Wide-band slow-wave systems: simulation and applications (Boca Raton, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWide-band slow-wave systems: simulation and applications / S.Staras et al. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. - xxi, 438 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.413-438. - ISBN 978-1-4398-8154-5

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................. xiii
Symbols and Acronyms .......................................... xix
1  Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Helical Systems Using
   Electrodynamical Methods ..................................... 1
   1.1  Modeling of Nonhomogeneous Helical Systems .............. 1
   1.2  Simulation of Axially Symmetrical Helical System ........ 5
   1.3  Simulation of Complex Helical Systems without
        Internal Shields ....................................... 14
        1.3.1  Modeling and Properties of the Helix
               Asymmetrically Mounted inside the External
               Shield .......................................... 15
        1.3.2  Generalized Model of Helical Systems without
               Internal Shields ................................ 19
   1.4  Summary ................................................ 24
   References .................................................. 24
2  Multiconductor Line Method .................................. 27
   2.1  Electromagnetic Waves in Multiconductor Lines .......... 28
        2.1.1  Wave Equation ................................... 28
        2.1.2  Space Harmonics in Periodic Structures .......... 29
        2.1.3  Waves in Multiconductor Lines with Homogeneous
               Dielectric ...................................... 31
        2.1.4  Space Harmonics in Multiconductor Lines ......... 33
   2.2  Voltages and Currents in Multiconductor Lines .......... 34
        2.2.1  Multiconductor Lines with Homogeneous
               Dielectric ...................................... 34
        2.2.2  Multiconductor Lines with Nonhomogeneous
               Dielectric ...................................... 37
   2.3  Normal Waves in Multiconductor Lines ................... 38
        2.3.1  Telegraph Equations and Their Solutions ......... 39
        2.3.2  Relationships for Voltages and Currents in
               Normal Waves .................................... 42
        2.3.3  Parameters of Multiconductor Lines in Normal
               Waves ........................................... 43
   2.4  Dependence of Wave Admittances and Effective
        Dielectric Permittivities on Phase Angle ............... 46
   2.5  Calculation of Capacitances ............................ 50
   2.6  Principles of Modeling of Slow-Wave Structures ......... 53
   2.7  Application of the Multiconductor Line Method for
        Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Systems ..................... 55
        2.7.1  Model of the System ............................. 57
        2.7.2  Dispersion Equation, Retardation Factor, and
               Input Impedance ................................. 59
        2.7.3  Calculation Results ............................. 60
        2.7.1  Contents
   2.8  Calculations of Frequency Characteristics Using
        Numerical Iterations ................................... 62
        2.8.1  Calculation of Characteristics Avoiding
               Derivation of Dispersion Equations .............. 62
        2.8.2  Simulation of an Axially Symmetrical Helical
               System .......................................... 67
   2.9  Application of Scattering Transmission Line Matrices ... 72
        2.9.1  Two-Port Circuits in Models of Periodic
               Systems ......................................... 72
        2.9.2  Composition of Scattering Matrix for
               Multiconductor Lines ............................ 75
        2.9.3  Meander Slow-Wave System Model Based on
               Scattering Parameters ........................... 80
        2.9.4  Results of Calculations ......................... 85
   2.10 Summary ................................................ 86
   References .................................................. 88
3  Calculation of Characteristic Impedances of Multiconductor
   Lines ....................................................... 91
   3.1  Finite Difference Method ............................... 91
        3.1.1  General Information ............................. 91
        3.1.2  Calculation of Potential Distribution ........... 93
        3.1.3  Calculation of Distributed Capacitances ......... 96
        3.1.4  Calculations of Characteristic Impedances of
               Multiconductor Lines ............................ 97
        3.1.5  Duration and Errors of Calculations ............. 99
        3.1.6  Software for Calculations of Characteristic
               Impedances ...................................... 99
   3.2  Finite Element Method ................................. 102
        3.2.1  General Information ............................ 102
        3.2.2  Finite Elements ................................ 104
        3.2.3  Conjunction of Cells ........................... 107
        3.2.4  Computation of Potentials of Nodes ............. 108
        3.2.5  Software Based on the Finite Element Method .... 109
   3.3  Integral Equation Method .............................. 112
        3.3.1  Integral Equations ............................. 112
        3.3.2  The Principles of the Method of Moments ........ 113
        3.3.3  Calculation of Charges ......................... 114
        3.3.4  Calculation of Characteristic Impedance ........ 117
        3.3.5  Software Based on Integral Equation Method ..... 120
   3.4  Application of the Method of Integral Equations ....... 120
        3.4.1  Characteristic Impedance of the Microstrip
               Line ........................................... 121
       Partial Images in the Space
                        Containing a Dielectric Plate ......... 124
       The Mathematical Model of the
                        Microstrip Line ....................... 125
       Results of Calculations ............... 128
        3.4.2  Characteristic Impedances of Coupled
               Microstrip Lines ............................... 130
       Model of Coupled Microstrip Lines ..... 131
       Model of Coupled Microstrip Lines
                        with a Homogeneous Dielectric ......... 132
