Proceedings of Cycad 2008 (Bronx, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProceedings of Cycad 2008: the 8th International Conference on Cycad Biology, 13-15 January 2008, Panama City, Panama / ed. by Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Roy Osborne, and Alberto Sidney Taylor Blake. - Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press, 2012. - xxv, 554 p.: ill., maps. - (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden; vol.106). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISSN 0077-8931; ISBN 978-0-89327-515-0

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................. viii
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii
CYCAD 2008 Organizing Committee and Assistants ................. xv
In Memoriam: Ken D. Hill ...................................... xvi

Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................... 1
   Alberto Sidney Taylor Blake


Chapter 2: International Union for Conservation of Nature 
(IUCN)/Species Survival Commission (SSC) Cycad Specialist 
Group Ex Situ Conservation and Recovery Programme (CSG-ECRP) .... 9
   Anders J. Lindstrom

Chapter 3: Cycad Aulacaspis Scale Invades the Mariana Islands .. 20
   Thomas E. Marler

Chapter 4: SERBO and the Cycads of Oaxaca, Mexico .............. 36
   Silvia H. Salas-Morales and Jeffrey Chemnick


Chapter 5: How Critical Are the Early Life-cycle Stages in 
the Population Ecology of Cycads? A Case Study with Dioon 
merolae in Southeastern Mexico ................................. 40
   Juan C. Flores-Vázquez, Teresa Valverde, and José L. 

Chapter 6: Time, Place, and Relationships: Cycad Phenology 
in a Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Context .................... 59
   M. Patrick Griffith, Michael A. Calonje, Dennis Wm. 
   Stevenson, Chad E. Husby, and Damon P. Little

Chapter 7: Sinkhole and Karst Habitat of Ceratozamia
latifolia and Related Mexican Cycads ........................... 82
   Geoffrey Hoese

Chapter 8: Germinaciуn de Semillas de Dioon merolae, una
Cicada de Oaxaca, Mexico, Bajo Diferentes Tratamientos de 
Riego .......................................................... 93
   José L. Lucas-González y Juan C. Flores-Vázquez

Chapter 9: Pollination Systems of Island Cycads: Predictions 
Based on Island Biogeography .................................. 102
   Irene Terry, William Tang, and Thomas Е. Marler 

Chapter 10: Cycads and Human Life Cycles: Outline of 
a Symbology ................................................... 133
   Mark Bonta

Chapter 11: The Ethnobotany of Cycas in the States of Assam 
and Meghalaya, India .......................................... 151
   Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh and Rita Singh

Chapter 12: Notes on the Ethnobotany of Panamanian Cycads ..... 165
   Alberto S. Taylor Blake

Chapter 13: Harvest, Use, and Ecology of Cycas circinalis 
L. - A Case Study in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Area, 
Western Ghats, India
   Antta Varghese, Vandana Krishnamurthy, and Tamara Ticktin 

Genomics, Physiology, and Structure

Chapter 14: Some Aspects of the Foliar Anatomy of Two Zamia
Species from Costa Rica: Z. fairchildiana L.D. Gomez and Z.
neurophyllidia D.W. Stev ...................................... 192
   Rafael Acuña-Castillo and Walter A. Marín-Méndez

Chapter 15: Population Genetics of Zamia in Puerto Rico, 
a Study with Ten SSR Loci ..................................... 204
   Alan W Meerow, Javier Francisco-Ortega, Tomás Ayala-
   Silva, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Kyoko Nakamura

Chapter 16: Population Genetic Diversity in the Dioon edule 
Lindl. Species Complex (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): Evidence from 
Microsatellite Data ........................................... 224
   Jeremy Moynihan, Andrew P. Vovides J. González-Astorga, and
   Javier Francisco-Ortega

Chapter 17: Starch Accumulation in the Megagametophyte of
Ceratozamia mexicana Brongn. and Zamia furfuracea L.f. ........ 251
   Maria Ydelia Sánchez-Tinoco, José Rubén Ordóñez-Balderas, 
   and E. Mark Engleman

