Brennan M.C. A practical approach to quantitative metal analysis of organic matrices (Chichester, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBrennan M.C. A practical approach to quantitative metal analysis of organic matrices. - Chichester: Wiley, 2008. - xiv, 258 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.249-258. - ISBN 978-0-470-03197-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface .....................................................  xiii
Biography ...................................................... xv
Acknowledgements ............................................. xvii

1  A Practical Approach to Quantitative Metal Analysis of
   Organic Matrices Using ICP-OES ............................... 1
   1.1  Introduction and Basic Overview ......................... 1
   1.2  Schematic Representation of the Energies Generated by
        Atomic Spectroscopic Methods ............................ 4
   1.3  Excitation Energy (Quantum Theory and Atomic Spectra) ... 5
   1.4  Ionisation Energy and Number of Excited Atoms ........... 7
   1.5  Width of Atomic Lines ................................... 9
        1.5.1  Natural Broadening ............................... 9
        1.5.2  Doppler Broadening ............................... 9
        1.5.3  Lorentzian Broadening or Pressure Broadening ..... 9
        1.5.4  Holtsmark Broadening or Resonance Broadening .... 11
        1.5.5  Field Broadening or Stark Broadening ............ 11
        1.5.6  Self-Absorption and Self-Reversal Broadening .... 11
   1.6  Brief Summary of Atomic Spectroscopic Techniques Used
        for Elemental Analysis ................................. 12
        1.6.1  The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ......... 12
        1.6.2  Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy ................ 13
        1.6.3  Direct Current Plasma Optical Emission
               Spectrometry (DCP-OES) .......................... 13
        1.6.4  Microwave Induced Plasma (MIP) .................. 14
        1.6.5  Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry
               (GD-OES) ........................................ 15
        1.6.6  Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission
               Spectrometry (ICP-OES) .......................... 15
   1.7  Summary: Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy ........... 16
   References .................................................. 18
2  Instrumentations Associated with Atomic Spectroscopy ........ 21
   2.1  Instrumentation ........................................ 21
   2.2  Types of Plasma Sources ................................ 24
        2.2.1  Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission
               Spectrograph .................................... 25
        2.2.2  Microwave Induced Plasma ........................ 25
        2.2.3  Optical Emission Spectroscopy ................... 26
   2.3  Sample Introduction Systems ............................ 30
        2.3.1  Mechanical Transfer of Sample/Standards Using
               Peristaltic Pump, Pressure Valves, Motorised
               Syringes, etc. .................................. 31
        2.3.2  Nebulisers ...................................... 31
        2.3.3  Brief Outline of Atomic Spectroscopy
               Hyphenated Systems .............................. 39
   2.4  Spray Chambers ......................................... 43
   2.5  ICP-OES Torches ........................................ 45
   2.6  Optics ................................................. 49
        2.6.1  Grating Orders .................................. 51
   2.7  Signal Detectors ....................................... 53
        2.7.1  Photomultiplier Tubes ........................... 53
        2.7.2  Charge Coupled Devices .......................... 55
   References .................................................. 58
3  Methodologies of Metal Analysis of Organic Matrices Using
   ICP-OES ..................................................... 59
   3.1  Sample Preparation Techniques and Methods of
        Analysis ............................................... 59
   3.2  Defining Goals ......................................... 60
   3.3  Steps in Chemical Analytical Protocol .................. 61
   3.4  Sampling and its Importance ............................ 62
   3.5  Sample Preparation Methods ............................. 63
        3.5.1  Direct Analysis of Organic Solutions ............ 64
        3.5.2  Sample Dissolution .............................. 65
        3.5.3  Chemical Extraction of Metals from Organic
               Matrices ........................................ 65
        3.5.4  Dry Ashing without Retaining Aids ............... 66
        3.5.5  Dry Ashing with Retaining Aids .................. 69
        3.5.6  Acid Digestion Using Microwave Oven ............. 69
