Ultrafast phenomena XVII (Oxford; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUltrafast phenomena XVII: proceedings of the 17th international conference, The Silvertree Hotel and Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass, Colorado, United States, July 18-23, 2010 / ed. by M.Chergui, D.Jonas, E.Riedle, R.Schoenlein, A.Taylor. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - xxx, 915 p.: ill. - ISBN-13 978-0-19-976837-0

Оглавление / Contents
Part I: Attosecond and High-Order Harmonic Generation and

High-Energy Isolated Attosecond Pulses
   M. Lucchini, F. Ferrari, F. Calegari, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira,
   G. Sansone, M. Nisoli ........................................ 3
Generation and Optimization of Isolated Attosecond Pulses
   P.M. Nagel, Т. Pfeifer, M.J. Abel, M.J. Bell, H. Mashiko,
   A.R. Beck, С.Р. Steiner, D.M. Neumark, S.R. Leone ............ 6
Bright, Coherent, Attosecond Soft X-Ray Harmonics Spanning the
Water Window from a Tabletop Source
   M.-C. Chen, P. Arpin, T. Popmintchev, M. Gerrity,
   M. Seaberg, B. Zhang, D. Popmintchev, G. Andriukaitis,
   T. Balciunas, O.D. Mücke, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuška,
   M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn ................................... 9
Interplay between GDD-Induced Polarization Gating and
Ionization for Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation from
Multi-Cycle Driving Pulses
   C. Altucci, R. Velotta, V. Tosa, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto,
   P. Villoresi, C. Vozzi, M. Negro, F. Calegari,
   S. De Silvestri, S. Stagira ................................. 12
Short Wavelength Generation at High Repetition Rate by Direct
High Harmonic Generation
   S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, S. Nolte, J. Limpert,
   A. Tünnermann ............................................... 15
Power Scaling of High-Repetition-Rate HHG
   D.C. Yost, A. Cingöz, Т.К. Allison, J. Ye, A. Ruehl,
   M.E. Fermann, I. Hartl ...................................... 18
Temporal Gating Based on Electron Wavepacket Diffusion for
XUV Supercontinuum Generation
   F. Calegari, C. Vozzi, M. Negro, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto,
   P. Villoresi, G. Sansone, M. Nisoli, S. De Silvestri,
   S. Stagira .................................................. 21
Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Single-Order High
Harmonic Pulses Separated by Pulse-Front-Tilt Compensator
   M. Ito, Y. Kataoka, T. Sekikawa ............................. 24
Laser Driven Parametric Amplification of XUV and Soft-X-Rays
in Neutral Gases
   J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Ecker, D. Hochhaus, D. Zimmer,
   V. Bagnoud, B. Aurand, B. Zielbauer, Т. Kuehl,
   С. Spielmann ................................................ 27
Gouy Phase Gating of Two-color Ionization to Uncover
Attosecond Structure
   N. Shivaram, H. Timmers, L. Xu, A. Roberts, A. Sandhu ....... 30
High-Order Harmonic Generation from Aligned Molecules with
Intense Femtosecond 800- and 1300-nm Pulses
   S.K. Minemoto, K. Kato, H. Sakai ............................ 33
High-Order Harmonic Generation by Few-cycle Pulses from
   D.S. Steingrube, E. Scnulz, T. Binhammer,
   T. Vockerodt, U. Morgner, M. Kovacev ........................ 36
Attosecond Angular Streaking and Tunneling Delay Time in
Strong Field Ionization
   C. Cirelli, A.N. Pfeiffer, M. Smolarski, P. Eckle,
   R. Dörner, U. Keller ........................................ 39
Optical Detection of Ionization Dynamics in Transparent
   A.V. Mitrofanov, A.J. Verhoef, E.E. Serebryannikov,
   J. Lumeau, L.B. Glebov, A.M. Zheltikov, A. Baltuška ......... 42

Part II: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science - Gas Phase

Intense Femtosecond X-Ray Photoionization Studies of
Nitrogen - How Molecules Interact with Light from the LCLS
   O. Gessner, O. Kornilov, M. Hoener, L. Fang, N. Berrah ...... 47
Near-Threshold High-Order Harmonics Probed with Aligned
   H. Soifer, P. Botheron, D. Shafir, A. Diner, O. Raz,
   B.D. Bruner, Y. Mairesse, B. Pons, N. Dudovich .............. 50
Elliptical Dichroism of High Harmonics Emitted from Aligned
   R.M. Lock, X. Zhou, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn .............. 53
Degree-of-Alignment Dependence of High-Order Harmonic
Generation from CO2 Molecules
   K. Kato, S. Minemoto, H. Sakai .............................. 56
Strong HOMO Signature in High Order Harmonics Driven in CO2
by a Few-Cycle 1.5 μm Parametric Source
   C. Vozzi, M. Negro, F. Calegari, F. Frassetto, M. Nisoli,
   L. Poletto, G. Sansone, P. Villoresi, S. De Silvestri,
   S. Stagira .................................................. 59
Electron Release Times in Double Ionization by Elliptically
Polarized Laser Pulses
   A.N. Pfeiffer, С. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, U. Keller,
   R. Dörner ................................................... 62
Coincidence Study of Proton Ejection from Polyatomic
Molecules in Laser Induced Fragmentation
   S. Roither, X.H. Xie, D. Kartashov, L. Zhang, H.L. Xu,
   A. Iwasaki, M. Schöffler, G. Reider, R. Dörner,
   К. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler ...................... 65
Electron-Energy Resolved Measurement of the Cascaded Auger
Decay in Krypton
   A.J. Verhoef, A. Mitrofanov, X.T. Nguyen, M. Krikunova,
   N. Kabachnik, M. Drescher, A. Baltuška ...................... 68
Ultrafast Modulation of the XUV Absorption Cross-Section of
He through Interference of Electronic Wave Packets
   P. Ranitovic, X.-M. Tong, C.W. Hogle, X. Zhou, Y. Liu,
   M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn .................................. 71
Momentum Imaging of Three-Body Fragmentation Pathways in
Polyatomic Molecules
   L. Zhang, S. Roither, X.H. Xie, D. Kartashov, A. Iwasaki,
   H.L. Xu, M. Schöffler, G. Reider, R. Dörner,
   К. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler ...................... 74
Femtosecond Dynamics of Small Molecules Studied with Vacuum
Ultraviolet Pulse Pairs
   Т.К. Allison, T.W. Wright, A.M. Stooke, C. Khurmi,
   J. van Tilborg, Y. Liu, R.W. Falcone, A. Belkacem ........... 77
Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy for Real-Time
Observation of Valence Electron Motion
   A. Wirth, E. Goulielmakis, Z. Loh, R. Santra,
   N. Rohringer, V.S. Yakovlev, S. Zherebtsov, T. Pfeifer,
   A.M. Azzeer, M.F. Kling, S.R. Leone, F. Krausz .............. 80
Visualizing Electron Rearrangement in Space and Time during
the Transition from a Molecule to Atoms
   W. Li, A.A. Jaroń-Becker, C.W. Hogle, V. Sharma, X. Zhou,
   A. Becker, H.C. Kapteyn, M.M. Murnane ....................... 83
Ultrafast Hydrogen Migration in Allene in Intense Laser
Fields: Evidence in Three-Body Coulomb Explosion
   H.L. Xu, T. Okino, K. Yamanouchi ............................ 86
Driving Electronic Wavepackets by Attosecond Half-Cycle
   X. Xie, S. Roither, D. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson,
   S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, G. Reider, R. Dörner,
   J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler ...................... 89
Attosecond Transient Absorption around the Ionization
Threshold of Helium
   F. Schapper, M. Holler, P. Riviere, L. Gallmann,
   U. Saalmann, J.-M. Rost, U. Keller .......................... 92
Investigating Two-Photon Double Ionization of D2 by XUV-Pump
XUV-Probe Experiments at FLASH
   O. Herrwerth, Y.H. Jiang, A. Rudenko, J.F. Pérez-Torres,
   L. Foucar, M. Kurka, K.U. Kühnel, M. Toppin, E. Plésiat,
   F. Morales, F. Martin, T. Jahnke, R. Dörner,
   J.L. Sanz-Vicario, J. van Tilborg, A. Belkacem, M. Schulz,
   К. Ueda, T.J.M. Zouros, S. Düsterer, R. Treusch,
   C.D. Schröter, M. Lezius, M.F. Kling, R. Moshammer,
   J. Ullrich .................................................. 95
Ultrafast Control of Fragmentation Pathways of Soft X-Ray
Driven Dissociation of Triatomic N2О Molecules
   X. Zhou, P. Ranitovic, С. Hogle, Y. Liu, M.M. Murnane,
   H.C. Kapteyn ................................................ 98
Molecular Processes Controllable by Electron Dynamics
   P. von den Hoff, R. Siemering, R. de Vivie-Riedle .......... 101
Photoemission-Coherent Auger Decay
   A.J. Verhoef, A.V. Mitrofanov, X.T. Nguyen, M. Krikunova,
   N. Kabachnik, M. Drescher, A. Scrinzi, A. Baltuška ......... 104
High Harmonic Generation for Study of Rotational Raman
   L. Van Dao, K. Ba Dinh, P. Hannaford ....................... 107
Isolating Spectral Contributions from Local Field Effects in
an Atomic Vapor Using Two-Quantum 2D FT Optical Spectroscopy
   K.W. Stone, K.A. Nelson .................................... 110
Anomalous Anisotropy in the Explosion of Rare-Gas Clusters
Irradiated with Intense Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
   E. Skopalová, Y.C. El-Taha, A. Zaïr, M. Hohenberger,
   E. Springate, J.W.G. Tisch, R.A. Smith, J.P. Marangos ...... 113
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction from Aligned Molecules
   M. Centurion, P. Reckenthaeler, F. Krausz, E. Fill ......... 116
Time-Energy Map of Photoelectron Angular Anisotropy for
Investigation of Ultrafast Internal Conversion
   T. Fuji, Y. Suzuki, T. Horio, T. Suzuki .................... 119

