Ndjountche T. CMOS analog integrated circuits: high-speed and power-efficient design (Boca Raton, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNdjountche T. CMOS analog integrated circuits: high-speed and power-efficient design. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011. - lii, 873 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.861-873. - ISBN 978-1-439-5491-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Content overview ............................................. xvii
Feedback ....................................................... xx
Acknowledgments ................................................ xx
List of Figures ............................................. xxiii
List of Tables ................................................. li
1  Mixed-Signal Integrated Systems: Limitations and
   Challenges ................................................... 1
   1.1  Integrated circuit design flow .......................... 2
   1.2  Design technique issues ................................. 6
   1.3  Integrated system perspectives .......................... 7
   1.4  Built-in self-test structures ........................... 8
   1.5  Concluding remarks ...................................... 9
   1.6  To probe further ........................................ 9
2  MOS Transistors ............................................. 11
   2.1  Transistor structure ................................... 12
        2.1.1  I/V characteristics of MOS transistors .......... 13
        2.1.2  Drain current in the strong inversion
               approximation ................................... 14
        2.1.3  Drain current in the subthreshold region ........ 17
        2.1.4  MOS transistor capacitances ..................... 20
        2.1.5  Scaling effects on MOS transistors .............. 21
   2.2  Transistor SPICE models ................................ 23
        2.2.1  Electrical characteristics ...................... 23
        2.2.2  Temperature effects ............................. 27
        2.2.3  Noise models .................................... 28
   2.3  Summary ................................................ 31
   2.4  Circuit design assessment .............................. 32
   Bibliography ................................................ 37
3  Physical Design of MOS Integrated Circuits .................. 39
   3.1  MOS Transistors ........................................ 40
   3.2  Passive components ..................................... 41
        3.2.1  Capacitors ...................................... 42
        3.2.2  Resistors ....................................... 43
        3.2.3  Inductors ....................................... 44
   3.3  Integrated-circuit (IС) interconnects .................. 46
   3.4  Physical design considerations ......................... 48
   3.5  1С packaging ........................................... 53
   3.6  Summary ................................................ 53
   3.7  Circuit design assessment .............................. 53
   Bibliography ................................................ 57
4  Bias and Current Reference Circuits ......................... 59
   4.1  Current mirrors ........................................ 60
        4.1.1  Simple current mirror ........................... 60
        4.1.2  Cascode current mirror .......................... 62
        4.1.3  Low-voltage active current mirror ............... 75
   4.2  Current and voltage references ......................... 76
        4.2.1  Supply-voltage independent current reference .... 78
        4.2.2  Bandgap references .............................. 79
       Low-voltage bandgap voltage reference .. 82
       Curvature-compensated bandgap voltage
                        reference .............................. 83
        4.2.3  Floating-gate voltage reference ................. 86
   4.3  Summary ................................................ 87
   4.4  Circuit design assessment .............................. 87
   Bibliography ................................................ 93
5  CMOS Amplifiers ............................................. 95
   5.1  Differential amplifier ................................. 96
        5.1.1  Dynamic range ................................... 97
        5.1.2  Source-coupled differential transistor pair ..... 99
        5.1.3  Current mirror ................................. 101
        5.1.4  Slew-rate limitation ........................... 102
        5.1.5  Small-signal characteristics ................... 103
        5.1.6  Offset voltage ................................. 108
        5.1.7  Noise in a differential transistor pair ........ 110
        5.1.8  Operational amplifier .......................... Ill
   5.2  Linearization techniques for transconductors .......... 114
   5.3  Single-stage amplifier ................................ 129
   5.4  Folded-cascode amplifier .............................. 130
   5.5  Fully differential amplifier architectures ............ 135
        5.5.1  Fully differential folded-cascode amplifier .... 135
       Basic structure ....................... 135
       Gain-enhanced structure ............... 138
        5.5.2  Telescopic amplifier ........................... 143
        5.5.3  Common-mode feedback circuits .................. 146
       Continuous-time common-mode
                        feedback circuit ...................... 146
       Switched-capacitor  common-mode
                        feedback circuit ...................... 150
        5.5.4  Pseudo fully differential amplifier ............ 154
   5.6  Multi-stage amplifier structures ...................... 156
        5.6.1  Output stage ................................... 157
        5.6.2  Two-stage amplifier ............................ 167
        5.6.3  Optimization of a two-pole amplifier for fast
