Henderson-Sellers A. The future of the world's climate (Oxford; Amsterdam, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHenderson-Sellers A. The future of the world's climate / A.Henderson-Sellers, K.McGuffie. - Oxford; Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012. - xxvi, 650 p.: ill. (some col.), col. maps. - Bibliogr.: p.531-621. - Ind.: p.632-638. - ISBN 978-0-12-386917-3

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xv
Preface ...................................................... xvii
Abbreviations & Acronyms ...................................... xix
Stephen H. Schneider: In Memoriam ............................. xxv

Introduction Future Climate
1  Seeing Further: The Futurology of Climate .................... 3
   1.1  The Future of Our Climate: Introduction and Outline ..... 3
   1.2  Global Warming: Climate's 'Elephant in the Room' ........ 5
        1.2.1  Informing the Public on the Greenhouse 'Debate' .. 5
        1.2.2  Global Warming 'Just a Theory' ................... 6
        1.2.3  Schneider and Climate Connectedness .............. 9
   1.3  The Complexity of the Future of the World's Climate .... 11
        1.3.1  Changing Climates ............................... 11
        1.3.2  Challenges in Climate Science ................... 12
   1.4  Climate Future of the Coorong: Communicating from
        Global 'Ground Zero' ................................... 16
        1.4.1  From Global to Local ............................ 16
        1.4.2  Witnessing the World's First Climate'Ground
               Zero' ........................................... 18
   1.5  Futurology of Climate .................................. 22
   Acknowledgements ............................................ 25

Section I  The Anthropocene

2  People, Policy and Politics in Future Climates .............. 29
   2.1  Introduction: Human and Ecological Systems and
        Paradigm Change ........................................ 29
   2.2  The Challenges of Governance for Mitigation of
        Climate Change ......................................... 31
   2.3  A Governance Approach to Address Climate Change ........ 31
   2.4  Science and Politics in the International Climate
        Regime ................................................. 34
        2.4.1  IPCC Science and Governance ..................... 34
        2.4.2  IPCC 2010 Review ................................ 36
        2.4.3  IPCC as an SES Contributor ...................... 36
        2.4.4  IPCC Projections, Tipping Points, and Policy-
               Making .......................................... 37
   2.5  The Role of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol .............. 38
   2.6  Тор-Down Actions Stemming From Inside and Outside
        UNFCCC/Kyoto ........................................... 40
        2.6.1  Greenhouse Gas Accounting ....................... 40
        2.6.2  Development Initiatives on Climate Change ....... 40
        2.6.3  EU Member Countries Policies and Programs ....... 41
        2.6.4  Climate Change Vacillation by the USA and
               Australia ....................................... 41
        2.6.5  The Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean
               Development and Climate ......................... 42
        2.6.6  New Zealand's Policy Development ................ 43
        2.6.7  Developing Nations .............................. 43
   2.7  Bottom-Up Approaches: Civil/Society Participation and
        Influence .............................................. 43
   2.8  Prospects for the Future ............................... 44
        2.8.1  Institutional Change ............................ 44
        2.8.2  Social Learning ................................. 44
   2.9  Future Unknowns: Living on a Warmer Earth? ............. 45
3  Urban Climates and Global Climate Change .................... 47
   3.1  Introduction: Living in Cities ......................... 47
        3.1.1  Overview ........................................ 47
        3.1.2  Why Are Urban Climates Important to Future
               Climates? ....................................... 48
   3.2  Local and Regional Urban Climates: The Biophysical
        Basis .................................................. 50
        3.2.1  Urban Morphology ................................ 50
        3.2.2  Momentum Fluxes and Turbulence .................. 52
        3.2.3  Urban Energy Exchanges .......................... 54
        3.2.4  Urban Water Balance ............................. 56
        3.2.1  Urban Carbon Balance ............................ 61
        3.2.6  Summary: Coupling Energy, Water, and Carbon in
               Urban Areas ..................................... 63
