Amorphous and polycrystalline thin-film silicon science and technology (Warrendale; Cambridge, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAmorphous and polycrystalline thin-film silicon science and technology - 2011: symposium held April 25-29, 2011, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. / ed. by B.Yan et al. - Warrendale; Cambridge: Materials Research Society/Cambridge University Press, 2012. - xvi, 466 p.: ill. - (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings; vol.1321). - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-160511-298-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings ............. xvii

                         SOLAR CELLS
High Efficiency, Large Area, Nanocrystalline Silicon Based,
Triple-junction Solar Cells ..................................... 3
   A. Banerjee, T. Su, D. Beglau, G. Pietka, F. Liu, B. Yan,
   J. Yang, and S. Guha
Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells Under Moderate Concentration ...... 9
   L.M. van Dam, W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, and R.E.I. Schropp
Effect of Bandgap Grading on the Performance of a-S1-xGex:H
 Single-junction Thin-film Solar Cells ......................... 15
   H.J. Hsu, C.M. Wang, C.H. Hsu, and C.C. Tsai
High-efficiency Microcrystalline Silicon and
Microcrystalline Silicon-germanium Alloy Solar Cells ........... 21
   Takuya Matsui and Michio Kondo
Voc Saturation Effect in High-temperature Hydrogenated
Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-film Solar Cells .................. 33
   Hidayat Hidayat, Per I. Widenborg, and Armin G. Aberle
Improvement of Single-junction a-Si:H Thin-film Solar Cells
Toward 10% Efficiency .......................................... 39
   P.H. Cheng, S.W. Liang, Y.P. Lin, H.J. Hsu, C.H. Hsu,
   and C.C Tsai
Semiconducting Polymer and Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
Heteroj unction Solar Cells .................................... 45
   A.R. Middya and Eric A. Schiff
Impact of a Finite Shunt Resistance on the Dark Spectral
Response of a-Si:H/μc-Si Thin-film Multi-junction
Photovoltaic Devices ........................................... 51
   Mauro Pravettoni and Alessandro Virtuani
Investigation of Local Light Scattering Properties of
Thin-film Silicon Solar Cells with Subwavelength Resolution .... 57
   K. Bittkau, A. Hoffmann, J. Owen, and R. Carius
Reflectance Improvement by Thermal Annealing of Sputtered
Ag/ZnO Back Reflectors in a-Si:H Thin Film Silicon Solar
Cells .......................................................... 63
   Karin Söderström, Franz-Josef Haug, Céline Pahud, Rémi
   Biron, Jordi Escarré, Martial Duchamp, Rafal
   Dunin-Borkowski, and Christophe Ballif
11.0% Stable Efficiency on Large Area, Encapsulated a-Si:H
and a-SiGe:H Based Multijunction Solar Cells Using HF
Technology ..................................................... 69
   A. Banerjee, D. Beglau, T. Su, G. Pietka, G. Yue,
   В. Yan, J. Yang, and S. Guha
Calibration of Multi-junction (Tandem) Thin Film Photovoltaic
Modules Under Natural Sunlight ................................. 75
   Georgios Tzamalis and Harald Müllejans
Flexible, Lightweight, Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells
on Polymer Substrate for Space and Near-space Applications ..... 81
   K. Beeraink, A. Banerjee, J. Yang, K. Lord, F. Liu,
   G. DeMaggio, G. Pietka, C. Worrel, and S. Guha
Properties of Amorphous Silicon Passivation Layers for All
Back Contact c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells ................... 93
   Lulu Zhang, Ujjwal Das, Jesse Appel, Steve Hegedus, and
   Robert Birkmire
Thin Film Si Photovoltaic Devices on Photonic Structures
Fabricated on Steel and Polymer Substrates ..................... 99
   S. Pattnaik, N. Chakravarty, J. Bhattacharya, R. Biswas,
   D. Slafer, and V.L. Dalai
Performance of Hydrogenated a-Si:H Solar Cells
with Downshifting Coating ..................................... 105
   Bill Nemeth, Yueqin Xu, Haorong Wang, Ted Sun, Benjamin
   G. Lee, Anna Duda, and Qi Wang
Light-induced Open-circuit Voltage Increase in Amorphous
Silicon/Microcrystalline Silicon Tandem Solar Cells ........... 111
   Xiaodan Zhang, Guanghong Wang, Shengzhi Xu, Shaozhen
   Xiong, Xinhua Geng, and Ying Zhao
Modulated Surface-textured Substrates with High Haze for
Thin-film Silicon Solar Cells ................................. 117
   O. Isabella, P. Liu, B. Bolman, J. Krč, and M. Zeman
Excitation of Guided-mode Resonances in Thin Film Silicon
Solar Cells ................................................... 123
   F.-J. Haug, K. Söderström, A. Naqavi, and C. Ballif
Effect of Buffer Structure on the Performance of
a-Si:H/a-Si:H Tandem Solar Cells .............................. 129
   C.H. Hsu, CY. Lee, P.H. Cheng, C.K. Chuang, and C.C. Tsai
Annealing Effects of Microstructure in Thin-film Silicon
Solar Cell Materials Measured by Effusion of Implanted Rare
Gas Atoms ..................................................... 135
   W. Beyer, D. Lennartz, P. Prunici, and H. Stiebig
Room Temperature Fabricated ZnO:Al with Elevated and Unique
Light-trapping Performance .................................... 141
   E.V. Johnson, C. Charpentier, T. Emeraud, J.F. Lerat,
   C. Boniface, K. Huet, P. Prod'homme, and P. Roca
   i Cabarrocas
n-Туре Hydrogenated Microcrystalline Silicon Oxide Films
and Their Applications in Micromorph Silicon Solar Cells ...... 147
   Amornrat Limmanee, Songkiate Kittisontirak, Channarong
   Piromjit, Jaran Sritharathikhun, and Kobsak Sriprapha
Modeling of Advanced Light Trapping Approaches in Thin-film
Silicon Solar Cells ........................................... 153
   Miro Zeman, Olindo Isabella, Klaus Jäger, Pavel Babal,
   Serge Solntsev, and Rudi Santbergen

