Pfennig D.W. Evolution's wedge: competition and the origins of diversity (Berkeley, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPfennig D.W. Evolution's wedge: competition and the origins of diversity / D.W.Pfennig, K.S.Pfennig. - Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012. - xiv, 303 p.: ill. - (Organisms and environments; 12). - Ref.: p.243-290. - Ind.: p.291-303. - ISBN 978-0-520-27418-1

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... ix

1  Discovery of a Unifying Principle ............................ i
   A Brief History .............................................. 4
   Detecting Character Displacement ............................ 10
   Phenomena Mistaken for Character Displacement ............... 14
   What Constitutes Character Displacement? Conflation of
   Process and Pattern ......................................... 19
   Reproductive Character Displacement versus Reinforcement .... 20
   Terminology ................................................. 21
   Box 1.1: Alternative Manifestations of Character 
            Displacement ....................................... 22
   A Unifying Principle ........................................ 25
   Box 1.2: Suggestions for Future Research .................... 26
   Summary ..................................................... 27
   Further Reading  ............................................ 27
2  Why Character Displacement Occurs ........................... 29
   Why Ecological Character Displacement Occurs ................ 30
   Box 2.1: Alternative Models of Species Coexistence .......... 36
   Box 2.2: Is Competitively Induced Plasticity Character
            Displacement? ...................................... 44
   Why Reproductive Character Displacement Occurs .............. 48
   Box 2.3: Suggestions for Future Research .................... 53
   Summary ..................................................... 54
   Further Reading ............................................. 54
3  When Character Displacement Occurs .......................... 57
   Facilitators of Character Displacement ...................... 58
   Variation in the Expression of Character Displacement ....... 65
   How Ecological and Reproductive Character Displacement
   Facilitate Each Other ....................................... 69
   How Ecological and Reproductive Character Displacement Can
   Impede Each Other ........................................... 77
   Box 3.1: Suggestions for Future Research .................... 78
   Summary ..................................................... 78
   Further Reading ............................................. 79
4  How Character Displacement Unfolds .......................... 81
   Mechanisms of Divergence .................................... 82
   Tempo and Mode of Character Displacement .................... 93
   Summary .................................................... 102
   Box 4.1: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 103
   Further Reading ............................................ 104
5  Diversity and Novelty Within Species ....................... 105
   How Intraspecific Character Displacement Works ............. 106
   Intraspecific Character Displacement: Observational 
   Evidence ................................................... 108
   Intraspecific Character Displacement: Experimental 
   Evidence ................................................... 110
   Evolution of Alternative Phenotypes ........................ 111
   Intraspecific Character Displacement and Species 
   Diversity .................................................. 126
   Character Displacement Within Versus Between Species ....... 129
   Summary .................................................... 130
   Box 5.1: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 131
   Further Reading ............................................ 131
6  Ecological Consequences .................................... 133
   Evolution of the Niche ..................................... 134
   Partitioning of Resources and Reproduction: A Reprise ...... 136
   Box 6.1: Individual Variation and the Coexistence of
            Species ........................................... 139
   Community Organization ..................................... 143
   Character Displacement and Darwinian Extinction ............ 146
   Species Distributions and Geographic Mosaics ............... 150
   Character Displacement and Species Ranges .................. 151
   Summary .................................................... 153
   Box 6.2: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 154
   Further Reading ............................................ 155
7  Sexual Selection ........................................... 157
   How Sexual Selection Works ................................. 159
   How Character Displacement Affects Sexual Selection ........ 160
   Implications of the Effects of Character Displacement on
   Sexual Selection ........................................... 168
   How Sexual Selection Affects Character Displacement ........ 174
   A Cautionary Note: Process Versus Pattern .................. 175
   Box 7.1: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 176
   Summary .................................................... 176
   Further Reading ............................................ 177
8  Speciation ................................................. 179
   What Are Species? .......................................... 179
   How Are Species' Boundaries Maintained? .................... 182
   The Evolution of Isolating Mechanisms ...................... 183
   Box 8.1: Selection and the Evolution of Reproductive
   Isolation .................................................. 186
   Character Displacement's Role in Speciation ................ 189
   Summary .................................................... 202
   Box 8.2: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 203
   Further Reading .............................................203
9  Macroevolution ............................................. 205
   Competition in the Fossil Record ........................... 207
   Methods for Studying Macroevolution: Replaying the Tape 
   of Life .................................................... 211
   Adaptive Radiation ......................................... 213
   Evolutionary Escalation .................................... 224
   Macroevolution: Red Queen or Court Jester? ................. 228
   Summary .................................................... 229
   Box 9.1: Suggestions for Future Research ................... 230
   Further Reading ............................................ 230
10 Major Themes and Unsolved Problems ......................... 233
   Major Themes of the Book 234 Some Unsolved Problems ........ 238
   Summary .................................................... 242

   References ................................................. 243
   Index ...................................................... 291

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