        3.2.7  Direct Urban Climate Effects .................... 64
   3.3  Cities and Global Climate Change ....................... 67
        3.3.1  Using Urban Design to Mitigate Global Climate
               Change .......................................... 68
        3.3.2  Adapting to Global Climate Change in Cities ..... 71
        3.3.3  Managing Air Quality Risks in a Warmer and
               Urbanised World ................................. 72
   3.4  Current State-of-the-Art in Simulating Urban Climates .. 72
        3.4.1  Hardware Models ................................. 72
        3.4.2  Statistical Models .............................. 73
        3.4.3  Physically-Based Models ......................... 73
   3.5  Cities and the Future Climate .......................... 75
4  Human Effects on Climate Through Land-Use-Induced Land-
   Cover Change ................................................ 77
   4.1  Introduction: Land Change and Climate .................. 77
   4.2  The Scale of Human Modification ........................ 78
   4.3  Mechanisms/Processes Through Which LULCC Affects
        Climate ................................................ 80
        4.3.1  The Terrestrial Carbon Balance .................. 80
        4.3.2  The Surface Energy Balance ...................... 80
        4.3.3  The Surface Water Balance ....................... 84
        4.3.4  The Snow—Climate Feedback ....................... 84
        4.3.5  Summary ......................................... 84
   4.4  Links Between LULCC and Climate ........................ 85
        4.4.1  Hasleretal. (2009) .............................. 87
        4.4.2  Findell et al. (2006, 2007, 2009) ............... 88
        4.4.3  Urban LULCC ..................................... 89
        4.4.4  Land-Use and Climate, Identification of Robust
               Impacts (LUCID): Pitman et al. (2009) ........... 89
        4.4.5  Implications of LULCC for Future Simulations;
               Feddema et al. (2005) ........................... 91
   4.5  Land Use and Understanding our Future Climate .......... 92

Section II Time and Tide

5  Fast and Slow Feedbacks in Future Climates .................. 99
   5.1  Introduction: The Sensitive Climate ................... 100
        5.1.1  Radiative Forcing .............................. 100
        5.1.2  Climate Sensitivity and Feedback Processes ..... 101
   5.2  Fast-Feedback Climate Sensitivity ..................... 101
        5.2.1  Linear Feedback Analysis ....................... 101
        5.2.2  Climate Sensitivities of AML Models and
               AOGCMs ......................................... 103
        5.2.3  Observational Validation of the Water Vapour
               Feedback in AOGCMs ............................. 106
        5.2.4  Climate Sensitivity Deduced from Historical
               Temperature Trends ............................. 107
        5.2.5  Climate Sensitivity Deduced from Observed
               Short-Term Temperature Changes ................. 108
        5.2.6  Climate Sensitivity Deduced from Past
               Climates and Forcings .......................... 110
        5.2.7  Evidence from the Co-variation of Temperature
               and CO2 Over Geological Time ................... 111
        5.2.8  Climate Sensitivity Deduced from Slow
               Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Concentration .... 112
        5.2.9  Conclusion Concerning the Fast-Feedback
               Climate Sensitivity ............................ 113
   5.3  Slow Feedback Processes Related to the Carbon Cycle ... 114
        5.3.1  Oceanic Carbon Cycle Processes ................. 114
        5.3.2  Ocean Carbon Cycle Feedback Processes .......... 115
        5.3.3  Ocean Climate - Carbon Cycle Feedback
               Processes ...................................... 115
        5.3.4  Observed Climate-Related Changes in Oceanic
               CO2 Uptake and Related Variables ............... 116
        5.3.5  Climate - Ocean-Sink Feedbacks as Projected by
               Models ......................................... 117
        5.3.6  Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Processes ............. 118
        5.3.7  Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Feedback Processes .... 119
        5.3.8  Terrestrial Climate - Carbon Cycle Feedback
               Processes ...................................... 119
        5.3.9  Terrestrial Climate - Carbon Cycle Feedback:
               Local and Large-Scale Observations ............. 124
        5.3.10 Destabilization of Methane Clathrate ........... 126
   5.4  Coupled Climate - Carbon Cycle Model Results and
