Kim M.K. Digital holographic microscopy: principles, techniques, and applications (New York; London, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаKim M.K. Digital holographic microscopy: principles, techniques, and applications. - New York; London: Springer, 2011. - xvi, 237 p.: ill. - (Springer series in optical sciences; 162). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.231-237. - ISBN 978-1-4419-7792-2

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Conventional (Analog) Holography ........................ 1
   1.2  Digital Holography ...................................... 5
2  Diffraction and Fourier Optics .............................. 11
   2.1  Fourier Transform and Mathematical Background .......... 11
        2.1.1  One-Dimensional Definition ...................... 11
        2.1.2  Two-Dimensional Definition ...................... 12
        2.1.3  Cartesian Geometry .............................. 14
        2.1.4  Cylindrical Geometry ............................ 15
        2.1.5  Basic Properties of Fourier Transforms .......... 15
        2.1.6  Convolution and Correlation ..................... 16
        2.1.7  Some Useful Formulas ............................ 18
   2.2  Scalar Diffraction Theory .............................. 19
   2.3  Diffraction from a 2D Aperture ......................... 20
        2.3.1  Paraxial (Fresnel) Approximation ................ 21
        2.3.2  Fraunhofer Diffraction .......................... 22
   2.4  Propagation of Angular Spectrum ........................ 22
   2.5  Propagation Through a Lens ............................. 27
        2.5.1  Fourier Transform by a Lens ..................... 27
        2.5.2  Imaging by a Lens ............................... 27
        2.5.3  Lens of Finite Aperture ......................... 28
   References .................................................. 28
3  Principles of Holography .................................... 29
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 29
   3.2  Basic Concept .......................................... 29
        3.2.1  Holographic Terms ............................... 31
   3.3  Holography of Plane Waves .............................. 32
   3.4  Holography of Point Sources ............................ 34
        3.4.1  Magnifications .................................. 36
        3.4.2  Collimated References ........................... 36
   3.5   Holographic Processes ................................. 37
        3.5.1  Amplitude and Phase Holograms ................... 37
        3.5.2  Transmission and Reflection Holograms ........... 38
        3.5.3  Thin and Thick Holograms ........................ 38
        3.5.4  Hologram Materials .............................. 39
        3.5.5  Phase Conjugation by Photorefractive Crystals ... 40
        3.5.6  Four-Wave Mixing ................................ 40
        3.5.7  Spectral Hole Burning ........................... 40
        3.5.8  Stimulated Photon Echo .......................... 41
   References .................................................. 42
4  Basic Methods of Numerical Diffraction ...................... 43
   4.1  Discrete Fourier Transform ............................. 43
        4.1.1  Programming Implementation of Fourier
               Transform ....................................... 46
   4.2  Fresnel Transform Method ............................... 47
   4.3  Huygens Convolution Method ............................. 49
   4.4  Angular Spectrum Method ................................ 50
   4.5  Comparison of Methods .................................. 51
   References .................................................. 53
5  Digital Holography Configurations ........................... 55
   5.1  General Behavior of Digital Holographic Images ......... 55
   5.2  Digital Gabor Holography ............................... 60
   5.3  Digital In-line Holography ............................. 61
   5.4  Digital Image Plane Holography ......................... 63
   5.5  Digital Fourier Holography ............................. 64
   5.6  Digital Fresnel Holography ............................. 66
   References .................................................. 68
6  Theoretical Studies of Digital Holography ................... 71
   6.1  Digital Sampling of Hologram ........................... 71
   6.2  Wigner Distribution Function ........................... 74
        6.2.1  Basic Properties of WDF ......................... 74
        6.2.2  Fourier Transform by a Lens ..................... 75
        6.2.3  Fourier Holography .............................. 76
        6.2.4  Fresnel Holography .............................. 77
        6.2.5  Space-Bandwidth Product ......................... 77
   6.3  Fractional-Order Fourier Transform ..................... 78
   6.4  Wavelets ............................................... 80
   References .................................................. 82
7  Suppression of DC and Twin-Image Terms ...................... 85
   7.1  Suppression of DC Terms ................................ 85
   7.2  Phase-Shifting Methods ................................. 88
   7.3  Speckle Methods ........................................ 90
   7.4  Filtering of Angular Spectrum .......................... 91
   References .................................................. 93
8  Phase-Shifting Digital Holography ........................... 95
   8.1  Basic Principles of PSDH ............................... 95
   8.2  Reduced Number of Steps ................................ 97
        8.2.1  Three-Step Method ............................... 97
        8.2.2  Two-Step Methods ................................ 98
   8.3  Unknown Phase Steps .................................... 99
   8.4  Techniques of PSDH .................................... 101
        8.4.1  Phase-Shifting Methods ......................... 101
        8.4.2  Heterodyne Digital Holography .................. 101
        8.4.3  Asynchronous Digital Holography ................ 103
        8.4.4  Parallel Phase-Shifting ........................ 103
        8.4.5  Fractional Talbot Effect ....................... 103
        8.4.6  Spatial Phase-Shifting ......................... 104
   8.5  Errors and Noise in PSDH .............................. 105
   References ................................................. 105
9  Numerical Techniques of Digital Holography ................. 109
   9.1  Numerical Focusing .................................... 109
        9.1.1  Extended Focus ................................. 111
   9.2  Pixel Resolution Control .............................. 112
        9.2.1  Zero-Padding Method ............................ 112
        9.2.2  Two-Step Propagation Method .................... 113
