Agarwal G.S. Quantum optics (Cambridge; New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаAgarwal G.S. Quantum optics. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. - xvi, 491 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.489-491. - ISBN 978-1-107-00640-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv

1  Quantized electromagnetic field and coherent state
   representations .............................................. 1
   1.1  Quantization of the electromagnetic field ............... 1
   1.2  State space for the electromagnetic field - Fock space
        and Fock states ......................................... 5
   1.3  Quadratures of the field ................................ 6
   1.4  Coherent states ......................................... 7
   1.5  Mixed states of the radiation field .................... 12
   1.6  Diagonal coherent state representation for
        electromagnetic fields - P-representation .............. 15
   1.7  The Wigner function for the electromagnetic field ...... 18
   1.8  Bosonic systems with finite mass - coherent states
        and phase-space representations ........................ 22
   Exercises ................................................... 24
   References .................................................. 26

2  Nonclassicality of radiation fields ......................... 28
   2.1  The Mandel Qu parameter ................................ 28
   2.2  Phase-dependent measure of nonclassicality -
        squeezing parameter S .................................. 29
   2.3  Single-mode squeezed states - squeezed vacuum .......... 31
   2.4  Squeezed coherent state ................................ 37
   2.5  Other measures of nonclassicality ...................... 39
   2.6  Mixed nonclassical states - degradation in squeezing ... 43
   Exercises ................................................... 45
   References .................................................. 47

3  Two-mode squeezed states and quantum entanglement ........... 49
   3.1  The two-mode squeezed states ........................... 49
   3.2  Nonclassicality of the two-mode squeezed vacuum ........ 50
   3.3  Quantum phase-space distributions and quadrature
        distributions .......................................... 52
   3.4  Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities for nonclassicality in
        two-mode states ........................................ 54
   3.5  Conditional measurements on the two-mode squeezed
        vacuum ................................................. 55
   3.6  Quantum entanglement in the two-mode squeezed vacuum ... 56
   3.7  Peres-Horodecki separability criterion for
        continuous variable systems ............................ 56
   3.8  Generation of two-mode nonclassical and entangled
        states - optical parametric down-conversion ............ 58
   3.9  Parametric amplification of signals .................... 60
   3.10 Type-II optical parametric down-conversion -
        production of entangled photons ........................ 61
   3.11 Four-photon entanglement using optical parametric
        down-conversion ........................................ 63
   3.12 Two-mode mixed nonclassical states ..................... 65
   3.13 Entanglement in two-mode mixed Gaussian states ......... 66
   3.14 Application of entanglement to the teleportation of
        a quantum state ........................................ 67
   3.15 Nonclassical fields in optical fibers .................. 69
   Exercises ................................................... 72
   References .................................................. 74

4  Non-Gaussian nonclassical states ............................ 76
   4.1  Schrodinger cat state and the cat paradox .............. 76
   4.2  Photon-added and -subtracted states .................... 82
   4.3  Single-photon-added coherent and thermal states ........ 84
   4.4  Squeezing and sub-Poissonian properties of single-
        photon-added states .................................... 86
   4.5  Experimental realization of photon-added nonclassical
        non-Gaussian states .................................... 88
   4.6  Single-photon-subtracted states ........................ 89
   4.7  Single-photon-subtracted two-mode states with vortex
        structure .............................................. 93
   4.8  Pair-coherent states ................................... 97
   Exercises .................................................. 101
   References ................................................. 102

5  Optical interferometry with single photons and
   nonclassical light ......................................... 103
   5.1  Transformation of quantized light fields at beam
        splitters ............................................. 103
   5.2  Beam splitter transformation equivalent to evolution
        under a Hamiltonian ................................... 105
   5.3  Transformation of states by the beam splitter ......... 105
   5.4  Transformation of photon number states by a beam
        splitter .............................................. 106
   5.5  Single photons at beam splitters ...................... 107
   5.6  Pairs of single photons at beam splitters ............. 108
   5.7  Generalization of the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to
        N photons from both ports of the beam splitter ........ 109
   5.8  Transformation of a two-mode squeezed state by a
        50-50 beam splitter ................................... 109
   5.9  Generation of two-mode entangled states by the
        interference of coherent fields and single photons .... 110
   5.10 Beam splitter as an attenuator ........................ 111
   5.11 Transformation of quantized light fields by phase
        shifters .............................................. 112
   5.12 The Mach-Zehnder interferometer ....................... 113
   5.13 Wheeler's delayed choice gedanken experiment .......... 117
   5.14 Interaction-free measurements ......................... 117
   5.15 Two-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer ................ 119
   5.16 Multiphoton interference and engineering of quantum
        states ................................................ 121
   5.17 Mach-Zehnder interferometer with two-mode squeezed
        vacuum as input ....................................... 123
   5.18 Balanced homodyne interferometers for measuring the
        squeezing of light .................................... 125
   5.19 Manipulation of quantum states by homodyning and
        feed-forward .......................................... 126
   5.20 Quantum state tomography .............................. 128
   5.21 Sensitivity of an optical interferometer .............. 129
   5.22 Heisenberg limited sensitivity of interferometers
        based on parametric amplifiers or four-wave mixers .... 131
   5.23 The quantum statistics of fields at the output ports .. 133
   Exercises .................................................. 134
   References ................................................. 136