        Linear Feedback Analysis .............................. 127
        5.4.1  Effect of the Oceans in Limiting the
               Transient Temperature Response ................. 127
        5.4.2  Climatic Change As a Feedback on the Carbon
               Cycle .......................................... 129
        5.4.3  The Carbon Cycle As a Climate Feedback ......... 130
        5.4.4  Role of Carbon—Nitrogen (C-N) Coupling ......... 132
        5.4.5  Combination of Climate Sensitivity and Carbon
               Feedback Cain Formulation ...................... 133
        5.4.6  Applying Climate Sensitivity to Future
               Climate Policy Strategies ...................... 134
   5.5  Other Slow and Less-Considered Feedbacks .............. 137
        5.5.1  Enhanced Land Surface Warming Due to the
               Physiological Effect of Higher C02 ............. 137
        5.5.2  Shifts in the Distribution of Plant
               Functional Types ............................... 137
        5.5.3  Decrease in the Extent of the Greenland Ice
               Cap ............................................ 138
        5.5.4  Delayed Ocean Circulation Changes and Cloud
               Feedback ....................................... 138
        5.5.5  Collapse of Marine Bioproductivity and Cloud
               Feedback ....................................... 138
   5.6  Climate Feedbacks and the Future Climate .............. 139
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 139
6  Variability and Change in the Ocean ........................ 141
   6.1  Introduction: Climate Variability ..................... 141
   6.2  Observed Ocean Variability and Change ................. 142
        6.2.1  Observing the Global Ocean ..................... 142
        6.2.2  Natural Modes of Variability ................... 143
        6.2.3  Surface Temperature and Salinity ............... 146
        6.2.4  Heat Content and Sea Level ..................... 147
        6.2.5  Ocean Circulation .............................. 150
        6.2.6  Oxygen ......................................... 151
        6.2.7  Carbon and Вiogeochemistry ..................... 152
        6.2.8  Ocean Biology .................................. 155
   6.3  Projections for the Future ............................ 156
        6.3.1  Tropical Pacific ............................... 156
        6.3.2  Southern Ocean ................................. 158
        6.3.3  Sea-Level ...................................... 159
   6.4  Ocean Biogeochemical Feedbacks ........................ 160
        6.4.1  Solubility Carbon Pump ......................... 161
        6.4.2  The Biological Pump ............................ 161
        6.4.3  Ocean Acidification Feedbacks .................. 162
        6.4.4  Other Climate Feedbacks ........................ 163
   6.5  Oceanic Variability and Change ........................ 163
        6.5.1  Oceans and the Future Climate .................. 163
        6.5.2  Future Unknowns ................................ 164
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 165
7  Climatic Variability on Decadal to Century Timescales ...... 167
   7.1  Introduction: Oceans and Future Climate ............... 167
   7.2  Tropical Decadal Variability .......................... 171
   7.3  Description of Extra-tropical Decadal Variability ..... 173
   7.4  Evidence of Centennial Variability .................... 178
   7.5  The Stochastic Climate Model: The Null Hypothesis
        For Climate Variability ............................... 181
        7.5.1  The Zero-Order Stochastic Climate Model ........ 182
        7.5.2  Stochastic Models with Mean Advection and
               Spatial Coherence .............................. 182
        7.5.3  Stochastic Wind Stress Forcing of a Dynamical
               Ocean .......................................... 183
        7.5.4  Hyper-climate Mode ............................. 183
        7.5.5  Stochastically-Driven AMOC Variability ......... 184
        7.5.6  Stochastic Coupled Variability Involving the
               AMOC ........................................... 188
        7.5.7  Stochastically Forced Southern Ocean
               Variability .................................... 188
        7.5.8  Forced AMOC Variability ........................ 189
   7.6  Summary: Future Unknowns .............................. 194
8  The Future of the World's Glaciers ......................... 197
   8.1  Introduction: Climate and the Cryosphere .............. 197
        8.1.1  Glaciers in the Context of Climatic Change ..... 197
        8.1.2  Glaciers in the Context of Socio-Economic
               Change ......................................... 198
