Sarkar S.K. Wireless sensor and ad hoc networks under diversified network scenarios (Boston, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSarkar S.K. Wireless sensor and ad hoc networks under diversified network scenarios. - Boston: Artech House, 2012. - xvii, 260 p.: ill. - (Artech House mobile communications library). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.251-260. - ISBN-10 1-60807-468-4; ISBN 978-1-60807-468-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Overview of Wireless Networks ........................... 1
   1.2  Types of Wireless Communication ......................... 3
        1.2.1  Wireless Personal Area Networks Bluetooth ........ 3
        1.2.2  Wireless Local Area Networks 802.11 .............. 3
        1.2.3  Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks WiMAX ........ 3
        1.2.4  Wireless Wide Area Networks ...................... 5
   1.3  The IEEE 802.11 Family .................................. 5
   1.4  Cellular Network ........................................ 7
        1.4.1  Existence of Mobile Generation and 4G ............ 7
        1.4.2  WiMAX ............................................ 9
   1.5  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ................................. 11
   1.6  Wireless Sensor Networks ............................... 11
   1.7  Bluetooth .............................................. 13
   1.8  Organization of the Book ............................... 14
   References .................................................. 16
2  Fundamentals of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ............. 23
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 23
   2.2  Literature Background .................................. 24
   2.3  Applications of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ................. 26
        2.3.1  Characteristics of MANETs ....................... 27
   2.4  Medium Access Control Layer ............................ 28
   2.5  Topology Control ....................................... 29
   2.6  Routing Protocols ...................................... 30
   2.7  Broadcasting ........................................... 31
   2.8  Multicasting ........................................... 33
   2.9  Internet Connectivity for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ....... 34
   2.10 Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ..................... 35
   References .................................................. 36
3  Scenario Based Performance Analysis of Various Routing
   Protocols in MANETs ......................................... 41
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   3.2  Literature Background .................................. 43
   3.3  Properties Desired in a Routing Protocol ............... 45
   3.4  Discussion of Various Routing Protocols ................ 46
        3.4.1  Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing
               Protocol ........................................ 47
        3.4.2  Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing
               Algorithm by Uppsala University (AODVUU) ........ 48
        3.4.3  Ad Hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector
               Routing Algorithm ............................... 49
        3.4.4  Reverse Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector
               Routing Algorithm (RAODV) ....................... 49
        3.4.5  Dynamic Source Routing Algorithm (DSR) .......... 50
        3.4.6  Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing
               Algorithm (DSDV) ................................ 51
        3.4.7  Dynamic MANET On Demand (DYMO) Routing
               Protocol ........................................ 52
        3.4.8  Fisheye State Routing Protocol (FSR) ............ 54
        3.4.9  Location-Aided Routing (LAR) Protocol ........... 55
        3.4.10 Optimized Link State Routing Protocol ........... 58
        3.4.11 Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) ..... 59
   3.5  Network Simulator, NS-2 ................................ 60
   3.6  Simulation Environment ................................. 61
   3.7  Result Analysis ........................................ 63
        3.7.1  Evaluation of Performance Metrics ............... 63
   References .................................................. 83
4  An Empirical Study of Various Mobility Models in MANETs ..... 87
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 87
   4.2  Literature Background .................................. 89
   4.3  Description of Various Mobility Models ................. 90
        4.3.1  Random Waypoint Mobility Model .................. 90
        4.3.2  Random Waypoint Mobility Model with Steady
               State ........................................... 90
        4.3.3  Random Walk Mobility Model with Reflection ...... 92
        4.3.4  Random Walk Mobility Model with Wrapping ........ 93
        4.3.5  Gauss-Markov Mobility Model ..................... 93
        4.3.6  Reference Point Group Mobility Model ............ 94
        4.3.7  Group Force Mobility Model ...................... 94
        4.3.8  Manhattan Mobility Model ........................ 96
        4.3.9  Levy Walk Mobility Model ........................ 96
        4.3.10 Community Based Mobility Model .................. 97
        4.3.11 Semi-Markov Smooth Mobility Model ............... 98
   4.4  Simulation Environment ................................. 99
   4.5  Result Analysis ....................................... 100
        4.5.1  Evaluation of Performance Metrics with
               Mobility Speed ................................. 100
        4.5.2  Evaluation of Performance Metrics for
               Different Network Scenarios .................... 103
   References ................................................. 107
5  Overhead Control Mechanism and Analysis in MANET ........... 111
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 111
   5.2  Literature Background ................................. 113
   5.3  Overhead Analysis in Hierarchical Routing Scheme ...... 114
   5.4  Overhead Minimizing Techniques and Analysis Using
        Clustering Mechanisms ................................. 116
   5.5  Overhead Minimization by Header Compression ........... 120
   5.6  Overhead Minimization for Ad Hoc Networks Connected
        to the Internet ....................................... 121
   5.7  Energy Models ......................................... 123
   5.8  Simulation ............................................ 124
   5.9  Result Analysis ....................................... 125
