Hayes B.S. Optical microscopy of fiber reinforced composites (Materials Park, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаHayes B.S. Optical microscopy of fiber reinforced composites / B.S.Hayes, L.M.Gammon. - Materials Park: ASM International, 2010. - xi, 271 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.361-271. - ISBN-10 0-61503-044-1; ISBN-13 978-1-61503-044-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi

CHAPTER 1  Introduction—Composite Materials and Optical 
Microscopy ...................................................... 1
Composite Materials ............................................. 1
Polymer Matrices ................................................ 5
Prepreg Materials ............................................... 5
Infusion Processes .............................................. 8
Composite- and Matrix-Toughening Methods ....................... 10
Dispersed-Phase Toughening ..................................... 10
Interlayer-Toughened Composites ................................ 13
Honeycomb/Foam Structure Composite Materials ................... 15
Optical Microscopy of Composite Materials ...................... 17

CHAPTER 2  Sample Preparation and Mounting ..................... 23
Documentation and Labeling ..................................... 24
Sectioning the Composite ....................................... 24
Clamp-Mounting Composite Samples - Automated Polishing
Heads .......................................................... 29
Mounting Composite Samples in Casting Resins ................... 30
Addition of Contrast Dyes to Casting Resins .................... 32
Molds for Mounting Composite Materials ......................... 34
Summary of Mounting Procedure .................................. 34
Clamping Mounted Composite Samples in Automated Polishing
Heads .......................................................... 38
Mounting Composite Materials for Hand Polishing ................ 38
Mounting Technique Summary ..................................... 40

CHAPTER 3  Rough Grinding and Polishing ........................ 43
Grinding and Polishing Equipment and Process Variables ......... 44
Processes for Sample Preparation ............................... 46
Abrasive Sizing for Grinding and Rough Polishing ............... 50
Rough Grinding - Sample Removal ................................ 51
Summary of Grinding Methods .................................... 56
Rough Polishing ................................................ 56
Summary of Rough Polishing ..................................... 61
Final Polishing ................................................ 62
Summary of Final Polishing ..................................... 65
Common Polishing Artifacts ..................................... 65

CHAPTER 4  Special Sample Preparation and Polishing ............ 67
Preparation of Titanium Honeycomb Composites ................... 67
Preparation of Boron Fiber Composites .......................... 68
Preparation of Titanium/Polymeric Composite Hybrids ............ 73
Preparation of Uncured Prepreg Materials ....................... 80

CHAPTER 5  Viewing the Specimen Using Reflected-Light 
Microscopy ..................................................... 89
Macrophotography and Analysis .................................. 89
Microscope Alignment ........................................... 91
Bright-Field Illumination ...................................... 92
Dark-Field Illumination ........................................ 94
Polarized-Light Microscopy ..................................... 96
Interference and Contrast Microscopy ........................... 97
Fluorescence Microscopy ........................................ 99
Penetration Dyes .............................................. 102
Stains and Dyes for Polymeric Material Dispersed Phases ....... 107
Etches for Polymeric Matrices ................................. 108
Summary ....................................................... 113

CHAPTER 6  Thin-Section Preparation and Transmitted-Light
Microscopy .................................................... 116
Procedure and Selection of the Rough Section .................. 116
Preparation of the Rough Section for Preliminary Mounting ..... 118
Grinding and Polishing the Primary-Mount First Surface ........ 119
Mounting the First Surface on a Glass Slide ................... 120
Preparing the Second Surface (Top Surface) .................... 121
Summary for Ultrathin-Section Sample Preparation .............. 128
Transmitted-Light Microscopy .................................. 129
Optimization of Microscope Conditions ......................... 130
Microscopy of the Section ..................................... 131
Examples of Ultrathin-Section Analyses ........................ 131
Conclusions ................................................... 134

CHAPTER 7  Composite Structure Analysis ....................... 137
Ply Terminations and Splices .................................. 138
Multiple Material Combinations ................................ 140
Fiber Orientation Verification ................................ 141

CHAPTER 8  Void Analysis of Composite Materials ............... 147
Volatiles and Void Content .................................... 147
Voids due to Entrapped Air .................................... 148
Voids at Ply-Drops ............................................ 151
Voids due to High Fiber Packing ............................... 153
Voids in Honeycomb Core Composites ............................ 154
Void Documentation ............................................ 156

CHAPTER 9  Microcrack Analysis of Composite Materials ......... 159
Bright-Field and Polarized-Light Analysis of Microcracked
Composites .................................................... 160
Contrast Dyes and Dark-Field Analysis of Microcracked
Composites .................................................... 165
Analysis of Microcracked Composites Using Epi-Fluorescence .... 168
Determination and Recording of Microcracks in Composite
Materials ..................................................... 173

CHAPTER 10 Toughening Methods for Thermoset-Matrix
Composites .................................................... 177
Dispersed-Phase Toughening of Thermoset Matrices .............. 178
Particle Interlayer Toughening of Composite Materials ......... 181

CHAPTER 11 Impact Response of Composites ...................... 193
Analysis Methods for Impact-Damaged Composites ................ 194
Brittle-Matrix Composite Failure .............................. 195
Tough-Matrix Composite Failure ................................ 196
Thermoplastic-Matrix Composite Failure Mechanisms ............. 200
Untoughened Thermoset-Matrix Composite Failure Mechanisms ..... 202
Toughened Thermoset-Matrix Composite Failure Mechanisms ....... 202
Dispersed-Phase, Rubber-Toughened Thermoset-Matrix Composite
Failure Mechanisms ............................................ 206
Particle Interlayer-Toughened Composite Failure Mechanisms .... 206

CHAPTER 12 Matrix Microstructural Analysis .................... 211
Crystalline Microstructures of Thermoplastic-Matrix 
Composites .................................................... 211
Natural Fiber and Resin Composites ............................ 217

CHAPTER 13 Honeycomb-Cored Sandwich Structure
Composites .................................................... 223
Film Adhesive/Prepreg Resin Flow and Intermingling ............ 223
Honeycomb Core Movement and Core Crash ........................ 225
Void Content in Honeycomb Composites .......................... 228
Honeycomb Core Failure ........................................ 228

CHAPTER 14 Surface Degradation of Composites .................. 237
Heat Effects on Composite Material Surfaces ................... 237
Ultraviolet-Light Effects on Composite Materials .............. 239
Atomic Oxygen Effects on Composite Surfaces ................... 241

CHAPTER 15 The Effects of Lightning Strikes on Polymeric
Composites .................................................... 245
Assessment of Microstructural Damage in Composites ............ 246

Index ......................................................... 261

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