        8.1.3  Scope .......................................... 198
   8.2  Elements .............................................. 199
        8.2.1  Glacier Geography and Physiography ............. 199
        8.2.2  The Radiation Balance .......................... 202
        8.2.3  The Energy Balance ............................. 202
   8.3  Glacier Mass Balance .................................. 203
        8.3.1  Terms in the Mass-Balance Equation ............. 203
        8.3.2  Definitions and Units .......................... 205
   8.4  Modelling Tools ....................................... 205
        8.4.1  Volume-Area Scaling ............................ 205
        8.4.2  Temperature-Index Models ....................... 206
        8.4.3  Energy-Balance Models .......................... 207
        8.4.4  Mass-Balance Sensitivity ....................... 207
        8.4.5  Models of Glacier Dynamics ..................... 208
   8.5  Recent and Present States of the World's Glaciers ..... 208
        8.5.1  Kinds of Change ................................ 208
        8.5.2  Evolution of Glacier Mass Balance Since the
               Little Ice Age ................................. 209
        8.5.3  Measurements of Shrinkage ...................... 209
        8.5.4  Present-Day Extent and Thickness ............... 210
        8.5.5  Recent Evolution of Glacier Mass Balance ....... 211
   8.6  The Outlook for Glaciers .............................. 213
        8.6.1  Future Contributions to Sea-Level Rise ......... 213
        8.6.2  The Future of Himalayan Glaciers ............... 219
   8.7  Reflections: Glaciers and the Future Climate .......... 220
        8.7.1  Basic Information .............................. 220
        8.7.2  Gaps in Understanding .......................... 221
        8.7.3  The Probability Distribution Function of
               Glacier Futures: Glimpses of the Known and
               Unknown ........................................ 221
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 222
9  Future Regional Climates ................................... 223
   9.1  Introduction: Close-Up of Climate Change .............. 223
   9.2  Regional-Scale Climate Phenomena ...................... 224
        9.2.1  Tropical Cyclones .............................. 224
        9.2.2  Sea Breezes and Monsoons ....................... 226
        9.2.3  Orographic Precipitation, Rain Shadows, and
               Foehn Winds .................................... 228
        9.2.4  Mountain Barrier Jets .......................... 228
        9.2.5  Regional Climate Change Impacts ................ 228
   9.3  Downscaling Global Climate Projections ................ 232
        9.3.1  Dynamical Downscaling .......................... 232
        9.3.2  Statistical Downscaling ........................ 236
   9.4  Sources of Uncertainty ................................ 237
        9.4.1  Emission Scenarios ............................. 237
        9.4.2  GCM Uncertainties .............................. 238
        9.4.3  Uncertainty from Downscaling Techniques ........ 239
        9.4.4  Building Ensembles ............................. 241
   9.5  Achieving Regional Climate Predictions ................ 243
        9.5.1  Water Resources ................................ 243
        9.5.2  Greenland Mass Balance ......................... 246
        9.5.3  Understanding Tropical Cyclones ................ 246
   9.6  Regionalizing Future Climate .......................... 250

Section III Looking Forward

10 Climate and Weather Extremes: Observations, Modelling,
   and Projections ............................................ 253
   10.1 Introduction: Extremes of Climate ..................... 253
        10.1.1 Why Study Weather and Climate Extremes? ........ 253
        10.1.2 Definition of Climate Extremes ................. 257
   10.2 Methodological Issues Regarding the Analysis of
        Extremes .............................................. 260
        10.2.1 Quality and Homogeneity of Observed Data ....... 260
        10.2.2 Statistical Analysis of Extremes ............... 262
        10.2.3 Issues of Scale ................................ 265
   10.3 Observed Changes in Extremes .......................... 268
        10.3.1 Temperature Extremes ........................... 268
        10.3.2 Precipitation Extremes ......................... 273
        10.3.3 Complex (Compound)
   Extremes ................................................... 275
   10.4 Climate Processes and Climate Extremes ................ 278
        10.4.1 Natural Modes of Variability of the Climate
               System and Their Influence on Extremes'
               Behaviour ...................................... 278
