Management of mountain watersheds (Dordrecht; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаManagement of mountain watersheds / ed. by J.Krecek, M.Haigh, Th.Hofer, E.Kubin. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2012. - x, 269 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.267-269. - ISBN 978-94-007-2475-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
About the Editors ............................................. vii

                             Part I
      Institutional Aspects in Control of Mountain Regions
1  Mission and History of the European Forestry Commission
   Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds ....... 3
   T. Hofer and P. Ceci
2  Hydrological Change Management from Headwaters to the 
   Ocean: HydroChange 2008, Kyoto ............................... 6
   M. Katsuyama, M. Haigh, K. Yamamoto, T. Endo and 
   M. Taniguchi
3  Water Management Adaptation Strategies for Land Use Changes
   and Increased Climate Variability in Mountain Communities
   in Western Canada ........................................... 17
   Ham Schreier
4  Environmental Education and Catchment Citizenship
   in Mountain Regions ......................................... 31
   Claude Poudrier

                             Part II
            Stream-flow Processes in Mountain Catchments
5  Integrated Hydrological Model for Mountain Ecosystem 
   Assessment .................................................. 41
   Yoshinobu Sato
6  Investigation and Modelling of Subarctic Wetland 
   Hydrology - A Case Study in the Deer River Watershed, 
   Canada ...................................................... 56
   Bing Chen, Liang Jing and Baiyu Zhang
7  Flash Floods in Alpine Basins ............................... 83
   Lorenzo Marchi and Marco Borga
8  Peak Discharge Prediction in Torrential Catchments of the
   French Pyrenees: The ANETO Method ........................... 93
   Christophe Peteuil, Simon Carladous and Nicolle Mathys

                            Part III
     Water Chemistry and Biota in Mountain Streams and Lakes
9  Measurement of Stream Bed Stability Characteristics
   Relevant to Lotic Ecosystems ............................... 113
   Arved C. Schwendel
10 Stream Habitat Fragmentation Caused by Road Networks in
   Spanish Low-order Forest Catchments ........................ 123
   Jorge García Molinos
11 Mountain Watershed in Lesotho: Water Quality, 
   Anthropogenic Impacts and Challenges ....................... 139
   Olaleye Adesola Olutayo

                             Part IV
         Effects of Forest Practices and Climate Change on 
                     Hydrological Phenomena
12 Forest Ecosystems Changes and Hydrological Processes in
   Western Carpathians ........................................ 153
   T. Stanislaw Niemtur and Edward Pierzgalski
13 Hydrological Effects of a Large Scale Windfall
   Degradation in the High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia .......... 164
   Ladislav Holko, Peter Fleischer, Viliam Novák, Zdenik 
   Kostka, S. Bièárová and Ján Novák
14 Interception Storage in a Small Alpine Catchment ........... 180
   Petr Puncochar, Josef Krecek and Adriaan van de Griend
15 Long-Term Effects of Silvicultural Practices on
   Groundwater Quality in Boreal Forest Environment ........... 192
   E. Kubin
16 Modelling 100 Years of С and N Fluxes at Fertilized 
   Swedish Mountainous Spruce Forests ......................... 200
   Harald Grip and Per-Erik Jansson

                             Part V
       Soil Conservation and Control of Floods and Landslides
17 The Forests of Lake Balaton Catchment and Their Role in
   Soil Conservation .......................................... 209
   Adam Kertész
18 Landslide Disasters: Seeking Causes - A Case Study from 
   Uttarakhand, India ......................................... 218
   Martin Haigh and J.S. Rawat
19 Control of Landslides in Mountain Watersheds, Japan ........ 254
   Hideaki Marui

Index ......................................................... 267

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