        3.5.7  Oxygen Bomb Flask Combustion (Low Pressure) ..... 71
        3.5.8  High Pressure Oxygen Combustion ................. 72
        3.5.9  Sample Preparation Using Fusion Methods ......... 73
        3.5.10 Analysis Using Slurry Solution Method ........... 74
        3.5.11 Sample Preparation Using Leaching Method ........ 75
        3.5.12 Sample Preparation Using a UV Digester .......... 75
   3.6  Non-Spectral Corrections Using ICP-OES ................. 76
        3.6.1  Effect of Solvents on ICP-OES ................... 76
        3.6.2  Effect of Viscosity on Signal Response .......... 77
        3.6.3  Comparison of Nebulisation Efficiency of
               Solvents Using ICP-OES .......................... 78
        3.6.4  Choice of Carrier Liquid ........................ 80
   3.7  Methodology of Measurement ............................. 81
        3.7.1  Choice of Standard Materials .................... 82
        3.7.2  Quantitative Analysis Using Calibration Graph
               Method .......................................... 82
        3.7.3  Quantitative Analysis Using Standard Addition
               Method .......................................... 85
        3.7.4  Quantitative Analysis Using Internal Standard
               Method .......................................... 87
        3.7.5  Quantitative Analysis Using Matrix Matching
               Method .......................................... 88
        3.7.6  Quantitative Analysis Using Flow Injection
               Technique ....................................... 89
   3.8  Validation of an Analytical Method ..................... 90
        3.8.1  Method Validation of Analysis of Organic
               Matrices ........................................ 91
   3.9  Control and Range Charts ............................... 99
   3.10 Brief Outline of Measurement Uncertainty .............. 101
   References ................................................. 105
4  Analysis of Plastics, Fibres and Textiles for Metals
   Content Using ICP-OES ...................................... 107
   4.1  A Brief History of Natural and Synthetic Plastic
        Materials ............................................. 107
   4.2  A Brief History of Chemistry of Plastics .............. 109
   4.3  Chemical Structure of Plastics ........................ 110
   4.4  Polymerization Process of Plastics .................... 111
        4.4.1  Polymerisation by Addition Reactions ........... 112
        4.4.2  Polymerisation by Condensation Reactions ....... 112
   4.5  Additives in Plastics ................................. 113
   4.6  Methods of Sample Preparation for Metal Content of
        Plastics, Fibres and Textiles ......................... 115
        4.6.1  Sample Preparation Using Dissolution Method .... 115
        4.6.2  Sample Preparation Using Dry Ashing Methods .... 117
        4.6.3  Sample Preparation Using Microwave Acid
               Digestion Method ............................... 119
        4.6.4  Sample Preparation Using Oxygen Bomb
               Combustion Method .............................. 121
   4.7  Comparative Study of Methods of Analysis of Plastic
        Samples for Metals Content ............................ 121
   4.8  Study of Leaching of Metals from Plastics ............. 123
        4.8.1  Study of Leaching of Metals from Children's
               Toys ........................................... 124
   4.9  Analysis for Toxic Metals in Plastics and
        Non-Electrical Additives Used in Electrical and
        Electronic Components as Required by RoHS ............. 125
        4.9.1  Method for Metal Analysis of Plastics and
               Non-Electrical Additives Used in Electrical
               and Electronic Products ........................ 127
   4.10 Conclusion ............................................ 131
   References ................................................. 132
5  Metal Analysis of Virgin and Crude Petroleum Products ...... 133
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 133
   5.2  Brief Introduction to Refining Process in the
        Petroleum Industry .................................... 133
   5.3  Metals in Crude Oils and Petroleum Products ........... 134
   5.4  Requirements for the Determination of Metal Content
        in Virgin and Crude Oils .............................. 135
   5.5  Wear Metals and Metal Contaminants in Lubricating
        Oils .................................................. 138
   5.6  Brief Outline of the Determination of Metals in
        Organic Materials Using Atomic Spectroscopy Methods ... 139
   5.7  Application of Atomic Spectroscopic Techniques in
        the Analysis of Virgin and Wear Oils for Metals
        Content ............................................... 140
        5.7.1  Choice of Solvents Suitable for Metal