Part III: Correlated Electron Systems, Magnetization, and
Spin Dynamics

Determining the Electron-Phonon Coupling in Cuprate High-
Temperature Superconductors from Femtosecond Electron
Relaxation Rates
   C. Gadermaier, D. Brida, A.S. Alexandrov, V.V. Kabanov,
   P. Kusar, T. Mertelj, X. Yao, C. Manzoni, D. Polli,
   G. Cerullo, D. Mihailovic .................................. 125
THz Control of Interlayer Coupling in High-Tc
   A. Dienst, M.C. Hoffmann, D. Fausti, S. Pyon, T. Takayama,
   H. Takagi, A. Cavalleri .................................... 128
Femtosecond Study of Photodoping Phenomena in a Parent
Compound of a High-Temperature Superconductor
   M. Beyer, K.W. Kim, V.V. Kabanov, H. Schäfer, G. Logvenov,
   I. Bozovic, J. Demsar ...................................... 131
Superconductivity in Stripe-Ordered La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO4
by Mode-selective Lattice Excitation
   D. Fausti, R. Tobey, N. Dean, S. Kaiser, A. Dienst,
   M. Hoffmann, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi,
   A. Cavalleri ............................................... 134
Ultrafast Phonon and Quasiparticle Dynamics in
Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ Studied by Multi-THz
   M. Porer, A. Pashkin, K.W. Kim, C. Bernhard, X. Yao,
   Y. Dagan, R. Hackl, A. Erb, M. Beyer, J. Demsar,
   A. Leitenstorfer, R. Huber ................................. 137
Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics in FeRh during a Laser-Induced
Magnetic Phase Transition
   U. Shymanovich, F. Quirin, M. Vattilana, W. Lu, M. Nicoul,
   A.-E. El-Kamhawy, A. Tarasevitch, D. von der Linde,
   К. Sokolowski-Tinten ....................................... 140
3-D Magnetization and Anisotropy Dynamics in Thin Iron Films
Studied with Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect
   E. Carpene, E. Mancini, C. Dallera, E. Puppin,
   S. De Silvestri ............................................ 143
Ultrafast Magnetism: Coherent Processes and Angular Momentum
   J. Bigot, C. Boeglin, M. Vomir, V. Halté, E. Beaurepaire ... 146
Ultrafast, Element-Specific, Demagnetization Dynamics Probed
Using Coherent High Harmonic Beams
   S. Mathias, С. La-O-Vorakiat, P. Grychtol, R. Adam,
   M. Siemens, J.M. Shaw, H. Nembach, M. Aeschlimann,
   C.M. Schneider, T.J. Silva, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn ..... 149
Dynamics of Spin-Lattice Relaxation in CoxFe3-xO4
   T.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Hsia, H.-Y. Chen, D.H. Son ............... 152
Spin Dynamics Excited with Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Laser
   A. Zagdoud, M. Vomir, M. Albrecht, M. Barthelemy,
   J.-Y. Bigot ................................................ 155
Ultrafast Order Parameter Melting in a 2D Charge Density
Wave lT-TaS2 Probed by Femtosecond Electron Diffraction
   M. Eichberger, H. Schäfer, M. Krumova, J. Demsar,
   H. Berger, G. Moriena, G. Sciaini, R.J.D. Miller ........... 158
CDW-Superlattice Suppression Probed in Time-Resolved XUV
Photoemission at the Border of the Brillouin Zone
   T. Rohwer, S. Hellmann, M. Wiesenmayer, С. Sohrt,
   A. Stange, В. Slomski, М. Kallдne, S. Mathias, L. Kipp,
   K. Rossnagel, M. Bauer ..................................... 161
Femtosecond Laser-Induced CDW Melting in TiSe2
   E. Vorobeva, S.L. Johnson, P. Beaud, U. Staub, R.R.A.
   De Souza, C.J. Milne, J. Demsar, H. Schäfer, A.N. Titov,
   G. Ingold .................................................. 164
Dynamic Electron Molecular Vibration (EMV) Interference
during Photoinduced Metallization in Charge Ordered Organic
   Y. Kawakami, T. Fukatsu, H. Itoh, S. Iwai, T. Sasaki,
   K. Yamamoto, K.Yakushi ..................................... 167
Motional Narrowing of Phonon Spectrum Driven by Ultrafast
Dielectric Fluctuation in Dimer Mott Insulator
   K. Itoh, H. Nakaya, Y. Kawakami, T. Fukatsu, H. Itoh,
   S. Iwai, T. Sasaki, S. Saito ............................... 170
Intermolecular Correlation Effects in the Electronic
Relaxation Dynamics of Organic Single Crystals
   B.A. West, J.M. Womick, K. Jie Tan, L.E. McNeil,
   A.M. Moran ................................................. 173
Coherent Polarons in Ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3
   M. Forst, С. Manzoni, S. Kaiser, Y. Tomioka, Y. Tokura,
   A. Cavalleri ............................................... 176
Ultrafast Resonant Soft X-Ray Scattering in Manganites:
Direct Measurement of Time-Dependent Orbital Order
   H. Ehrke, R.I. Tobey, S. Wall, S.A. Cavill, M. Först,
   M. Gensch, V. Khanna, N. Stojanovic, D. Prabhakaran,
   A.T. Boothroyd, P. Reutler, A. Revcolevschi, S.S. Dhesi,
   A. Cavalleri ............................................... 179
Ultrafast Polaron Dynamics in Multiferroic LuFe2O4
   J. Lee, D. Talbayev, C.L. Zhang, X.S. Xu, S. Cheong,
   A.J. Taylor, R.P. Prasankumar .............................. 182
Photo-induced Structure Transition Probed by Femtosecond
Electron Diffraction
   J. Li, X. Wang, H. Zhou, J. Zhou, J. Cao ................... 185
Photoinduced Dynamics of a Quasi-ID Organic Conductor over
a Range From 10 fs to 100 ps
   K. Onda, S. Ogihara, J. Itatani, T. Ishikawa, Y. Okimoto,
   S. Koshihara, X. Shao, Y. Nakano, H. Yamochi, G. Saito ..... 188
Interplay between the Electronic and Lattice Parts of the
Order Parameter in a quasi ID Charge Density Wave System
Probed by Femtosecond Spectroscopy
   H. Schдfer, V.V. Kabanov, M. Beyer, K. Biljakovic,
   J. Demsar .................................................. 191
Vibrational Control of "Mottness" in a Correlated Electron
   S. Kaiser, R.I. Tobey, N. Dean, D. Nicoletti, S. Lupi,
   C. Manzoni, H. Okamoto, J. Tsutsumi, T. Hasegawa,
   A. Cavalleri ............................................... 194
Probing Ultrafast Dynamics of 5f Electrons in Crystalline
   Y.Q. An, A.J. Taylor, T. Durakiewicz, G. Rodriguez ......... 197
Conductivity Dynamics in the Correlated Metallic State of
   M.K. Liu, B. Pardo, M.M. Qazilbash, S.J. Yun, H.-T. Kim,
   D.N. Basov, R.D. Averitt ................................... 200
Ultrafast Phase Change in Ge2Sb2Te5 Induced by Selective
Excitation of Coherent Phonons
   K. Makino, J. Tominaga, M. Hase ............................ 203

