Nova acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Bd.114, N 390 (Halle (Saale), 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFrom exploitation to sustainability? Global perspectives on the history and future of resource depletion: workshop, Racehl Carson Center for Environment and Society, DFG Research Training Group "Interdisziplinare Environmental History," German Nationale Akademie of Sciences Leopoldina, Munich, 6-7 December 2010 / ed. by B.Herrmann, Ch.Mauch. - Halle (Saale): Dt. Akad. der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 2013. - 194 p.: ill. - (Nova acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Bd.114, N 390). - ISBN 978-3-8047-3056-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Mauch Christof: Introduction .................................... 9

Opening Speeches
Huber Bernd: Welcome ........................................... 13
Heubisch Wolfgang: Address ..................................... 15
Lohse Martin J.: Welcome Address ............................... 17

McNeill John R.: Envisioning an Ecological Atlantic, 
1500-1850 ...................................................... 21
Carruthers Jane: Vanishing Herds? Transformations in Wildlife
   Hunting in Southern Africa, 1830-2000 ....................... 35
Robin Libby: The Love-Hate Relationship with Land in 
   Australia: Presenting "Exploitation and Sustainability" in
   Museums ..................................................... 47
Padua José Augusto: The Politics of Forest Conservation in 
   Brazil: A Historical View ................................... 65
Chakrabarti Ranjan: History and Future of Water in South 
   Asia: A Preliminary Probe ................................... 81
Chibilev Alexander, and Levykin Sergei: Virgin Lands Divided
   by an Ocean: The Fate of Grasslands in the Northern 
   Hemisphere (Translated and annotated by David Moon) ......... 91
Elvin Mark: Sustainability versus Adaptation: Comments on
   the Chinese Experience ..................................... 105
Melosi Martin V.: Coping with Abundance Revisited: American
   Energy Choices ............................................. 129

Environmental Studies: Research in Progress
Doctoral Dissertations from Georg-August-Universität, 
Anders Ulrike: Less Bread—More Stones: Land-Use Change from
   the Late Eighteenth Century to the Beginning of the 
   Twenty-First Century. A Regional Study of Göttingen ........ 141
Cammin Ronny: Analyses of the Utilisation and Protection of
   Waterways in Lower Saxony during the Late Middle Ages and
   the Early Modern Period (1350-1650) ........................ 145
Kieseler Andreas: Natural Environment and Societal Actions
   in the West Slavic Territory: Conditions and Effects of
   Hillfort Building in the Natural Environment, Eighth to
   Twelfth Centuries .......................................... 147
Kronenberg Nicole: Disaster Responses to Floods: A Comparison
   of Vietnam and Germany in the Twentieth Century ............ 153
Lassen Thore: Famines in Early Modern History: An 
   Environmental Analysis of the Landscapes in Lower Saxony,
   1690-1750 .................................................. 155
Riesmeyer Philipp: High and Low Water Events on North German
   Rivers: Coping with Hydrological Extremes on the River 
   Weser, 1800-1950. A Case Study ............................. 157
Sprenger Jana: Animal Pests in Agriculture and Forestry: 
   Perception, Damage, and Control in Prussian Brandenburg, 
   1700-1850 .................................................. 159
Szücs Linda: Changes of the Landscape since the End of the
   Eighteenth Century in the District of Gцttingen ............ 163

Doctoral Dissertations from Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität,
Achermann Dania: A Case Study on the History of the 
   Atmospheric Sciences ....................................... 169
Blanc Julia: How Green is the Church? An Analysis of 
   Subsidiarity in the Catholic Church in Environmental 
   Policy Debate: A Case Study of Selected European Countries . 173
Blocher Ewald: Constructing Modern Egypt: Experts, Dams, and
   the Transformation of the Nile, 1882-1970 .................. 175
Datta Shrabana: Local Perceptions of Climate Change: An
   Assessment of Climate Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in
   the Area near Gangotri Glacier ............................. 177
Hofmann Rebecca: Perception and Reception of Climate Change
   in Micronesia .............................................. 179
Ibeh Lawrence: The Geography of Civil Conflict on the Oil 
   Frontiers of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Modelling
   the Ecological Correlates and Risk of Micro-Level Violent
   Conflict, 1980s-2010 ....................................... 181
Kistler Sebastian: How Much Equality Is Fair? Social-Ethical
   Studies on Sustainable and Fair Climate Protection ......... 183
Kneitz Agnes: Econovels: The Concept of Environmental 
   Justice in the Nineteenth Century Social Novel ............. 185
Mauch Felix: Erinnerungsfluten: The Storm Flood of 1962 in
   Hamburg's Civic Memory ..................................... 187
Möller Angelika: "With Recreation for All:" Cemeteries as 
   City Parks in New York City, 181 1-1898 .................... 189
Monajati Zarrin: Possibilities and Capacities of Islamic 
   Societies to Construct Environmental Ethics with a Focus
   on Iranian Society and its Media ........................... 191
Roxo Valentina: Struggle for Oil: An Environmental History of
   West Siberia, 1970s-2008 ................................... 193

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