               settling response .............................. 174
        5.6.4  Three-stage amplifier .......................... 177
   5.7  Rail-to-rail amplifiers ............................... 186
        5.7.1  Amplifier with a class AB input stage .......... 187
        5.7.2  Two-stage amplifier with class AB output
               stage .........................................  189
        5.7.3  Amplifier with rail-to-rail input and output
               stages  ........................................ 190
   5.8  Amplifier characterization ............................ 194
        5.8.1  Finite gain and bandwidth ...................... 194
        5.8.2  Phase margin ................................... 195
        5.8.3  Input and output impedances .................... 195
        5.8.4  Power supply rejection ......................... 195
        5.8.5  Slew rate ...................................... 195
        5.8.6  Low-frequency noise and dc offset voltage ...... 196
       Auto-zero compensation scheme ......... 198
       Chopper technique ..................... 201
   5.9  Summary ............................................... 204
   5.10 Circuit design assessment ............................. 204
   Bibliography ............................................... 219
6  Nonlinear Analog Components ................................ 225
   6.1  Comparators ........................................... 226
        6.1.1  Amplifier-based comparator ..................... 226
        6.1.2  Comparator using charge balancing
               techniques ..................................... 233
        6.1.3  Latched comparators ............................ 234
       Static comparator ..................... 235
       Dynamic comparator .................... 239
   6.2  Multipliers ........................................... 242
        6.2.1  Multiplier cores ............................... 244
       Multiplier core based on
                        externally controlled
                        transconductances ..................... 244
       Multiplier core based on the
                        quarter-square technique .............. 249
       Design issues ......................... 255
        6.2.2   Design examples ............................... 256
   6.3  Summary ............................................... 259
   6.4  Circuit design assessment ............................. 259
   Bibliography ............................................... 265
7  Continuous-Time Circuits ................................... 269
   7.1  Wireless communication system ......................... 270
        7.1.1  Receiver and transmitter architectures ......... 272
        7.1.2  Frequency translation and quadrature
               multiplexing ................................... 275
        7.1.3  Architecture of a harmonic-rejection
               transceiver .................................... 281
        7.1.4  Amplifiers ..................................... 282
       Power amplifier ....................... 283
       Low-noise amplifier ................... 292
        7.1.5  Mixer .......................................... 302
        7.1.6  Voltage-controlled oscillator .................. 306
        7.1.7  Automatic gain control ......................... 321
   7.2  Continuous-time filters ............................... 324
        7.2.1  RC circuits .................................... 326
        7.2.2  MOSFET-C circuits .............................. 327
        7.2.3  gm-C circuits .................................. 330
        7.2.4  gm-C operational amplifier (OA) circuits ....... 331
        7.2.5  Summer circuits ................................ 335
        7.2.6  Gyrator ........................................ 336
   7.3  Filter characterization ............................... 337
   7.4  Filter design methods ................................. 338
        7.4.1  First-order filter design ...................... 340
        7.4.2  Biquadratic filter design methods .............. 342
       Signal-flow graph-based design ........ 342
       Gyrator-based design .................. 346
        7.4.3  Ladder filter design methods ................... 349
       LC ladder network-based design ........ 349
       Signal-flow graph-based design ........ 352
   7.5  Design considerations for continuous-time filters ..... 356
        7.5.1  Automatic on-chip tuning of continuous-time
               filters ........................................ 356
        7.5.2  Nonideal integrator ............................ 358
   7.6  Frequency-control systems ............................. 359
        7.6.1   Phase-locked-loop-based technique ............. 359
        Operation principle .................. 359
        Architecture of the master: VCO or
                         VCF  ................................. 360
        Phase detector ....................... 361
        Implementation issues ................ 362
        7.6.2   Charge comparison-based technique ............. 363
   7.7  Quality-factor and bandwidth control systems .......... 365
        7.7.1  Magnitude-locked-loop-based technique .......... 365
        7.7.2  Envelope detection-based technique ............. 366
   7.8  Practical design considerations ....................... 369
   7.9  Other tuning strategies ............................... 372
        7.9.1  Tuning scheme using an external resistor ....... 372
        7.9.2  Self-tuned filter .............................  373
        7.9.3  Tuning scheme based on adaptive filter
               technique ...................................... 375
   7.10 Summary ............................................... 378
   7.11 Circuit design assessment ............................. 378
   Bibliography ............................................... 395
8  Switched-Capacitor Circuits ................................ 403
