Agren G.I. Terrestrial ecosystem ecology: principles and applications (Cambridgey; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаÅgren G.I. Terrestrial ecosystem ecology: principles and applications / G.I.Ågren, F.O.Andersson. - Cambridgey; New York: Cambridg University Press, 2012. - xviii, 330 p.: ill., maps. - Ref.: p.304-319. - Ind.: p.320-330. - ISBN 978-1-107-01107-6

Оглавление / Contents
List of boxes ................................................ xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv

Environmental changes and ecosystem effects: two historical
examples ........................................................ 1
Acid rain ....................................................... 1
Global warming .................................................. 4
Approaches to solutions ......................................... 5
Further reading ................................................. 6

SECTION I HISTORY AND CONCEPTS .................................. 7
1  History of ecology ........................................... 8
   Protoecology ................................................. 8
   Early ecology ................................................ 9
   fee ecosystem concept ....................................... 11
   Modern ecology .............................................. 12
   Biome ecology ............................................... 13
   Alternative biome ecology: the Hubbard Brook project ........ 14
   Postbiome ecosystem research ................................ 14
   Later ecosystem research .................................... 15
   Ecosystem research requires long-term observations and
   aspects ..................................................... 16
   Landscape ecology ........................................... 16
   Gaia and non-equilibrium ecology ............................ 16
   Sustainability and biodiversity ............................. 17
   Further reading ............................................. 17
2  I Ecology, ecosystem and ecosystem science .................. 18
   Ecology ..................................................... 18
   Ecosystem ................................................... 20
   Ecosystem science or ecosystem ecology? ..................... 21
   Further reading ............................................. 24
3  Ecosystem ecology: cornerstones and scientific
   methodology ................................................. 25
   A note on terminology ....................................... 25
   Understanding processes ..................................... 25
   Basic principles and scientific methodology ................. 29
   Cornerstones ................................................ 30
      Mass balance ............................................. 30
      Steady state ............................................. 31
      Limiting nutrients ....................................... 32
      Optimality ............................................... 32
   One equation says more than a thousand words ................ 34
   Understanding the cornerstones .............................. 35
   Further reading ............................................. 38

4  I Ecosystem structure: site factors, soil and vegetation .... 40
   Terrestrial ecosystems and site factors ..................... 40
   Soil physics and chemistry .................................. 41
      The soil in an ecosystem context ......................... 41
      Soil physical properties ................................. 42
      Soil air ................................................. 45
      Soil water ............................................... 46
      Soil chemical properties, mineral nutrients and plants ... 46
      Soil reactions and availability of mineral nutrients ..... 47
      Soil types ............................................... 49
   Ecosystem layering .......................................... 51
   Terrestrial biomes .......................................... 55
      Vegetation ............................................... 55
      Features of terrestrial biomes and ecosystems ............ 56
   Further reading ............................................. 62
5  Energy and water ............................................ 64
   Solar energy ................................................ 64
   Water balance ............................................... 72
   Evapotranspiration .......................................... 75
   Potential and actual evapotranspiration ..................... 78
   SPAC: The soil-plant-atmosphere continuum ................... 82
   Further reading ............................................. 87
6  Plant production ............................................ 88
   Photosynthesis at leaf level ................................ 88
   C3, C4 and CAM photosynthesis ............................... 92
   Leaf area index and specific leaf area ...................... 95
   Light extinction within a canopy ............................ 98
   Photosynthesis at canopy level ............................. 102
   Light-use efficiency ....................................... 103
   Water-use efficiency ....................................... 105
   Plant respiration .......................................... 106
      Growth respiration ...................................... 106
      Maintenance respiration ................................. 108
      Root respiration and ion uptake ......................... 108
   Plant nutrient relationships ............................... 108
      Nutrient productivity ................................... 109
      Nutrient-use efficiency ................................. 111
   Plant allocation ........................................... 112
   Plant nutrient uptake ...................................... 117
   Steady-state nutrition ..................................... 121
   Global plant traits ........................................ 121
   Further reading ............................................ 123
7  Soil organic matter dynamics ............................... 124
   Litter and soil organic matter ............................. 124
   A model of litter decomposition ............................ 125
   Litter quality ............................................. 130
   Abiotic controls ........................................... 135
   Extracellular enzymes ...................................... 137
   Other controlling factors .................................. 139
   Element concentration in decomposers ....................... 139
   Soil food webs ............................................. 140
   Models of soil organic matter .............................. 141
   Further reading ............................................ 144
8  Organisms and ecosystem processes .......................... 145
   Species and ecosystems ..................................... 145
   Concepts of stability ...................................... 145
   Species matter ............................................. 147
   Or maybe not ............................................... 149
   Further reading ............................................ 150
9  Element cycles ............................................. 151
   Ecosystem scale ............................................ 153
      The carbon cycle ........................................ 153
      The nitrogen cycle ...................................... 161
      The phosphorus cycle .................................... 169
      The potassium cycle ..................................... 171
      The calcium cycle ....................................... 172
      The magnesium cycle ..................................... 173
      The sulfur cycle ........................................ 174
      Element cycling in a temperate Norway spruce forest ..... 175
      Comparison of element cycling in different terrestrial
      ecosystems .............................................. 180
         Biomass .............................................. 180
         Production ........................................... 180
         Plant biomass turnover ............................... 182
         Nitrogen-use efficiency: NUE ......................... 183
         Degree of openness ................................... 184
         Turnover time of soil carbon ......................... 185
         Turnover time of soil nitrogen ....................... 185
         Soil carbon/plant carbon ratio ....................... 186
         Soil nitrogen/plant nitrogen ratio ................... 186
   Global scale ............................................... 186
      The carbon cycle ........................................ 186
      The nitrogen cycle ...................................... 188
      The phosphorus cycle .................................... 190
      The sulfur cycle ........................................ 191
   Human influence on element mass balances ................... 191
   Further reading ............................................ 198
10 Principles ................................................. 200
   Principles pertaining to boundary conditions (B) ........... 200
      Principle Bl. On boundaries and storage ................. 200
      Principle B2. On perturbing boundaries .................. 202
      Principle B3. On nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation ..... 202
      Principle B4. On production and openness ................ 203
      Principle B5. On time scales and openness ............... 203
   Principles pertaining to energy and water (A) .............. 204
      Principle AI. On climatic and ecosystem distribution .... 204
   Principles pertaining to plant processes (P) ............... 204
      Principle PI. On element availability ................... 204
      Principle P2. On light limitation ....................... 206
      Principle P3. On nutrient limitation .................... 206
      Principle P4. On water limitation ....................... 206
      Principle P5. On resource use efficiency and
                    acquisition ............................... 206
   Principles pertaining to soil processes (S) ................ 207
      Principle SI. On decomposition - energy limitation ...... 207
      Principle S2. On nitrogen fixation ...................... 208
      Principle S3. On nitrogen leaching ...................... 208
   Principles pertaining to element cycles (E) ................ 208
      Principle El. On openness of element cycles ............. 208
      Principle E2. On element distributions .................. 209
      Principle E3. On ecosystem carbon storage ............... 210
   Further reading ............................................ 212