        10.4.2 Land—Atmosphere Feedback Processes' Influence
               on Extremes .................................... 279
   10.5 How Well do Climate Models Simulate Extremes? ......... 280
   10.6 The Future ............................................ 281
        10.6.1 Temperature Extremes ........................... 283
        10.6.2 Precipitation Extremes ......................... 285
        10.6.3 Tropical and Extra-tropical Storms ............. 287
   10.7 Extremes in Our Future Climate ........................ 288
11 Interaction Between Future Climate and Terrestrial Carbon
   and Nitrogen ............................................... 289
   11.1 Introduction: Cycling Terrestrial Nutrients ........... 289
   11.2 Climate System Feedbacks .............................. 290
        11.2.1 Carbon ......................................... 290
        11.2.2 Methane ........................................ 292
        11.2.3 Aerosols ....................................... 292
   11.3 Biogeochemical Processes .............................. 292
        11.3.1 Leaf Carbon .................................... 292
        11.3.2 Down-regulation of Leaf Photosynthetic
               Capacity ....................................... 294
        11.3.3 Soil Metabolism ................................ 295
        11.3.4 Nitrogen Cycling and Feedbacks on Carbon ....... 295
        11.3.5 Nitrogen Fixation .............................. 297
   11.4 Observational Constraints ............................. 297
        11.4.1 General Considerations of Rates and
               Timescales ..................................... 297
        11.4.2 Dependence of Carbon Assimilation on CO2 and
               N at Leaf Level ................................ 298
        11.4.3 Leaf-Level Response to Drought ................. 299
        11.4.4 Temperature Dependence of Carbon
               Assimilation ................................... 299
        11.4.5 Dependence of Plant Growth on C02 and N ........ 300
        11.4.6 A Network for Monitoring the 'Breathing' of
               the Terrestrial Biosphere ...................... 301
        11.4.7 Atmosphere Concentration as a Global
               Constraint on Terrestrial Sources and Sinks .... 302
   11.5 Modelling Nitrogen - Carbon Interactions .............. 303
        11.5.1 Scaling from Leaf to Canopy .................... 303
        11.5.2 Modelling Plant and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen
               Cycling ........................................ 304
        11.5.3 Modelling Nitrogen Fixation .................... 305
        11.5.4 Modelling Nitrification and Leaching Losses .... 305
        11.5.5 What Models Tell Us About How Terrestrial
               Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Will Change and
               Interact with the Atmosphere in Future
               Climates ....................................... 305
        11.5.6 Response of Soil Carbon to Future Climate
               Change ......................................... 307
   11.6 Consequences of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change for
        Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles ............................ 307
   11.7 Vegetation and the Future Climate ..................... 308
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 308
12 Atmospheric Composition Change: Climate - Chemistry
   Interactions ............................................... 309
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 310
   12.2 Key Interactions in the Climate - Chemistry System .... 312
        12.2.1 Observing Chemistry-Climate Interactions ....... 313
        12.2.2 Modelling Chemistry-Climate Interactions ....... 313
        12.2.3 Scale Issues ................................... 314
        12.2.4 Upper Tropospheric Processes ................... 316
   12.3 Trends in Emissions of Chemical Species and in
        Chemically Active Greenhouse Compounds ................ 317
        12.3.1 Future Emissions ............................... 317
   12.4 Distribution and Changes of Chemical Active
        Greenhouse Gases and Their Precursors ................. 322
        12.4.1 Observations and Analysis of Greenhouse Gases
               and Their Precursors ........................... 322
        12.4.2 Modelling Future Changes ....................... 329
        12.4.3 Aerosol Distribution and Interaction ........... 332
        12.4.4 Observed Brightening and Dimming Trends over
               the Last 40 Years .............................. 335
   12.5 Climate Impact from Emission Changes .................. 337
        12.5.1 Radiative Forcing from Gases ................... 337