Part IV: Physics - Condensed Phase, Surfaces, and Low
Dimensional Systems Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission
Spectroscopy of 122 Fe-Pnictides
   L. Rettig, R. Cortes, S. Thirupathaiah, P. Gegenwart,
   H.S. Jeevan, T. Wolf, U. Bovensiepen, H.A. Dürr, J. Fink,
   M. Wolf .................................................... 209
Attosecond-Time-Resolved Studies of Electron Dynamics at
   S. Neppl, D. Menzel, J.V Barth, P. Feulner,
   A.L. Cavalieri, E. Magerl, N. Karpowicz, M. Hofstetter,
   M. Stanislawski, F. Krausz, E. Bothschafter,
   R. Ernstorfer, R. Kienberger ............................... 212
Ultrafast Excitation Energy Transfer in Small Carbon
Nanotube Aggregates
   L. Lüer, J. Croche, T. Hertel, G. Cerallo, G. Lanzani ...... 215
Ultrafast Mid-IR Intra-Excitonic Response in Separated
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
   J. Wang, M.W Graham, Y. Ma, G.R. Fleming, R.A. Kaindl ...... 218
Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Semiconducting
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
   M.W. Graham, T.R. Calhoun, A.A. Green, M.C. Hersam,
   G.R. Fleming ............................................... 221
Ultrafast Coherent Phonon Dynamics in Metallic Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes
   K. Kato, A. Ishizawa, K. Oguri, H. Gotoh, H. Nakano,
   T. Sogawa .................................................. 224
Dynamics of Coherent Phonons in Disordered Graphite
   I. Katayama, S. Koga, T. Shimada, K. Kato, S. Hishita,
   D. Fujita, J. Takeda, M. Kitajima .......................... 227
Ultrafast THz Response of Few-Layer Epitaxial Graphene
   H. Choi, F. Borondics, D.A. Siegel, S. Zhou, M.C. Martin,
   A. Lanzara, R.A. Kaindl .................................... 230
Observation of THz Nonlinearity in CVD-Grown Graphene
   H.Y. Hwang, N.C. Brandt, H. Farhat, A.L. Hsu, J. Kong,
   K.A. Nelson ................................................ 233
Femtosecond Generation of Extremely Dense Dirac Fermions in
Graphene Monolayer
   T. Li, L. Luo, M. Hupalo, M.C. Tringides, J. Wang .......... 236
Probing Intraband Conductivity Dynamics in Graphene
   J. Lee, K.M. Dani, A. Mohite, R. Sharma, A.J. Taylor,
   R.P. Prasankumar ........................................... 239
Probing Electron Transfer in Polymer/Fullerene Blends Using
Ultrahigh Time Resolution Coherent Vibrational Spectroscopy
   S.M. Falke, D. Brida, G. Cerallo, C. Lienau ................ 242
Nanoscale Imaging of the Interface Dynamics in Polymer
Blends by Femtosecond Pump-Probe Confocal Microscopy
   D. Polli, G. Grancini, T. Virgili, J. Clark,
   M. Celebrano, G. Lanzani, G. Cerallo ....................... 245
Transient 2D IR Spectroscopy of Charge Injection at Organic-
Inorganic Interfaces
   W. Xiong, J.E. Laaser, P. Paoprasert, R.A. Franking,
   R.J. Hamers, P. Gopalan, M.T. Zanni ........................ 248
Femtosecond Coherent Vibrational Relaxation in PVA Film
Detected by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy
   T. Kozai, H. Miyagawa, N. Tsurumachi, S. Koshiba,
   S. Nakanishi, H. Itoh ...................................... 251
30-fs Hole-Transfer Dynamics in Polymer/PCBM Bulk
   A.A. Bakulin, J.C. Hummelen, P.H.M. van Loosdrecht,
   M.S. Pshenichnikov ......................................... 254
Ultrafast Few-Fermion Optoelectronics of a Single Quantum
   M. Zecherle, С. Ruppert, E.C. Clark, J.J. Finley, M. Betz .. 257
Linewidth and Coupling of Interfacial GaAs Quantum Dots
Measured with Optical Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform
   G. Moody, M.E. Siemens, A.D. Bristow, X. Dai,
   D. Karaiskaj, A.S. Bracker, D. Gammon, S.T. Cundiff ........ 260
Probing Multiexcitons in Quantum Dots via Femtosecond Pump/
Probe and Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy
   P. Tyagi, S. Sewall, P. Wen, J. Saari, D. Arias,
   K. Nelson, P. Kambhampati .................................. 263
Hot Carrier Dynamics in Lead Sulfide Nanocrystals
   B. Cho, W.K. Peters, R.J. Hill, T.L. Courtney, D.M. Jonas .. 266
Large Piezoelectric Response in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Revealed by Coherent Acoustic Phonons
   P. Tyagi, R. Cooney, S.L. Sewall, D.M. Sagar, J.I. Saari,
   P. Kambhampati ............................................. 269
Nanolocalization of Ultrashort Time-Reversed Pulses in
Random Nanoparticle Assemblies
   D. Differt, F.J. Garcia de Abajo, W. Pfeiffer,
   С. Strüber, D.V. Voronine .................................. 272
Band Filling Dynamics and Auger Recombination in Lead Sulfide
   W.K. Peters, B. Cho, R.J. Hill, TL. Courtney, D.M. Jonas ... 275
THz Kerr Effect in Relaxor Ferroelectrics
   H.Y. Hwang, M.C. Hoffmann, N.C. Brandt, B.G. Perkins,
   K.A. Nelson ................................................ 278
Light-Induced Modulation of Ferroelectric Polarization Probed
Using Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering
   D. Daranciang, H. Wen, M. Highland, B. Perkins, N. Brandt,
   K. Nelson, J. Larsson, D. Walko, E. Dufresne, P. Fuoss,
   G.B. Stephenson, A.M. Lindenberg ........................... 281
Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Highly Oriented Bismuth Films
Monitored by Femtosecond Electron Diffraction
   G. Sciaini, M. Hada, J. Matsuo, A. Karantza, G. Moriena,
   R.J.D. Miller .............................................. 284
Dynamics of Carriers and the Influence of the Quantum
Confined Stark Effect in ZnO/ZnMgO Quantum Wells
   C.R. Hall, L.V. Dao, K. Koike, S. Sasa, H.H. Tan,
   M. Inoue, M. Yano, С. Jagadish, J.A. Davis ................. 287
Transient X-ray Reflectivity of Epitaxial Oxide
Superlattices Investigated by Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction
   M. Herzog, R. Shayduk, W. Leitenberger, R.M. van der
   Veen, C.J. Milne, S.L. Johnson, I. Vrejoiu, M. Alexe,
   D. Hesse, M. Bargheer ...................................... 290
Coherent Measurements of High-Order Electronic Correlations
in GaAs Quantum Wells
   D.B. Turner, K.A. Nelson ................................... 293
Two-Quantum Coherences in Optical Two-Dimensional Fourier
Transform Spectroscopy
   S.T. Cundiff, D. Karaiskaj, X. Dai, L. Yang, A.D. Bristow,
   M. Richter, R.P. Mirin, S. Mukamel ......................... 296
Coherent Energy Transport between Coupled Quantum Wells
Studied by Two-Dimensional Terahertz Spectroscopy
   W. Kuehn, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, R. Hey ..... 299
Coherent Nonlinear Response Surviving at Room Temperature
Caused by Ultrafast Radiative Decay of Confined Excitons
   M. Ashida, M. Ichimiya, K. Mochizuki, H. Yasuda,
   H. Ishihara, T. Itoh ....................................... 302
All-Optical Coherent Control of Electrical Currents in
Single GaAs Nanowires
   С. Ruppert, S. Thunich, G. Abstreiter, A. Fontcuberta i
   Morral, A.W. Holleitner, M. Betz ........................... 305
Non-Degenerate Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Single GaN
   P.C. Upadhya, J.A. Martinez, Q. Li, GT. Wang,
   B.S. Swartzentraber, A.J. Taylor, R.P. Prasankumar ......... 308
Ultrafast Photoinduced Phase Conversion to a Metallic State
in Quasi-One-dimensional Platinum Complexes under Extremely
High-Density Excitation
   T. Kawano, I. Katayama, T. Shin, J. Wolfson, K.A. Nelson,
   J. Takeda .................................................. 311
Transient Reversal of a Peierls-Transition: Extreme Phonon
Softening in Laser-Excited Bismuth
   W. Lu, M. Nicoul, U. Shymanovich, A. Tarasevitch,
   M. Kammler, M. Horn von Hoegen, D. von der Linde,
   К. Sokolowski-Tinten ....................................... 314
Ultrafast Coherent High-Field Electron Transport in GaAs
   W. Kuehn, P. Gaal, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser,
   R. Hey ..................................................... 317
Noncollinear Broadband Terahertz-Pump-Terahertz-Probe
Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
   M.C. Hoffmann, V. Khanna, A. Cavalleri ..................... 320
Femtosecond Relaxation Dynamics of Core and Surface
Localized Electronic States in Au24PdL18
   S.A. Miller, C.A. Fields-Zinna, R.W Murray, A.M. Moran ..... 323
Ultrafast Coupled Electronic and Lattice Dynamics in Exciton
Self-Trapping: Correlation of the Localization Length and
Acoustic Phonon Dynamics
   J.G. Mance, F.X. Morrissey, A.D. Van Pelt, S.L. Dexheimer .. 326
Ultrafast Optical Response of Lead Lanthanum Zirconium
Titanate Ceramics
   A. Sugita, M. Morimoto, Y. Kawata, N. Wakiya, H. Suzuki .... 329
Ultrafast Dynamic Ellipsometry and Spectroscopies of Laser
Shocked Materials
   S.D. McGrane, CA. Bolme, V.H. Whitley, D.S. Moore .......... 332