                     POLYCRYSTALLINE FILMS
Flash-lamp-induced Lateral Solidification of Thin Si Films .... 161
   K. Omori, G.S. Ganot, U.J. Chung, A.M. Chitu,
   A.B. Limanov, and James S. Im
Poly-Si Thin Film Formation Using a Novel Low Thermal Budget
Process ....................................................... 167
   Minghao Zhu, Yue Kuo, Chen-Han Lin, and Qi Wang
Impact of Rapid Thermal Annealing and Hydrogйnation on the
Doping Concentration and Carrier Mobility in Solid Phase
Crystallized Poly-Si Thin Films ............................... 173
   A. Kumar, P.I. Widenborg, H. Hidayat, Qiu Zixuan, and
   A.G. Aberle
Characterization of Green Laser Crystallized GeSi Thin Films .. 179
   Balaji Rangarajan, Ihor Brunets, Peter Oesterlin,
   Alexey Y. Kovalgin, and Jurriaan Schmitz
A Study of the Post-hydrogenation Passivation Mechanism of
Crystallized Poly-Si Films .................................... 185
   Chong Luo, Juan Li, He Li, Zhiguo Meng, Chunya Wu,
   Qian Huang, Xu Shengzhi, Hoi Sing Kwok, and Shaozhen
The Role of H-plasma in Aluminum Induced Crystallization of
Amorphous Silicon ............................................. 191
   Chong Luo, Juan Li, He Li, Zhiguo Meng, Qian Huang,
   Shengzhi Xu, Hoi Sing Kwok, and Shaozhen Xiong
Excimer-Iaser-induced Melting and Solidification of PECVD
a-Si films Under Partial-melting Conditions ................... 197
   Q. Hu, Catherine S. Lee, T. Li, Y. Deng, U.J. Chung,
   A.B. Limanov, A.M. Chitu, M.O. Thompson, and James S. Im
Growth of Large Grain Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film on
Soda-lime Glass at Low Temperature for Solar Cell
Applications .................................................. 203
   K. Wang and K.H. Wong
Non-melt Laser Thermal Annealing of Shallow Boron
Implantation for Back Surface Passivation of Backside-
illuminated CMOS Image Sensors ................................ 209
   Zahra Ait Fqir Ali-Guerry, Karim Huet, Didier Dutartre,
   Rйmi Beneyton, Daniel Bensahel, Philippe Normandon, and
   Guo-Neng Lu