        5.9.1  Performance Evaluation of Different Energy
               Models ......................................... 125
        5.9.2  Performance Evaluation of Energy Consumed
               with Mobility Speed ............................ 128
   References ................................................. 130
6  Study of Various Issues in WSNs and Analysis of Wireless
   Sensor and Actor Network Scenarios ......................... 133
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 133
   6.2  Literature Background ................................. 135
   6.3  Applications of WSNs .................................. 135
   6.4  Hardware and Software Issues in WSN ................... 136
        6.4.1  Hardware Issues ................................ 136
        6.4.2  Software Issues ................................ 138
   6.5  Issues in Radio Communication ......................... 139
   6.6  Design Issues of MAC Protocols ........................ 141
        6.6.1  Classification of MAC Protocols ................ 142
   6.7  Deployment ............................................ 144
   6.8  Localization .......................................... 145
   6.9  Synchronization ....................................... 146
   6.10 Calibration ........................................... 147
   6.11 Network Layer Issues .................................. 148
        6.11.1 Classification of Routing Protocols in WSNs .... 149
        6.11.2 Popular Routing Protocols ...................... 150
   6.12 Transport Layer Issues ................................ 152
   6.13 Data Aggregation and Dissemination .................... 154
   6.14 Database Centric and Querying ......................... 156
   6.15 Programming Models for Sensor Networks ................ 160
   6.16 Middleware ............................................ 161
   6.17 Quality of Service .................................... 162
   6.18 Security .............................................. 164
   6.19 Wireless Sensor and Actor Network Architecture ........ 165
   6.20 Simulation Environment ................................ 166
   6.21 Result Analysis ....................................... 167
        6.21.1 Packet Delivery Ratio Based Performance
               Evaluation ..................................... 167
        6.21.2 Average End-to-End Delay Based Performance
               Evaluation ..................................... 169
        6.21.3 Control Packet Overhead Based Performance
               Evaluation ..................................... 170
        6.21.4 Throughput Based Performance Evaluation ........ 172
   References ................................................. 173
7  Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 with Sink
   Nodes in WSN Scenario ...................................... 181
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 181
   7.2  Literature Background ................................. 182
   7.3  Overview of IEEE 802.15.4 and Its Characteristics ..... 184
        7.3.1  Network Topologies ............................. 185
        7.3.2  LR-WPAN Protocol Architecture .................. 186
        7.3.3  The Superframe Structure ....................... 187
        7.3.4  Data Transmission .............................. 188
        7.3.5  Slotted CSMA-CA Mechanism (Beacon Enabled) ..... 189
        7.3.6  Starting and Maintaining PANs .................. 192
        7.3.7  Association and Disassociation ................. 193
        7.3.8  Synchronization ................................ 194
   7.4  Data Gathering Paradigm ............................... 194
   7.5  Simulation Environment ................................ 196
   7.6  Result Analysis ....................................... 197
        7.6.1  Evaluation of Various Metrics with Traffic
               Load ........................................... 198
        7.6.2  Evaluation of Various Metrics with Simulation
               Time ........................................... 200
        7.6.3  Evaluation of Performance Metrics with
               Different Network Scenarios .................... 201
   References ................................................. 208
8  Performance Evaluation and Traffic Load Effect on
   Patrimonial ZigBee Routing Protocols in WSNs ............... 211
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 211
   8.2  Literature Background ................................. 212
   8.3  Patrimonial ZigBee Routing Protocols .................. 214
   8.4  Traffic Generators .................................... 214
        8.4.1  Exponential On-Off Traffic ..................... 214
        8.4.2  Pareto On-Off Traffic .......................... 215
        8.4.3  CBR On-Off Traffic ............................. 215
        8.4.4  Poisson On-Off Traffic ......................... 215
   8.5  Traffic Model ......................................... 216
   8.6  Simulation Environment ................................ 216
   8.7  Result Analysis ....................................... 218
        8.7.1  Performance Evaluation of Various Protocols
               Under Network Scenarios ........................ 218
   References ................................................. 229
9  Applications and Recent Developments ....................... 231
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 231
   9.2  Applications and Opportunities ........................ 232
   9.3  Typical Applications .................................. 233
        9.3.1  Academic Environment ........................... 234
        9.3.2  Industrial or Corporate Environment ............ 234
        9.3.3  Health Care .................................... 234
        9.3.4  Defense (Army, Navy, and Air Force) ............ 235
        9.3.5  Disaster Situation for Search and Rescue
               Operations ..................................... 236
        9.3.6  Traffic Management and Monitoring .............. 236
        9.3.7  Other Applications ............................. 236
   9.4  Primary Issues for Wireless Networks .................. 237
   9.5  Recent Developments ................................... 238
   9.6  Active Research Areas ................................. 239
   9.7  Challenges and Future Scope ........................... 241
        9.7.1  Research Challenges ............................ 242
   References ................................................. 244

About the Author .............................................. 249
Index ......................................................... 251

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