Part V: Chemistry - Condensed Phase

Femtosecond Molecular Photocrystallography
   H. Jean-Ruel, M. Gao, R.R. Cooney, C. Lu, G. Sciaini,
   G. Moriena, R.J.D. Miller .................................. 337
X-Ray Powder Diffraction with Femtosecond Time Resolution
   F. Zamponi, Z. Ansari, J. Dreyer, M. Woerner,
   T. Elsaesser ............................................... 340
Highly Efficient Energy Transfer in a Dyad with Orthogonally
Arranged Transition Dipole Moments: Beyond the Limits of
   I. Pugliesi, A. Walter, H. Langhals, E. Riedle ............. 343
Uncovering Coherent and Incoherent Vibrational Interactions
in a Transition Metal Mixed Valence Complex Using
Femtosecond Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
   M.S. Lynch, B.E. Van Kuiken, M. Cheng, S. Daifuku,
   M. Khalil .................................................. 346
Monitoring the External Vibrational Control of Excitation-
Energy Transfer Using Pump-Probe Polarization Spectroscopy
   J.D. Biggs, J.A. Cina ...................................... 349
Sensitizer Exchange Dynamics in Air and Solvent Filled
Titanium Oxide Nanocavities
   J. Helbing, N. Humalamдki, M. Haukka, E. Andresen,
   P. Hamm, J.E.I. Korppi-Tommola ............................. 352
Ultrafast Polarized Raman as a Probe of Solvation Shell
Structure and Dynamics in Aqueous Salt Solutions
   I.A. Heisler, S.R. Meech ................................... 355
Transient Photoconductivity of Dye-Sensitized ТiO2
Nanocrystalline Films Probed by Optical Pump-THz Probe
   J.C. Brauer, J. Teuscher, A. Punzi, J. Moser ............... 358
Coherent Effects in the Carbonyl Containing Carotenoid
   N. Gildenhoff, K. Gundermann, С. Büchel, J.L. Wachtveitl ... 361
Fulgides: Efficiency of the Ring-Opening Reaction Tuned by
Optical Pre-Excitation
   T. Brust, S. Draxler, W.J. Lees, K. Rück-Braun, M. Braun,
   W. Zinth ................................................... 364
Tracking Ultrafast Chemical Reactions Using Transient 2DIR
   C.R. Baiz, R. McCanne, J.M. Anna, J.T. King,
   K.J. Kubarych .............................................. 367
Ultrafast Spin-State Conversion in Solvated Transition Metal
Complexes Probed with Femtosecond Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy
   N. Huse, H. Cho, T. Kyu Kim, L. Jamula, J.K. McCusker,
   F.M.F. de Groot, R.W. Schoenlein ........................... 370
Molecular Reaction Dynamics of Excited-State Intramolecular
Proton Transfer Revealed by Isotope Dependence
   J. Lee, C. Hoon Kim, T. Joo ................................ 373
Tracking the Pathway of an Ultrafast Bimolecular Electron
Transfer Reaction
   B. Lang, K. Adamczyk, N. Banerji, D. Villamaina,
   J. Dreyer, E.T.J. Nibbering, E. Vauthey .................... 376
Photoswitching Cycle of a Nitro-Substituted Spiropyran:
Ring-Opening and Ring-Closure Dynamics
   J. Buback, M. Kullmann, P. Nuernberger, R. Schmidt,
   F. Würthner, Т. Brixner .................................... 379
Mapping Chirp Effects on Impulsive Vibrational Spectroscopy
in Multidimensional Systems
   A. Wand, S. Kallush, O. Shoshanim, O. Bismuth,
   R. Kosloff, S. Ruhman ...................................... 382
Time-Domain Raman Tracking of Ultrafast Flattening
Distortion in Organometallic Complex
   S. Takeuchi, M. Iwamura, H. Watanabe, T. Tahara ............ 385
Multi-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of J-Aggregates
   D.H. Arias, K.W. Stone, V. Bulovic, K.A. Nelson ............ 388
Two-Dimensional Electronic Coherently Controlled
Spectroscopy Reveals Long-Lived Induced Phase Memory
   V.l. Prokhorenko, A. Halpin, R.J.D. Miller ................. 391
The Effect of Pulse Chirp on Two-Dimensional Fourier
Transform Spectra
   P.F. Tekavec, J.A. Myers, K.L.M. Lewis, F. Fuller,
   J.P. Ogilvie ............................................... 394
The Structural Evolution of Photochromic Reaction in
Spirooxazine Traced with Sub-40fs Transient Absorption
   R. Sai Santosh Kumar, L. Lüer, G. Lanzani .................. 397
Structurally-Sensitive Rebinding Dynamics of Solvent-Caged
Radical Pairs: Exploring the Viscosity Dependence
   C.R. Baiz, R. McCanne, K.J. Kubarych ....................... 400
Selective Nonlinear Response-Preparation in the Electronic
Ground-State by Means of Degenerate Four-Wave-Mixing
   J.P. Kraack, T. Buckup, M. Motzkus ......................... 403
Wave Packet Reconstruction on Unknown Potential Surfaces by
Two-Colour Non-Linear Wave-Packet Interferometry
   H.N. Ibrahim, С Chapman, H. Katsuki, J.A. Cina,
   K. Ohmori .................................................. 406
Visible Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy with sub-7 fs Pulses
Uncovers Ultrafast Electron-Phonon Coupling Dynamics
   F. Milota, T. Mančal, V. Lukeš, A. Nemeth, J. Sperling,
   H.F. Kauffmann, J. Hauer ................................... 409
Measurement of Electron Correlation Using Two-Dimensional
Electronic Double-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy
   V.M. Huxter, G.D. Scholes .................................. 412
The Influence of Homoconjugation on Ultrafast Dynamics in
   O. Schalk, A.E. Boguslavskiy, M.S. Schuurman, A. Stolow .... 415
Dynamic Solvent Effects on Equilibrium Isomerization:
Kramers Theory Revisited with 2DIR Chemical Exchange
   J.M. Anna, K.J. Kubarych ................................... 418
Excited State Dynamics in Provitamin D3: A New Twist for the
Cyclohexadiene Chromophore
   K. Tang, A. Rury, J. Peng, K.G. Spears, R.J. Sension ....... 421
Ultrafast Intramolecular Charge Transfer (ICT) Dynamics of
4-(Dimethylamino)benzonitrile (DMABN)
   M. Park, C.H. Kim, T. Joo .................................. 424
The First Picoseconds in the Life of Benzhydryl Cations:
Ultrafast Generation and Chemical Reactions
   C.F. Sailer, B.P. Fingerhut, J. Ammer, С. Nolte,
   I. Pugliesi, H. Mayr, R. de Vivie-Riedle, E. Riedle ........ 427
Coherent Torsional Motion and Isomerization Dynamics across
a Conical Intersection
   J. Briand, J. Léonard, V. Zanirato, S. Fusi, M. Olivucci,
   S. Haacke .................................................. 430
Coherent Control of Population Transfer in an Open Quantum
System in the One-Photon Limit
   V.l. Prokhorenko, P.J.M. Johnson, R.J.D. Miller ............ 433
Non-Born-Oppenheimer Wavepacket Revivals in a Polyatomic
   A.E. Boguslavskiy, D. Townsend, M.S. Schuurman, A. Stolow .. 436
One Dimensional Exciton Diffusion in J-Aggregates
   H. Marciniak, X. Li, F. Würthner, S. Lochbrunner ........... 439
Induced Fit and Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics in
Host-Guest-Chemistry Explored by 2DIR-Spectroscopy
   B. Valentin, S. Knop, M. Olschewski, J. Lindner,
   P. Vöhringer ............................................... 442
Ultrafast Photochemistry of Dithizonatophenylmercury(II):
Isomerization around a C=N double bond
   H. Schwoerer, K. von Eschwege, G. Bosnian, P. Krok,
   J. Conradie ................................................ 445

