Unsaturated soils: research and applications (Heidelberg; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUnsaturated soils: research and applications / C.Mancuso, C.Jommi, F.D'Onza (eds.). - Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2012. - xvi, 457 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-3-642-31342-4

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Оглавление / Contents

Theoretical and Constitutive

The Effective Stress in Unsaturated Soils: Insights from
Thermodynamics .................................................. 5
Ehsan Nikooee, Ghassem Habibagahi, S. Majid Hassanizadeh,
Arsalan Ghahramani
The Meaning of Stresses and Strains in Unsaturated Soils ....... 13
Edward J. Murray, Vinayagamoothy Sivakumar
The Yielding of Unsaturated Granular Materials ................. 23
Giuseppe Buscarnera, Itai Einav
Shear Strength and Negative Water Potential in Unsaturated,
Compacted Clays ................................................ 31
Sam Frydman
Modified Grading Curve - SWCC Relations ........................ 39
Emoke Imre, Kálmán Rajkai, Tibor Firgi, Imre Laufer, Riccardo
Genovese, Cristina Jommi
Fractal Soil-Water Characteristics with Hysteresis ............. 47
Adrian R. Russell
Modelling the Water Retention Domain of a Compacted Scaly
Clay ........................................................... 55
Gabriele Della Vecchia, Camillo Airò Farulla, Cristina Jommi
Hydrie Model of Unsaturated Soils .............................. 63
Zoheir Bellia, Moulay Smaine Ghembaza, Mohamed Rabhi
Evaluation of Various Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Models
for Soils from Greece .......................................... 69
Panagiotis Sitarenios, Michael Bardanis, Michael Kavvadas
Swelling Characteristics of Sand-Bentonite Mixtures ............ 77
Sai K. Vanapalli, L. Lu, J.A. Infante Sedano, W.T. Oh
Elastic or Elasto-Plastic: Examination of Certain Strain
Increments in the Barcelona Basic Model ........................ 85
Wojciech T. Sołowski, Scott W. Sloan
A New Procedure for Determining Parameter Values in the
Barcelona Basic Model .......................................... 93
Francesco D'Onza, Domenico Gallipoli, Simon J. Wheeler
A Refined Approach to Barcelona Basic Model Using the
Apparent Tensile Strength Concept ............................. 103
Laureano R. Hoyos, Diego D. Pérez-Ruiz
Modelling Volume Change Behaviour for Unsaturated Soils in
the Stress-Saturation Space ................................... 111
Annan Zhou, Daichao Sheng
Modelling Compacted Soil Behaviour Including Microstructural
Features ...................................................... 119
Nuria M. Pinyol, Eduardo E. Alonso, Antonio Gens
Influence of Anisotropy on Yielding and Critical States of
an Unsaturated Soil ........................................... 129
Muayad Al-Sharrad, Simon J. Wheeler, Domenico Gallipoli
Prediction of the Behavior of Loess with the Extended MRS-
Lade Model .................................................... 137
Ricardo Schiava, Facundo M. Cocco, Ricardo A. Schiava
On Elastoplastic Damage Modelling in Unsaturated
Geomaterials .................................................. 143
Solenn Le Pense, Behrouz Gatmiri, Ahmad Pouya
Unsaturated Resilient Behavior of a Natural Compacted Sand	 .... 151
Xuan Nam Ho, Hossein Nowamooz, Cyrille Chazallon, Bernard
Mechanical Modeling of Frozen Soils Incorporating the Effect
of Cryogenic Suction and Temperature .......................... 159
Ajay Shastri, Marcelo Sanchez

Numerical and Physical

Non Monotonie Imbibition Profiles and Transition to
a Perched Water Table in a Gradually Layered Soil ............. 167
Marco Peli, Stefano Barontini, Thorn Bogaarda, Baldassare
Bacchi, Roberto Ranzi
Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of the Development of
Preferential Gas Pathways in Claystone ........................ 175
Pierre Gerard, Jon Harrington, Robert Charlier, Frédéric
Simulations of Static Compaction with Soil/Water/Air Coupled
F.E. Analysis ................................................. 181
Katsuyuki Kawai, Masaki Shibata, Takeru Ohtsuki, Viradeth
Phommachanh, Shinichi Kanazawa, Atsushi Iizuka
Finite Element Simulation of Strain Localization in
Unsaturated Soils ............................................. 189
Xiaoyu Song, Gregor Idinger, Ronaldo I. Borja, Wei Wu
Reliability Assessment of Unsaturated Soil Shear Strength
Using the Jointly Distributed Random Variables Method ......... 197
Ali Johan, Akbar Javadi, Farzan Zerangsani
Elaboration of a High-Dimensional Database of Unsaturated
Soils Using Artificial Neural Networks ........................ 207
Vasileios Matziaris, Maria Ferentinou, Michael Sakellariou
Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of a Silty Sand with the
Instantaneous Profile Method .................................. 215
Amin Askarinejad, Alexander Beck, Francesco Casini, Sarah
M. Springman
A Physical Model to Investigate the Influence of Atmospheric
Variables on Soil Suction in Pyroclastic Soils ................ 221
Guido Rianna, Luca Pagano, Gianfranco Urciuoli
Artificial Weathering and Drying of Compacted Cohesive Fill
in a Large-Scale Environmental Chamber ........................ 229
Kathinka Beyer, Jürgen Grabe, Volker Timmers
Effects of Grass Transpiration on Suction Induced in Near-
Saturated Soil Condition ...................................... 237
Kai Xiang Woon, Anthony Kwan Leung, Charles Wang Wai Ng, Lee
Man Chu