                    THIN FILM SILICON ALLOYS
Effect of Substrate Temperature on Hardness and Transparency
of SiOC(-H) Thin Films Synthesized by Atmospheric Pressure
Plasma Enhanced CVD Method .................................... 217
   Mayui Noborisaka, So Nagashima, Hidetaka Hayashi, Naoharu
   Ueda, Kyoko Kumagai, Akira Shirakura, and Tetsuya Suzuki
Use of a-SiC:H Multilayer Transducers for Detection of
Fluorescence Signals from Reactive Cyan and Yellow
Fluorophores .................................................. 223
   P. Louro, M. Vieira, M.A. Vieira, Costa, M. Femandes,
   and A. Karmali
Properties of a-(Si, Ge) Materials and Devices Grown Using
Chemical Annealing ............................................ 229
   Ashutosh Shyam, Daniel Congreve, Max Noack, and Vikram
Effect of Dynamic Bias Stress (AC) in Short-channel
(L=1.5/im) p-Type Polycrystalline Silicon (Poly-Si) Thin
Film Transistors (TFTs) on the Glass Substrate ................ 235
   Sung-Hwan Choi, Yeon-Gon Mo, and Min-Koo Han
The Suppression of Leakage Current in the Solid Phase
Crystallized Silicon (SPC-Si) TFT Employing Off-state Bias
Annealing Under Light Illumination ............................ 241
   Sang-Geun Park, Seung-Hee Kuk, Jong-Seok Woo, and Min-Koo
Investigation of Amorphous IGZO TFT Employing Ti/Cu
Source/Drain and SiNx Passivation ............................. 247
   Young Wook Lee, Sung-Hwan Choi, Jeong-Soo Lee, Jang-Yeon
   Kwon, and Min-Koo Han
Reliability of Oxide Thin Film Transistors Under the Gate
Bias Stress with 400 nm Wavelength Light Illumination ......... 253
   Soo-Yeon Lee, Sun-Jae Kim, Yongwook Lee, Woo-Geun Lee,
   Kap-Soo Yoon, Jang-Yeon Kwon, and Min-Koo Han
DC and AC Gate-bias Stability of Nanocrystalline Silicon
Thin-film Transistors Made on Colorless Polyimide Foil
Substrates .................................................... 259
   I-Chung Chiu, I-Chun Cheng, Jian Z. Chen, Jung-Jie Huang,
   and Yung-Pei Chen

Wide-spectral-range, Expanded-beam Spectroscopic
Ellipsometer and its Application for Imaging/Mapping of
Graded Nanocrystalline Si:H Films ............................. 267
   A. Nemeth, D. Attygalle, L.R. Dahal, P. Aryal, Z. Huang,
   C. Salupo, P. Petrik, G. Juhasz, C. Major, O. Polgar,
   M. Fried, B. Pecz, and R.W. Collins
Numerical 3D-simulation of Micromorph Silicon Thin Film
Solar Cells ................................................... 273
   Stefan Geißendörfer, Karsten von Maydell, and Carsten
Correlated Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Investigation of
Grain Boundaries and Diffusion Processes in Nanocrystalline
and Amorphous Silicon (nc-Si:H) Mixtures ...................... 279
   Jeremy D. Fields, K.G. Kiriluk, D.C. Bobela,
   L. Gedvilas, and P.C. Taylor
Hopping Transport in Doped Co-deposited Mixed-phase
Hydrogenated Amorphous/Nanocrystaliine Silicon Thin Films ..... 285
   L.R. Wienkes, C. Blackwell, and J. Kakalios
Photocarrier Excitation and Transport in Hyperdoped Planar
Silicon Devices ............................................... 291
   Peter D. Persans, Nathaniel E. Berry, Daniel Recht, David
   Hutchinson, Aurore J. Said, Jeffrey M. Warrender, Hannah
   Peterson, Anthony DiFranzo, Christina McGahan, Jessica
   Clark, Will Cunningham, and Michael J. Aziz
Theoretical Studies of Structure and Doping of Hydrogenated
Amorphous Silicon ............................................. 297
   Bin Cai and D.A. Drabold
Ab Initio Structure Characterization for the Amorphous
Assembly of Si Clusters Encapsulating Transition Metal ........ 307
   Takehide Miyazaki, Noriyuki Uchida, and Toshihiko
Microscopic Characterizations of Nanostructured Silicon Thin
Films for Solar Cells ......................................... 313
   Antonín Fejfar, Petr Klapetek, Jakub Zlámal, Aliaksei
   Vetushka, Martin Ledinský, and Jan Kočka
Band Alignment at Amorphous/Crystalline Silicon Hetero-
interfaces .................................................... 323
   L. Korte, T.F. Schulze, С. Leendertz, M. Schmidt, and
   B. Rech
Electron Emission from Deep Traps in Hydrogenated Amorphous
Silicon and Silicon-germanium: Meyer-Neldel Behavior and
Ionization Entropy ............................................ 329
   Qi Long, Steluta Dinca, Eric A. Schiff, Baojie Yan, Jeff
   Yang, and Subhendu Guha