Chapter 18: The Effect of Taproot Pruning and AMF Mycorrhiza 
on Growth and Development of Dioon angustifolium Miq.
Seedlings ..................................................... 263
   Andrew P. Vovides, Carlos Iglesias, Melquiades Cruz 
   Julieta Hernández Reyes, Laura Hernández Cuevas, and 
   Sonia Galicia Castellanos


Chapter 19: Cycad-induced Neurodegeneration Is Different 
in Rat and Mouse Models of ALS-PDC ............................ 279
   P. Yarowsky, Kimberly A. McDowell,Wei-Bin Shen, 
   J.M.B. Wilson, R. Cruz-Aguado, Thomas E. Marler, and
   C.A. Shaw

Reproductive Biology

Chapter 20: Entomofauna Asociada a Dioon sp. nov. y 
Actividad de los Insectos Polinizadores en San Jerуnimo 
Taviche, Oaxaca, Mexico ....................................... 295
   M.F. Maldonado-Ruiz y Juan C. Flores-Vázquez

Chapter 21: Comparison of Experimental Measurements and
Predictions from Biophysical Models of Thermogenic Events 
in Cones of Macrozamia lucida, M. macleayi, and Cycas 
microneska .................................................... 302
   Robert Roemer, Irene Terry, Gimme Walter, and Thomas 
   E. Marler

Chapter 22: Role of Cycad Cone Volatile Emissions and 
Thermogenesis in the Pollination of Encephalartos villosus
Lem.: Preliminary Findings from Studies of Plant Traits and
Insect Responses .............................................. 318
   Terence N. Suinyuy, John S. Donaldson, Steven D. Johnson, 
   and J. DeWet Bösenberg

Chapter 23: Distribution and Evolutionary Patterns of the 
Cycad Weevil Genus Rhopalotria (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea:
Belidae) with Emphasis on the Fauna of Panama ................. 335
   William Tang and Charles W. O'Brien

Chapter 24: An Overview of Cycad Pollination Studies .......... 352
   Irene Terry, William Tang, Alberto S.Taylor Blake, 
   John S. Donaldson, Rita Singh, Andrew P. Vovides, and
   Angelica Cibrian Jaramillo

Chapter 25: Volatile Emissions, Thermogenesis, and 
Dehiscence Patterns of Macrozamia communis (Zamiaceae): 
Implications for Cycad Pollination Research ................... 395
   Thomas C. Wallenius, Rod Peakall, Wolf J. Wanjura, Sylwek 
   Chyb, and Rolf G. Oberprieler


Chapter 26: Zamia lindleyi. A Misunderstood Species from the
Highlands of Western Panama ................................... 419
   Michael A. Calonje, Alberto S. Taylor Blake, Dennis
   Wm. Stevenson, Gregory Holzman, and Yan Arley Ramos

Chapter 27: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Three Species
of Mexican Cycads ............................................. 438
   Julieta Hernández Reyes, Andrew P. Vovides, Yaqueline
   A. Gheno-Heredia, and Laura Hernandez Cuevas

Chapter 28: A Phylogenetic Study of Dioon Lindl. (Zamiaceae,
Cycadales), Based on Morphology, Nuclear Ribosomal DNA,
a Low-copy Nuclear Gene, and Plastid RFLPs .................... 448
   Jeremy Moynihan, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Carl E. Lewis,
   Andrew P. Vovides, Paolo Caputo, and Javier Francisco-

Chapter 29: The World List of Cycads .......................... 480
   Roy Osborne, Michael A. Calonje, Ken D. Hill, Leonie
   Stanberg, and Dennis Wm. Stevenson

Chapter 30: Cone Size in the Florida Cycad, Zamia 
integrifolia: Trade-off between Seed Size and Seed Number ..... 509
   William Tang

Chapter 31: The Zamia skinneri (Cycadales: Zamiaceae) 
Complex in Panama ............................................. 518
   Alberto S. Taylor Blake, Jody L. Haynes, and Gregory 

Scientific Name Index ......................................... 531
Subject Index ................................................. 536

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