Part VI: Water, Hydrogen Bonding, and Hydration
Three-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy (3D-IR) of
Isotopically Substituted Liquid Water
   S. Garrett-Roe, F. Perakis, F. Rao, P. Hamm ................ 451
Orientational Dynamics of Water Probed with 2D-IR Anisotropy
   K. Ramasesha, R.A. Nicodemus, S.T. Roberts, A. Mandal,
   A. Tokmakoff ............................................... 454
Water Dynamics near Hydrophobes: An Ultrafast Infrared
Spectroscopy Study
   A.A. Bakulin, C. Petersen, HJ. Bakker, M.S. Pshenichnikov .. 457
Ultrafast Conversions of Hydrogen-Bonded Structures in
Liquid Water Observed via Femtosecond Soft X-Ray
   N. Huse, H. Wen, H. Cho, Т.К. Kim, R.W Schoenlein,
   A.M. Lindenberg ............................................ 460
Dynamics of Confined Water Molecules in Aqueous Salt
   J.C. Werhahn, S. Pandelov, S. Yoo, S.S. Xantheas,
   H. Iglev ................................................... 463
Template-Substrate Dynamics Studied by 2DIR. A Random Merry-
Go-Round of Water on a Crown
   M. Olschewski, S. Knop, J. Seehusen, J. Lindner,
   P. Vöhringer ............................................... 466
Mechanism for Indirect Photoionization of Water Studied by
Pump-Repump-Probe Spectroscopy
   H. Iglev, M.K. Fischer, A. Laubereau ....................... 469
Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics of Hydrated DNA Studied by 2D
Infrared Spectroscopy
   M. Yang, Ł. Szyc, T. Elsaesser ............................. 472
Solvated Electron Scavenging by Metal Cations: A Microscopic
Picture Derived from the Transient Effect
   U. Schmidhammer, P. Pernot, P. Jeunesse, S. Murata,
   M. Mostafavi ............................................... 475
Ultrafast Generation of Aqueous Carbonic Acid
   K. Adamczyk, M. Premont-Schwarz, D. Pines, E. Pines,
   E.T.J. Nibbering ........................................... 478
Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics in Quasi-Linear Arrays of
Hydrogen-Bonds Explored by 2DIR-Spectroscopy
   S. Knop, J. Seehusen, J. Lindner, D. Schwarzer,
   P. Vöhringer ............................................... 481
Solvent Dependent Spectral Diffusion in Hydrogen Bonding
   J.T. King, C. Baiz, K. Kubarych ............................ 484
Molecular Vibrational Response of Ice Layers after
Ultrashort-Laser Excitation of Metal Surfaces
   J. Bdžoch, M. Wolf, C. Frischkorn .......................... 487

Part VII: Biological Systems

Ultrafast Dynamics of Phosphate-Water Interactions in
Hydrated DNA
   L. Szyc, M. Yang, T. Elsaesser ............................. 493
Femtosecond Laser-Induced Ionization/Dissociation of Amino
Acids and Their Derivatives
   C.L. Kalcic, G.E. Reid, M. Dantus .......................... 496
Ultrafast Excited-State Dynamics and Photochemistry of
Base-off Alkylcobalamins
   J. Peng, R.J. Sension ...................................... 499
Strongly Coupled Vibronic Modes Investigated by Means of
Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy
   M. Sugisaki, D. Kosumi, K. Saito, R. Fujii, R.J. Cogdell,
   H. Hashimoto ............................................... 502
Femtosecond Photoisomerization Study on Azobenzene-
Derivative Bound by DNA
   Т. Chen, К. Igarashi, A. Yamaguchi, N. Nakagawa,
   K. Yamane, T. Fujii, H. Asanuma, M. Yamashita .............. 505
Femtosecond UV Studies of Relaxation Processes in
Cytochrome С
   A. Cannizzo, O. Bräm, С. Consani, F. van Mourik,
   M. Chergui ................................................. 508
Ultrafast Proton Transfer in Fluorescent and Photochromic
   A. Lukacs, M. Kondo, I.A. Heisler, A. Miyawaki,
   H. Tsutsui, M. Towrie, G. Greetham, P.J. Tonge,
   D. Stoner-Ma, S.R. Meech ................................... 511
Light-Switchable HTI-Peptides: Ultrafast Structural Changes
and Coupling between the Electronically Excited Chromophore
and Amide Groups
   N. Regner, Т.Т. Herzog, К. Haiser, С. Hoppmann,
   J. Sauermann, К. Rueck-Braun, M. Engelhard, Т. Cordes,
   W. Zinth ................................................... 514
Chromophore Ring Wagging Motion Gates Excited-State Proton
Transfer in GFP
   C. Fang, R.R. Frontiera, R. Tran, R.A. Mathies ............. 517
Transient Absorption Signals from Single-Stranded DNA A
Tracts Reveal Base Stacking Disorder and not Exciton
   C. Su, B. Kohler ........................................... 520
Distinguishing between Two and Three-State Equilibrium
Folding with Three-Pulse Photon Echo Peak Shift (3PEPS)
   Z. Shen, E. Gibson, R. Jimenez ............................. 523
Picosecond Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Study of Primary
Structural Transition of the Heme Induced by Nitric Oxide
   S.G. Kruglik, B.-K. Yoo, S. Franzen, M.H. Vos,
   J.-L. Martin, M. Negrerie .................................. 526
Ultrafast Multidimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of
Transient Structures - New Insights into the FeFe
[Hydrogenase] Enzyme Reaction Mechanism
   G.M. Bonner, A.I. Stewart, J.A. Wright, S. Kaziannis,
   S. Santabarbara, I.P. Clark, G.M. Greetham, M. Towrie,
   A.W. Parker, C.J. Pickett, N.T. Hunt ....................... 529
Protein Structure Determination in Complex Environments
Using 2D IR Spectroscopy
   A.M. Woys, CT. Middleton, Y.-S. Lin, A.S. Reddy, W. Xiong,
   J.J. de Pablo, J.L. Skinner, M.T. Zanni .................... 532
The Photoprotective Properties of Adenine: Time-Resolved
Photoelectron Spectroscopy at Different Excitation
   S. Ullrich, N.L. Evans, H. Yu, A.N. Brouillette ............ 535
Vibrational Energy Transport in Peptides
   M. Schade, P.M. Donaldson, E.H.G. Backus, A. Moretto,
   C. Toniolo, P. Hamm ........................................ 538
Multiply Excited Vibrational States of Docking-Site CO
Simultaneously Observed with Gri«nd-State Bleach after
Photolysis from Heme Proteins
   P. Nuernberger, K.F. Lee, A. Bonvalet, J.-L. Martin,
   M.H. Vos, M. Joffre ........................................ 541
Ultrafast Dynamics of the BLUF Mutant dAppA Q63E Revealed by
TRIR and Fluorescent Upconversion
   A. Lukacs, A. Haigney, M. Kondo, R. Brust, G. Greetham,
   M. Towrie, P.J. Tonge, S.R. Meech .......................... 544
Coherent Nuclear Motions of Blue Copper Protein,
Plastocyanin: Comparing LMCT and d-d Excitation
   Y. Nagasawa, K. Fujita, T. Katayama, Y. Ishibashi,
   H. Miyasaka, T. Takabe, S. Nagao, S. Hirota ................ 547
Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics in Genomic DNA
   К. de La Harpe, В. Kohler .................................. 550
Femtosecond Fluorescence Measurements of the Adenine
Dinucleotide: Direct Observation of the Excimer State
   M.С. Stuhldreier, С. Schüler, J. Kleber, F. Temps .......... 553

