerg
18 Performance Ethnography .................................... 317
   Judith Hamera
19 Braiding Narrative Ethnography With Memoir and Creative
   Nonfiction ................................................. 331
   Barbara Tedlock
20 The Constructionist Analytics of Interpretive Practice ..... 341
   James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium
21 Grounded Theory Methods in Social Justice Research ......... 359
   Kathy Charmaz
22 In the Name of Human Rights: I Say (How) You (Should)
   Speak (Before I Listen) .................................... 381
   Antjie Krog
23 Jazz and the Banyan Tree: Roots and Riffs on
   Participatory Action Research .............................. 387
   Mary Brydon-Miller, Michael Krai, Patricia Maguire,
   Susan Noffke, and Anu Sabhlok
24 What Is Qualitative Health Research? ....................... 401
   Janice M. Morse

MATERIALS ..................................................... 415
25 Narrative Inquiry: Still a Field in the Making ............. 421
   Susan E. Chase
26 Critical Arts-Based Inquiry: The Pedagogy and Performance
   of a Radical Ethical Aesthetic ............................. 435
   Susan Finley
27 Oral History ............................................... 451
   Linda Shopes
28 Observations on Observation: Continuities and Challenges ... 467
   Michael Angrosino and Judith Rosenberg
29 Visual Methodology: Toward a More Seeing Research .......... 479
   Jon Prosser
30 Performative Autoethnography: Critical Embodiments and 
   Possibilities .............................................. 497
   Tami Spry
31 The Methods, Politics, and Ethics of Representation in
   Online Ethnography ......................................... 513
   Sarah N. Gatson
32 Analyzing Talk and Text .................................... 529
   Anssi Peräkylä and Johanna Ruusuvuori
33 Focus Groups: Contingent Articulations of Pedagogy,
   Politics, and Inquiry ...................................... 545
   George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis

AND REPRESENTATION ............................................ 563
34 Qualitative Research, Science, and Government: Evidence,
   Criteria, Policy, and Politics ............................. 569
   Harry Torrance
35 Reflections on Interpretive Adequacy in Qualitative 
   Research ................................................... 581
   David L. Altheide and John M. Johnson
86 Analysis and Representation Across the Continuum ........... 595
   Laura L. Ellingsen
87 Post Qualitative Research: The Critique and the Coming
   After ...................................................... 611
   Elizabeth Adams St.Pierre
38 Qualitative Research and Technology: In the Midst of
   a Revolution ............................................... 627
   Judith Davidson and Silvana di Gregorio
39 The Politics of Evidence ................................... 645
   Norman K. Denzin
40 Writing Into Position: Strategies for Composition and
   Evaluation ................................................. 659
   Ronald J. Pelias
41 Evaluation as a Relationally Responsible Practice .......... 669
   Tineke A. Abma and Guy A.M. Widdershoven

42 Qualitative Futures: Where We Might Go From Where We've
   Been ....................................................... 685
   Judith Preissle
43 Teaching Qualitative Research .............................. 699
   Margaret Eisenhart and A. Susan Jurow

Epilogue: Toward a "Refunctioned Ethnography" ................. 715
   Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin
Author Index .................................................. 719
Subject Index ................................................. 739
About the Editors ............................................. 757
About the Contributors	 ........................................ 759

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