               Analysis of Crude and Lubricating Oils Using
               ICP-OES ........................................ 141
        5.7.2  Selection of Representative Samples in the
               Study of Metal Analysis of High Viscosity and
               Low Viscosity Oil Blends ....................... 141
        5.7.3  Physical Properties of Selected Solvents for
               Dissolving High Viscosity and Low Viscosity
               Oils for Metal Analysis ........................ 142
        5.7.4  Methods of Sample Preparation for Metal
               Analysis of High Viscosity and Low Viscosity
               Oil Blends ..................................... 142
        5.7.5  Long-Term Study of Metal Analysis Using
               Kerosene, Teralin and Decalin Solvents Using
               ICP-OES ........................................ 143
        5.7.6  Comparative Study of Non-Destructive Methods
               of Analysis of Metals 'Spiked' in High
               Viscosity and Low Viscosity Oil Blends Using
               ICP-OES ........................................ 144
   5.8  Analysis of Type С and D Fractions for Metal Content
        Using Dry Ashing Method ............................... 149
   5.9  Analysis of 'Metal Spiked' Oil Blends Using
        Microwave Acid Digestion for Metals Content ........... 150
   5.10 Analysis of 'Metal Spiked' Oil Blends Using High
        Pressure Oxygen Combustion for Metals Content ......... 152
   5.11 Comparative Study of Analysis of Trace Levels of
        Toxic Metals Using Microwave Acid Digestion and
        Oxygen Bomb Combustion ................................ 153
        5.11.1 Conclusion to Trace Analysis of Toxic Metals
               in Oil Products ................................ 155
   5.12 Extraction Method for the Determination of Metals of
        High Viscosity and Low Viscosity Oil Blends ........... 155
   5.13 Analysis of Old Lubricating Oil for Total Metal
        Content Using a Slurry Method with Internal Standard .. 156
   5.14 Conclusion ............................................ 158
   References ................................................. 160
6  Metal Analysis of Structural Adhesives ..................... 161
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 161
   6.2  Setting and Curing of Adhesives ....................... 162
   6.3  Introduction to Modern Synthetic Adhesives ............ 162
        6.3.1  Cyanoacrylate Adhesives ........................ 162
        6.3.2  Anaerobic and Acrylic Adhesives ................ 163
        6.3.3  Epoxy Structural Adhesives ..................... 165
        6.3.4  Phenolic Adhesives ............................. 167
        6.3.5  Polyurethane Adhesives ......................... 167
   6.4  Metal Salts and Concomitant Metals in Adhesives ....... 168
   6.5  Metals Associated with Cyanoacrylate Adhesives ........ 169
   6.6  Non-Destructive Methods of Analysis for Metals
        Content in Cyanoacrylate Adhesives .................... 170
        6.6.1  General Method ................................. 170
        6.6.2  Standard Addition Method ....................... 171
        6.6.3  Internal Standard Method ....................... 171
   6.7  Destructive Methods of Analysis for Metals Content
        in Cyanoacrylate Adhesives ............................ 172
        6.7.1  Sample Preparation Using Ashing Method ......... 173
        6.7.2  Sample Preparation Using Microwave Acid
               Digestion ...................................... 174
        6.7.3  Sample Preparation Using Oxygen Bomb
               Combustion ..................................... 174
   6.8  Conclusion to Analysis of Cyanoacrylate Products ...... 175
   6.9  Metals Associated with Anaerobic Adhesives ............ 176
   6.10 Destructive Methods of Sample Preparation for Metals
        Content in Anaerobic Adhesives ........................ 177
        6.10.1  Ashing Method of Type A and Type В Anaerobic
                Adhesives ..................................... 177
        6.10.2  Sample Preparation of Anaerobic Adhesives
                Using Microwave Acid Digestion ................ 178
        6.10.3  Sample Preparation of Anaerobic Adhesive
                Using Oxygen Bomb Combustion .................. 180
        6.10.4  Conclusion to Analysis of Anaerobic
                Adhesives ..................................... 180
   6.11 Metal Analysis of Chemical Raw Materials Used to
        Manufacture Anaerobic Adhesives ....................... 181
        6.11.1 Column Extraction of Metal from Liquid
               Monomers ....................................... 181
   6.12 Analysis of Metal Salt Content Dissolved in Aerosol
        Solvent(s) ............................................ 182
        6.12.1 Sample Preparation and Analysis of Metals in
               Aerosol ........................................ 183