Part VIII: Molecular Light Harvesting and Charge-Transfer

Unusually Rapid Energy Transfer and Internal Conversion in
Xanthorhodopsin and Its Carotenoid Antenna
   J. Zhu, I. Gdor, E. Smolensky, N. Friedman, M. Sheves,
   S. Ruhman .................................................. 559
Excitation Energy Dependence of the Si and ICT State
Dynamics in Marine Carotenoids Studied by Femtosecond One
and Two-Photon Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
   D. Kosumi, S. Maruta, T. Kusumoto, R. Fujii, M. Sugisaki,
   Y. Iinuma, N. Oka, Y. Takaesu, T. Taira, M. Iha,
   H.A. Frank, H. Hashimoto ................................... 562
Relaxation Dynamics of 8'-Apo-β-Caroten-8'-al: Excitation
Energy Dependence
   Y. Pang, G.R. Fleming ...................................... 565
Vibrationally-Mediated Dynamics in β-Carotene Probed with
Broadband 2D Electronic Spectroscopy
   T.R. Calhoun, J.A. Davis, M.W. Graham, G.R. Fleming ........ 568
Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopies Refine the Energy
Level Scheme of β-carotene
   N. Christensson, F. Milota, A. Nemeth, H.F. Kauffmann,
   J. Hauer ................................................... 571
Coherent Effects in Carotenoids
   J.A. Davis, E. Cannon, L.V. Dao, G. Richards,
   P. Hannaford, K.A. Nugent, H.M. Quiney ..................... 574
New Insights into the Excited State Relaxation Network of
   T. Buckup, M.S. Marek, M. Motzkus .......................... 577
Transfer of the Optically Induced Coherence through the
Conical Intersection during Retinal Isomerization in
   V.l. Prokhorenko, A. Halpin, L.S. Brown, R.J.D. Miller ..... 580
Can Retinal Isomerization in Bacteriorhodopsin Be Coherently
Controlled in the Strong Field Limit?
   V.l. Prokhorenko, A. Halpin, P.J.M. Johnson, L.S. Brown,
   R.J.D. Miller .............................................. 583
Deciphering Excited State Evolution in Halorhodopsin with
Stimulated Emission Pumping
   O. Bismuth, P. Komm, N. Friedman, T. Eliash, M. Sheves,
   S. Ruhman .................................................. 586
Direct Observation of the Conical Intersection in cis-trans
Photoisomerization of Rhodopsin
   D. Polli, P. Altoe, O. Weingart, P. Kukura, K. Spillane,
   C. Manzoni, D. Brida, G. Tomasello, G. Orlandi,
   R.A. Mathies, M. Garavelli, G. Cerullo ..................... 589
Initial Relaxation Dynamics of Retinal Protonated Schiff-
Bases Determined by Pump Degenerate Four Wave Mixing
   T. Buckup, J.P. Kraack, M. Motzkus ......................... 592
Opening a New Spectral Window on Retinal Protein
   B. Loevsky, A. Wand, O. Bismuth, N. Friedman, M. Sheves,
   S. Ruhman .................................................. 595
Energy Flow in the Light Harvesting Complex Manipulated by
Pre-Excitation of the Energy Accepter
   R. Nakamura, T. Yoshioka, K. Abe, S. Sakai, K. Nakagawa,
   M. Nango, H. Hashimoto, M. Yoshizawa ....................... 598
Quantum-Coherent Energy Transfer in Marine Algae at Ambient
Temperature via Ultrafast Photon Echo Studies
   C.Y. Wong, H. Hossein-Nejad, C. Curutchet, G.D. Scholes .... 601
Towards Understanding the Role of Coherent Dynamics in
Natural Light Harvesting
   J. Olšina, F. Šanda, L. Valkunas, T. Mančal ................ 604
Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of the Qy Band of
Photosystem II Reaction Centers
   J.A. Myers, K.L.M. Lewis, F. Fuller, P.F. Tekavec,
   J.P. Ogilvie ............................................... 607
Elucidation of Electronic Structure and Quantum Coherence in
LHCII with Polarized 2D Spectroscopy
   G.S. Schlau-Cohen, T.R. Calhoun, N.S. Ginsberg,
   M. Ballottari, R. Bassi, G.R. Fleming ...................... 610
Determining Chlorophyll Orientation in the CP29 Light
Harvesting Complex with Arithmetic Polarized 2D Electronic
   Spectroscopy N.S. Ginsberg, J.A. Davis, M. Ballottari,
   Y.-C. Cheng, R. Bassi, G.R. Fleming ........................ 613
Signatures of Quantum Exciton Transport in Two-Dimensional
Coherent Optical Signals of Photosynthetic Complexes
   D. Abramavicius, S. Mukamel ................................ 616
Femtosecond Fluorescence up-Conversion Studies of Electron
Injection in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
   O. Braem, A. Cannizzo, M. Chergui .......................... 619
Optimization of the Fast Charge Separation in Artificial
Photosynthesis for Efficient Transport
   B.P. Fingerhut, W. Zinth, R. de Vivie-Riedle ............... 622
Vibrational Stark-Effect Spectroscopy: Measuring the Solvent
Response in Ultrafast Charge-transfer Reactions
   C.R. Baiz, K.J. Kubarych ................................... 625

Part IX: THz Science and Technology, Nano-Optics, Plasmonics,
and Meta Materials

Phase-Locked Single-Cycle Pulses in the Multi-THz Range with
Peak Electric Fields Exceeding 10 MV/cm
   F. Junginger, A. Sell, O. Schubert, B. Mayer, D. Brida,
   M. Marangoni, G. Cerallo, R. Huber, A. Leitenstorfer ....... 631
Temporal and Spatial Lensing with an Intense Single-Cycle
Terahertz Pulse
   Y. Shen, G.L. Carr, J.B. Murphy, T.Y. Tsang, X. Wang,
   X. Yang .................................................... 634
Superconducting Terahertz Metamaterials
   H.-T. Chen, H. Yang, R. Singh, J. O'Hara, A. Azad,
   S. Tragman, Q. Jia, A.J. Taylor ............................ 637
Terahertz Radiation from Multiplexed Photo-Dember Currents
   G. Klatt, F. Hilser, W. Qiao, R. Gebs, A. Bartels,
   К. Huska, U. Lemmer, G. Bastian, M.B. Johnston,
   M. Fischer, J. Faist, T. Dekorsy ........................... 640
Localizing Few-Cycle Light Pulses in Space and Time in
Random Dielectric Media
   M. Mascheck, S. Schmidt, M. Silies, P. Vasa, D. Leipold,
   E. Runge, К. Kitamura, Т. Yatsui, M. Ohtsu, C. Lienau ...... 643
Anderson Localization of Single Cycle THz Pulses in Random
   F. Enderli, A. Bitzer, H. Merbold, F. Branner,
   F. Scheffold, Т. Feurer .................................... 646
Terahertz Radiation with a Continuous Spectral Bandwidth
Reaching beyond 100 THz from a Laser-Induced Gas Plasma
   V. Blank, M.D. Thomson, H.G. Roskos ........................ 649
Terahertz Generation and Propagation in Two-color Laser
Produced Plasma
   Y.-S. You, T.-I. Oh, K.-Y. Kim ............................. 652
Photoconductivity in ТiO2 Nanotubes Measured by Time Resolved
THz Spectroscopy
   C. Richter, C.A. Schmuttenmaer ............................. 655
Tunability of THz Emission Originating from Sub-Cycle
Electron Bursts in a Laser Induced Plasma
   T. Balčiunas, D. Lorenc, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova,
   A. Pugžlys, A.M. Zheltikov, D. Dietze, J. Darmo,
   K. Unterrainer, Т. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuška .......... 658
Ultrafast All-Optical Coupling of Light to Surface Plasmons
on Planar Gold Films
   N. Rotenberg, M. Betz, H.M. van Driel ...................... 661
High Harmonics Generation by Plasmonic Resonance of Metal
Nanostructures and its Applications
   S. Kim, J. Choi, S. Kim, I. Park ........................... 664
Deterministic Control of Subwavelength Field Localization in
Plasmonic Nanoantennas
   M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer, D. Bayer, T. Brixner,
   S. Cunovic, A. Fischer, P. Melchior, W. Pfeiffer,
   M. Rohmer, C. Schneider, C. Striiber, P. Tuchscherer,
   D.V. Voronine .............................................. 667
Strong-Field Photoelectron Emission From Metal
   R. Bormann, M. Guide, A. Weismann, S.V. Yalunin,
   C. Ropers .................................................. 670
Terahertz Near-Field Imaging of Electric and Magnetic
Resonances in Plasmonic High Frequency Devices
   A. Bitzer, J. Wallauer, H. Merbold, F. Enderli,
   T. Feurer, H. Helm, M. Walther ............................. 673
Few-Femtosecond Plasmon Dephasing of a Single Metallic
Nanostructure from Optical Response Function Reconstruction
   X.G. Xu, K.S. Deryckx, A. Anderson, G. Steinmeyer,
   M.B. Raschke ............................................... 676
Few-Cycle Nonlinear Optics with Single Plasmonic
   T. Hanke, G. Krauss, D. Träutlein, A. Leitenstorfer,
   R. Bratschitsch ............................................ 679
Radiative Coupling in Planar Metamaterials Studied by THz
Time-Domain Spectroscopy
   H. Merbold, A. Bitzer, F. Enderli, J. Wallauer, H. Helm,
   M. Walther, T. Feurer ...................................... 682
Ultrafast Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of a Dual Band Negative
Index Metamaterial
   K.M. Dani, Z. Ku, P.C. Upadhya, R.P. Prasankumar,
   S.R.J. Brueck, A.J. Taylor ................................. 685