6  Polarization and orbital angular momentum of quantum
   fields ..................................................... 138
   6.1  Characterization of the polarization properties of
        quantized fields ...................................... 138
   6.2  Polarization of quantized fields - Stokes operators ... 139
   6.3  Action of polarizing devices on quantized fields ...... 141
   6.4  Description of unpolarized light beyond Stokes
        parameters ............................................ 143
   6.5  Stokes operator tomography ............................ 144
   6.6  Orbital angular momentum of fields - HG and LG modes .. 146
   6.7  Orbital Stokes operators and the Poincaré sphere ...... 149
   6.8  Mixed states of orbital angular momentum .............. 151
   6.9  Entangled states of the orbital angular momentum ...... 152
   6.10 Transformation of entanglement between polarization
        and orbital angular momentum q-plates ................. 154
   Exercises .................................................. 155
   References ................................................. 156

7  Absorption, emission, and scattering of radiation .......... 158
   7.1  The interaction of radiation and matter in the
        electric dipole approximation ......................... 158
   7.2  Rates for the absorption and emission of radiation .... 159
   7.3  Single-mode limit - Einstein's В coefficient and the
        absorption coefficient α (ω) .......................... 165
   7.4  Scattering of radiation ............................... 166
   7.5  Quantum interferences in scattering ................... 169
   7.6  Radiative decay of states - Weisskopf-Wigner theory ... 170
   7.7  Control of spontaneous emission through the design
        of the electromagnetic vacuum ......................... 174
   Exercises .................................................. 177
   References ................................................. 178

8  Partial coherence in multimode quantum fields .............. 179
   8.1  Correlation functions for electromagnetic fields ...... 179
   8.2  Young's interferometer and spatial coherence of the
        field ................................................. 181
   8.3  Photon-photon correlations - intensity
        interferometry ........................................ 184
   8.4  Higher-order correlation functions of the field ....... 187
   8.5  Interferometry in the spectral domain ................. 188
   8.6  Squeezing spectrum and spectral homodyne measurement .. 191
   8.7  Coherence effects in two-photon absorption ............ 192
   8.8  Two-photon imaging - ghost imaging using G(2) ......... 194
   Exercises .................................................. 197
   References ................................................. 198

9  Open quantum systems ....................................... 200
   9.1  Master equation description of open systems ........... 200
   9.2  Dissipative dynamics of harmonic oscillators .......... 204
   9.3  Dissipative dynamics of a two-level system ............ 206
   9.4  Dissipative dynamics of a multilevel system ........... 208
   9.5  Time correlation functions for multilevel systems ..... 210
   9.6  Quantum Langevin equations ............................ 212
   9.7  Exactly soluble models for the dissipative dynamics
        of the oscillator ..................................... 213
   9.8  Exact dissipative dynamics of a two-level system
        under dephasing ....................................... 215
   Exercises .................................................. 218
   References ................................................. 219

10 Amplification and attenuation of quantum fields ............ 220
   10.1 Quantum theory of optical amplification ............... 220
   10.2 Loss of nonclassicality in the amplification process .. 223
   10.3 Amplification of single-photon states ................. 229
   10.4 Amplification of entangled fields ..................... 230
   10.5 Realising a phase-insensitive amplifier from
        a phase-sensitive amplifier ........................... 232
   10.6 Degradation of nonclassicality and entanglement due
        to the absorption of quantum fields ................... 233
   10.7 Loss of coherence on interaction with the
        environment ........................................... 235
   Exercises .................................................. 238
   References ................................................. 240

11 Quantum coherence, interference, and squeezing in
   two-level systems .......................................... 242
   11.1 Two-level approximation: atomic dynamics in
        a monochromatic field ................................. 242
   11.2 Application of atomic coherence - Ramsey
        interferometry ........................................ 247
   11.3 Atomic coherent states ................................ 249
   11.4 Minimum uncertainty states for two-level systems -
        spin squeezing ........................................ 252
   11.5 Atomoc squeezed states by nonlinear unitary
        transformations ....................................... 254
   11.6 Atomic squeezed states produced by supersensitivity
        of Ramsey interferometers ............................. 256
   11.7 Phase-space representation for a collection of
        two-level systems ..................................... 258
   11.8 Phase-space description of EPR correlations of spin
        systems ............................................... 262
   Exercises .................................................. 264
   References ................................................. 265

12 Cavity quantum electrodynamics ............................. 267
   12.1 Exact solution of the Jaynes-Cummings model: dressed
        states ................................................ 268
   12.2 Collapse and revival phenomena in JCM ................. 271
   12.3 Dispersive limit of the JCM ........................... 273
   12.4 Dissipative processes in cavity QED - the master
        equation .............................................. 275
   12.5 Spectroscopy of the ladder of dressed states .......... 277
   12.6 Multi-atom effects in cavity QED ...................... 284
   12.7 Effective dipole-dipole interaction in a dispersive
        cavity from Lamb shift of the vacuum .................. 288
   12.8 Atomic cat states using multi-atom dispersive JCM ..... 290
   12.9 Application of atomic cat states in Heisenberg
        limited measurements .................................. 293
   12.10 Engineering anti-Jaynes-Cummings interaction ......... 296
   12.11 QED in coupled cavity arrays - single-photon switch .. 298
   Exercises .................................................. 300
   References ................................................. 301

