Powder technology and application IV: IFPTA2011 (Durnten-Zurich, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPowder technology and application IV: IFPTA2011: selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Forum on Powder Technology & Application, October 27-29, 2011, Anshan, China / ed. by S.Dai. - Durnten-Zurich; Enfield: Trans Tech Publications, 2012. - x, 374 p.: ill. - (Advanced materials research; vol.454). - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-3-03785-353-5; ISSN 1022-6680

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... v
Organization of the Forum ...................................... vi

Chapter 1: Mineral Materials

Advances in Research on Adsorption Characteristics of
Alkylammonium in Montmorillonite Inter-Layer Space
   J. Qiu, D.B. Liu, P. Chen and X.J. Lu ........................ 3
Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene over СuyМnxOx/y-А12O3 Catalysts
   X.Q. Cao, X.J. Lv, J. Qiu, S.G. Hu, S.R. Liu and X.M.
   Huang ........................................................ 7
Chemical Activation of Cementing Properties of Granulated
Blast Furnace Slags
   X.J. Lu, S.G. Hu and Z.Q. Jin ............................... 11
Cold Isostatic Pressing-Normal Pressure Sintering Behavior of
Amorphous Nano-Sized Silicon Nitride Powders
   J.T. Luo, C.X. Zhang, H.F. Ma and G. Wang ................... 17
Effecftof Roasting Temperature on High Temperature Sintering
Process of Different Mass Ratio of CaCO3/SiO2
   Y. Gao, Y.X. Han, W. Li and J. Liu .......................... 21
Effects of Surface Treatment on Photocattalytic Activity of
ТiO2 Coatings Using Microarc-Oxidation
   H.D. Su and Z.H. Shi ........................................ 26
Experimental Study on Using Fuxin Natural Zeolite to Prepare
Molecular Sieves
   Z.J. Ma, K. Zhang, Y.M. Zhu and Y.X. Han .................... 30
Influence of DCCF on the Properties of Asphalt by DSC
   X.L. Chen, Y.Z. Jiang, Y.S. Sun and Y.X. Han ................ 35
Influence of Organic Additives on Shape and Adsorbing
Properties of Nano-Fe3O4 Particles
   Y.M. Zhu, B.B. Luo, S.C. Wan, Z.J. Ma and Y.J. Li ........... 41
Micron/Nano Powder Compositing Studies in Tsinghua University
   B. Yang, Y.F. Yang and G.S. Gai ............................. 46
Preparation and Characterization of Honghua Powders by
Ultrafine Pulverization
   L.W. Yang, R.J. Wang and G.S. Gai ........................... 55
Preparation of Poly(Phenylene SuIfide)/Carbon Nanotubes
   Y.L. An, C. Zhang, X. Yuan and Q.Y. Hou ..................... 59
Preparation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Starch by
Arc Discharge
   X. Yuan, Y.L. An, C. Zhang and H.C. Sui ..................... 63
Preparing CNT/UHMWPE Composite and it's Electrical Property
   X.Y. Hao, X.Y. Hua, J. Lu, G.S. Gai and X.M. Kong ........... 67
Research in Toughening Wear-Resistant of Alumina Ceramic
   Z.S. Zheng, R. Yang and R.J. Li ............................. 72
Research on Cementing Performances of Environment-Friendly
Backfilling Cementation Material Based on Blast Furnace Slag
   S.G. Hu, X.J. Lu, H.L. Niu and L. Zhang ..................... 76
Study on CO2 Adsorption of Sepoilite Modified by Mixture of
Ethanolamine and N, N-Dimethyl Ethanolamine
   H.L. Zhang, C.J. Yan, X.J. Li, H.Q. Wang and S. Zhou ........ 82
Study on Technological Mineralogy of Slag Film of Medium
Carbon Steel
   X.L. Han, C.C. Li, L.N. Liu, R.M. Feng and H.P. Yang ........ 89
Study on the Flame Retardant Property of Magnesium Hydroxide
Whiskers/PE Composites
   Y.Z. Jiang, L.L. Zhang and Z.Y. Zhang ....................... 93
Study on the Transformation of (α+β) Phase to β Phase in
Deformed Ti-6A1-4V Alloy during the Heat Treatment
   L.N. Zhang, H.Q. Zhao, L.Y. Sheng and L.Z. Zhou ............. 97
Synthesis and Characterization of Mg-Al Layered Double
   W.Z. Yin, Q. Tan, L. Liu and X.L. Li ....................... 101
Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of LiV3O8/MWCNTs
Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
   X.Z. Ren, C. Shi, P.X. Zhang and J.H. Liu .................. 105
Synthesis of Fine Co/ WC Composite and Application to
Supersonic Plasma Spraying
   L.W. Yang, R.J. Wang, Y. Dong and X.P. Lin ................. 110
Synthesis of Si-O-C Nanoballs by CVD of Polydimethylsiloxane
   X. Yuan, Y.L. An, H.C. Sui and C. Zhang .................... 114
The Effect of Gallium on the Microstructure of Superalloy K444
   F.G. Liu, C. Zeng, L. Xu, L.Y. Sheng, Y.A. Guo and
   L.Z. Zhou .................................................. 118
The effect of Surface Modifier on the Mechanical Properties
of the Oxysulfate Whiskers/PP Composites
   Y.Z. Jiang, L.L. Zhang and Z.Y. Zhang ...................... 122
The Effects of Graphite on Ceramic Coatings on LY12
Aluminium Alloys by Micro-Arc Oxidation
   J.L. Gao and Z.C. Shao ..................................... 126
The Research on Lining Board Preparation of Mesoporous
   Z.J. Ma, Y.M. Zhu, Y.X. Han and X. Fang .................... 130
Theoretical Analysis of the FTIR Absorption Characteristic
of Nano-Powder
   G.L. Liu, Y. Qi, Y.M. Zhu and Z.J. Ma ...................... 136
Wear Performance of the Plasma Sprayed Fine WC-Co Composite
Powders Coatings
   L.W. Yang, J.H. Li, Y. Dong and X.P. Lin ................... 144