11 Tectonic to orbital changes ................................ 215
   Changes during the development of the biosphere ............ 215
   Further reading ............................................ 224
12 Millennial to centennial or postglacial changes ............ 225
   Postglacial development .................................... 225
   Humans, climate and ecosystems ............................. 231
   Centennial to recent changes ............................... 232
13 Centennial to annual changes ............................... 235
   Wind ....................................................... 235
   Fire ....................................................... 236
   Grazing and other animal impacts ........................... 238
      The tropical case ....................................... 238
      The boreal case ......................................... 241
   Stages in ecosystem development ............................ 242
   Further reading ............................................ 244

SECTION IV APPLICATIONS ....................................... 245
14 Air pollution and forest ecosystems ........................ 246
   Direct effects of air pollution on trees ................... 248
   Indirect effects of air pollution on forest ecosystems ..... 250
      Empirical evidence ...................................... 250
         Forest soil acidification: centennial to recent
         changes .............................................. 250
         Biological versus pollution-generated acidification:
         the hydrogen ion budget approach ..................... 253
         Nutritional changes in trees ......................... 254
         Growth rate changes in forests ....................... 255
         Vegetation changes ................................... 257
   Experimental evidence: understanding ....................... 258
   Critical loads and the future .............................. 260
   Critical loads from a European perspective ................. 261
   Further reading ............................................ 263
15 Global change .............................................. 264
   Effects on ecosystem carbon balance ........................ 265
      Atmospheric carbon dioxide .............................. 265
      Temperature ............................................. 266
      Nitrogen ................................................ 267
      Precipitation ........................................... 267
   Effects on ecosystem nitrogen balance ...................... 268
   Interactions ............................................... 269
   Threshold effects .......................................... 270
   Bioenergy: cure or curse? .................................. 271
   Further reading ............................................ 274
   Epilogue I Society and terrestrial ecosystem ecology ....... 275
   What are ecosystem services? ............................... 276
   Ecosystem changes in the last 50 years ..................... 277
   Linking society and the scientific community ............... 280
   Further reading ............................................ 283

Appendix 1 Abbreviations ...................................... 284
Appendix 2 Glossary ........................................... 287
Appendix 3 Some useful values and symbols used to represent
   them ....................................................... 295
Appendix 4 Information and data on selected ecosystems ........ 296
   (1) Arctic tundra: Stordalen, Sweden ....................... 296
       Further reading ........................................ 297
   (2) Boreal coniferous pine forest: Jдdraдs, Sweden ......... 297
       Further reading ........................................ 297
   (3) Temperate short grass prairie (steppe): Pawnee site,
       Colorado, USA .......................................... 297
       Further reading ........................................ 298
   (4) Temperate beech forest: Solling {Heinz Ellenberg),
       Germany ................................................ 298
       Further reading ........................................ 298
   (5) Temperate planted spruce forest: Skogaby, Sweden ....... 298
       Further reading ........................................ 299
   (6) Temperate coniferous rain forest: H.J. Andrews,
       Oregon, USA ............................................ 299
       Further reading ........................................ 299
   (7) Tropical savanna: Point Noire (Kondi), Congo ........... 299
       Further reading ........................................ 300
   (8) Tropical dry forest: Chamela, Mexico ................... 300
       Further reading ........................................ 300
   (9) Tropical rain forest: San Carlos, Venezuela ............ 301
       Further reading ........................................ 301
References .................................................... 304
Index ......................................................... 320
Colour plate section is found between pp. 174 and 175.

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