        12.5.2 Direct Aerosol Effect .......................... 340
        12.5.3 Semidirect Effects of Aerosols ................. 341
        12.5.4 Aerosol Indirect Effects ....................... 342
        12.5.5 Radiative Forcing Summary ...................... 344
   12.6 Contributions to Tropospheric Changes from the
        Transport Sector and for Different Regions ............ 345
        12.6.1 Composition Change Due to Emission from the
               Transport Sectors .............................. 346
        12.6.2 Climate Impact from the Transport Sectors ...... 350
        12.6.3 The Impact of Large Emission Increases in
               South East Asia ................................ 352
        12.6.4 Impact on the Arctic (Arctic Haze) ............. 353
   12.7 Impact on Tropospheric Composition from Climate
        Change and Changes In Stratospheric Composition ....... 354
        12.7.1 Impact of Climate Change on Future
               Tropospheric Composition ....................... 354
        12.7.2 Impact of Stratospheric Changes on
               Tropospheric Composition ....................... 357
   12.8 Cross Cutting Issues (Policy Relations, Integration) .. 358
        12.8.1 Climatic Response to Solar Forcing: Overview
               of Theories .................................... 359
        12.8.2 Metrics ........................................ 360
        12.8.3 Future Directions for Climate - Chemistry
               Research ....................................... 362
   12.9 Summary and Conclusions ............................... 363
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 365
13 Climate - Chemistry Interaction: Future Tropospheric
   Ozone and Aerosols ......................................... 367
   13.1 Atmospheric Composition, Chemistry, and Climate ....... 367
        13.1.1 Background ..................................... 367
        13.1.2 Anthropogenic Activity and Climate Changes ..... 368
        13.1.3 Climate - Chemistry Interaction: Regional-
               Scales ......................................... 369
        13.1.4 Focus of This Chapter .......................... 370
   13.2 Climatically-Important Chemical Compounds ............. 370
        13.2.1 Tropospheric Ozone ............................. 370
        13.2.2 Tropospheric Aerosols .......................... 372
        13.2.3 Coupling Changes of Chemistry and Climate ...... 378
   13.3 Climate—Chemistry Interaction of Tropospheric Ozone ... 380
        13.3.1 The Role of Ozone As a Climatically Active
               Compound ....................................... 380
        13.3.2 Ozone Chemistry ................................ 381
        13.3.3 Ozone - Climate Coupling ....................... 382
        13.3.4 Effect of Ozone-Climate Interaction ............ 383
   13.4 Climate - Chemistry Interaction of Tropospheric
        Sulfate Aerosols ...................................... 387
        13.4.1 The Role of Sulfate Aerosols As
               a Climatically-Active Compound ................. 387
        13.4.2 Sulfate Aerosol - Climate Coupling ............. 388
        13.4.3 Effect of Climate - Chemistry Interactions ..... 388
        13.4.4 Predicting Future Aerosol Impact on Climate .... 390
   13.5 Mitigation Policies for Climate and Air Quality ....... 392
        13.5.1 Mitigation Studies from the Transport Sector ... 392
        13.5.2 Tropospheric Aerosols .......................... 393
        13.5.3 Tropospheric Ozone ............................. 396
   13.6 Future Study of Climate - Chemistry Interaction ....... 397
        13.6.1 Extending Current Case Studies ................. 397
        13.6.2 Climate - Chemistry 'Known Unknowns' ........... 397
        13.6.3 Atmospheric Chemistry and Future Climate ....... 399
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 399

Section IV Learning Lessons

14 Records from the Past, Lessons for the Future: What the
   Palaeorecord Implies about Mechanisms of Global Change ..... 403
   14.1 Timescales of Climate Change, their Causation, and
        Detection ............................................. 403
        14.1.1 The Climate System and Timescales of
               Variability .................................... 407
        14.1.2 Insolation Variations .......................... 408
        14.1.3 Implications of Insolation Variations .......... 410
        14.1.4 Co-variation of Climate and Biogeochemical
               Cycles Over the Past 800 kyr ................... 411
        14.1.5 The Hierarchy of Climatic Variations and the
               Explanation of Palaeoclimatic Records .......... 413
        14.1.6 Cycles and Spurious Periodicity: A Warning ..... 414