Engineering Approaches and Case Histories

Effect of Partial Saturation on the Stability of Shallow
Foundations above the Water Table ............................. 247
Brunella Balzano, Alessia Amabile, Gianfranco Urciuoli,
Alessandro Tarantino
Estimation of the Shaft Capacity of Single Piles Using the
Conventional and Modified β Method ............................ 255
Z. Nil Taylan, Sai K. Vanapalli
Effect of Partial Saturation on the Stability of Retaining
Diaphragms above the Water Table .............................. 263
Alessia Amabile, Brunella Balzano, Gianfranco Urciuoli,
Alessandro Tarantino Retaining Structure-Unsaturated Soil
Interaction ................................................... 269
A.T. Papagiannakis, S. Bin-Shafique, R.L. Lytton
Influence of Suction on the Behaviour of Retaining Walls in
the City of Naples, Italy ..................................... 275
Anna Scotto di Santolo, Lorenza Evangelista, Aldo
Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Fine Particles of Fouled
Ballast Layer from an Ancient Railway Track Beds .............. 283
Trong Vinh Duong, Anh Minh Tang, Yu-Jun Cui, Nicolas Colon,
Alain Robinet, Jean-Claude Dupla, Jean Canou
Settlement Prediction of High Speed Railway Embankments
Considering the Accumulation of Wetting and Drying Cycles ..... 291
Rafaela Cardoso, Wasco Fernandes, Tiago Moço Ferreira, Paulo
Fonseca Teixeira
Influence of Partial Saturation on the Compressibility of
Foundation Soils: A Case Study ................................ 299
Francesco Carnevale, Federica Caneparo, Piero Pampanin,
Francesco Colleselli, Gianpiero Mayerle, Valerio Volpe
Numerical Study of Canal Lining Behavior in Expansive Soils ... 307
Masoud H. Bonab, Fariba Behrooz Sarand, Majid Farrin
3-D Modeling of Soil's Unsaturated Depth Using Artificial
Neural Network (Case Study of Babol) .......................... 317
A.J. Choobbasti, E. Shooshpasha, F. Farrokhzad
Hydro and Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Ventilation Test in
Clayey Rocks .................................................. 325
Benoоt Pardoen, Jean Talandier, Robert Charlier, Frédéric
Collin, Jean-Pol Radu
Numerical Modeling of the In Situ "Praclay Seal Test".
Comparison between Model and Measurement ...................... 333
Guangjing Chen, Jan Verstricht, Xiangling Li
The Effects of Hydraulic Properties of Bedrock on the
Stability of Slopes ........................................... 343
Amin Askarinejad, Patrick Bischof, Francesca Casini, Sarah
M. Springman
Effects of Plant Transpiration on Suction Distribution in a
Vegetated Soil Slope .......................................... 351
Ankit Garg, Anthony Kwan Leung, Charles Wang Wai Ng, Billy
Chi Hang Hau
Seasonal Effects in the Groundwater Regime of Unsaturated
Slopes ........................................................ 359
Marianna Piwne, Gianfranco Urciuoli
Suction Fluctuations in Unsaturated Slopes: Evidences from
Two Test Sites in Southern Italy .............................. 367
Marianna Pirone, Gianfranco Urciuoli, Emilia Damiano, Lucio
Olivares, Luciano Picarelli
Stability of Highly Overconsolidated Soil Slopes .............. 377
Aikaterini Tsiampousi, Lidija Zdravkovic, David M. Potts

Geo-environmental Applications

Adsorption of Heavy Metals onto Bentonites Used as
Buffer/Backfilling Materials .................................. 385
Yong-Gui Chen, Yong He, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye
The Chemical Analysis of Soils for Identification of
Dispersivity .................................................. 393
Amrita Maharaj
Predicting Relative Permeability of LNAPL Based on Fractal
Geometry ...................................................... 401
Miguel Alf aro Soto, Chang H. Kiang
Water Retention Curve and Shrinkage of Sludge from
a Leachate Treatment Plant .................................... 409
Julio Bizarreta, Tácio de Campos
Wettability Assessment of an Oil Coated Soil .................. 415
Sergio D.N. Lourenзo, Clare F Wakefield, Robert Bryant,
Stefan H. Doerr, Christopher P. Money
Hydraulic Behaviour of a Waste from the Fertilizer Industry
and of Mixtures of This Material with a Tropical Soil ......... 423
Tubal Matos, Vitória Borges, Sarah Barbacena, Márcia
Mascarenha, Manoel Cordão Neto, Lílian Rezende
The Roles of Solute Suction and Surface Tension in the
Strength of Unsaturated Soil .................................. 431
Valentine Katte, Geoffrey Blight
Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Compacted Kaolin Considering
Percolating Fluids with Different Chemical Nature ............. 439
Rafaela Cardoso, Denise Barbedo, Daniel Ribeiro
Design and Construction of Large Lysimeters for Monitoring
Unsaturated Transport of Contaminants ......................... 447
Jonathan D. Asquith, David G. Toll, Karen L. Johnson

Author Index .................................................. 455

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