Opto-electronic Properties of Co-deposited Mixed-phase
Hydrogenated Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films ..... 337
   James Kakalios, U. Kortshagen, C. Blackwell,
   C. Anderson, Y. Adjallah, L.R. Wienkes, K. Bodurtha,
   and J. Trask
Mixed Phase Silicon Oxide Layers for Thin-film Silicon Solar
Cells ......................................................... 349
   Peter Cuony, Duncan T.L. Alexander, Linus Löfgren,
   Michael Krumrey, Michael Marending, Mathieu Despeisse,
   and Christophe Ballif
Silicon Thin-films From Nanoparticle Dispersion: Tailoring
Morphological, Electrical and Optical Characteristics ......... 355
   Etienne Drahi, Sylvain Blayac, and Patrick Benaben
Electric Field Effect in Amorphous Semiconductor Films 
Assembled from Transition-metal-encapsulating Si Clusters ..... 361
   N. Uchida, T. Miyazaki, Y. Matsushita, K. Sameshima,
   and T. Kanayama
Optical Characterization Using Ellipsometry of Si
Nanocrystal Thin Layers Embedded in Silicon Oxide ............. 367
   E. Agocs, P. Petrik, M. Fried, and A.G. Nassiopoulou

                        GROWTH MECHANISM
Control of Materials and Interfaces in μc-Si:H-Based
Solar Cells Grown at High Rate ................................ 375
   Yasushi Sobajima, Chitose Sada, Akihisa Matsuda, and
   Hiroaki Okamoto
Monitoring the Growth of Microcrystalline Silicon Deposited
by Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Using In-situ
Raman Spectroscopy ............................................ 387
   S. Muthmann, F. Köhler, M. Hülsbeck, M. Meier, A. Mück,
   R. Schmitz, W. Appenzeller, R. Carius, and A. Gordijn
Deposition of p-Type Nanocrystalline Silicon Using High 
Pressure in a VHF-PECVD Single Chamber System. ................ 393
   Xiaodan Zhang, Guanghong Wang, Xinxia Zheng, Shengzhi Xu,
   Changchun Wei, Jian Sun, Xinhua Geng, Shaozhen Xiong, and
   Ying Zhao
Influence of the Electrode Spacing on the Plasma
Characteristics and Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Film
Properties Grown in the DC Saddle Field PECVD System .......... 399
   Keith R. Leong, Nazir P. Kherani, and Stefan Zukotynski

                   SENSORS AND NOVEL DEVICES
Development of Si Microliquid Processing Using Piezo
Actuator ...................................................... 407
   Muneki Akazawa, Shunki Koyanagi, and Seiichiro Higashi
Thin Film Power Harvesting System for Displays ................ 413
   Annan Ahnood, Reza Chaji, and Arokia Nathan
Optical Bias Controlled Amplification in Tandem Si-C Pinpin
Devices ....................................................... 417
   M. Vieira, M.A Vieira, P. Louro, M. Fernandes,
   A. Fantoni, and M. Barata
Amorphous Silicon Based Particle Detectors .................... 423
   N. Wyrsch, A. Franco, Y. Riesen, M. Despeisse,
   S. Dunand, F. Powolny, P. Jarron, and C. Ballif
Amorphous Silicon Photosensors for Detection of Intrinsic
Cell Fluorophores ............................................. 435
   A. Joskowiak, V. Chu, D.M.F. Prazeres, and J.P. Conde
Self Optical Gain in Multilayered Silicon-carbon
Heterostructures: A Capacitive Active Band-pass Filter Model .. 441
   M.A. Vieira, M. Vieira, P. Louro, M. Fernandes,
   J. Costa, and A.S. Garção
Optical Demultiplexer Device: Frequency and Optical Bias
Analysis ...................................................... 449
   P. Louro, M. Vieira, M.A. Vieira, and T. Silva
Thin-film Photodiode with an a-Si:H/nc-Si:H Absorption
Bilayer ....................................................... 455
   Y. Vygranenko, M. Vieira, and A. Sazonov

Author Index .................................................. 461
Subject Index ................................................. 465

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