Ductility of bulk nanostructured materials (Stafa-Zurich, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDuctility of bulk nanostructured materials / ed. by Yonghao Zhao, Xiaozhou Liao. - Stafa-Zurich: Trans Tech, 2010. - xii, 723 p.: ill. - (Materials science forum; vol.633-634). - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 0-87849-305-0; ISBN-13 978-0-87849-305-0; ISSN 0255-5476

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

I  Deformation Mechanisms of Bulk Nanostructured Materials
High-Rate Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystalline Tantalum to
Large Strains: Molecular Dynamics Simulation..................... 3
R.E. Rudd .
Effects of Microalloying on the Mobility and Mechanical
Response of Interfaces in Nanocrystalline Cu ................... 21
A. Саrо, D. Farkas, E.M. Bringa, G.H. Gilmer and L.A. 
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanocrystalline Nickel and
Copper Revealing Different Failure Model of FCC Metals ......... 31
A. Cao
A Computational Model for Intergranular Fracture in 
Nanocrystalline and Ultra-Fine Polycrystalline Metals .......... 39
B.	Wu and Y.G. Wei
Crack Blunting through Lattice Dislocation Slip in 
Nanocrystalline and Ultrafine-Grained Materials ................ 55
LA. Ovid'ko and A.G. Sheinerman
Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of 
the Deformation Behavior of Cu with Nanoscale Twins ............ 63
Y.B. Wang and M.L. Sui
Microstructural Origin of Superior Compressive Ductility of a
Nanocrystalline Metal .......................................... 73
D.	Pan, S. Kuwano, T. Fujita and M.W. Chen
Overview of the Grain Size Effects on the Mechanical and 
Deformation Behaviour of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline 
Nickel - From Nanoindentation to High Pressure Torsion ......... 85
B. Yang, H. Vehoff and R. Pippan
Experimental Evidence that the Onset of Mechanical Softening
in Nanocrystalline Metals is Strain Rate Dependent ............. 99
L.W. Wang and B.C. Prorok
Deformation Behavior and Plastic Strain Localization of 
Nanostructured Materials Produced by Severe Plastic 
Deformation ................................................... 107
E.V. Naydenkin and G.P. Grabovetskaya
Dislocation and Diffusion Deformation Mechanisms of
Ultrafine Grained Materials ................................... 121
E.V. Kozlov, N.A. Koneva and N.A. Popova

II. Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured Materials - Review and
Processing, Strength and Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured
Metals Produced by Sever Plastic Deformation: An Overview ..... 131
A. Mashreghi, L. Ghalandari, M. Reihanian and M.M. Moshksar
Ductility of Nanocrystalline Metals: Intrinsic or Extrinsic ... 151
Y.Z. Guo, Q. Wei and Y.L. Li
An Analysis of Strength and Ductility of Ultrafine Grained
Al Alloys ..................................................... 165
R. Kapoor, P.S. De and R.S. Mishra
A Short Summary of Present Knowledge and some Experimental
Observations on the Ductility of Sub-Microcrystalline
Aluminium Alloys .............................................. 179
M. Ferrante
Ductility of Bulk Nanocrystalline and Ultrafine Grain Iron 
and Steel ..................................................... 197
J.A. Benito, R. Tejedor, R. Rodríguez-Baracaldo, J.M. Cabrera
and J.M. Prado
The "Ductilities" in Single Phase Steels from Usual to Nano-
Scale Microstructures ......................................... 205
O. Bouaziz
Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Steels Processed
by Large Strain-High Z Deformation - A Review ................. 211
S.V.S. Narayana Murty and S. Torizuka
Measures of Ductility for UFG Materials Obtained by SPD ....... 223
Y. Beygelzimer, O. Prokof eva, R. Kulagin, V. Varyukhin and
S. Synkov
The Analysis of SPD Paradox by Computer Modeling Technique .... 231
L.V. Alexandrov and R.G. Chembarisova
A New Constitutive Model for Work Hardening Based on Gain
Boundary Energy Density ....................................... 249
J. Luo and Z.R. Wang

III. Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured Materials - Experiments
The Influence of Work Hardening, Internal Stresses, and 
Stress Relaxation on Ductility of Ultrafine Grained Materials
Prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation ........................ 263
D.G. Morris, M.A. Muñoz-Morris and I. Gutierrez-Urrutia
Nanostructure Formation and Properties in Some Al Alloys 
after SPD and Heat Treatment .................................. 273
T. Kvačkaj, J. Bidulská, M. Fujda, R. Kočiško, I. Pokorný and
О. Milkovic
Effect of Ageing on Strength and Ductility of Ultrafine 
Grained Al 6061 Alloy ......................................... 303
S.K. Panigrahi, D. Devanand and R. Jayaganthan
Structure, Strength and Ductility of As-Cast Al-Mg-Mn-Zr-Sc
Alloys after Equal Channel Angular Pressing ................... 311
S.V. Dobatkin, Y. Estrin, V.V. Zakharov, T.D. Rostova, 
O.G. Ukolova and A. Tchirkova
Enhanced Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Al Alloys Produced 
by SPD Techniques ............................................. 321
R.Z. Valiev, M.Y. Murashkin and B. Straumal
An Investigation of Hardness and Microstructure Evolution of
Heat Treatable Aluminum Alloys during and after Equal-Channel
Angular Pressing .............................................. 333
E. Cerri
Factors Influencing Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Metals
Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing ................... 341
R.B. Figueiredo, Z.C. Duan, M. Kawasaki and T.G. Langdon
Microstructure Development and Ductility of Ultra-Fine
Grained Mg-Gd Alloy Prepared by High Pressure Torsion ......... 353
J. Čižek, I. Procházka, B. Smola, I. Stulíková, V. Očenášek,
R.K. Islamgaliev and O.B. Kulyasova
Texture, Microstructure, and Ductility of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy 
after Equal Channel Angular Pressing .......................... 365
V.N. Serebryany, S.V. Dobatkin, V.I. Kopylov, D.I. Nikolayev
and H.G. Brokmeier
Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Cu and Cu-Zn Using
Tensile and Shear Punch Tests ................................. 373
J.M. Tao, X.K. Zhu, P.Z. Wong, R.O. Scattergood and C.C. Koch
Strength and Ductility of Nanostructured Composites with
Co-Deformable Components ...................................... 383
K. Han
The Effect of Grain Size and Strain Rate on the Tensile
Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured Metals and Alloys ............ 393
G.Y. Wang, J.S. Lian and Q. Jiang
Strength and Ductility in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline
Nickel ........................................................ 411
H.W. Yang and F.A. Mohamed
Long-Range Ordering: An Approach to Synthesize Nanoscale 
Ni-Mo-Based Superlattices with High Strength and High 
Ductility ..................................................... 421
H.M. Tawancy	
Enhancement of Tensile Ductility of Severe Plastically 
Deformed Two-Phase Zn-12Al Alloy by Equal Channel Angular
Extrusion ..................................................... 437
G. Purcek, M. Aydin, O. Saray and T. Kucukomeroglu
Effect of Ppm Level Dopant on Ductility of Ultrafine Grained
Gold Wires .................................................... 449
E. Chew, H.H. Kim, C. Ferraris, Y.H. Zhao, E.J. Lavernia and
C.C. Wong
Strategies for Improving Ductility of Cryomilled 
Nanostructured Titanium ....................................... 459
O. Ertörer, T.D. Topping, Y. Li, Y.H. Zhao, W. Moss and E.J. 
The Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the
Brittle-Ductile Transition in Low Carbon Steel ................ 471
M. Tanaka, K. Higashida and T. Shimokawa