Part X: Novel Pulsed Sources: Oscillators, Amplifiers,
Nonlinear Mixing, Electrons, X-rays

Approaching the Full Octave: Noncollinear Optical
Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification with Two-Color
   C. Homann, D. Herrmann, R. Tautz, L. Veisz, F. Krausz,
   E. Riedle .................................................. 691
Generation of Single-Cycle Light Pulses with Compact Er:Fiber
   G. Krauss, T. Hanker A. Sell, S. Eggert, R. Huber,
   A. Leitenstorfer ........................................... 694
Towards CEP Stable, Single-Cycle Pulse Compression with Bulk
   B.E. Schmidt, A.D. Shiner, P. Bejot, P. Lassonde,
   J. Kasparian, C. Trallero-Herrero, J.-P. Wolf,
   D.M. Villeneuve, J.-C. Kieffer, P.B. Corkum, F. Légaré ..... 697
Self-Referenced Oscillator Pulse Train with Constant
Carrier-Envelope-Offset Phase
   S. Rausch, Т. Binhammer, A. Harth, U. Morgner .............. 700
Adiabatic Frequency Conversion of Ultrafast Pulses
   H. Suchowski, B.D. Bruner, A. Arie, Y. Silberberg .......... 703
Compact and widely tunable sub-65 fs laser source with 13 mW
to 330 mW output power at 44 MHz repetition rate for
nonlinear spectroscopy applications
   B. Metzger, A. Steinmann, F. Hoos, S. Pricking,
   H. Giessen ................................................. 706
Non-Collinear Optical Parametric Amplification of near-IR
Pulses in KTiOPO4 at a High Repetition Rate
   O. Isaienko, E. Borguet, P. Vöhringer ...................... 709
Continuum Generation in Laser Host Materials towards Table-
   M. Bradler, P. Baum, E. Riedle ............................. 712
Optically-Pumped SESAM for Fast Switching between Continuous
Wave and Passively Mode Locked Regimes of a Femtosecond
Pulse Cr4+ :Forsterite Laser
   C.G. Leburn, С.Т.А. Brown, W. Sibbett ...................... 715
Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization of a Soliton-Effect
Compressed Sub-Two-Cycle Pulse Source
   A.A. Amorim, L.M. Bernardo, F.X. Kärtner, H.M. Crespo ...... 718
Demonstration of Cavity-Enhanced Optical Parametric Chirped-
Pulse Amplification System at High Repetition Rate
   A.M. Siddiqui, K.-H. Hong, J. Moses, J. Chen, F.Ц. Ilday,
   F.X. Kдrtner ............................................... 721
96 kHz Fiber-Amplifier-Pumped Few-Cycle Pulse Optical
Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier System
   F. Tavella, A. Willner, S. Hädrich, J. Rothhardt,
   E. Seise, J. Limpert, S. Düsterer, H. Schlarb,
   J. Feldhaus, J. Roßbach, A. Tünnermann ..................... 724
The Development of Angularly-Dispersed Non-Collinear Optical
Parametric Amplifier for Generation of High Power Optical
Pulses in Monocycle Regime
   K. Yamane, T. Tanigawa, T. Sekikawa, M. Yamashita .......... 727
6 Cycle, 3.8 μJ, Mid-IR OPCPA at 100 kHz
   O. Chalus, A. Thai, J. Biegert ............................. 730
Widely Tunable Infrared Pulse Generation up to 5 μm with
Novel Optical Parametric Amplifiers at 100 kHz Repetition
   M. Bradler, E. Riedle, С. Homann ........................... 733
Toward Single-Cycle Pulse Generation in Single-Crystal
   M. Zhi, K. Wang, A.V. Sokolov .............................. 736
The Evolution of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Superfluorescence-
Contaminated Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification
   C. Manzoni, J. Moses, F.X. Kärtner, G. Cerallo ............. 739
Characterization of an Asynchronously Mode-Locked Erbium-
Doped Fiber Laser Operating at 10GHz
   C.C. Dias, E.A. de Souza ................................... 742
Tunable Broadband Optical Generation via Giant Rabi Shifting
in Micro-Plasmas
   R. Compton, A. Filin, D.A. Romanov, M. Plewicki,
   R.J. Levis ................................................. 745
Compact and Low-Cost Femtosecond Diode-Pumped CnColquiriite
Laser Technology
   J.G. Fujimoto, U. Demirbas, D. Li, A. Benedick,
   G.S. Perrich, J.R. Birge, J. Wang, S. Nabanja,
   L.A. Kolodziejski, A. Sennaroglu, F.X. Kärtner ............. 748
Observation of Optical Bullets Formed in Laser-Driven Plasma
Bubble Accelerators
   P. Dong, S.A. Reed, S.A. Yi, S. Kalmykov, G. Shvets,
   N.H. Matlis, C. McGuffey, S.S. Bulanov, V. Chvykov,
   G. Kalintchenko, K. Krushelnick, A. Maksimchuk,
   T. Matsuoka, A.G.R. Thomas, V. Yanovsky, M.C. Downer ....... 751
Generation of Stable and Clean 8-fs Pulses at 400nm in
a Hollow Fiber for UV Pump-Probe Experiment
   J. Liu, K. Okamura, Y. Kida, T Teramoto, T. Kobayashi ...... 754
High repetition rate OPCPA system generating CEP stabilized,
multi-μj, few-cycle pulses
   M. Schultze, T. Binhammer, A. Steinmann, G. Palmer,
   M. Emons, U. Morgner ....................................... 757
Bandwidth-Enhanced Noncollinear Optical Parametric
Amplification via Anamorphic Pumping
   P.J.M. Johnson, V.I. Prokhorenko, R.J.D. Miller ............ 760
Self-Trapping of Supercontinuum Generated by Femtosecond
Pulses in a Noble Gas
   T.R. Ensley, D.A. Fishman, L.A. Padilha, C.M. Cirloganu,
   S. Webster, D.J. Hagan, E.W. Van Stryland .................. 763
Time-Resolved X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
   G. Vanko, P. Glatzel, V.-T. Pham, R. Abela, D. Grolimund,
   C.N. Borca, S.L. Johnson, C.J. Milne, W. Gawelda,
   A. Galler, С Bressler ...................................... 766
Generation of Ultra-Short Gamma Ray Pulses via Laser Compton
Scattering in UVSOR-II Electron Storage Ring
   Y. Taira, M. Adachi, H. Zen, T. Tanikawa, N. Yamamoto,
   M. Hosaka, Y. Takashima, K. Soda, M. Katoh ................. 769
Advanced Compton Scattering Light Source R&D at LLNL
   F. Albert, S.G. Anderson, G.G. Anderson, A.J. Bayramian,
   S.M. Betts, T.S. Chu, D.J. Gibson, R.A. Marsh,
   M.J. Messerly, M.Y. Shverdin, S.S. Wu, F.V. Hartemann,
   C.W. Siders, C.P.J. Barty .................................. 772
Cycle-Engineered Coherent Steering of Electrons with
a Multicolor Optical Parametric Synthesizer
   T. Balčiunas, G. Andriukaitis, A.J. Verhoef, O.D. Mücke,
   A. Pugžlys, A. Baltuška, D. Mikalauskas, L. Giniunas,
   R. Danielius, M. Lezius, R. Holzwarth ...................... 775