   8.1  Anti-aliasing filter .................................. 404
   8.2  Capacitors ............................................ 406
   8.3  Switches .............................................. 407
        8.3.1  Switch description ............................. 407
        8.3.2  Switch error sources ........................... 409
        8.3.3  Switch compensation techniques ................. 413
   8.4  Programmable capacitor arrays ......................... 414
   8.5  Operational amplifiers ................................ 416
   8.6  Track-and-hold (T/H) and sampk>and-hold (S/H)
        circuits  ............................................. 417
   8.7  Switched-capacitor (SC) circuit principle ............. 425
   8.8  SC filter design ...................................... 430
        8.8.1  First-order filter ............................. 432
        8.8.2  Biquad filter .................................. 433
        8.8.3  Ladder filter .................................. 441
   8.9  SC ladder filter based on the LDI transform ........... 441
   8.10 SC ladder filter based on the bilinear transform ...... 449
        8.10.1 RLC filter prototype-based design .............. 449
        8.10.2 Transfer function-based design of allpass
               filters ........................................ 456
   8.11 Effects of the amplifier finite gain and bandwidth .... 459
        8.11.1 Amplifier dc gain .............................. 461
        8.11.2 Amplifier finite bandwidth ..................... 463
      Inverting integrator .................. 463
      Noninverting integrator ............... 465
   8.12 Settling time in the integrator ....................... 466
   8.13 Amplifier dc offset voltage limitations ............... 469
   8.14 Computer-aided analysis of SC circuits ................ 469
   8.15 T/H and S/H circuits based on SC circuit
        principle ............................................. 473
   8.16 Circuit structures with low sensitivity to
        nonidealities ......................................... 478
        8.16.1 Integrators .................................... 479
        8.16.2 Gain stages .................................... 485
   8.17 Low-voltage SC circuits ............................... 489
   8.18 Summary ............................................... 492
   8.19 Circuit design assessment ............................. 493
   Bibliography ............................................... 503
9  Data Converter Principles .................................. 509
   9.1  Binary codes .......................................... 512
        9.1.1  Unipolar codes ................................. 513
        9.1.2  Bipolar codes .................................. 515
        9.1.3  Remarks ........................................ 516
   9.2  Data converter characterization ....................... 516
        9.2.1  Quantization errors ............................ 516
        9.2.2  Errors related to circuit components ........... 521
        9.2.3  Static errors .................................. 523
        9.2.4  Dynamic errors ................................. 526
   9.3  Summary ............................................... 529
   Bibliography ............................................... 531
10 Nyquist Digital-to-Analog Converters ....................... 533
   10.1 Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) architectures ....... 534
        10.1.1 Binary-weighted structure ...................... 534
        10.1.2 Thermometer-coded structure .................... 534
        10.1.3 Segmented architecture ......................... 535
   10.2 Voltage-scaling DACs .................................. 535
        10.2.1 Basic resistor-string DAC ...................... 535
        10.2.2 Intermeshed resistor-string DAC ................ 541
        10.2.3 Two-stage resistor-string DAC .................. 542
   10.3 Current-scaling DACs .................................. 545
        10.3.1 Binary-weighted resistor DAC ................... 545
        10.3.2 R-2R ladder DAC ................................ 547
        10.3.3 Switched-current DAC ........................... 547
   10.4 Charge-scaling DAC .................................... 554
   10.5 Hybrid DAC ............................................ 557
   10.6 Configuring a unipolar DAC for the bipolar
        conversion  ........................................... 562
   10.7 Algorithmic DAC ....................................... 564
   10.8 Summary ............................................... 565
   10.9 Circuit design assessment ............................. 566
   Bibliography ............................................... 571
11 Nyquist Analog-to-Digital Converters ....................... 573
   11.1 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architectures ....... 574
        11.1.1 Successive approximation register ADC .......... 574
        11.1.2 Integrating ADC ................................ 584
        11.1.3 Flash ADC ...................................... 592
        11.1.4 Averaging ADC .................................. 604
        11.1.5 Folding and interpolating ADC .................. 607
        11.1.6 Sub-ranging ADC ................................ 619
        11.1.7 Pipelined ADC .................................. 619
        11.1.8 Algorithmic ADC ................................ 632
        11.1.9 Time-interleaved ADC ........................... 635
   11.2 Summary ............................................... 639
   11.3 Circuit design assessment ............................. 640
   Bibliography ............................................... 647
12 Delta-Sigma Data Converters ................................ 651
   12.1 Delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter ............... 652
        12.1.1 Time domain behavior ........................... 653