IV. Processing and Microstructural Evolutions
Multi-Scale Modeling of Texture Evolution in Beryllium and
Zirconium during Equal Channel Angular Extrusion .............. 483
I.J. Beyerlein, L. Capolungo, G.G. Yapici, C.N. Tomé and 
I. Karaman
Deformation Mechanisms of Single Crystals and Bicrystals
Subjected to Equal-Channel Angular Pressing - Review .......... 511
W.Z. Han, S.X. Li, S.D. Wu and Z.F. Zhang
Processing Age-Hardenable Alloys by Equal-Channel Angular 
Pressing at Room Temperature: Strategies and Advantages ....... 527
N.Q. Chinh, J. Gubicza, T. Czeppe, J. Lendvai and 
T.G. Langdon
Nanostructured Ti2448 Biomedical Titanium Alloy ............... 535
Y.L. Hao, S.J. Li, M.L. Sui and R. Yang
Recent Advances in the Development of Mechanically Alloyed Mo
Silicide Alloys ............................................... 543
M. Heilmaier, M. Krüger and H. Saage
Processing Dense Hetero-Nanostructured Metallic Materials for
Improved Strength/Ductility Balance through High Strain 
Deformation and Electrical Current Assisted Sintering (ECAS) .. 559
T. Grosdidier and N. Llorca
Effect of Grain Size on the Superplastic Behavior of a
Nanostructured Nickel-Based Superalloy ........................ 569
S. Mukhtarov
Nano-Grained Structure Induced by Mechanical Twinning during
Multi-Directional Forging and the Mechanical Properties ....... 577
H. Miura and Y. Nakao
Structure Refinement and Electropulse Current Effect on 
Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory TiNi Alloy .............. 595
V.V. Stolyarov
Effect of Grain Size on Defects Density and Internal Stresses
in Sub-Microcrystals .......................................... 605
N.A. Koneva, E.V. Kozlov, N.A. Popova and M.V. Fedorischeva

V. Ductility of Thin Films and Nano-Layers
Ductility of Thin Metallic Films .............................. 615
T. Pardoen, M. Coulombier, A. Вое, A. Safi, C. Brugger, 
S. Ryelandt, P. Carbonnelle, S. Gravier and J. Raskin
Toward Understanding Size-Dependent Plasticity of 
Nanolayered Metallic Composites ............................... 637
G.P. Zhang, Y.P. Li and X.F. Zhu
Ultrahigh Strength and Ductility of Cu-Nb Nanolayered 
Composites .................................................... 647
N.A. Mara, D. Bhattacharyya, P. Dickerson, R.G. Hoagland and
A. Misra 

VI. Ductility of Metallic Glass and Composites
Improving Ductility in Nanostructured Materials and Metallic
Glasses: "Three Laws" ......................................... 657
D.C. Hofmann and W.L. Johnson
Enhanced Work Hardening of Cu-Based Bulk Metallic Glass 
Composites by In Situ Formed Nano-Scale Heterogeneities ....... 665
M. Calin, J. Das, K.B. Kim, S. Pauly, N. Mattern and J. Eckert
Room-Temperature Mechanical Characterization of Bulk Glassy
and Partially Crystallized Zr63Al9.7Ni9.7Cu14.6Nb3 Alloys ...... 675
F.W. Li, J.B. Qiang, S.G. Quan, Q. Wang, C. Dong and 
Y.M. Wang
Influence of HVOF Thermal Spray Process on the 
Microstructures and Properties of Fe-Based Amorphous / Nano
Metallic Coatings ............................................. 685
X.Q. Liu, Y.G. Zheng, X.C. Chang, W.L. Hou and J.Q. Wang

VII. Recovery and Grain Growth
A Simulation of the Abnormal Grain Growth in a 
Nano-Structural AZ31 Mg Alloy by Phase Field Model ............ 697
Y. Wu, B.Y. Zong and M.T. Wang
Strain Enhanced High Strength Cu-Ag-Zr Conductors ............. 707
J. Lyubimova, J. Freudenberger, A. Gaganov, H. Klauss and 
L. Schultz

Author Index .................................................. 715
Keyword Index ................................................. 721

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