Part XI: Frequency Combs, Waveform Synthesis, Pulse Shaping,
and Applications

High Power Femtosecond Frequency Comb for Intracavity High
Harmonic Generation
   J. Lee, J. Paul, D. Carlson, R.J. Jones .................... 781
XUV Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
   С. Gohle, D.Z. Kandula, T.J. Pinkert, W. Ubachs,
   K.S.E. Eikema .............................................. 784
Selective Excitation of Resonances in 2D Fourier Transform
Optical Spectroscopy with Tailored Pulse Shapes
   P. Wen, D.H. Arias, D.B. Turner, K.A. Nelson ............... 787
Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy in a Linear Paul Trap
   A.L. Wolf, J. Morgenweg, S. van den Berg, W. Ubachs,
   K.S.E. Eikema .............................................. 790
Coherent Control of the Selected Excited State by Two-Color
Multipulse Excitation
   K. Abe, R. Nakamura, H. Hashimoto, M. Yoshizawa ............ 793
Polarization Pulse Shaping Using Nonlinear Optical Processes
   M.T. Seidel, S. Yan, Z. Zhang, H.-S. Tan ................... 796
Ultrabroadband Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier in
the Mid-Infrared Using Aperiodically Poled Mg:LiNbO3
   С. Heese, C.R. Phillips, L. Gallmann, M.M. Fejer,
   U. Keller .................................................. 799
Generation and Characterization of Phase and Amplitude
Modulated Femtosecond UV Pulses
   J. Möhring, Т. Buckup, M. Motzkus .......................... 802
Coherent Control of Multidimensional Nonlinear Optical
Signals with Shaped Laser Pulses
   D-V. Voronine, D. Abramavicius, S. Mukamel ................. 805
High-Finesse Dispersion-Free Cavities for Broadband
Filtration of Laser Comb Lines
   L.-J. Chen, G. Chang, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday,
   A.J. Benedick, D.F. Phillips, R.L. Walsworth,
   F.X. Kärtner ............................................... 808
Programmable High Resolution Broadband Pulse Shaping Using
a 2-D VIPA-Grating Pulse Shaper with a Liquid Crystal on
Silicon (LCOS) Spatial Light Modulator
   V.R. Supradeepa, D.E. Leaird, A.M. Weiner .................. 811
Shaped Sub-20 fs UV Pulses: Handling Spatio-Temporal
   N. Krebs, R.A. Probst, E. Riedle ........................... 814
Linear Characterization of Ultrafast Nonlinear
Spatiotemporal Dynamics
   D.E. Adams, T.A. Planchon, J.A. Squier, C.G. Durfee ........ 817
Coherent Raman Microscopy with a Fiber-Format Femtosecond
Laser Oscillator
   A. Gambetta, V. Kumar, G. Grancini, D. Polli, С Manzoni,
   R. Ramponi, G. Cerullo, M. Marangoni ....................... 820
Pulse Shaper Based Strategies for Selective Single-Beam CARS
   P.J. Wrzesinski, D. Pestov, V.V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus ........ 823
Scalable High-Energy Sub-Cycle Waveform Synthesis
   S.-W. Huang, G. Cirmi, J. Moses, K.-H. Hong, A. Benedick,
   L.-J. Chen, E. Li, B. Eggleton, G. Cerullo, F.X. Kärtner ... 826
First attosecond pulse control by multilayer mirrors above
100 eV photon energy
   M. Hofstetter, A. Guggenmos, R. Ernstorfer, E. Magerl,
   E. Bothschafter, S. Neppl, A.L. Cavalieri, M. Schultze,
   M. Fieß, E. Gouliemakis, J. Gagnon, V. Yakovlev, E.M.
   Gullikson, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz, U. Kleineberg ......... 829

Part XII: Optics, Optoelectronics, Measurement, Diagnostics,
and Applications

Ultrafast THz Saturable Absorption in Doped Semiconductors at
Room Temperature
   D. Turchinovich, M.C. Hoffmann ............................. 835
Characterization of Isolated Attosecond Pulses with
Ultrabroad Bandwidth
   S.D. Khan, M. Chini, S. Gilbertson, Z. Chang ............... 838
Strategies for Scatter Removal in Two-Dimensional Electronic
Spectroscopy in the Pump-Probe Geometry
   K.L.M. Lewis, J.A. Myers, F. Fuller, P.F. Tekavec,
   J.P. Ogilvie ............................................... 841
Full Control of Polarization Shaped Pulses Using a Phase-
Locked Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
   M. Sato, T. Suzuki, K. Misawa .............................. 844
Soft X-Ray Interferometer for Time-Resolved Diagnostics of
Laser-Aided Nano-fabrication
   T. Suemoto, K. Terakawa, Y. Minami, Y. Ochi, N. Hasegawa,
   T. Kawachi, T. Tomita, M. Yamamoto, M. Deki ................ 847
Shot Noise Limited Characterization of Femtosecond Light
   O. Schwarz, О. Raz, О. Katz, N. Dudovich, D. Oron .......... 850
Single-Shot Detection and Stabilization of Carrier Phase
Drifts of Mid-IR Pulses
   С. Manzoni, M. Först, H. Ehrke, M.C. Hoffmann,
   A. Cavalieri ............................................... 853
Frequency Domain Streak Camera and Frequency Domain
Tomography for Ultrafast Imaging of Evolving Luminal
Velocity Objects
   Z. Li, R. Zgadzaj, X. Wang, S. Reed, M.C. Downer ........... 856
Fast Impurity-Doped ZnO Scintillator for Accurate
Synchronization of Femtosecond Pulses from XFEL and
Conventional Ultrafast
   Laser K. Yamanoi, M. Cadatal-Raduban, T. Shimizu,
   T. Nakazato, K. Sakai, N. Sarakura, M. Kano, A. Wakamiya,
   D. Ehrentraut, Т. Fukuda, M. Nagasono, T. Togashi,
   S. Matsubara, K. Tono, A. Higashiya, M. Yabashi,
   H. Kimura, H. Ohashi, T. Ishikawa .......................... 859
Time-Resolved Vibrational Circular Dichroism and Optical
Rotation with Utrashort Laser Pulses
   M. Bonmarin, J. Helbing .................................... 862
Atmospheric Pressure Femtosecond Laser Imaging Mass
   Y. Coello, A.D. Jones, T.C Gunaratne, M. Dantus ............ 865
Differential Multiphoton Microscopy
   J. Squier, J. Field, E. Hoover, E. Chandler, M. Young,
   D. Vitek ................................................... 868
Label-Free Live Brain Imaging with Ultrafast Nonlinear
   S. Witte, A. Negrean, J.C Lodder, G.T. Silva, C.P.J,
   de Kock, H.D. Mansvelder, M.L. Groot ....................... 871
Separating Sub-Ensembles on Ultrafast Timescales: Multiple-
Population Period Transient Spectroscopy (MUPPETS)
   K. Sahu, S.J. Kern, M.A. Berg .............................. 874
Measuring the Spatiotemporal Field of Diffracting and Non-
Diffracting Ultrashort Pulses
   P. Bowlan, M. Lõhmus, P. Piksarv, H. Valtna-Lukner,
   P. Saari, R. Trebino ....................................... 877
Characterization of High-Frequency, Quantum-Limited Timing
Jitter in Stretched-Pulse and Soliton, Passively-Modelocked
Fiber Lasers
   J.A. Cox, A.H. Nejadmalayeri, F.X. Kärtner ................. 880
Single-Dispersive-Element Pulse Compressor
   V.K. Chauhan, J. Cohen, P. Bowlan, R. Trebino .............. 883
Three high spectral resolution techniques for measuring the
full electric field of ultrashort pulses > 10ps
   J. Cohen, P. Bowlan, V. Chauhan, R. Trebino ................ 886
Completely Characterizing Single Attosecond Pulses by the
Modified Spectral Phase Interferometry
   J. Zhu, S. Fang, K. Yamane, T. Chen, M. Yamashita .......... 889
Optical Magnetic Field Detection: Intra-cavity Phase
   A. Schmitt-Sody, K. Masuda, A. Velten, L. Arissian,
   J.-C. Diels ................................................ 892
Space-Time Coupling in Femtosecond Scalar and Vector Pulse
   F. Frei, R. Bloch, Т. Feurer ............................... 895
Measurement of Effective Refractive Index Ellipse of LiNbO3
Subwavelength Slab Waveguide for THz Phonon Polariton Wave
   C. Yang, Q. Wu, C.A. Werley, J. Xu, K.A. Nelson ............ 898
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Laser Filamentation Measured via
Impulsive Raman Scattering
   J. Odhner, D.A. Romanov, R.J. Levis ........................ 901

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