Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils: a multidisciplinary approach to innovative methods (Heidelberg; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCarbon sequestration in agricultural soils: a multidisciplinary approach to innovative methods / ed. by A.Piccolo. - Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2012. - xiii, 307 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-23384-5

Оглавление / Contents
1  The Nature of Soil Organic Matter and Innovative Soil 
   Managements to Fight Global Changes and Maintain 
   Agricultural Productivity .................................... 1
   Alessandro Piccolo
2  The Kyoto Protocol and European and Italian Regulations
   in Agriculture .............................................. 21
   Davide Savy, Antonio Nebbioso, Rocío Dánica Cóndor, and
   Marina Vitullo
3  Field Plots and Crop Yields Under Innovative Methods of 
   Carbon Sequestration in Soil ................................ 39
   Carlo Grignani, Francesco Alluvione, Chiara Bertora, Laura
   Zavattaro, Massimo Fagnano, Nunzio Florentino, Fabrizio
   Quaglietta Chiarandа, Mariana Amato, Francesco Lupo, and
   Rocco Bochicchio
4  Carbon Sequestration in Soils by Hydrophobic Protection
   and In Situ Catalyzed Photo-Polymerization of Soil
   Organic Matter (SOM): Chemical and Physical-Chemical
   Aspects of SOM in Field Plots ............................... 61
   Riccardo Spaccini and Alessandro Piccolo
5  The Stable Isotopes Approach to Study С and N
   Sequestration Processes in a Plant-Soil System ............. 107
   Giuseppe Celano, Francesco Alluvione, Mostafa Abdel Aziz 
   Ali Mohamed, and Riccardo Spaccini
6  Impact of Innovative Agricultural Practices of Carbon
   Sequestration on Soil Microbial Community .................. 145
   Valeria Ventorino, Anna De Marco, Olimpia Pepe, Amalia
   Virzo De Santo, and Giancarlo Moschetti
7  Effects of Methods of Carbon Sequestration in Soil on 
   Biochemical Indicators of Soil Quality ..................... 179
   Edoardo Puglisi and Marco Trevisan
8  Biological and Biotechnological Evaluation of Carbon
   Dynamics in Field Experiments .............................. 209
   Carmine Crecchio, Silvia Pascazio, and Pacifico Ruggiero
9  Measurements of CO2 and N2O Emissions in the Agricultural
   Field Experiments of the MESCOSAGR Project ................. 229
   Angelo Fierro and Annachiara Forte
10 Effects of Carbon Sequestration Methods on Soil
   Respiration and Root Systems in Microcosm Experiments and
   In Vitro Studies ........................................... 261
   Antonio Gelsomino, Maria Rosaria Panuccio, Agostino
   Sorgonа, Maria Rosa Abenavoli, and Maurizio Badiani
11 New Modeling Approach to Describe and Predict Carbon
   Sequestration Dynamics in Agricultural Soils ............... 291
   Stefano Mazzoleni, Giuliano Bonanomi, Francesco Giannino,
   Guido Incerti, Daniela Piermatteo, Riccardo Spaccini, and
   Alessandro Piccolo

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