Duong C.N. Composite repair: theory and design (Oxford; Amsterdam, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDuong C.N. Composite repair: theory and design / C.N.Duong, Ch.H.Wang. - Oxford; Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. - xiv, 463 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.442-455. - Ind.: p.456-463. - ISBN 978-0-0804-5146-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface .......................................................  XI
Acknowledgements ............................................. XIII
Disclaimer .................................................... XIV

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Objectives of Bonded Repairs and an Overview of the
        Repair Process .......................................... 1
        1.1.1  Structural assessment ............................ 3
        1.1.2  Repair design .................................... 3
        1.1.3  Installation of the repair ....................... 7
   1.2  Objectives of This Book ................................. 8
   1.3  Review of Past and Current Work on Design and Analysis
        of Bonded Repair ........................................ 8
   1.4  Basic Elements of Fracture Mechanics Theory ............ 10
2  Theory of Bonded Doublers and Bonded Joints ................. 16
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 16
   2.2  Stress Analysis of Two-Sided Doublers and Double-
        trap Joints ............................................ 17
        2.2.1  Elastic analysis of two-sided doublers and
               double-strap joints ............................. 17
        2.2.2  Elastic-plastic analysis of two-sided doublers
               and double-strap joints ......................... 23
        2.2.3  Peel stresses in two-sided doublers and double
              -strap joints .................................... 28
   2.3  Stress Analysis of One-Sided Bonded Double and Single
        Strap Joints ........................................... 31
        2.3.1  Stage Г. Solution for bending moment at ends
               and middle of overlap ........................... 33
        2.3.2  Stage II: Solution for induced adhesive peel
               stresses ........................................ 38
        2.3.3  Stage III: Solution for induced adhesive shear
               stresses ........................................ 45
   2.4  Consideration of Other Important Effects in Bonded
        Doublers and  Joints ................................... 50
        2.4.1  Stress-free condition at the adhesive ends ...... 51
        2.4.2  Corner singularity .............................. 53
        2.4.3  Stress concentration in adherends ............... 59
        2.4.4  Triaxial stresses and plastic yielding .......... 62
   2.5  Failure Criteria for Bonded Doublers and Joints ........ 65
3  Fundamental Concept of Crack Patching ....................... 69
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 69
   3.2  Formulation and Notation ............................... 71
   3.3  Symmetric or Fully Supported One-Sided Repairs ......... 73
        3.3.1  Stage I: Load attraction by patch ............... 73
        3.3.2  Stage II: Stress intensity factor ............... 80
        3.3.3  The effect of plastic adhesive .................. 82
        3.3.4  The effect of finite crack size ................. 83
        3.3.5  The effect of mixed mode loading ................ 86
   3.4  One-Sided Repairs ...................................... 87
   3.5  Thermal Stresses ....................................... 92
   3.6  Summary ................................................ 94
4  Mathematical Theory of Supported One-Sided Crack Patching
   or  Two-Sided Crack Patching ................................ 95
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 95
   4.2  Stage I: Load Attraction ............................... 95
        4.2.1  Equivalent inclusion method ..................... 97
        4.2.2  Inclusion problem with polynomial
               eigenstrains .. .................................100
        4.2.3  Solution of the load attraction problem ........ 107
        4.2.4  Load attraction with thermal effects ........... 110
   4.3  Stage II: Fracture Analysis ........................... 115
        4.3.1  Cracked sheet displacements and stresses ....... 118
        4.3.2  Composite patch displacements and stresses ..... 122
        4.3.3  Stress intensity factor evaluation ............. 130
   4.4  Numerical Illustrations ............................... 131
   4.5  Thermal Constraints ................................... 138
   4.6  Summary ............................................... 145
5  Approximate Theory of Unsupported One-Sided Crack
   Patching ................................................... 146
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 146
   5.2  Stage I: Geometrically Linear Analysis ................ 147
        5.2.1  Inclusion with constant eigencurvature ......... 147
        5.2.2  Geometrically linear analysis of polygonal
               patch .......................................... 152
   5.3  Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Stage I ........... 159
        5.3.1  Thermal stresses in polygonal patch ............ 162
        5.3.2  Patch spanning across the entire plate's
               width under purely mechanical loading .......... 176
        5.3.3  Polygonal patch under combined thermo-
               mechanical loading ............................. 183
   5.4  Stage II: Fracture Analysis Using Crack-bridging
        Model ................................................. 189
        5.4.1  Determination of spring constants .............. 192
        5.4.2  Fracture analysis by crack-bridging model ...... 197
        5.4.3  Numerical solutions of integral equations ...... 201
        5.4.4  Illustrative examples .......................... 205
   5.5  Thermal Residual Stresses Resulting from Bonding ...... 209
        5.5.1  Rose's or Barneveld-Fredell's curing model ..... 209
        5.5.2  Duong and Yu's curing model .................... 209
        5.5.3  Wang and Erjavec's curing model ................ 210
   5.6  Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth in
        One-Sided Patching .................................... 214
   5.7  Summary ............................................... 214
6  Analytical Approach to Repairs of Corrosion Grind-Outs ..... 216
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 216
   6.2  Fundamental Concepts .................................. 216
        6.2.1  Eshelby solution for elliptical
               inhomogeneities ................................ 217
        6.2.2  Analytical solution of elliptical patches ...... 220
        6.2.3  Formulas for a special case of an elliptical
               isotropic patch with a Poisson's ratio same
               as skin ........................................ 224
   6.3  General Solution of Polygon-Shaped Patches ............ 229
        6.3.1  Polygonal inhomogeneity with variable
               stiffness ...................................... 229
        6.3.2  Repair over an elliptical grind-out ............ 232