Chapter 2: Mineral Processing

A Mathematical Model for Predicting the Internal Parameters
of Ball Mill
   Z.H. Wang, Y.X. Han and B.C. Chen .......................... 151
An Iron Ore Beneficiation Test of a Region in Anshan
   Y.J. Li, C.Y. Jin, C.L. Wang, W.C. Tan and Z. Sun .......... 157
Catalytic Oxidation Pretreatment of Sulfide-Rich Arsenic-
Bearing Refractory Gold Concentrate by Hydrogen Peroxide in
Sulfuric Acid in Tongling, China
   J.S. Hong, W.Z. Yin, Y.Q. Ma and C.S. Kim .................. 162
Domestic Progress in Making Magnesia from Magnesite by Heat
   Q.Q. Wang, X.A. Li, D.Z. Wei and S.J. Dai .................. 168
Effect of Phytic Acid on Flotation of Talc Impurity
   H. Wu, W.Z. Yin, M.B. Liu and P.J. Tian .................... 174
Effect of Roasting on Pore Properties of Fly Ash
   J.T. Chen, S.F. Ding, C.H. Bai, H.P. Wang and Y. Xu ........ 179
Experimental Study on Flotation Process Conditions of Lead-
Zinc Ore
   M.M. Li and Q.D. Zhang ..................................... 183
Experimental Study on Magnetic Roasting of Low Grade
   L.M. Bai, В. Liu, Y. Hao, X.L. Zhang and Y.X. Ma ........... 189
notabilities of Iron Minerals and Quartz in Flotation System
of Dodecylamine
   L.X. Li, W.Z. Yin, X.L. Yu, C.L. Wang and S.J. Tao ......... 194
Flotation Characteristics of Brucite and Serpentine
   D.Y. Sun, W.Z. Yin, D.S. Zhu, M.B. Liu and X.M. Luo ........ 199
Flotation Separation of High Sulfur Lead-Zinc Ore
   Z.T. Yuan, X.L. Yu, L.P. Liu and C.L. Wang ................. 205
New Flotation Technology Research on Carbonate-Containing
   X.M. Luo, W.Z. Yin, Y.Q. Ma, C.Y. Sun, J. Yao, Y. Hou and
   Q. Li ...................................................... 210
Physical Principle of X-Ray Separatation and Pre-Sorting
Experiment on the Low Grade Ore of Mo and
   M.B. Liu, J. Yao, W.Z. Yin, L.Y. Duan, Y. Gao and
   Y.X. Han ................................................... 216
Pilot Beneficiation about Deoxidized Samples of Bayan Obo
Oxidized Iron Ore
   P. Gao, Y.X. Han, Y.S. Sun and Y.F. Mu ..................... 221
Preconcentration Research on Mineral Processing for a
Extremely Lean Iron Ore in Inner Mongolia
   L. Li, X.J. Lu and J. Qiu .................................. 227
Preparation of Modified Mordenitem and Application in
Processing Mine Drainage
   F.N. Meng, G.G. Zhao and H.J. Zhang ........................ 231
Purification of Low Grade Ca-Bentonite for Iron Ore Pellets
   X.D. Liu, X.J. Lu, J. Qiu, Z.M. Wang and P. Wu ............. 237
Reduction Process of High Phosphorus Oolitic Hematite
   Y.X. Han, Y.S. Sun, P. Gao and Y.J. Li ..................... 242
Removing Mechanism of Bacteria of LKD in Bauxite Flotation
   S.Y. Yang, S.J. Dai, L.T. Yu and L.J. Deng ................. 246
Research on Copper-Sulphur Separation of Dongguashan Copper
   H. Wang, Z.H. Wang, Y.X. Han and L.M. Bai .................. 251
Research on Improving the Classification-Gravity
Concentration Technology Based on an Anshan-Type Low-Grade
Hematite Ore
   B.Y. Cui, D.Z. Wei, R.Y. Zhang and S.Y. Zhang .............. 256
Research on Pulverizing Characteristic of Woody Biomass by
Cutting Mill