       Model of Coupled Microstrip Lines
                        with a Nonhomogeneous Dielectric ...... 133
       Results of Calculations ............... 135
        3.4.3  Calculation of Characteristic Impedances of
               Multiconductor Microstrip Lines ................ 137
        3.4.4  Results of Calculations ........................ 139
   3.5  Summary ............................................... 143
        References ............................................ 143
4  Models and Properties of Slow-Wave Systems ................. 147
   4.1  Models and Properties of Special Types of Helical
        Systems ............................................... 147
        4.1.1  Twined Helical System .......................... 147
       Model of the Twined Helical System .... 147
       Properties of the Twined Helical
                        System ................................ 151
       Additionally Shielded Twined Helical
                        System ................................ 152
        4.1.2  Quasi-Symmetrical Helical System ............... 160
       Simplified Model of the Quasi-
                        Symmetrical Helical System ............ 161
       Properties of the Quasi-Symmetrical
                        Helical System ........................ 165
       Analysis of the Quasi-Symmetrical
                        Helical System Using the Advanced
                        Model ................................. 166
   4.2  Gutter-Type Helical and Meander Systems ............... 175
        4.2.1  Models and Properties of Homogeneous Gutter-
               Type Systems ................................... 176
        4.2.2  Models and Properties of Nonhomogeneous
               Gutter-Type Helical Systems .................... 177
        4.2.3  Models and Properties of Nonhomogeneous
               Meander Systems ................................ 181
   4.3  Influence of Periodical Inhomogeneities on
        Properties of Slow-Wave Systems ....................... 186
   4.4  Simulation of Meander Systems with Finite Length ...... 192
        4.4.1  Model of the Microstrip Delay Line with
               Limited Length ................................. 192
        4.4.2  Results of Simulation and Measurements ......... 193
   4.5  Summary ............................................... 196
   References ................................................. 197
5  Investigation of Slow-Wave Systems Applying Versatile
   Electromagnetic Simulation and Design Tools ................ 199
   5.1  Model of a Helical Slow-Wave System ................... 200
        5.1.1  Calculation of Amplitude and Phase-Frequency
               Responses of a Helical Slow-Wave System ........ 203
        5.1.2  Calculation of Phase Delay Time and
               Characteristic Impedance ....................... 205
   5.2  Investigation of the Twined Helical Slow-Wave System .. 210
        5.2.1  Models of the Twined Helical System ............ 210
        5.2.2  Properties of the Twined System at Varying
               Widths of Helical Conductors ................... 215
   5.3  Input Impedance of Helical Systems .................... 216
   5.4  Resonances in the System of Shields and
        Possibilities of Avoiding Them ........................ 221
        5.4.1  Model and Methodology of Investigation of the
               System ......................................... 221
        5.4.2  Application of Microwave Office for
               Investigation of Resonant Effects .............. 223
        5.4.3  Possibilities for Avoiding Resonant Effects .... 224
   5.5  Application of Software for Three-Dimensional
        Modeling .............................................. 228
        5.5.1  Brief Information about MicroWave Studio
               Tools .......................................... 228
        5.5.2  Investigation of the Influence of Internal
               Anisotropic Shields on Properties of Helical
               Systems ........................................ 229
        5.5.3  Investigation of the Influence of Periodical
               Inhomogeneities ................................ 231
        5.5.4  Investigation of the Meander Slow-Wave System .. 234
       Simulation of an Asymmetrical
                        Meander System ........................ 235
       Simulation of a Symmetrical Meander
                        System ................................ 237
       Simulation of an Axially Symmetrical
                        Meander System ........................ 238
   5.6  Summary ............................................... 241
   References ................................................. 242
6  Investigation of Slow-Wave Structures Using Synergy of
   Various Methods ............................................ 245
   6.1  Simulation of an Inhomogeneous Meander Line ........... 245
        6.1.1  Simulation of Asymmetrical Inhomogeneities ..... 246
        6.1.2  Simulation of Inhomogeneities at the Sides of
               the Meander Electrode .......................... 249
        6.1.3  Simulation of Terminals ........................ 250
   6.2  Simulation and Properties of the H-Profile Meander
        System ................................................ 251
        6.2.1  Simulation Using the Multiconductor Line
               Method ......................................... 252
        6.2.2  Simulation Using the MicroWave Studio Software
               Package ........................................ 254
   6.3  Simulation of Symmetrically and Asymmetrically
        ShidSed Helical Lines ................................. 258
        6.3.1  Simulation Using the Multiconductor Line
               Method ......................................... 258
        6.3.2  Simulation Using the MicroWave Studio Package .. 261
   6.4  Simulation of the Axially Symmetrical Helical Line .... 264
        6.4.1  Simulation Using the Multiconductor Line
               Method ......................................... 265
        6.4.2  Simulation Using the MicroWave Studio Package .. 268
   6.5  Summary ............................................... 270
   References ................................................. 271
7  Application of Slow-Wave Structures for Deflection of
   Electron Beams ............................................. 273
   7.1  Correction of Phase Distortions in Traveling-Wave