   14.2 Regional Responses to Millennial-Scale Forcing ........ 415
        14.2.1 The Last Glacial Maximum ....................... 415
        14.2.2 The Mid-Holocene ............................... 418
        14.2.3 Consistency of Spatial Responses in Warm and
               Cold Climates .................................. 421
        14.2.4 Different Spatial Scales of Response ........... 422
        14.2.5 Changes in Teleconnections/Short-Term
               Variability .................................... 424
   14.3 Rapid Climate Changes ................................. 424
        14.3.1 Examples of Rapid/Abrupt Climate Changes ....... 426
        14.3.2 Characteristics of Dansgaard - Oeschger
               (D-O) Cycles ................................... 427
        14.3.3 Mechanisms for D-О Cycles ...................... 428
        14.3.4 Spatial Patterns of D-O Cycles ................. 429
   14.4 Biosphere Feedbacks ................................... 430
   14.5 Lessons from the Past for the Study of Climate
        Changes ............................................... 432
   14.6 Lessons from the Past for Future Climates ............. 435
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 436
15 Modelling the Past and Future Interglacials in Response
   to Astronomical and Greenhouse Gas Forcing ................. 437
   15.1 Introduction: Interglacials and Warm Climate .......... 437
   15.2 Model and Experiments Used for Simulating the Last
        Nine Interglacials .................................... 439
   15.3 Precession and Obliquity During the Interglacials ..... 442
   15.4 Latitudinal and Seasonal Distribution of Insolation ... 443
   15.5 Modelling the GHG and Insolation Contributions to
        the Difference Between Pre- and Post-MBE
        Interglacials ......................................... 443
   15.6 GHG and Insolation Contributions to the Individual
        Interglacial Climates ................................. 447
        15.6.1 The Reference Climate .......................... 447
        15.6.2 Pure Contribution of GHG ....................... 448
        15.6.3 Pure Contribution of Insolation ................ 450
        15.6.4 Combined Effect of Insolation and GHG .......... 455
   15.7 Future of Our lnterglacial ............................ 458
        15.7.1 Future Insolation and Analogues for the
               Holocene ....................................... 458
        15.7.2 Modelling the Future of Holocene ............... 460
        15.7.3 Ruddiman Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis ........ 461
   15.8 Probing Future Astro-Climates ......................... 461
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 462
16 Catastrophe: Extraterrestrial Impacts, Massive Volcanism,
   and the Biosphere .......................................... 463
   16.1 Introduction: What is a Climate Catastrophe? .......... 463
   16.2 Massive Volcanism: Case Study of the Triassic-
        Jurassic (Tr-J) Event ................................. 464
        16.2.1 Introduction ................................... 464
        16.2.2 A Definition of the Triassic-Jurassic
               Boundary ....................................... 464
        16.2.3 Break-Up of Pangaea and Massive Volcanism at
               the Tr-J Transition ............................ 465
        16.2.4 The Earth's Physical Environment at the
               Triassic-Jurassic Transition ................... 465
        16.2.5 Mass Extinction and Biotic Changes at the
               Triassic-Jurassic Transition ................... 468
        16.2.6 Relationship Between CAMP Volcanism and
               Biotic Change at the Tr-J ...................... 469
        16.2.7 Summary ........................................ 471
   16.3 Extraterrestrial Impacts: Case Study of the End-
        Cretaceous Events ..................................... 472
        16.3.1 A Definition of the Cretaceous - Palaeogene
               Boundary ....................................... 473
        16.3.2 Impact at the End of the Cretaceous ............ 473
        16.3.3 Deccan and Other Volcanism ..................... 474
        16.3.4 Mass Extinction and Biotic Changes at the
               Cretaceous-Palaeogene Boundary ................. 475
   16.4 The Potential of the K-Pg Impact to Cause
        Environmental Change .................................. 476
        16.4.1 K-Pg Ground Zero ............................... 476
        16.4.2 Global Effects ................................. 476
        16.4.3 Extinction Mechanisms and Biotic Change at
               the K-Pg Boundary .............................. 479
        16.4.4 Concluding Remarks on the K-Pg Event ........... 483