   P. Sun, Z.X. Shang, G.S. Gai, C.B. Wu and Y.F. Yang ........ 261
Research on the Reaction Behavior of Rare Earth Elements in
   P. Gao, Y.X. Han, Y.S. Sun and C. Chen ..................... 268
Semi-Arid Region Analysis of Soil Physicochemical Property
in Mine Spoils and Phytoremediation Research
   X.W. Zhang and E.D. Wang ................................... 273
Separation Test of Andalusite Ore Containing Carbon from
Fengcheng City Liaoning
   N.L. Wang, W.Z. Yin, Z.M. Ji, X.M. Luo, D.Y. Sun and
   H. Wu ...................................................... 279
Separation Tests of Low-Grade Gold Ore with High Sulfur and
   Y.Q. Ma, X.M. Luo, W.Z. Yin, J. Yao, M.B. Liu and
   J.S. Hong .................................................. 285
Stepped-Flotation of Mixed Magnetic Concentrate Carbonates-
Containing in Donganshan
   A.L. Shao .................................................. 292
Study of the Beneficiation Technology for Low-Grade Bauxite
   P. Wang and D.Z. Wei ....................................... 299
Study on Adsorption Properties of Different Dyes on
   P. Chen, XJ. Lu and J. Qiu ................................. 305
Study on Deep Reduction and Efficient Separation of
Lingyang Iron Ore
   Y.J. Li, J. Liu, Y.X. Han and S.M. Zhang ................... 310
Study on Effect of Lizardite Crystal Chemistry on Surface
Properties and notability
   Q. Li, W.Z. Yin, M.B. Liu, Y.Q. Ma and X.M. Luo ............ 315
Study on Influence of Reduction Coal on Deep Reduction and
Efficient Separation
   J. Liu, C.L. Zou, Y.X. Han, Y.J. Li and S.M. Zhang ......... 320
Study on Influence of Silicate Morphology Based on pH Value
   Y. He, Y.J. Liu, Y.L. Cao and L.X. Zhou .................... 324
Study on Recovering Zinc from Gossan
   J.L. Yang, S.J. Ma, W. Mo, J.P. Feng, X.J. Su and
   G.F. Wang .................................................. 329
Study on the X-Ray Radiation Pre-Sorting of Liaoning
Chaoyang Low Grade Molybdenum Ore
   W.Z. Yin, M.B. Liu, Q. Li, L.Y. Duan, Y.Q. Ma, Y. Gao
   and Y.X. Han ............................................... 333
Study on Different Depressants to Influence on Chalcopyrite
   L.M. Bai, Y.X. Han, Z.T. Yuan and G.Z. Li .................. 337
The Experiment Study on a Copper-Molybdenum Ores in
   Y.O. Meng, S.J. Dai, Z.G. Hu and L.N. Tian ................. 342
The Experimental of Preparation of Slow-Release Trace Ni2+
Ceramsite and Study about Influence of Wastewater Anaerobic
   H.D. Su and D. Fu .......................................... 348
The Flotation Experiment Study on a High Silicon Low-Grade
Magnesite in Liaoning Province
   S.J. Dai, X.A. Li, S.Y. Yang and L.T. Yu ................... 352
The Ultrafine Grinding Process of Zirconium Silicate
   J. Lv, L.F. Zhu, G.S. Gai and Y.F. Yang .................... 357
Wet Pre-Concentration of Low-Grade Hematite in High-
Pressure Grinding Roller
   Z.T. Yuan, L. Liu and Y.X. Han ............................. 363

Keyword Index ................................................. 369
Author Index .................................................. 373

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