        12.1.2 Linear model of a discrete-time modulator ...... 655
        12.1.3 Modulator dynamic range ........................ 657
        12.1.4 Continuous-time modulator ...................... 661
        12.1.5 Lowpass delta-sigma modulator .................. 664
      Single-stage modulator with a 1-bit
                        quantizer ............................. 664
      Dithering ............................. 668
      Design examples ....................... 668
      Modulator architectures with
                        a multi-bit quantizer ................. 673
      Cascaded modulator .................... 676
      Effect of the multi-bit DAC
                        nonlinearity .......................... 686
      Quantization noise shaping and inter
                        -stage coefficient scaling ............ 686
        12.1.6 Bandpass delta-sigma modulator ................. 688
      Single-loop bandpass delta-sigma
                        modulator ............................. 688
      Cascaded bandpass delta-sigma
                        modulator ............................. 689
      Design examples ....................... 690
        12.1.7 Decimation filter .............................. 697
   12.2 Delta-sigma digital-to-analog converter ............... 717
        12.2.1 Interpolation filter ........................... 718
        12.2.2 Digital modulator .............................. 725
   12.3 Nyquist DAC design issues ............................. 729
        12.3.1 Data-weighted averaging technique .............. 730
        12.3.2 Element selection logic based on a tree
               structure and  butterfly shuffler .............. 731
        12.3.3 Vector feedback DEM DAC ........................ 734
   12.4 Data converter testing and characterization ........... 739
        12.4.1 Histogram-based testing ........................ 740
        12.4.2 Spectral analysis method ....................... 742
        12.4.3 Walsh transform-based transfer function
               estimation ..................................... 744
        12.4.4 Testing using sine-fit algorithms .............. 744
   12.5 Delta-sigma modulator-based oscillator ................ 745
   12.6 Digital signal processor interfacing with data
        converters ............................................ 748
        12.6.1 Parallel interfacing ........................... 751
        12.6.2 Serial interfacing ............................. 752
   12.7 Built-in self-test structures for data converters  .... 753
   12.8 Circuit design assessment ............................. 756
   Bibliography ............................................... 765
13 Circuits for Clock Signal Generation and Synchronization ... 769
   13.1 Generation of clock signals with nonoverlapping
        phases ................................................ 770
   13.2 Phase-locked loop ..................................... 773
        13.2.1 PLL linear model ............................... 773
        13.2.2 Charge-pump PLL ................................ 774
   13.3 Charge-pump PLL building blocks ....................... 775
        13.3.1 Phase and frequency detector ................... 775
        13.3.2 Phase detector ................................. 778
      Linear phase detector ................. 778
      Binary phase detector ................. 779
      Half-rate phase detector .............. 780
        13.3.3 Charge-pump circuit ............................ 783
        13.3.4 Loop filter .................................... 786
        13.3.5 Voltage-controlled oscillator .................. 788
   13.4 Applications .......................................... 792
        13.4.1 Frequency synthesizer .......................... 792
   13.4.2 Clock and data recovery ............................. 802
   13.5 Delay-locked loop ..................................... 805
   13.6 PLL with a built-in self-test structure ............... 807
   13.7 PLL specifications .................................... 808
   13.8 Summary ............................................... 810
   13.9 Circuit design assessment ............................. 810
   Bibliography ............................................... 817

Appendix A Logic Building Blocks .............................. 821
   A.l  Boolean algebra ....................................... 821
        A.1.1  Basic operations ............................... 821
        A.1.2  Exclusive-OR and equivalence operations ........ 822
   A.2  Combinational logic circuits .......................... 822
        A.2.1  Basic gates .................................... 822
        A.2.2  CMOS implementation ............................ 824
   А.З Sequential logic circuits .............................. 827
        A.3.1  Asynchronous SR latch .......................... 828
        A.3.2  Asynchronous SR latch .......................... 828
        A.3.3  D latch ........................................ 829
        A.3.4  D flip-flops ................................... 829
        A.3.5  CMOS implementation  ........................... 831
   A.4  Bibliography .......................................... 834
Appendix В Transistor sizing in building blocks ............... 837
   B.l  MOS transistor ........................................ 837
   B.2  Amplifier ............................................. 842
   B.3  Comparator and latch .................................. 851
   B.4  Bibliography .......................................... 854
Appendix С Signal-Flow Graph .................................. 855
   C.I  SFG reduction rules ................................... 856
   C.2  Mason's gain formula  ................................. 857
   C.3  Bibliography .......................................... 860

Index ........................................................  861

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