   9.3  Optical Phase Unwrapping .............................. 114
   9.4  Diffraction Between Tilted Planes ..................... 119
   9.5  Aberration Compensation ............................... 122
   References ................................................. 123
10 Special Techniques of Digital Holography ................... 129
   10.1 Synthetic Aperture Methods ............................ 129
   10.2 Multiplane Phase Retrieval ............................ 131
        10.2.1 Noniterative Methods ........................... 131
        10.2.2 Iterative Methods .............................. 134
        10.2.3 Other Methods of Phase Retrieval ............... 135
   10.3 Dynamic Systems ....................................... 135
   10.4 Noise Reduction ....................................... 137
   10.5 Nonlinear Optics ...................................... 137
        10.5.1 Imaging of NLO Materials ....................... 137
        10.5.2 Digital Holography by NLO Light ................ 138
   10.6 Optical Parameters of Digital Holography .............. 139
        10.6.1 Color Digital Holography ....................... 139
        10.6.2 Polarization Digital Holography ................ 141
        10.6.3 Other Wavelengths and Particles ................ 141
   References ................................................. 142
11 Digital Holographie Microscopy ............................. 149
   11.1 Optical Microscope Basics ............................. 149
        11.1.1 Optical Configuration .......................... 149
        11.1.2 Magnification .................................. 151
        11.1.3 Resolution ..................................... 151
        11.1.4 Objective Lenses ............................... 152
        11.1.5 Eye ............................................ 152
        11.1.6 Camera ......................................... 153
   11.2 Optical Microscopy Techniques ......................... 153
        11.2.1 Bright Field Microscopy ........................ 153
        11.2.2 Dark-Field Microscopy .......................... 154
        11.2.3 Zernike Phase-Contrast Microscopy .............. 154
        11.2.4 Differential Interference Contrast ............. 155
        11.2.5 Interference Microscopy ........................ 156
        11.2.6 Polarization Microscopy ........................ 157
        11.2.7 Fluorescence Microscopy ........................ 157
        11.2.8 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy ............. 158
        11.2.9 Multiphoton Excitation and Nonlinear Optical
               Microscopy ..................................... 159
   11.3 Digital Holographic Microscopy ........................ 159
        11.3.1 Light Source ................................... 160
        11.3.2 Interferometers ................................ 160
        11.3.3 Camera ......................................... 163
        11.3.4 Computer ....................................... 163
        11.3.5 Examples ....................................... 165
        11.3.6 Comparisons of Analog and Digital Holographic
               Microscopy ..................................... 166
   11.4 Quantitative Phase Microscopy by DHM .................. 168
   11.5 Cell Microscopy and Other Applications ................ 169
   11.6 Special Techniques of DHM ............................. 174
        11.6.1 Total Internal Reflection Digital Holographic
               Microscopy ..................................... 174
        11.6.2 Multimode Microscopy from a Single Hologram .... 177
        11.6.3 Dark-Field DHM ................................. 179
        11.6.4 DH Interferometer with a Beam-Splitter Cube .... 179
        11.6.5 Lens-Free On-Chip Holographic Microscopy ....... 180
   11.7 Other Methods of Quantitative Phase Microscopy ........ 181
        11.7.1 Fourier Phase Microscopy ....................... 181
        11.7.2 Hilbert Phase Microscopy ....................... 181
        11.7.3 Diffraction Phase Microscopy ................... 182
        11.7.4 Quantitative DIC ............................... 183
        11.7.5 Spiral Phase-Contrast Microscopy ............... 184
        11.7.6 Low-Coherence Interference Microscopy .......... 185
   References ................................................. 187
12 Low-Coherence and Tomographic Techniques ................... 191
   12.1 Techniques of Low-Coherence Digital Holographic
        Microscopy ............................................ 191
        12.1.1 Low-Coherence Sources .......................... 192
        12.1.2 Rotating Ground Glass .......................... 193
        12.1.3 Fresnel Incoherent Correlation Holography ...... 195
        12.1.4 Achromatic Fringe System ....................... 197
        12.1.5 Triangular Interferometer ...................... 198
        12.1.6 Conoscopic Holography .......................... 199
   12.2 Optical Scanning Holography ........................... 200
        12.2.1 Basic Principles of OSH ........................ 200
        12.2.2 Imaging Characteristics of OSH ................. 201
        12.2.3 Related Techniques and Applications ............ 203
   12.3 Optical Coherence Tomography .......................... 204
        12.3.1 Time-Domain OCT ................................ 204
        12.3.2 Fourier-Domain OCT ............................. 205
        12.3.3 Doppler OCT .................................... 206
        12.3.4 Optical Coherence Microscopy ................... 206
        12.3.5 Phase-Sensitive OCT ............................ 208
        12.3.6 Differential Phase-Contrast OCT ................ 208
        12.3.7 Phase-Dispersion Microscopy .................... 208
        12.3.8 Phase-Referenced Interferometry ................ 209
   12.4 Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography ............... 209
        12.4.1 Principles of FFOCT ............................ 209
        12.4.2 Techniques and Applications of FFOCT ........... 212
        12.4.3 Light-in-Flight Digital Holography ............. 215
   12.5 Digital Interference Holography ....................... 215
        12.5.1 Principles of DIH .............................. 215
        12.5.2 Related Techniques and Applications of DIH ..... 220
   12.6 Tomography ............................................ 221
        12.6.1 Optical Projection Tomography .................. 221
        12.6.2 Optical Diffraction Tomography ................. 222
        12.6.3 Holographic Optical Coherence Imaging .......... 223
        12.6.4 Turbid Imaging ................................. 223
   References ................................................. 225
Index ......................................................... 231

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