   6.4  Summary ............................................... 247
7  Bond-line Analysis at Patch Ends ........................... 248
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 248
   7.2  One-Dimensional Analysis of Tapered Patches and
        Doublers .............................................. 248
        7.2.1  Mathematical formulation and two-step
               solution method ................................ 249
        7.2.2  Solution for nonlinear moment distribution
               along the joint ...............................  249
        7.2.3  Solutions for peel and shear stresses in the
               adhesive ....................................... 253
        7.2.4  Numerical examples ............................. 261
   7.3  One-Dimensional Analysis of Tapered Patches and
        Doublers Including Effects of Thermal Mismatch and
        Adhesive Plasticity ................................... 270
        7.3.1  Extension to include the effect of thermal
               mismatch ....................................... 271
        7.3.2  Extension to include the effect of adhesive
               plasticity ..................................... 276
   7.4  Approximate Method for Adhesive Stresses at Patch
        End in a  One-Sided Repair ............................ 277
   7.5  Approximate Method for Adhesive Stresses at Patch
        End in a  Two-Sided Repair ............................ 278
   7.6  Summary ............................................... 279
8  Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of Repaired Structures ....... 280
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 280
   8.2  Crack-Closure Analysis of Repaired Cracks ............. 281
        8.2.1  Crack closure of repaired cracks under small-
               scale yielding ................................. 281
        8.2.2  Crack closure of repaired cracks under
               large-scale yielding ........................... 284
   8.3  Overload Effect and Validation Using Finite Element
        Method ................................................ 289
   8.4  Comparison with Experimental Results .................. 292
   8.5  Summary ............................................... 299
9  Preliminary Design Approach for Crack Patching ............. 300
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 300
   9.2  Basic Analysis Methods Used in the Preliminary
        Design Approach ....................................... 300
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 300
        9.2.1  Analysis method for a repair subjected only to
               mechanical loads ............................... 301
        9.2.2  Analysis method for a repair subjected to
               thermo-mechanical loads ........................ 304
   9.3  Design Criteria ....................................... 310
        9.3.1  Design criteria for cracked skin ............... 311
        9.3.2  Design criteria for patch ...................... 312
        9.3.3  Design criteria for adhesive ................... 313
   9.4  Material Selection .................................... 314
        9.4.1  Patch materials ................................ 314
        9.4.2  Adhesive materials ............................. 315
   9.5  Preliminary Design Procedure .......................... 320
        9.5.1  Design procedure for a repair subjected only
               to mechanical loads ............................ 323
        9.5.2  Design procedure for a repair subjected to
               thermo-mechanical loads ........................ 325
   9.6  An Illustrative Example Using Design Process .......... 332
        9.6.1  Loading conditions ............................. 333
        9.6.2  Design parameters  ............................. 333
   9.7  Summary ............................................... 335
10 A Preliminary Design Approach for Corrosion Repairs ........ 336
   10.1 ntroduction ........................................... 336
   10.2 Basic Analysis Methods Used in the Preliminary Design
        Approach .............................................. 337
        10.2.1 Analysis method for a repair subjected only to
               mechanical loads ............................... 337
        10.2.2 Analysis method for a repair subjected to
        thermo-mechanical loads ............................... 340
   10.3 Design Criteria ....................................... 345
        10.3.1 Design criteria for corroded skin or substrate . 345
        10.3.2 Design criteria for patch ...................... 345
        10.3.3 Design criteria for adhesive ................... 346
   10.4 Preliminary Design Procedure .......................... 346
   10.5 Summary ............................................... 348
11 Experimental Verifications of Analytical Methods ........... 349
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 349
   11.2 Fatigue Crack Growth Tests and Method Validation ...... 350
        11.2.1 Fatigue crack growth tests ..................... 350
        11.2.2 Characterization of fatigue crack growth in
               one-sided  and two-sided repairs ............... 351
        11.2.3 Fatigue crack growth analysis .................. 360
        11.2.4 Comparison between analytical predictions and
               test results ................................... 362
   11.3 Load Attraction Tests and Method Validation ........... 374
        11.3.1 Load attraction tests .......................... 374
        11.3.2 Comparison between analytical prediction and
               test results ................................... 376
   11.4 Summary ............................................... 377
12 Repair of Sonic Fatigue .................................... 382
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 382
   12.2 Structural Response to Acoustic Loading ............... 386
   12.3 Analysis of Damped Repairs ............................ 387
        12.3.1 Dynamic analysis of layered beams .............. 387
        12.3.2 Influence of structural damping ................ 388
        12.3.3 Static and dynamic responses of damped repair .. 390
        12.3.4 Stresses and stress intensity factors in the
               repaired skin ...................................391
   12.4 Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis ......................... 393
   12.5 Optimization of Damped Repairs ........................ 395
   12.6 An Illustrative Example ............................... 395
13 Repair Analysis Methods Accounting for Secondary Effects ... 402
   13.1 Effect of Tapering on Load Attraction of Bonded
        Patches ............................................... 402
   13.2 Effect of Patches in Proximity on Load Attraction ..... 406
   13.3 Effect of Adherend Shear Deformation on Repair
        Efficiency ............................................ 412
   14 Concluding Remarks ...................................... 419

Appendix: Introduction to CRAS Software  ...................... 421
References .................................................... 442
Index ......................................................... 456

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