13 Absorption, emission, and scattering from two-level
   atoms ...................................................... 304
   13.1 Effects of relaxation: optical Bloch equations ........ 304
   13.2 Absorption and amplification of radiation by a
        strongly pumped two-level system ...................... 309
   13.3 Resonance fluorescence from a coherently driven
        two-level atom ........................................ 314
   13.4 Quantum dynamics of the two-level atom and spectrum
        of fluorescence ....................................... 317
   Exercises .................................................. 325
   References ................................................. 327

14 Quantum interference and entanglement in radiating
   systems .................................................... 328
   14.1 Young's interference with microscopic slits - atoms
        as slits .............................................. 328
   14.2 Spatial bunching and antibunching of photons .......... 330
   14.3 Interference in radiation from two incoherently
        excited atoms ......................................... 333
   14.4 Atom-photon entanglement .............................. 337
   14.5 Atom-atom entanglement via detection of
        spontaneously emitted photons ......................... 338
   14.6 Multi-atom entanglement ............................... 341
   14.7 Quantum entanglement in Dicke states and
        superradiance ......................................... 343
   14.8 Multi-path quantum interference as the source of
        Dicke superradiance ................................... 345
   14.9 Entanglement of photons produced in an atomic
        cascade ............................................... 348
   Exercises .................................................. 351
   References ................................................. 352

15 Near field radiative effects ............................... 354
   15.1 Near field radiative effects - coupling between
        dipoles ............................................... 354
   15.2 Radiative coupling between dipoles and dynamics ....... 358
   15.3 Vacuum-induced deterministic entanglement ............. 360
   15.4 Two-photon resonance induced by near field radiative
        effects ............................................... 362
   15.5 The dipole blockade ................................... 365
   Exercises .................................................. 368
   References ................................................. 368

16 Decoherence and disentanglement in two-level systems ....... 370
   16.1 Decoherence due to the interaction of a two-level
        system with the environment ........................... 370
   16.2 Disentanglement in two-level systems .................. 371
   16.3 Decoherence-free subspace ............................. 373
   16.4 Protection of decoherence due to dephasing via
        dynamical decoupling .................................. 374
   16.5 Control of the spectral density of environment for
        protection against decoherence ........................ 378
   16.6 Modulation produced protection against
        disentanglement in cavity QED ......................... 380
   Exercises .................................................. 382
   References ................................................. 383

17 Coherent control of the optical properties ................. 385
   17.1 A simple model for coherent control ................... 385
   17.2 Dark states and coherent population trapping .......... 394
   17.3 EIT in single-atom fluorescence ....................... 397
   17.4 Control of two-photon absorption ...................... 400
   17.5 Vacuum-induced coherence and interference ............. 404
   Exercises .................................................. 409
   References ................................................. 410

18 Dispersion management and ultraslow light .................. 413
   18.1 Group velocity and propagation in a dispersive
        medium ................................................ 413
   18.2 Electromagnetically induced waveguides ................ 417
   18.3 Storage and retrieval of optical pulses ............... 418
   18.4 Adiabatons and storage and retrieval of pulses ........ 423
   18.5 Non-EIT mechanisms for ultraslow light ................ 426
   Exercises .................................................. 429
   References ................................................. 430

19 Single photons and nonclassical light in integrated
   structures ................................................. 432
   19.1 Quantum optics in a coupled array of waveguides ....... 432
   19.2 The Hong-Ou-Mandel interference in a system of two
        coupled waveguides .................................... 434
   19.3 Single-photon transport and coherent Bloch
        oscillations in a coupled array ....................... 436
   19.4 The Anderson localization of quantum fields in
        coupled waveguide arrays .............................. 442
   19.5 Discrete quantum walks via waveguide couplers on
        a chip ................................................ 447
   Exercises .................................................. 452
   References ................................................. 453

20 Quantum optical effects in nano-mechanical systems ......... 455
   20.1 The radiation pressure on the nano-mechanical mirror .. 455
   20.2 Basic quantum Langevin equations for the coupled
        system of cavity and NMO .............................. 457
   20.3 Steady-state solution of quantum Langevin equations
        in the mean field limit and bistability ............... 459
   20.4 Quantum fluctuations in optomechanical systems ........ 461
   20.5 Sideband cooling of the nano-mechanical mirror ........ 463
   20.6 Normal-mode splitting ................................. 466
   20.7 Squeezing of a nano-mechanical oscillator ............. 471
   20.8 Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in
        the mechanical effects of light ....................... 475
   20.9 Quantized states of the nano-mechanical mirror
        coupled to the cavity ................................. 481
   Exercises .................................................. 485
   References ................................................. 487

Index ......................................................... 489

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