        Deflecting Systems .................................... 274
   7.2  Electrical Field in the Deflecting System ............. 278
        7.2.1  Analytical Methods and Approximations .......... 278
        7.2.2  Distribution of Potential and Deflecting
               Field .......................................... 281
        7.2.3  Results of Calculations ........................ 284
        7.2.4  Electric Field in a Twined Helical Deflecting
               System ......................................... 286
   7.3  Nonlinear Distortions in Traveling-Wave Cathode-Ray
        Tubes ................................................. 292
        7.3.1  Distortions of Harmonic Oscillations in
               Asymmetrical Helical Systems ................... 293
        7.3.2  Reduction of Nonlinear Frequency-Dependent
               Distortions .................................... 297
        7.3.3  Distortions of Electrical Pulses ............... 298
   7.4  Simulation of Transitions to Traveling-Wave
        Deflecting Systems .................................... 304
        7.4.1  Model of the Deflection Path ................... 305
        7.4.2  Calculation Results ............................ 309
        7.4.3  Reduction of Frequency Distortions ............. 313
   7.5  Opportunities for Improvement of Dynamic
        Characteristics of Traveling-Wave Cathode-Ray Tubes
        and Their Signal Paths ................................ 314
        7.5.1  Influence of Dispersion ........................ 314
        7.5.2  Influence of Attenuation ....................... 316
        7.5.3  Influence of Characteristic Impedance
               Variation ...................................... 318
        7.5.4  Influence of Peculiarities of a Deflecting
               Field .......................................... 319
        7.5.5  The Conjoint Influence of Various Factors ...... 321
   7.6  Conclusions ........................................... 322
        References ............................................ 323
8  Application of Slow-Wave Systems for Delay ................. 327
   8.1  Simulation of Meander Systems Containing
        Periodical Inhomogeneities ............................ 327
        8.1.1  Analysis of Multiconductor Line at Irregular
               Step of Conductors ............................. 329
       Model of Microstrip Multiconductor
                        Line .................................. 329
       Simulation of Multiconductor Line ..... 331
        8.1.2  Properties of Microstrip Meander Lines
               Containing Periodical Inhomogeneities .......... 337
       Dispersion Properties ................. 338
       Input Impedance ....................... 340
   8.2  Properties of Packaged Microstrip Meander Systems ..... 342
        8.2.1  Dispersion Properties of Packaged Microstrip
               Meander Delay Lines ............................ 343
        8.2.2  Dispersion Properties of Packaged Microstrip
               Meander Delay Lines Containing Periodical
               Inhomogeneities ................................ 345
        8.2.3  Input Impedance of Packaged Microstrip Meander
               Delay Lines .................................... 348
        8.2.4  Input Impedance of Packaged Microstrip
               Meander Delay Lines Containing Periodical
               Inhomogeneities ................................ 351
   8.3  Characteristic Impedance of Meander Systems ........... 352
   8.4  Models of Meander Systems Containing Additional
        Shields ............................................... 357
        8.4.1  General Principles for Composing Models ........ 359
        8.4.2  Simplified Model of Microstrip Meander
               Systems Containing Digital Additional Shields .. 363
        8.4.3  Simplified Model of Meander System Containing
               Interdigital Additional Shields ................ 368
        8.4.4  Calculation Results ............................ 372
   8.5  Analysis of Wide-Band Meander Slow-Wave Systems
        Using an Advanced Model ............................... 375
        8.5.1  Advanced Model of Wide Pass-Band Meander
               Systems ........................................ 375
        8.5.2  Properties of Microstrip Meander Systems
               Containing Digital Additional Shields .......... 381
       Influence of Digital Additional
                        Shields on Dispersion Properties ...... 383
       Influence of Digital Additional
                        Shields on Input Impedance ............ 386
       Dependence of Properties of
                        Microstrip Meander Systems on Length
                        of Digital Additional Shields ......... 386
   8.6  Wide-Band Modified Gutter-Type Delay Lines ............ 387
   8.7  Summary ............................................... 390
   References ................................................. 392
9  Computer-Aided Design of Electrodynamical Delay Lines ...... 395
   9.1  General Information ................................... 395
   9.2  Methodology of Computer-Aided Design of Wide-Band
        Meander Systems ....................................... 397
        9.2.1  Algorithm of Computer-Aided Design ............. 397
        9.2.2  Input Data ..................................... 400
        9.2.3  Synthesis and Analysis of the Initial
               Structure ...................................... 401
        9.2.4  Improvement of the Structure ................... 402
   9.3  Principles of Synthesis of Initial Structure of
        Microstrip Meander Delay Line Containing Additional
        Shields ............................................... 402
   9.4  Algorithm for Synthesis of Microstrip Meander Delay
        Lines ................................................. 404
   9.5  Methodology and Algorithm for Design of Helical
        Delay Lines ........................................... 407
        9.5.1  Modeling of Helical Delay Lines ................ 407
        9.5.2  Algorithm for Synthesis of Helical Delay
               Lines .......................................... 409
   9.6  Summary ............................................... 410
   References ................................................. 411
Index ......................................................... 413

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