Annual review of biochemistry; vol.82 (Palo Alto, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of biochemistry. Vol.82 / ed. by R.D.Kornberg et al. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2013. - xii, 814 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-0-8243-0882-7; ISSN 0066-4154

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Оглавление / Contents
Ehristdan Raetz: Scientist and Friend Extraordinaire
   Villiam Dowhan, Hiroshi Nikaido, JoAnne Stubbe, John 
   W. Kozarich, William T. Wickner, David W.  Russell, 
   Teresa A. Garrett, Kathryn Broїek, and  Paul Modrich ......... 1

Recent Advances in Biochemistry
Mechanisms for Initiating Cellular DNA Replication
   Alessandro Costa, Iris V. Hood, and James M. Berger ......... 25
Chromatin Response to DNA Breaks: Leaving a Mark on Genome 
   Godelieve Smeenk and Haico van Attikum ...................... 55
Readout of Epigenetic Modifications
   Dinshaw J. Patel and Zhanxin Wang ........................... 81
Flap Endonuclease 1
   Lata Balakrishnan and Robert A. Bambara .................... 119
New Mechanistic and Functional Insights into DNA
   Stefanie Hartman Chen, Nei-Li Chan, and Tao-shih Hsieh ..... 139
Arrest Peptides: Cw-Acting Modulators of Translation
   Koreaki Ito and Shinobu Chiba .............................. 171
Structural Basis of the Translational Elongation Cycle
   Rebecca M. Voorhees and V. Ramakrishnan .................... 203
CRISPR-Mediated Adaptive Immune Systems in Bacteria and
   Rotem Sorek, С. Martin Lawrence, and Blake Wiedenheft ...... 237
Correlating Structure and Energetics in Protein-Ligand
Interactions: Paradigms and Paradoxes
   Stephen F. Martin and John H. Clements ..................... 267
Extracellular Chaperones and Proteostasis
   Amy R. Wyatt, Justin J. Yerbury, Heath Ecroyd, and Mark 
   R. Wilson .................................................. 295
Molecular Chaperone Functions in Protein Folding and
   Yujin E. Kim, Mark S. Hipp, Andreas Bracher, Manajit
   Hayer-Hartl, and F. Ulrich Hartl ........................... 323
Sumoylation: A Regulatory Protein Modification in Health and
   Annette Flotho and Frauke Melchior ......................... 357
Ubiquitin Ligases and Cell Cycle Control
   Leonardo K. Teixeira and Steven I. Reed .................... 387
Molecular Architecture and Assembly of the Eukaryotic
   Robert J. Tomko Jr. and Mark Hochstrasser .................. 415
Design of Protein Catalysts
   Donald Hilvert ............................................. 447
Hydrogen Tunneling Links Protein Dynamics to Enzyme
   Judith P. Klinman andAmnon Kohen ........................... 471
Methylerythritol Phosphate Pathway of Isoprenoid
   Lishan Zhao, Wei-chen Chang, Youli Xiao, Hung-wen Liu,
   and Pinghua Liu ............................................ 497
Posttranslational Biosynthesis of the Protein-Derived
Cofactor Tryptophan Tryptophylquinone
   Victor L. Davidson and Carrie M. Wilmot .................... 531
Mitochondrial Complex I
   Judy Hirst ................................................. 551
Photosystem II: The Reaction Center of Oxygenic 
   David J. Vinyard, Gennady M. Ananyev, and G. Charles 
   Dismukes ................................................... 577
The Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Functions as the Molecular 
Switch of Synaptic Transmission
   Daphne Atlas ............................................... 607
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and Its Receptors: Structure, 
Signaling, and Influence
   Hugh Rosen, Raymond C. Stevens, Michael Hanson, Edward
   Roberts, Michael B.A. Oldstone ............................. 637
Membrane Fission Reactions of the Mammalian ESCRT Pathway
   John McCullough, Leremy A. Coif, and Wesley I. Sundquist ... 663
Signal Recognition Particle: An Essential Protein-Targeting 
   David Akopian, Kuang Shen, Xin Zhang, and Shu-ou Shan ...... 693
Peroxisome Formation and Maintenance Are Dependent on the 
Endoplasmic Reticulum
   Henk F. Tabak, Ineke Braakman, and Adabella van der Zand ... 723
Systemic Amyloidoses
   Luis M. Blancas-Mejia and Marina Ramirez-Alvarado .......... 745
Nanobodies: Natural Single-Domain Antibodies
   Serge Muyldermans .......................................... 775

Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 78-82 ....... 799
Cumulative Index of Article Titles, Volumes 78-82 ............. 803

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of 
Biochemistry articles may be found at

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