   6.13 A Study of the Effects of Anaerobic Adhesives on
        Metallic Substrates ................................... 183
   6.14 Metals Associated with Epoxy Adhesives ................ 186
        6.14.1 Composition of Epoxy Adhesives ................. 187
        6.14.2 Preparation of Epoxy Adhesive 'Spiked' with
               Ge(AcAc)BF4 .................................... 187
        6.14.3 Determination of the Concentration of
               Ge(AcAc)BF4 in Epoxy Adhesives Using Non-
               Destructive Methods ............................ 188
        6.14.4 Determination of the Concentration of
               Ge(AcAc)BF4 in Epoxy Adhesives Using
               Destructive Methods ............................ 190
        6.14.5 Conclusion of Metal Analysis of Epoxy
               Adhesives ...................................... 192
   6.15 Metals Associated with Phenolic Adhesives ............. 193
        6.15.1 Preparation of Typical Phenolic Adhesives
               Containing Calcium and Copper Sulphonate
               Salts .......................................... 193
        6.15.2 Non-Destructive Methods of Analysis of
               Phenolic Adhesives ............................. 194
   6.16 Metals Associated with Polyurethane Adhesives ......... 194
        6.16.1 Preparation and Analysis of Polyurethane
               Adhesives Containing Organometallic Catalysts .. 195
   6.17 Conclusion to Metal Analysis of Phenolic and
        Polyurethane Adhesives ................................ 197
   References ................................................. 198
7  Hyphenated and Miscellaneous Techniques Used with
   ICP-OES .................................................... 199
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 199
   7.2  Coupling of Flow Injection Analysis with ICP-OES ...... 200
        7.2.1  Theory of Flow Injection ....................... 201
        7.2.2  Configuration of ICP-OES/FIA System ............ 202
        7.2.3  Signal Acquisition and Data Management ......... 203
        7.2.4  Reproducibility of Measurements Using
               ICP-OES/FIA .................................... 204
        7.2.5  Dispersion and Diffusion of 'Sample Plug' in
               a Carrier Stream ............................... 205
        7.2.6  Metal Analysis of Organic Compounds Using
               ICP-OES-FIA .................................... 206
        7.2.7  Effect of Loop Size on Signal Response ......... 207
        7.2.8  Comparative Measurements of Peak Height and
               Peak Area ...................................... 208
        7.2.9  Effect of Viscosity Using ICP-OES/FIA .......... 209
        7.2.10 A Study of Solvent Effects Using ICP-OES/FIA ... 210
        7.2.11 Determination of Limit of Detection and
               Quantification ................................. 210
        7.2.12 Conclusions of Analysis Using ICP-OES-FIA ...... 211
   7.3  Use of Internal Standard(s) with ICP-OES .............. 213
        7.3.1  Conclusion to Internal Standard(s) Study ....... 217
   7.4  Coupling of Ion Chromatography with ICP-OES ........... 218
        7.4.1  Preconcentration of Metals Using Ion
               Chromatography ................................. 220
        7.4.2  Analysis of Lanthanide and Transition Metals
               with ICP-OESAC ................................. 221
   7.5   Coupling of Gas Chromatography with ICP-OES or
         Atomic Emission Detector ............................. 222
   7.6  Metal Analysis Using ICP-OES Coupled with Electro-
        Thermal Vaporisation .................................. 224
   7.7  Surface Analysis Using Laser Ablation with ICP-OES .... 226
   7.8  Determination of Thickener Content of Paints,
        Pharmaceutical Products and Adhesives Using ICP-OES ... 227
   7.9  Metal Analysis of Metallo-Pharmaceutical Products ..... 230
        7.9.1  Metallic Type Antibiotic Drugs ................. 233
        7.9.2  Platinum and Palladium Drugs for Cancer
               Treatments ..................................... 234
   7.10 Metal Analysis of Infusion and Dialysis and
        Bio-Monitoring Solutions .............................. 235
   7.11 Organometallic Compounds .............................. 236
   7.12 Metals and Metalloid Analysis in Support of Forensic
        Science ............................................... 237
   7.13 Non-Prescription Nutritional Dietary Supplements ...... 239
   7.14 Trace Metal Analysis of Foods ......................... 244
        7.14.1 General Methods of Metal Analysis of Foods ..... 244
        7.14.2 Conclusion to Food Analysis .................... 246
   References ................................................. 246

Index ......................................................... 249

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