   16.5 Comparison of the Tr-J And K-Pg Events ................ 483
   16.6 'Deep-Time' Context for Anthropogenic Environmental
        and Climate Change .................................... 484
   16.7 Future Climate Catastrophes ........................... 485
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 485

Section V  Understanding the Unknowns

17 Future Climate Surprises ................................... 489
   17.1 Introduction: Probing Future Climates ................. 489
   17.2 Defining Climate Surprises ............................ 490
        17.2.1 Tipping Points and Noise-Induced Transitions ... 490
        17.2.2 Policy-Relevant Tipping Elements ............... 492
   17.3 Melting of Large Masses of Ice ........................ 493
        17.3.1 Arctic Sea-Ice ................................. 493
        17.3.2 Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) ...................... 494
        17.3.3 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) ................ 494
        17.3.4 Yedoma Permafrost .............................. 494
        17.3.5 Ocean Methane Hydrates? ........................ 495
        17.3.6 Himalayan Glaciers? ............................ 495
   17.4 Changes in Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation ........ 495
        17.4.1 Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) .................... 495
        17.4.2 El Niño-Southern/Oscillation (ENSO) ............ 496
        17.4.3 Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation (THC) ........ 496
        17.4.4 West African Monsoon (WAM) and Sahel-Sahara .... 496
        17.4.5 Southwest North America (SWNA)? ................ 497
   17.5 Loss of Biomes ........................................ 497
        17.5.1 Amazon Rainforest .............................. 497
        17.5.2 Boreal Forest .................................. 498
        17.5.3 Coral Reefs? ................................... 498
   17.6 Coping with Climate Surprises ......................... 498
        17.6.1 Risk Assessment ................................ 498
        17.6.2 Removing the Element of Surprise? .............. 499
        17.6.3 Early Warning of Bifurcations .................. 500
        17.6.4 Limitations on Early Warning ................... 501
        17.6.5 Bifurcations in Noisy Systems .................. 502
        17.6.6 Application to Past Abrupt Climate Changes ..... 503
   17.7 Future Climate: Surprises, Responses, and Recovery
        Strategies ............................................ 505
        17.7.1 Mitigation ..................................... 505
        17.7.2 Geo-engineering ................................ 506
        17.7.3 Rational Responses? ............................ 506
        17.7.4 Recovery Prospects ............................. 507
   17.8 Conclusion: Gaps in Knowledge ......................... 507
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 507
18 Future Climate: One Vital Component of Trans-
   disciplinary Earth System Science .......................... 509
   18.1 Gaia and Earth System Science ......................... 509
        18.1.1 Earth: An Integrated System .................... 509
        18.1.2 The Gaia Hypothesis ............................ 511
        18.1.3 Earth System Science ........................... 513
        18.1.4 Advances in Earth System Science ............... 517
   18.2 Humans in the Earth System ............................ 520
        18.2.1 Climate Change and the Gaian Governance
               Monkeys ........................................ 520
        18.2.2 Social Tipping Points in Climate Change: 2007
               to 2010 ........................................ 521
        18.2.3 Research Requires a Meritocracy; Decisions
               Demand Democracy ............................... 522
        18.2.4 Integrity Paradox: Policy Prescription or
               People's Ponzi ................................. 523
        18.2.5 Gaian Governance ............................... 524
   18.3 Trans-Disciplinary Earth System Science ............... 525
        18.3.1 Creating a Social Contract with Society ........ 525
        18.3.2 ESS Trans-disciplinarity in Action ............. 526
        18.3.3 Future Climates: Exploiting Trans-
               disciplinary Earth System Science .............. 527

Acknowledgements .............................................. 529
Bibliography .................................................. 531
Index ......................................................... 623
Editors' Biographies .......................................... 639
Biographies ................................................... 641

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