Stolt R.H. Seismic imaging and inversion: application of linear inverse theory (Cambridge; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStolt R.H. Seismic imaging and inversion: application of linear inverse theory / R.H.Stolt, A.B.Weglein. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - xii, 404 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.397-400. - Ind.: p.401-404. - ISBN 978-1-107-01490-9

Оглавление / Contents
Preface and acknowledgments .................................... ix
1  Introduction - modeling, migration, imaging, and 
   inversion .................................................... 1
   1.1  Seismic data contains information ....................... 1
   1.2  Models for propagation and reflection ................... 1
   1.3  Going forward to go back ................................ 3
   1.4  Seismic and non-seismic imaging ......................... 3
   1.5  Motivation for migration ................................ 4
   1.6  Time and depth migration ................................ 6
   1.7  Migration velocity ...................................... 6
   1.8  Full-wave and asymptotic migration ...................... 8
   1.9  Seismic migration and inversion ......................... 9
   1.10 True amplitude migration ................................ 9
   1.11 Linear and nonlinear processes ......................... 10
2  Basic migration concepts .................................... 11
   2.1  Migration as a map ..................................... 11
   2.2  Ray-theoretical migration concepts ..................... 16
   2.3  Downward continuation .................................. 25
   2.4  Reverse time migration ................................. 33
   2.5  Claerbout one-way difference-equation migration ........ 37
   2.6  Frequency-wavenumber migration methods ................. 44
   2.7  Other methods .......................................... 52
   2.8  Time migration ......................................... 55
   2.9  Summary ................................................ 60
   Exercises ................................................... 60
3  Prestack migration .......................................... 62
   3.1  Prestack migration concepts ............................ 62
   3.2  Prestack ƒ-k migration in two dimensions ............... 63
   3.3  Prestack slant-stack migration in 2.5 dimensions ....... 73
   3.4  Prestack ray-theoretical migration ..................... 75
   3.5  Prestack ƒ-k migration in three dimensions ............. 80
   3.6  Prestack reverse-time migration ........................ 86
   Exercises ................................................... 89
4  Migration limitations ....................................... 90
   4.1  Perfect and imperfect migrations ....................... 90
   4.2  Effects of finite bandwidth ............................ 90
   4.3  Space-domain image amplitude renormalization .......... 102
   4.4  Effects of spatial sampling ........................... 102
   4.5  Effects of maximum dip ................................ 103
   4.6  Effects of finite spatial aperture .................... 103
   4.7  Extra and missing data ................................ 113
   4.8  Effects of a finite time window ....................... 114
   4.9  Undermigration and overmigration ...................... 118
   Exercises .................................................. 121
5  Models for wave propagation and reflection ................. 122
   5.1  The need for models ................................... 122
   5.2  Wave equations ........................................ 123
   5.3  Building reflections .................................. 128
   5.4  A scattering-theory model for reflection data ......... 131
   Exercises .................................................. 134
6  Green's functions .......................................... 135
   6.1  The general Green's function .......................... 135
   6.2  The scalar Green's function ........................... 137
   6.3  The acoustic Green's function ......................... 140
   6.4  The elastic Green's function .......................... 142
   6.5  Local wavenumbers ..................................... 144
   6.6  Multipath Green's functions ........................... 145
   6.7  Green's functions in a layered medium ................. 146
   Exercises .................................................. 154
7  The scattering potential ................................... 155
   7.1  The scattering potential as a function of angle ....... 155
   7.2  The scalar scattering potential ....................... 157
   7.3  The acoustic scattering potential ..................... 158
   7.4  The elastic scattering potential ...................... 159
   7.5  Summary ............................................... 171
   Exercises .................................................. 172
8  Reflectivity ............................................... 174
   8.1  Point reflectivity .................................... 174
   8.2  A scalar reflectivity function ........................ 176
   8.3  An acoustic reflectivity function ..................... 179
   8.4  Elastic reflectivity functions ........................ 181
   8.5  A general formula relating scattering potential
        and reflectivity ...................................... 186
   8.6  Summary of linearized reflectivity functions .......... 187
   Exercises .................................................. 189
9  Synthesizing reflection data ............................... 190
   9.1  The Born model for seismic reflections ................ 190
   9.2  A constant background ................................. 190
   9.3  Restricted data sets .................................. 197
   9.4  A depth-variable background ........................... 207
   9.5  A generally variable background ....................... 212
   9.6  Summary ............................................... 219
   Exercises .................................................. 222
10 Frequency-wavenumber migration ............................. 223
   10.1 Full constant-velocity migration ...................... 223
   10.2 Partialmigration ...................................... 229
   10.3 Residualf-k migration ................................. 233
   10.4 Migration in a depth-variable medium .................. 236
   Exercises .................................................. 248
11 Asymptotic modeling and migration .......................... 249
   11.1 Migration and modeling as mapping ..................... 249
   11.2 Traveltime and depth functions ........................ 250
   11.3 Single-valued modeling and migration .................. 252
   11.4 Relating the forward and inverse mappings ............. 255
   11.5 Constant-angle migration .............................. 258
   11.6 Special cases ......................................... 263
   Exercises .................................................. 270
12 Residual asymptotic migration .............................. 271
   12.1 Combining modeling and migration ...................... 271
   12.2 Transition zones ...................................... 276
   Exercises .................................................. 277
13 Asymptotic data mapping and continuation ................... 278
   13.1 Combining forward and inverse migration ............... 278
   13.2 Constant-velocity depth extrapolation in 2-D .......... 280
   13.3 MZOandDMO ............................................. 285
   Exercises .................................................. 287
14 Least-squares asymptotic migration ......................... 289
   14.1 Direct versus least-squares inversion ................. 289
   14.2 Multipathing .......................................... 290
   14.3 The asymptotic modeling operator in three and two 
        dimensions ............................................ 291
   14.4 Least-squares migration in 2.5-D ...................... 292
   14.5 Three-dimensional common-angle least-squares 
        migration ............................................. 297
   Exercises .................................................. 305
Appendix A Conventions and glossary of terms .................. 306
Appendix В Coordinates, vectors, and identities ............... 311
Appendix С Fourier and Radon transforms ....................... 316
Appendix D Surface and pointwise reflectivity ................. 324
Appendix E Useful filters ..................................... 327
Appendix F The phase integral and the stationary phase
           approximation ...................................... 353
Appendix G The diffraction integral ........................... 366
Appendix H Wave-based, ray-based, and reflector-based 
           coordinates ........................................ 385
References .................................................... 397

Index ......................................................... 401

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